A work in progress. Script links go to the timetable. Internal site links are underlined. Uppercase links go to specific entries.

A dashed border and red banner means I don't agree with the definition or that it is a dangerous idea.
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  • 1800 and Froze To Death

    See year without a summer

    80/20 rule

    See ace factor

    E pluribus unum United We Stand

    ❝We should go back to the original national motto. “In God We Trust” is so divisive, and it takes the responsibility away from the individual citizen and puts it in the hands of an unseen overlord. That is a big part of what led to this nonsense. I always preferred the original National Motto. E Pluribus Unum is Latin for “one from many parts” but I prefer a another translation.

    United we stand.❞

    E Pluribus Unum is Latin for "out of many, one." Sometimes it is translated more loosely as "one from many." E Pluribus Unum refers to the fact that the United States was formed as a cohesive single nation as the result of the thirteen smaller colonies joining together.

    The motto E Pluribus Unum was first proposed by the U.S. Continental Congress in 1782, for use on the Great Seal of the United States. The immediate inspiration for the use of this term is believed to be Gentlemen's Magazine, which was an important men's magazine published in England beginning in the early 18th century. It was a very influential magazine among the intellectual elite. Every year, Gentlemen's Magazine would do a special issue, comprised of the best of the year's articles, and the Latin term "E Pluribus Unum" appeared on the title page as a way of explaining that this issue of the magazine became "one issue from many previous issues."

    Pierre Eugene du Simitiere originally suggested this 13 letter motto 1776. Historically the phrase (or a variant of it) was used by several significant authors. Sources included a poem attributed to Virgil, Confessions by St Augustine, Cicero in his De Officiis and several others. Given its rich history, it is only appropriate that the founding fathers of the United States of America chose this to be our motto.
    What Does E Pluribus Unum Mean? from The Spruce Crafts

    As the letter shows, to the Prayer Caucus, Obama's reference to E Pluribus Unum borders on unpatriotic. They say he should instead be promoting the motto "In God We Trust," which was adopted as the national motto at the urging of religious conservatives in 1956, during the McCarthy era and at the height of the Cold War.

    With all the credibility of public figures who believe the world is only six thousand years old, the caucus wants Obama to "issue a correction." Apparently, referring to the E Pluribus Unum motto is now sacrilege in the Christian right's America. They also say Obama isn't mentioning God enough in his speeches and that he shouldn't refer to "inalienable rights" without mentioning that they come from God.
    "E Pluribus Unum" becomes controversial from Psychology Today

    E pluribus unum translates from Latin to English as follows: “e” meaning “from” or “out of”; “pluribus” being the ablative plural of the Latin for “more”; and “unum” meaning “one”. Thus, “E pluribus unum” simply means “from many, one” or “out of many, one”.

    This Latin phrase was once the United States’ motto and can be found on the official seal of the U.S., among other places.
    What E pluribus unum means from Today I Found Out

    See also
  • politics
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ee/#e-pluribus-unum


    Someone I haven’t met personally but who I respect and have had productive online discussions with, usually through blog comments, email or IM.

    earth 🜃


    alchemical Earth symbol
    One of the four classical elements in ancient Greek philosophy and Western alchemy. One of the five hermetic elements in Western occultism.

    In a standard Tarot deck, earth is symbolized by coins or pentacles. In Gaelic myth, there is the Stone of Destiny. In the Grail romances, there is the Shield.

    Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are the zodiac earth signs.

    Corresponds with one of the four best known states of matter, solid.


    Earth Day (customary)

    22April. Lenin's 100th birthday was April 22, 1970.

    Earth Day (original)

    vernal equinox

    Earth Day flag
    The original Earth Day was introduced on the 1970 vernal equinox by John McConnell intending to celebrate the Earth and peace.

    On April 22, 1970 a politician hijacked the celebration and made it about compelling behavior and teaching environmentalism. Later a murderer and environmental activist claimed part of the credit for this version, although his role in 1970 is disputed.

    Ever since, we've been pretending this is a Good Thing.

    There is evidence that both McConnell and Nelson were separately discussing the idea as early as 1968, so it's anyone's guess who had the original idea. Still, the first celebration was on the equinox.

    Let's get back to the original version without the social justice hullabaloo, without shaming and controlling other people. Let’s treat Earth Day as how it started. Celebrate the Earth and peace. Forget the environmentalism. Forget the social justice. Forget the politics.

    It’s about the Earth, the one thing we share. It’s about peace, the one thing we should share. Hard to go wrong with either of those.


    Earth (planet)


    Earth from space
    Earth or the Earth is the planet on which we live. People usually say Earth when they are referring to the planet as part of the universe, and the Earth when they are talking about the planet as the place where we live.

    Our home planet is the third planet from the Sun, and the only place we know of so far that’s inhabited by living things.

    While Earth is only the fifth largest planet in the solar system, it is the only world in our solar system with liquid water on the surface. Just slightly larger than nearby Venus, Earth is the biggest of the four planets closest to the Sun, all of which are made of rock and metal.

