- a word or a combination of words by which a person, place, or thing, a body or class, or any object of thought is designated, called, or known.
- mere designation, as distinguished from fact
One of those topics that gets needlessly complicated. In the West, a family name or surname is shared among family members, usually showing the male line of descent. A casual name is used among friends and family. A given name is a name bestowed at birth and usually matches the legal name. A ritual name is used between members of a cult (in the Greco-Roman sense) and not shared with outsiders. A title denotes an official or celebratory position.NeoWayland is a title that started as an online handle. It's certainly not a name. Neo meaning new, sometimes used as a prefix before pagan to describe the modern revival of paganism. Wayland was the name a mythical smith who worked wonders at his forge. I've been told that Wayland is also the name of a mystical place halfway between darkness and light. Yes, my favorite comment avatar uses a bit of sigil magick. Maybe someday I'll be good enough to deserve the title. My legal name is fairly ordinary. My ritual name is between me and the Divine. But about that pagan or ritual name thing. First, it wasn't until the mid 1950s when witchcraft (and to a lesser extent paganism) became legal in the UK. To this day, there can be repercussions in certain areas, although not nearly as much as some would have you believe. Second, much like a Christening or confirmation, taking a separate name shows dedication to your faith when you are initiated. This goes back to at least the Roman mystery cults. Third, there is cross-over with the SCA and various RenFaire groups. This definitely stresses the romantic aspects. These days I would put cosplay as another influence. There's a quote I like, ❝You want your religion taken seriously? Stop treating it like fandom.❞
See alsolabel, The Law of Names
Nana korobi, ya oki “Fall down seven times, stand up eight.”
See alsoFall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight from, Ro3 № 34
Narrative®, the
In politics, a overarching story intended to manage public perception and expectation but that doesn't reflect actual events.®
narrative medicine
❝An emerging clinical discipline that studies patient narrative phenomena as a platform for improving interactions between doctors, nurses, social workers, therapists, and other caregivers❞
NAS Network Attached Storage
❝Network-attached storage (NAS) is a file-level storage architecture that makes stored data more accessible to networked devices. NAS is 1 of the 3 main storage architectures—along with storage area networks (SAN) and direct-attached storage (DAS). NAS gives networks a single access point for storage with built-in security, management, and fault tolerant capabilities.
… Preconfigured storage software is installed on dedicated hardware. Known as a NAS box, NAS unit, NAS server, or NAS head, this hardware is essentially just a server containing storage disks or drives, processors, and random-access memory (RAM).❞➢ What is network-attached storage? from RedHat✧
❝Network-attached storage (NAS) is a file based storage architecture which makes stored data more accessible to networked devices means multiple users or client devices retrieve data from a single storage system. As the multiple clients or users connected through a Local Area Network access the data from a centralized disk capacity by Ethernet that’s why it is referred as Network Attached Storage. Network Attached Storage(NAS) gives all the connected devices of network a single access point for storage which is called NAS Storage Server.❞➢ Understanding Network Attached Storage from GeeksforGeeks✧
❝NAS devices make it easy to share a pool of storage between an entire network of computers and other devices. There are all sorts of uses for a NAS system, including storing shared documents, sharing group projects, streaming media like music and videos, or backing up local machines. Network-attached storage is designed to be scalable, with many solutions allowing you to simply add or replace drives when you run out of space. Some of these systems use many drives in RAID for redundancy or speed, while others rely on a single drive bay for much smaller operations.❞➢ What Is a NAS (Network Attached Storage)? from How-To GeekRecently I've learned not to keep your critical data in someone else's cloud. With Raspberry Pi and other SBCs readily available, it's easy enough to DIY or purchase a completed kit.I'm not doing anything illegal, but I want control over some of my data. I don't want my calendar and contacts to be viewed without my knowledge and consent. And I want independent backups of my websites and directories.
Native American Church
❝Native American Church, also called Peyotism, or Peyote Religion, most widespread indigenous religious movement among North American Indians and one of the most influential forms of Pan-Indianism. The term peyote derives from the Nahuatl name peyotl for a cactus. The tops of the plants contain mescaline, an alkaloid drug that has hallucinogenic effects. It was used in Mexico in pre-Columbian times to induce supernatural visions and as a medicine. From the mid-19th century, use of peyote extended north into the Great Plains of the United States, and probably first developed into a distinct religion about 1885 among the Kiowa and Comanche of Oklahoma. After 1891 it spread rapidly as far north as Canada and is now practiced among more than 50 tribes. Statistics are uncertain, but reports suggest nearly a fifth of the Navajo in 1951 practiced the peyote religion (despite strong tribal council opposition) as did one-third of Oklahoma Indians in 1965. The Native American Church claimed some 225,000 adherents in 1977.❞
naturism, naturist Naturism lets nature touch you.
