quantitative easing
Imagine you have 20 pieces of paper. This Official Guy® comes along and offers you 83 pieces of paper for your 20 pieces of paper. Now if those first 20 pieces of paper are five dollar bills, and those replacement 83 pieces of paper are one dollar bills you have a problem. More paper has been added to the system without any more value. In fact, you have lost value because of the transaction costs and because that money is selectively being channeled to "the appropriate channels”. There is another version. Imagine you have ten shares each worth 1% of something valued at $100. “Management” decides to raise working capital by increasing the number of shares to 1000 and selling half. Unless you are given an additional 90 shares, your stake has shrunk from 10% to 1%, even if nothing else happens. Inevitably, quanitative easing fails as the currency value drops too low and the illusion can't be maintained.❝Quantitative easing is an unconventional monetary policy in which a central bank purchases government securities or other securities from the market in order to lower interest rates and increase the money supply. Quantitative easing increases the money supply by flooding financial institutions with capital in an effort to promote increased lending and liquidity. Quantitative easing is considered when short-term interest rates are at or approaching zero, and does not involve the printing of new banknotes.❞
❝And tied to that, is another reason why any day now the current system may be the last: the marginal utility of every new QE is now declining to the point where soon virtually none of the money created by the Fed out of thin air will enter the economy and instead will be stuck in capital markets, resulting in hyperinflation for asset prices even as the broader economy collapses. Or, as BMO's Daniel Krieter writes, "QE has fed through to the real economy in a slower manner than previous QE campaigns" and for each dollar the Fed's balance sheet has grown, M1 money supply has increased about $0.32, compared to $0.96 and $0.74 in QE1 and QE2. "The expansionary policy thus far has mostly resulted in increased asset prices", BMO writes concluding what had been obvious to us and our readers since 2009. Only now we are ten years closer to what is the inevitable endgame, one where the Fed has no impact on M1, which will also be known as the "game over" phase.❞https://lexicon.neowayland.com/qq/#quantitative-easing
quarter day
Local dates & times
The day when one of the four annual solar events takes place.Imagine the year as a wheel. Draw a line from the top to the bottom and another line from side to side. That divides the year into quarters. Where the lines cross the circle, each point is a solar festival and the middle of a season. The top point is the winter solstice or midwinter. The point to the right is the vernal equinox or the middle of spring. The bottom point is the summer solstice or midsummer. The point on the left is the autumnal equinox or middle of autumn. On my WebTree path, a solar festival begins at sunrise of the the day before the actual solar event and lasts until sunrise the day after. That makes it the traditional three days.https://lexicon.neowayland.com/qq/#quarter-day
❝Sentence first — verdict afterwards.❞
— Lewis Carrol, Alice In WonderlandSome folks and I decided to call it the Queen of Hearts syndrome after the line in Alice in Wonderland. A few rounds later (I stuck with lime water), someone remembered the Juice Newton song and there was off-key singing. The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that this is the SJW goal, especially when it comes to rape accusations. There's no reason or reprieve or review allowed. The accusation is the conviction. And if you dare suggest that the accuser is anything other than a victim saint, then you must be punished severely.❝ Is the accuser always holy now? Were they born this morning as clean as God's fingers? I'll tell you what's walking Salem — vengeance is walking Salem. We are what we always were in Salem, but now the little crazy children are jangling the keys of the kingdom, and common vengeance writes the law! This warrant's vengeance! I'll not give my wife to vengeance!❞
— Arthur Miller, The Crucible✧
Playing with the queen of hearts
Knowing it ain't really smart
The joker ain't the only fool
Who'll do anything for you— Juice Newton, Queen of HeartsSee alsopolitics https://lexicon.neowayland.com/qq/#queen-of-hearts
quiet power
Simple elegance without demanding excessive attention. Capable and well done without exaggerated spectacle. For clothing, custom made without extra flair.https://lexicon.neowayland.com/qq/#quiet-power