    The name Earth is at least 1,000 years old. All of the planets, except for Earth, were named after Greek and Roman gods and goddesses. However, the name Earth is a Germanic word, which simply means “the ground.”
    Earth Our Home Planet from NASA


    See Ostara, vernal equinox


    ✸    ◉

    An eclipse is an astronomical event that occurs when an astronomical object is temporarily obscured, either by passing into the shadow of another body or by having another body pass between it and the viewer. This alignment of three celestial objects is known as a syzygy. Apart from syzygy, the term eclipse is also used when a spacecraft reaches a position where it can observe two celestial bodies so aligned. An eclipse is the result of either an occultation (completely hidden) or a transit (partially hidden).


    1. the branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions between organisms and their environment, including other organisms.
    2. the set of relationships existing between organisms and their environment
    3. the set of relationships existing between any complex system and its surroundings or environment
    4. Also called human ecology. the branch of sociology concerned with the spacing and interdependence of people and institutions.
    5. advocacy for the protection of natural resources from pollution or its effects; environmentalism.

    Ecology is the branch of biology that studies how organisms interact with their environment and other organisms. Every organism experiences complex relationships with other organisms of its species, and organisms of different species. These complex interactions lead to different selective pressures on organisms. The pressures together lead to natural selection, which causes populations of species to evolve. Ecology is the study of these forces, what produces them, and the complex relationships between organisms and each other, and organisms and their non-living environment.

    ecology, first law

    See first law of ecology

    ecology, fourth law

    See fourth law of ecology

    ecology, second law

    See second law of ecology

    ecology, third law

    See third law of ecology

    ecology versus environmentalism

    Ecology studies how living systems interact and interconnect with each other. Environmentalism is about teaching and compelling behavior. These words are not synonyms. As both a pagan and a libertarian, I can not support environmentalism.



    The flow of value. related links

    1. the science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, or the material welfare of humankind.
    2. financial considerations; economically significant aspects

    A lot of folks hold, what I believe, to be erroneous views about the Austrian School of Economics, and the status of economics as a science. My own position is that economics has the same ontological status as physics in terms of being a science, but has different epistemological procedures. In other words, there should be no doubt that economics is a science, but the practice of that science is different from the natural science practice due to three things: (a) we are what we study [knowledge from the inside], (b) economics is the study of complex phenomena, and (c) even physics isn't practices the way naive philosophy of science depicts [think Duhem/Quine] and is better captured by the depictions found in growth of knowledge literature such as Michael Polanyi.
    Economics studies the flow of value.

    Here's what most economists won't tell you.

    The numbers are bunk.

    Most of economics is about managing the numbers, not interpreting the data. If you measure success by measuring the stock market, then people manipulate the stock price. If you measure by the job market, then the job reports change. If you measure by government loans, then that is the number that gets massaged.

    There's less than a handful of numbers that really matter. Most of it fits into costs/benefits. At the end of the day, does a person have more purchasing power and fewer obligations? Did they have shelter? Did they have food?

    Were they free to make their own choices?

    Most of the economy is no longer based on what is produced, but what is perceived. To a certain extent that is inevitable with a fiat currency.

    Economics is one of the best examples of experts (The Master, The Expert, The Programmer) wowing with complication. The underlying ideas aren't difficult, but the flourishes distract and keep bystanders from asking uncomfortable questions.

    Value comes from desire and willingness to exchange. Value is purely subjective and has no physical component. Value is not money. Hang on, that's important and I am going to repeat it.

    Value is not money.

    Despite being subjective emotions (people cherish their passions), value acts like water. Uncontained, it seeps everywhere. Put it under too much pressure and it explodes. Tap too many times and there is no flow. You can't control it, you can only divert it. Contain it too much, and there is no value. “Manage” it and the pressure drops.

    Economics measures and (hopefully) predicts value. Just as no one expects a meteorologist to control the weather, no one should expect an economist to control the economy. There are always tradeoffs. Shift value and there will be consequences, mostly unexpected.

    • Economics studies the flow of value.
    • Value is not money.
    • Value flows like water.
    • There are always tradeoffs and consequences.
    • People seek the most value at the least cost.
    That's economics in a nutshell. Everything else is a complicating flourish. And power.

    Politics is about control. Politicos don't want people making “unapproved” choices. Politicos don't like a free market approach because it reduces their power and their ability to pick “winners” and “losers” in a national economy. Of course when things go wrong, that doesn't stop the politicos and pundits from blaming economics and economists. Even if the economists told the politicos to do the exact opposite of what the politicos actually did.

    Government control in an economy means that politicos decide “desirable” and “undesirable” outcomes, diverting value from “undesirable” outcomes to “desirable” outcomes. But political decisions displace private choice. Often “desirable” only benefits the politicos, the technocrats, or those seeking influence over the politicos.

    Controlled economies depend on an artificial structure and rules. That's when economics becomes tending the system rather than measuring the flow of value.

    Today, technocrats and politicos justify expanding government power while ignoring the word's actual meaning.

    By the democratic principles we espouse, government cannot have a right that citizens do not grant it. There are certain things that a person has no right to do. A person has no right to murder or rape another. Therefore, people cannot grant government authority to murder and rape. Similarly, no person has the right to forcibly take the property of one person in order to give it to another. Therefore, people cannot grant government authority to do the same thing. If I forcibly took property from one person, for any reason, most people would condemn it as theft, an immoral act. Theft or any other immoral act does not become moral because it is done by government acting on behalf of a consensus or majority vote just as murder or rape does not become a moral act simply because of a consensus or majority vote.
    — Walter E. Williams

    Tyrants always condemn and seek to replace the market process with government coercion because tyrants do not trust that people behaving voluntarily will do what the tyrants think they should do.
    — Walter E. Williams
    There are many, many schools of economics. Most do not work. I'm only going to mention two here.