Weather permitting, casual outdoor social nudity without sex. In America, usually on private property. Nudity is not about sex. Nudity does not invite sex.
- a person who appreciates the beauty and benefits of nature.
- a nudist.
Today the United States has some very strange ideas about public nudity. Especially for a nation obsessed with the nether regions of young starlets. Particularly for a nation that buys swimwear and underwear designed to highlight genitalia and female breasts while pretending to hide the “naughty bits.” Peculiarly when “exposed” female anatomy in public is widely seen as a sure sign of sexual excess and moral degeneracy.❝Human bodies are neither shameful or tempting. It's only continually hiding those bodies that makes it so.❞❝Why would I even be interested in responding to the issue of naked swimming in the schools in the old days with a blog article? For a number of reasons. First, here was a practice most men experienced as recently as fifty years ago, and is a living memory for many of us, and people don’t know about it. Some even deny it happened because it doesn’t fit our current cultural mores. Men don’t talk about it even if they were comfortable with the practice because the reactions are usually negative. So this article is an exercise in social history to discuss what was standard practice in America until the 1970s. Boys swam naked in the YMCA and American high schools and sometimes teachers or coaches were naked too (although my swimming teacher always wore a swim suit). I set this in the broader context of naked swimming in America. Second, it is surely a matter of interest in U.S. social history that a practice that millions of men experienced as boys has been suppressed in our collective memory. This reflects a radical change in social mores today that reflects different attitudes toward nudity, privacy, and the body than were common in earlier times in America. We tend to reject the attitudes and views of previous generations because they contradict our own (more enlightened?) attitudes and views, as if our attitudes and views can’t withstand the challenge of different standards. But perhaps some of our current attitudes and views need to be challenged, including our attitudes toward and views about nudity today which are almost exclusively associated with sexuality.❞➢ Frank Answers About Swimming Naked from Frank Answers
Nudity does not necessarily or even mostly equal sex. Nudity does not invite sex. I enjoy being naked. I relish feeling the wind and sun on my skin and my dangly bits. I savor the contrast when my exposed skin touches something else. Skin is our biggest sense organ, it's only right when we use it whenever we can. Exhibitionism is not naturism. Dressing provocatively and almost showing something “forbidden” is not naturism. Naturism is not about drawing attention. Naturism is about letting nature touch you. We shield ourselves with clothing even if we don't always need it. I’m a naturist in both senses of the word. Life doesn’t always need clothes. I admire the human body. I hope you can too.See also
American Association for Nude Recreation, 205 Arguments and Observations In Support of Naturism, casual nudes, moonbathing, nekkid, nude, nudes, pagan attitudes on nudity & sex, public nudity (American social behaviors - post WWII), skinny dipping, skyclad, skyclad, TanPages, Taproot: Taboo, vintage nudes, What's wrong with nudity?
nautical dawn
❝Occurs when the Sun is 12 degrees below the horizon during the morning.❞
nautical dusk
❝Occurs when the Sun goes 12 degrees below the horizon in the evening.❞
nautical twilight
❝Occurs when the geometrical center of the Sun is between 6 degrees and 12 degrees below the horizon. This twilight period is less bright than civil twilight and artificial light is generally required for outdoor activities. The term, nautical twilight, dates back to the time when sailors used the stars to navigate the seas. During this time, most stars can be easily seen with naked eyes. In addition to being important to navigation on the seas, nautical twilight also has military implications. For example, the United States' military uses nautical twilight, called begin morning nautical twilight (BMNT) and end of evening nautical twilight (EENT), to plan tactical operations.❞➢ Twilight, Dawn, and Dusk from timeanddate.comSee alsoastronomical twilight, civil twilight, twilight
near universal
Almost but not quite everything/everyone/everywhere.
❝Your needs and desires make you vulnerable. Once hustlers know what you really want, they can easily manipulate you.❞adapted from Understanding scam victims: seven principles for systems security by Frank Stajano, Paul Wilson See alsoseven principles of social engineering
❝Need-fire, or Wild-fire (Ger. Notfeuer, O. Ger. nodfyr, Scottish Gaelic tein'-éigin), a term used in folklore to denote a curious superstition which survived in the Scottish Highlands until a recent date. Like the fire-churning still customary in India for kindling the sacrificial fire, the need- or wild-fire is made by the friction of one piece of wood on another, or of a rope upon a stake. Need-fire is a practice of shepherd peoples to ward off disease from their herds and flocks. It is kindled on occasions of special distress, particularly at the outbreak of a murrain, and the cattle are driven through it. Its efficacy is believed to depend on all other fires being extinguished.❞
❝In some areas of the Celtic lands, people believed that a special fire, called the Needfire, could be used to create magical results. However, much like Harry Potter's Room of Requirement, the Needfire could only be created in times of great need. In many areas, Samhain was seen as an opportune time for the Needfire -- after all, the harvest was over, the earth was getting cold, and in just a few short months, your family could be starving and freezing. The Needfire helped to assure that your family would be safe from famine, pestilence, the deadly cold, and other natural disasters. In some nomadic societies, the Needfire was the place to make offerings - if you wanted to have a healthy crop of sheep, for example, you might carve an effigy of a ewe and toss it in the fire. Perhaps you'd throw a few seeds in there to assure an abundant crop in the following season. Traditionally, the Needfire was lit without the use of iron. It could only be started by rubbing a pair of sticks together, or twisting a rope along a stake until a spark was created.❞
Without clothing without shame.