    Keynesian economics advocates government increasing demand to boost growth. A Keynesian approach increases inflation and regulation at the cost of productivity.

    There are always tradeoffs.

    Government control means adding interested parties besides the buyer and seller. These interested parties have their own desires and agendas, which increases the transaction cost. Value is diverted from the transaction to other goals.

    The Chicago school of economics advocates free trade without government interference. This reduces the transaction cost to a minimum. It also makes both parties responsible for the consequences, probably making future choices and transactions more beneficial.

    Economics studies the flow of value.

  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ee/#economics
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ee/#economics-links
  • edge of utility

    “What I carry is what I use.”

    The tradeoff between practicality, appearance, capability, and preparedness.

    I first noticed this when I bought a Leatherman Charge TTi with the bit extension and the 40 extra bits. There's no doubt that it looked impressive. But keeping up with the bit extender and the 40 extra bits more than offset the practicality of the tool itself.

    Now it would be one thing if it was my sanctum/den. I have tool chests and carts and drawers and cubbies and shelves all crammed full of stuff all ready for me to do whatever. But when it comes to actually carrying something I will use fairly often, less is more.

    Likewise, in my kitchen, I have all sorts of things to cook with. But outdoors away from home, I can work with a couple of pans and my tableware.

    It shows in my opinion of “pagan garb” too. Cloaks and period costumes look impressive. But short of freaking the mundanes, what's the point? We live in this World, not some fantasyland where costumes are required.

    It's all about the tradeoffs.

    ❝What I carry is what I use.❞ is the engraving on Pennyworth, my iPod Touch ordered on 19Nov2012.

    See also
  • Edge of utility
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ee/#utility


    1. (obsolete) An angelic being from the Book of Enoch.
    2. (occult) An autonomous psychic entity that is composed of and influencing the thoughts of a group of people.

    The word "Egregore" derives from the Greek word egrégoroi, meaning "watchers," which also transliterates as "Grigori." The word appears in the Septuagint translation of the Book of Become an Ordained Minister_6Lamentations, as well as the Book of Jubilees and the Book of Enoch. Even being derived from the word Grigori, which acquired a somewhat negative aspectation over the time, the general concept of Egregore is not evil. Gaetan Delaforge, in Gnosis Magazine in 1987, defines an Egregore as a kind of group mind which is created when people consciously come together for a common purpose.

    When a group of people pray and meditate collectively towards an objective, an Egregore of protection and blessing is sent forth, as a circle of Light that shields and safeguards the purpose of the prayers.

    Psychologically speaking, an Egregore is that "atmosphere” or "personality" that develops among groups independent of any of its members. It is the feeling or impression you get when walking into a neighborhood that “feels different” from the surrounding area, or when visiting a club or association that has been around for a long time.

    In an occult or magical context, an Egregore is a general imprint that encircles a group entity. It is the summary of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energies generated by two or more people vibrating together towards the same goal; being a sub-product of our personal and collective creative process as co-creators of our reality.

    An Egregore has developed to the point of attaining an independent existence as an entity itself or as an intentionally created entity, such as a servitor, that has grown in power well beyond its original design. To a non-religious practitioner of magic, an Egregore, and a god, or goddess, would be interchangeable terms. To a religious practitioner, an Egregore would be just below the level of a god or goddess.

    However, there is a second definition, an older, more significant, and perhaps frightening one. Here, an egregore is more than an “autonomous entity composed of and influencing the thoughts of a group of people”; it is also the home or conduit for a specific psychic intelligence of a nonhuman nature connecting the invisible dimensions with the material world in which we live. This, in fact, is the true source of power of the ancient cults and their religious-magical practices.

    The matter appears somewhat differently to the student of esotericism and occult philosophy. If earthly things and actions have correspondences of a non-material kind, it may be that the former are not just passive with regard to the latter. The “gods,” whatever they may be, may need sacrifices and rituals even more than the worshiper needs the gods. Such human activities may be the main, even the only, source of their reality. There is an occult concept of the “egregore,” a term derived from the Greek word for “watcher.” It is used for an immaterial entity that “watches” or presides over some earthly affair or collectivity. The important point is that an egregore is augmented by human belief, ritual, and especially by sacrifice. If it is sufficiently nourished by such energies, the egregore can take on a life of its own and appear to be an independent, personal divinity, with a limited power on behalf of its devotees and an unlimited appetite for their further devotion. It is then believed to be an immortal god or goddess, an angel, or a daimon.

    Eighteen Hundred and Froze To Death

    See year without a summer

    eighty/twenty rule

    See ace factor

    Elder Relatives

    I honor my Gods as Elder Relatives, not as saviors or rulers of my soul. It's the difference between fear and love.

    My gods are wise, with wisdom, knowledge and abilities far beyond my own. Yet I believe that they do not want servants as much as they want allies. Part of this is because of the Celtic family structure. Part of it is because I believe that they want me to be the best I can be. And part of it is because I am too damn stubborn to bend my neck before anyone I do not respect.

    I do not believe that gods expect us to constantly abase ourselves, to always humble ourselves before them. Yes, they may be ultimately beyond our comprehension. Yes, the reality beyond the godmask is terrifying because it's totally outside our experience.

    No matter what we expect, no matter what we convinced ourselves we know, the Divine reality is ALWAYS more.

    My connections to the Divine can be argumentative, but hey, I was raised that way. There's no doubt in my mind that They care for me and I care for Them. The "spirited discussion" is just another way to reaffirm that. Is that the only True Way™? No, but it's one of my ways and it's one of the ones I am most passionate about. Now, outside the “family” I'll protect Their honor as it if were my own.

    Part of my offering to Them is my loyalty and my honor. It's a gift that is meaningless if it's done under coercion. Part of Their gift to me is that I'm never alone if I need their help.


    elegant simplicity

    Adapt and do more with less. One sure sign of a master.


    elemental resonances

    There are four (actually five) hermetic elements in Western occultism. Elemental resonances involve the “connections” between a physical thing and the element. The stronger the resonance, the better the thing is a “symbol” of the element.
    See also
  • fire,
  • water,
  • air,
  • earth,
  • spirit
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ee/#resonances

    eleven missing days

    In accordance with a 1750 act of Parliament, England and its colonies changed calendars in 1752. By that time, the discrepancy between a solar year and the Julian Calendar had grown by an additional day, so that the calendar used in England and its colonies was 11 days out-of-sync with the Gregorian Calendar in use in most other parts of Europe.

    England's calendar change included three major components. The Julian Calendar was replaced by the Gregorian Calendar, changing the formula for calculating leap years. The beginning of the legal new year was moved from March 25 to January 1. Finally, 11 days were dropped from the month of September 1752.
    Colonial Records & Topics - The 1752 Calendar Change
    from The Connecticut State Library

    ❝Britain (England until 1707) was a holdout. It had a large empire, and enough power to feel like it didn’t immediately need to cop to the Catholic calendar (bear in mind, too, that when Gregory made his switch, England’s church was only 50 years out from a nasty split with the Catholic church). But it all got rather confusing: People often headed up letters they wrote with two dates—one using the new Gregorian calendar in fashion in mainland Europe, and the other using the old-fashioned Julian calendar.

    Eventually, Britain capitulated and instigated its Calendar (New Style) Act of 1750. Within the legislation, the government admitted that the old-style calendar had caused “divers inconveniences, not only as it differs from the usage of neighbouring nations, but also from the legal method of computation in Scotland, and from the common usage throughout the whole kingdom, and thereby frequent mistakes are occasioned in the dates of deeds and other writings, and disputes arise therefrom.

    The Calendar (New Style) Act 1750 (c.23) (also known as Chesterfield's Act after Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield) was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain. The Act had two parts: first, it reformed the calendar of England[a] and the British Dominions so that the new legal year began on 1 January rather than 25 March (Lady Day); and, second, Great Britain and its Dominions adopted (in effect)[b] the Gregorian calendar, as already used in most of western Europe.

    Chesterfield introduced the Bill into Parliament on 29 February 1751 (1750 Old Style). It was passed by the Commons on 13 May and received royal assent on 27 May 1751.
    “The Eleven Missing Days” might also refer to Agatha Christie's disappearance in 1926.


    “Not only are they wrong, but they are so very dangerous the very ideas must be wiped out and rendered powerless forever.”

    One of the more threatening ideas in early 21st Century American politics.

    It's been attributed to both the “right” and “left.” Eliminationism says more about it's practitioners than it's enemies. They don't believe that their own ideas can withstand competition.
    ❝If you use the law to “protect” your religion and your children from “demonic realms,” that doesn't say very much about your god, your religion, or your faith.❞
    Defined by David Neiwert in his book The Eliminationist as "a politics and a culture that shuns dialogue and the democratic exchange of ideas in favor of the pursuit of outright elimination of the opposing side, either through suppression, exile and ejection, or extermination."

    Eliminationism is the belief that one's political opponents are, in the words of Oklahoma City University School of Law professor Phyllis E. Bernard, "a cancer on the body politic that must be excised—either by separation from the public at large, through censorship or by outright extermination—in order to protect the purity of the nation".


    Emoji (from Japanese 絵文字, read えもじ) (pl. emoji) are the tiny pictures you can put on your texts.

    The word dates back to the early Japanese mobile phones. With the iPhone's plethora of icons, the word "emoji" became widespread, as it was what the keyboard was named.

    It is made of two components, and 文字, meaning "picture" and "nwc" respectively.

    Therefore, any claims that tie the word to "emoticon" are etymologically WRONG.

    Emoji (絵文字?) is the Japanese term for the picture snwcs or emoticons used in Japanese electronic messages and webpages. Originally meaning pictograph, the word literally means "picture" (e) + "nwc" (moji). The snwcs are used much like emoticons elsewhere, but a wider range is provided, and the icons are standardized and built into the handsets. Some emoji are very specific to Japanese culture, such as a bowing (apologizing) businessman, a face wearing a face mask or a group of emoji representing popular foods: ramen noodles, dango, onigiri, Japanese curry, sushi. The three main Japanese operators, NTT DoCoMo, au and SoftBank Mobile (formerly Vodafone), have each defined their own variants of emoji.