Nudity for no clear reason and devoid of titillation. Casual behavior without clothes. Nekkid outside and among people is naturism. Nudity is not about the sex. Nudity does not invite the sex. Nudity is not necessarily sex and sex is not necessarily love. Nudity is a taboo because we make it forbidden, not because of an inherent morality. Remember, your morality and beliefs doesn’t govern their thoughts or behavior. While you may consider it a sin to expose your left thumb, that doesn’t mean they should cover their thumbs on your say-so. American social mores make a complex nudity taboo. There are people who don't have a nudity taboo (“innocent”), people who don't care about a nudity taboo (“shameless”), and those who use a nudity taboo to sexually excite themselves or others (“titillate”). While there is some crossover, it's not nearly as big as some think.Outside of secluded areas or certain beaches, Americans discourage casual public nudity except for the “pretty people” and the wealthy. Swimming and the sauna are two activities where public non-sexual nudity might be openly accepted. Sometimes. Some clothing pushes the defintion of of nudity and nakedness pretty far (see Theiss Titillation Theory). In America if someone doesn't directly show fur, genitalia, butt crack, or female nipples it's not technically nude and therefore not “obscene.”
There is another great big double standard. Under current American mores, showing a phallus is always obscene and never, ever artistic. Ourside of sports or a business context, casual contact between males is usually considered homosexual. And an unaccompanied male is considered a predator of women and children, especially if either the man or the women/children are showing “too much” skin. Supposedly men can't be trusted to control their urges or even what urges they might have while the poor women and children will always be victims of male lust no matter what.
Personally I don't think nudity alone is “obscene” but American society doesn't agree. Breaking one of my carved-in-stone sex rules is obscene to me. Public sex in a crowded area where everyone else is clothed is obscene. But not nudity. Risqué nudes are obviously nekkid but do not directly show genitalia, bottom or female nipples (or prominent "popped" nipples). Casual nudes are everyday activity. Artistic nudes highlight the human form. Erotic nudes imply sex. Carnal nudes show sex. Since I consider being nekkid the natural state, I just stick to risqué, everyday, artistic, erotic, and carnal as labels.
❝Human bodies are neither shameful or tempting. It's only continually hiding those bodies that makes it so.❞❝What exposure counts as indecent is a product of a society's mindset more than any underlying human cause. Different cultures certainly have different nudity taboos, and one sometimes gets the feeling in the United States that other countries are laughing at the prudery behind our backs, especially Europe. This works the other way round as well; in the western world, a woman can show her legs without legal problems, but in some other cultures this is as taboo as the nipple is for the US.❞➢ Nipple and Dimed from TVTropesI think more people should be nude, that's one reason why I've added so many “nekkid people” pictures to the lexicon.For my archived images, nude means little or no clothing but no sexual contact or touching. That means revealing or implied direct exposure of breasts, genitalia, and bottoms but absolutely no erotic or carnal context. I distingush between everyday and artistic. On my NeoWayland NetWork sites, you'll find photos of naked adults. I am a hetrosexual male, so mostly there are appealing young ladies. You will not find photos of sex or carnal activity. Some of the artwork shown does show sex, I follow a fertility faith after all.
There are no children's pictures at NeoWayland's Lexicon.
You will not find any photos nude or not of ANY underage kids, period. Nor will you find any minor photos on any other NeoWayland NetWork site. I do not keep photos of kids without their parent's consent. Since children can't grant permission real or implied, I just don't use photos of children when I publish online. There may be the occasional art showing naked children on some of my other sites, but nothing carnal. After WWII, American social attitudes changed. Before the war, artistic depictions of everyday nudity including children were commonplace and I won't censor that. I do draw the line at photos. I don’t confuse nudity and sex, but I am not going to contribute to others lusting after children.