    Although typically only available in Japan, the snwcs and code required to use emoji are, thanks to the nature of software development, often present in many phones' software. As a result, some phones such as Windows Phone 7 line and the iPhone allow access to the symbols without requiring a Japanese operator. Emoji have also started appearing in emailing services such as Gmail (accessed via Google Labs) in April 2009 and websites such as Flipnote Hatena. Several SMS applications for Android powered phones also provide plugins that allow the use of Emoji. Apple's Mac OS X operating system supports emoji as of version 10.7 Lion.
    There were some versions on the Palm OS, although they used hacks and weren’t standardized in the snwc table.

    I find emoji fascinating because it’s a new language developing before our eyes.



    a formal expression of high praise; eulogy:


    Prominent media using opinions, idealogy, and a narrative diametrically opposed to yours, often suppressing facts and evidence.

    “Thou shalt not dissent.”

    When I first saw this word, I misread it as “enemamedia.” I'm not sure which is more accurate…
    Portmanteau of "enemy" and "media"; American media--usually left-wing or liberal--that lies, distorts, censors and ignores key facts or information when reporting out of fear, ignorance, ineptitude or the typically willful promotion the Democrat Party's agenda only, choosing to dispense propaganda instead of questioning authority and practicing objective journalism

    As a general rule, when the New York Times, the Washington Post, National Public Radio, Public Broadcasting Service, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, and CNN begin to parrot a narrative, the truth often is found in simply believing just the opposite.

    Put another way, the media’s “truth” is a good guide to what is abjectly false. Perhaps we can call the lesson of this valuable service, the media’s inadvertent ability to convey truth by disguising it with transparent bias and falsehood, the “Doctrine of Media Untruth.”
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ee/#enemedia
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ee/#untruth
  • ENFJ - The Giver

    from PersonalityPage.com, see also Myers-Briggs types

    ENFP - The Inspirer

    from PersonalityPage.com, see also Myers-Briggs types

    ENTJ - The Executive

    from PersonalityPage.com, see also Myers-Briggs types

    ENTP - The Visionary

    from PersonalityPage.com, see also Myers-Briggs types

    A political crusade justifed by poorly defined and barely measurable environmental “problems.”

    Thou shalt not dissent.

    Environmentalism is about coercively controlling the behavior of others. Expect justification by junk science, mandatory education initiatives, vague measurements of success, ever-changing panics, and threats of excessive punishment.

    That's not saying that there aren't actually problems ranging from pollution to exploitation of resources. But when there are demands for poltical power and funding, chances are it's about politics and not about ecologhical problems.

    Because of that, I prefer not to use the words environment or environmentalism anymore.
    1. a theory that views environment rather than heredity as the important factor in the development and especially the cultural and intellectual development of an individual or group
    2. advocacy of the preservation, restoration, or improvement of the natural environment
      especially : the movement to control pollution

    Environmentalism or environmental rights is a broad philosophy, ideology, and social movement regarding concerns for environmental protection and improvement of the health of the environment, particularly as the measure for this health seeks to incorporate the impact of changes to the environment on humans, animals, plants and non-living matter. While environmentalism focuses more on the environmental and nature-related aspects of green ideology and politics, ecologism combines the ideology of social ecology and environmentalism. Ecologism is more commonly used in continental European languages while ‘environmentalism’ is more commonly used in English but the words have slightly different connotations.

    Environmentalism advocates the preservation, restoration and/or improvement of the natural environment, and may be referred to as a movement to control pollution or protect plant and animal diversity. For this reason, concepts such as a land ethic, environmental ethics, biodiversity, ecology, and the biophilia hypothesis figure predominantly.


    See Ostara, vernal equinox


    See Golden Rule


    See Ostara, vernal equinox


    Epigenetics is the study of changes in the expression of genes that do not result from alterations in the sequence of the genetic code. Each person's DNA lays a groundwork for the development of physical and psychological characteristics, but the activity of genes can be modified by various factors. Scientists who work in epigenetics explore the mechanisms that affect the activity of genes.
    What Is Epigenetics? from Psychology Today

    Epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene expression (active versus inactive genes) that do not involve changes to the underlying DNA sequence — a change in phenotype without a change in genotype — which in turn affects how cells read the genes. Epigenetic change is a regular and natural occurrence but can also be influenced by several factors including age, the environment/lifestyle, and disease state. Epigenetic modifications can manifest as commonly as the manner in which cells terminally differentiate to end up as skin cells, liver cells, brain cells, etc. Or, epigenetic change can have more damaging effects that can result in diseases like cancer. At least three systems including DNA methylation, histone modification and non-coding RNA (ncRNA)-associated gene silencing are currently considered to initiate and sustain epigenetic change.1 New and ongoing research is continuously uncovering the role of epigenetics in a variety of human disorders and fatal diseases..
    Epigenetics: Fundamentals from What is Epigenetics

    There is a real world phenomenon known as the epigenome, that describes how the DNA expression if not actual DNA can be affected by environmental factors in the lives of ancestors. For instance, famines at certain stages in the lives of grandparents can adjust the rates of diabetes in the grandchildren. Hank Green briefly explains the relatively new field of epigenetics in this YouTube video. Another often overlooked possibility is gut bacteria, which are known to change in response to environmental factors and are passed from a mother to her baby at birth. But while this can affect stuff like heritability of IQ or the ability to metabolize milk proteins, it is unlikely to confer say, complex things such as your mother's encyclopaedic knowledge in engineering or your father's macaroni cooking skills. It might tend towards a better production of muscle/brain tissue or something like that, but skill itself is not biologically heritable.
    Lamarck Was Right from TVTropes

    In biology, epigenetics is the study of heritable phenotype changes that do not involve alterations in the DNA sequence. The Greek prefix epi- (ἐπι- "over, outside of, around") in epigenetics implies features that are "on top of" or "in addition to" the traditional genetic basis for inheritance. Epigenetics most often involves changes that affect gene activity and expression, but the term can also be used to describe any heritable phenotypic change. Such effects on cellular and physiological phenotypic traits may result from external or environmental factors, or be part of normal development. The standard definition of epigenetics requires these alterations to be heritable in the progeny of either cells or organisms.

    The term also refers to the changes themselves: functionally relevant changes to the genome that do not involve a change in the nucleotide sequence. Examples of mechanisms that produce such changes are DNA methylation and histone modification, each of which alters how genes are expressed without altering the underlying DNA sequence. Gene expression can be controlled through the action of repressor proteins that attach to silencer regions of the DNA. These epigenetic changes may last through cell divisions for the duration of the cell's life, and may also last for multiple generations, even though they do not involve changes in the underlying DNA sequence of the organism; instead, non-genetic factors cause the organism's genes to behave (or "express themselves") differently.


    A system of understanding or a body of ideas which give shape to the knowledge of that time.

    “Eppur si muove.”“And yet it moves.”

    Apocryphal, attributed to Galileo Galilei after he was forced to renounce his claims that the Earth moved around the Sun.


    equality before the law

    See uniform rule of law


    See archaeoastronomy.com for dates this year

    the time when the sun crosses the plane of the earth's equator, making night and day of approximately equal length all over the earth and occurring about March 21 (vernal equinox or spring equinox) and September 22 (autumnal equinox)
    Commerical hard-copy calendars and almanacs use UTC to mark astronomical events. This means that the time and often the date don't usually match the local time of the event. Most date websites and digital calendar programs can compensate.

    equipment vest

    See photographer's vest


    Erotic love, possessiveness, an intimate love. One of the Greek words of love.
    See also love


    1. (adjective) arousing or satisfying sexual desire:
    2. (adjective) of, relating to, or treating of sexual love; amatory:
    3. (adjective) subject to or marked by strong sexual desire.
    4. (noun) an erotic poem.
    5. (noun) an erotic person.
    ladies cuddling erotic
    “Look, but don't touch” makes eroticism potent. Erotic means tantilizing the viewer. Good erotica includes faces.

    Passion's promise is there, desire building but not fulfilled. The lack of release builds on what is shown.

    For my archived images, drawing attention to breasts, nipples, genitalia, bottom, or inner thighs. Sexual implications without actual penetration.


    The Esbat is the monthly meeting of a witches’ coven. It takes place at the time of full moon. The full moon is not only the flood-tide of psychic power. In the olden days, before the introduction of street lighting and paved roads, it was the most practicable time for people to travel about the countryside.

    The Esbat is a smaller and less solemn occasion than the Sabbat. For the latter, several covens might foregather but the Esbat is a local affair. It may be held for some particular coven business, or simply for fun and enjoyment. The word ‘Esbat’ comes from the Old French s’esbattre, meaning to frolic and amuse oneself.

    A fair amount of training happens during esbats, especially if it requires somthing more than one-on-one. Some groups also hold esbats “as needed,” but most stick to the full Moon.

    As a solitary, I don't practice esbats because I don't have a group. I use the Moon cycles to honor the magick, and the solar festivals and fire festivals to honor the gods.

    If the word “sabbat” isn’t capitalized, I can’t think of a reason to capitalize “esbat.” It’s not a proper noun, there are thirteen of them a year.

    The term Esbat in this sense is largely due to Margaret Murray and her 1921 book, “The Witch Cult in Western Europe”. Originally, in 16th Century French, the term “Esbat” meant roughly "frolic, romp, disport".

    There are thirteen Esbats each year (each lunar month, every 28 days), traditionally lasting from midnight until cock-crow (dawn). They are celebrations of the full moon as a symbol of the fertile, pregnant Mother Earth, and are used to honour the female aspect of the deity (the Goddess). Usually, an Esbat is celebrated by getting together with a coven or a few friends and honouring the Goddess with dancing, singing and magical workings, followed by crescent cakes and wine. The Goddess may be invoked during an Esbat, and poems and tributes read in her honour, and dances and/or music performed for her.
    Witchcraft Terms and Tools - Esbat from WitchcraftAndWitches.com

    See also bright Moon

    ESFJ - The Caregiver

    from PersonalityPage.com, see also Myers-Briggs types

    ESFP - The Performer

    from PersonalityPage.com, see also Myers-Briggs types

    ESTJ - The Guardian

    from PersonalityPage.com, see also Myers-Briggs types

    ESTP - The Doer

    from PersonalityPage.com, see also Myers-Briggs types


    See Ostara, vernal equinox

    Ethanol is a renewable, domestically produced alcohol fuel made from plant material, such as corn, sugar cane, or grasses. Using ethanol can reduce oil dependence and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Ethanol fuel use in the U.S. has increased dramatically from about 1.7 billion gallons in 2001 to about 14.4 billion in 2016.
    Ethanol from U.S. Department of Energy
    Here's what you haven't been told about ethanol.

    Since ethanol is heavily subsidized in the United States, the price at the pump does not reflect the actual cost to produce. Extra costs are buried in taxes and the Federal general fund. These costs include collecting the tax, administering the tax, administrating the production and distribution of ethanol, and actual subsidies. It's nearly impossible to accurately calculate these costs, much less contain them.

    Even with substantial subsidies, the technology doesn't exist to make ethanol economically from anything except food crops. Theoretically, almost any plant material can be used. Practically we haven't reached that point yet.

    Government mandates and artificial demands for ethanol raise global food costs. The more crops required for ethanol, the bigger demand on food crops. The more ethanol that is required by law, the less food the poor can afford.

    Mixing ethanol with gasoline makes fuel with less energy. More fuel must be used to move the same distance. There is ever growing political pressure to increase the ethanol and decrease the gasoline in the mix, which means even more fuel is needed.

    Ethanol does not burn “cleaner” than gasoline. Ethanol does produce fewer greenhouse gases, but science hasn't yet found significant evidence that human-caused greenhouse gases significantly change the climate.

    Ethanol is much more chemically reactive. Special (expensive) measures must be taken to transport and store ethanol. It doesn't “keep” as well as gasoline.

    Farming crops to produce a gallon of ethanol takes more than a gallon of gasoline, especially considering the soil additives needed.


    Ethic of Reciprocity

    See Golden Rule

    ethical slut “Sex is nice and pleasure is good for you.”

    An ethical slut is a person of any gender who celebrates sexuality with more than one partner and works to do so in ways that are ethical and respect the feelings and rights of others.
    An ethical slut enjoys sex with people they care about but only within a ethical code. An ethical slut is not about casual sex.

    In my case, my first two sex rules are carved in stone and unbreakable.

    Consenting adults only.

    You're off limits if you promised to be someone else's “one and only.”

    The other rules are less strict but I try very hard to honor those rules anyway. Rule #8 pretty much defines an ethical slut.

    Just because someone enjoys sex doesn't make them depraved.

    I think that many cultural mores about sex come from misguided attempts to control other's behavior while shielding them from responsibility. Individual choice and responsibility make an adult.
    So we are proud to reclaim the word slut as a term of approval, even endearment. To us, a slut is a person of any gender who celebrates sexuality according to the radical proposition that sex is nice and pleasure is good for you. Sluts may choose to have no sex at all or to get cozy with the Fifth Fleet. They may be heterosexual, homosexual, asexual, or bisexual, radical activists or peaceful suburbanites.

    As proud sluts, we believe that sex and sexual love are fundamental forces for good, activities with the potential to strengthen intimate bonds, enhance lives, open spiritual awareness, even change the world. Furthermore, we believe that every consensual intimate relationship has these potentials and that any erotic pathway, consciously chosen and mindfully followed, can be a positive, creative force in the lives of individuals and their communities.

    Sluts share their sexuality the way philanthropists share their money: because they have a lot of it to share, because it makes them happy to share it, because sharing makes the world a better place. Sluts often find that the more love and sex they give away, the more they have: a loaves-and-fishes miracle in which greed and generosity go hand in hand to provide more for everybody. Imagine living in sexual abundance!

    — Janet W. Hardy & Dossie Easton, The Ethical Slut

    This character is a a moral and benevolent person, at least when it comes to matters of romance and sexuality. A person who has a strong (and reasonable) ethical code, a strong (and not misguided) sense of empathy, or both. Because of this, regardless of this or in spite of this (depending on the setting), the character believes that Sex Is Good and that it's wrong to impose limits to what sexuality should be like.

    This is a character who is strongly opposed to abuse, predation, exploitation, entitlement and Double Standards, while at the same time also opposing judgmental and moralistic attitudes about such matters as promiscuity, Polyamory, Open Relationships, Friends with Benefits, homosexuality, BDSM and Maligned Mixed Marriage. Since this standpoint is a personal one, the character does not have to be interested in politics or activism. The character is simply leading by example by (directly or indirectly) embracing a wide range of sexuality, either by practicing sexual varietism or by professing his or her belief in the free love doctrine and by caring about the emotions of everyone involved and it isn't necessary for the character to have an active sex life.
    Ethical Slut from TVTropes

    The authors define the term slut as "a person of any gender who has the courage to lead life according to the radical proposition that sex is nice and pleasure is good for you." The term is reclaimed from its usual use as a pejorative and as a simple label for a promiscuous person. Instead, it is used to signify a person who is accepting of their enjoyment of sex and the pleasure of physical intimacy with others, and chooses to engage and accept these in an ethical and open way—rather than as cheating.


    1. Sociology. the fundamental character or spirit of a culture; the underlying sentiment that informs the beliefs, customs, or practices of a group or society; dominant assumptions of a people or period: In the Greek ethos the individual was highly valued.
    2. the character or disposition of a community, group, person, etc.
    3. the moral element in dramatic literature that determines a character’s action rather than his or her thought or emotion.
    An appeal to authority or credibility.
    Research inspired by an entry at
    Chas Clifton's Letter from Hardscrabble Creek

    ❝Être fort pour être utile.❞“Be strong to be useful”

    Usefulness. Everyone wants to be useful don’t they? A fairer statement may be that no one wants to be useless. What is useful? Different people have different definitions of the word useful. A traceur should have one definition, helpful in any situation that requires physical stamina, strength, balance, or agility. Our whole discipline evolved from a desire: Etre fort pour etre utile. “Be strong to be useful.”

    In parkour we train to overcome obstacles. We train to make the 10 ft rail precision with confidence, we train for one second climb ups and clean speed vaults. We build our entire body to be in top shape to propel us over whatever’s in our path. What does that translate to in the real world? Something special.
    Être Fort Pour Être Utile from American Parkour

    See also
  • parkour,
  • traceur
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ee/#etre-fort

    Evocation, The Law of

    See The Law of Evocation

    ❝ex nihilo nihil fit❞ Nothing comes from nothing.

    out of nothing, nothing is produced : nothing comes from nothing

    The Executive - ENTJ

    from PersonalityPage.com, see also Myers-Briggs types

    exhibitionism Exhibitionism is about provoking a reaction.

    look at me
    1. a tendency to display one's abilities or to behave in such a way as to attract attention.
    2. Psychiatry. a disorder characterized especially by a compulsion to exhibit the genitals in public.

    Exhibitionistic disorder is a condition marked by the urge, fantasy, or behavior of exposing one’s genitals to non-consenting people, particularly strangers.

    Exhibitionism is the act of exposing in a public or semi-public context those parts of one's body that are not normally exposed – for example, the breasts, genitals or buttocks. The practice may arise from a desire or compulsion to expose themselves in such a manner to groups of friends or acquaintances, or to strangers for their amusement or sexual satisfaction or to shock the bystander. Exposing oneself only to an intimate partner is normally not regarded as exhibitionism. In law, the act of exhibitionism may be called indecent exposure, "exposing one's person", or other expressions.
    I am not convinced that exhibitionism is a disorder.

    I do think that it is a reaction to some seriously disturbed social attitudes towards nudity and confusing nudity with sex.

    Naturism is not exhibitionism.

    If society didn't expect people to be clothed, exhibitionism wouldn't exist.

    Exhibitionism relies on the sexual thrill of violating the taboo. It's seeing just how far boundaries can be pushed. An exhibitionist needs to be caught doing the forbidden. Exhibitionists crave attention. Without a strong reaction, exhibitionism is boring.

    I admit I can be an exhibitionist. But I am really a naturist. Even an Earth, sun & Moon worshiping naturist. I'd do it openly if I didn't think I would offend the neighbors. But that is why we make privacy fences.

    Usually I do dinner parties for the beginnings of winter and summer (Wintergate and Summergate). In past years it’s been a dozen or so close friends. One highlight is getting willing ladies to cut my hair. It means indulging my inner exhibitionist enough to take off my shirt. But that is not what fires me up and makes me hard.

    No, it's the Hair of the Bear that really does it. Some ladies volunteer to pour water over my head. That means getting my hair wet. It means having female fingers run through my wet hair. It means sometimes those wet female fingers stroke my exposed skin. It sometimes means quick nipple teasing. It means laughter and fun and embarrassment. It means my friends seeing a side of me that I usually don’t let out and play. And yes, it's a sexual thrill when ladies wash, comb, and cut my hair in front of a crowd. Even with pants on, it's pretty obvious that I get excited.

    Exhibitionism can be fun. It's healthier in moderation. Just remember, nudity does not equal sex, nor does it invite sex.


    exotic matter

    In science fiction, matter that originated from another universe with different physical laws and constants. It's usually unstable. The interaction of exotic matter with our universe generates physical changes that do not appear to make sense.

    According to some (misguided) theories of magick, the reason why magick is "supernatural." But nothing supernatural exists.



    Experience trumps language every time. Tell someone who has never heard music what Greensleeves is. Tell someone who knows nothing about fruit how amazing homemade peach ice cream is in the summer. Tell a virgin how incredible sex can be with someone you care about.


    experienced vs. revealed

    See Journey vs. the Story, the


    An expert has skills in the process (rule sets) but doesn't necessarily understand the principles. An expert tries to wow you with complexity and can be easily overwhelmed by their own efforts. Very much a performer mindset. An expert uses the rule sets, a master uses the principles.

    ❝Sometimes taking the experts at their word makes your blindspots bigger than theirs.❞
    The main thing I noticed about the experts I’ve encountered is they are into impressing you with their abilities. They are usually incredibly good, but their need for recognition gets in the way of mastery. Everything they do is an attempt to prove themselves and in order to do this they must perform like an actor on stage. There’s nothing wrong with this, and I don’t think the expert can become a master without going through this stage in life. At some point though, the expert becomes comfortable with themselves or fed up with impressing everyone and starts to look inward to the core of their art.
    — Zed A. Shaw, The Master, The Expert, The Programer (Wayback Machine)

    Learn from science that you must doubt the experts. As a matter of fact, I can also define science another way: Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.

    When someone says science teaches such and such, he is using the word incorrectly. Science doesn’t teach it; experience teaches it. If they say to you science has shown such and such, you might ask, “How does science show it–how did the scientists find out–how, what, where?” Not science has shown, but this experiment, this effect, has shown. And you have as much right as anyone else, upon hearing about the experiments (but we must listen to all the evidence), to judge whether a reusable conclusion has been arrived at.

    — Richard P. Feynman, The Pleasure of Finding Things Out (p. 187)
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