❝Naked means you don't have clothes on and nekkid means that that you don't have clothes on AND you're up to sumpthin.❞— Jeff FoxworthyI started using the word nekkid on my site so the search engines wouldn't pick up "nude" and "naked." That didn’t work well, but people do remember nekkid. It's also a tribute to my Southern roots.I’m a naturist in both senses of the word. I like the way the sun and the cool breeze feels on my skin. Especially my dangly bits. Yes, I think more people should go naked and not just those with visually appealing bodies. I’m a desert dweller so yes, it helps if the climate cooperates. The high desert means that only happens from late spring to early autumn. And you really don’t want to be nude in any desert at night. Away from the cities it can get very cold. Pale skin attracts bugs. The biggest drawback I've found is the lack of pockets. This is quite an issue when I am puttering or experimenting. It doesn't matter when I am writing or researching. Lately my joints don't respond well to cold so sweats work well.
Someone can be nude, but that doesn’t mean that they’ve shared themselves with you. We touch people, really touch people in their hearts, mind, and spirit. This skin isn’t all that we are, this flesh is just a part of us. What you see on the outside is just the outer layer. People aren't defined by genitalia or body shape. We’re measured by the lives we touch. Just because I like nudity doesn't mean I am tempting random females into unspeakable rites or dragging neighborhood pets into the bushes so I can slake my insatiable lusts. Nudity does not mean coitus. Just because someone sees my genitals doesn't mean instant sex. It also doesn't mean I'm aroused by being naked around other people. Well, within reason.
Nudity does not mean the nude are oversexed. Nor does it mean that a nude person is responsible for your thoughts and impulses. Nudity is not about the sex. Nudity does not invite the sex. There's an unfortunate “color line” on the internet. There are very few “multiracial” nude photos on the internet that aren't erotic or carnal. There are almost no minority nudes showing everyday American activities except for swimming and lounging on the beach.
Mainly out of respect for my neighbors, I don't go nekkid outside my front door. I am nude most of the time in my house. Weather permitting, I'm raw out in my back yard behind a privacy fence. I'm not flaunting my privates in someone's face. I seldom go nude in public, and then mainly in remote areas. Unless I'm working with someone else, I do workings and rituals unclotherd. But that is my choice and not required. Pagans aren't out to corrupt you. Obviously not everyone feels the same way I do about nudity. That's another reason I call it nekkid.
See alsoAmerican social behaviors, carnal, casual nudes, erotic, exhibitionism, fertility cult, fur, Jesus fish, Great Rite, monotheism’s third sin, moonbathing, naturism, nekkid album, nekkid film scenes album, nipple, nude sleeping, pagan attitudes on nudity &sex, phallus, public nudity, sex, sex, ritual, sex rules, sexual beings, skinny dipping, skyclad, Taproot: Taboo, tarot, “We Are the Other People” by Oberon Zell
nekkid joke, the
This entry does not show in any of the indexes or menus on this site. The only way to see it is to read the page or link to it directly. But that is not the joke. On this site all photos and artwork showing nudity or sex are blured out until you hover the mouse arrow over them. But that is not the joke either. The picture to the left is large enough that it doesn't leave much to the imagination even with blurring. That's not the joke. In the site title, the words "sex" and “nekkid” looks like they've been scraped off. That's still not the joke. No, the joke is all these things taken together. I'm poking fun at American hangups on nudity. And those people who complained that I was a corrupting influence. That's the nekkid joke.
❝Neo-Wicca is a path inspired by the outer court teachings of Wicca, followed by those who believe Gerald Gardner's ruling that Wiccan identity can only be passed down by initiation is very out-dated, especially considering many Wiccans are "solitary" rather than working in groups known as covens. Also, many Neo-Wiccans believe that other deities are aspects or different versions of the God and Goddess, some believe that the Goddess and God are universal, and some believe that the God and Goddess are not separate but rather personified entities which together are part of a universal life force.❞➢ Useful Notes / Neo-Paganism from TVTropes✧
❝The term NeoWicca (which essentially means "new Wicca") is typically used when we want to distinguish between the two original traditional forms of Wicca (Gardnerian and Alexandrian) and all other forms of Wicca. Many people would argue that anything other than a Gardnerian or Alexandrian tradition is, by default, NeoWicca. It's occasionally said that Wicca itself, which was only founded in the 1950s, isn't even old enough to have established a "neo" version of anything, but this remains the common usage in the Pagan community.
Much of the publicly available material labeled as Wicca in books and on websites is in fact considered NeoWiccan, simply because Gardnerian and Alexandrian material is generally oathbound, and is not made available for public consumption. In addition, to be a Gardnerian or Alexandrian Wiccan, you must be initiated - you cannot self-initiate or dedicate as a Gardnerian or Alexandrian; you have to be part of an established coven. The concept of lineage is also important in these two forms of traditional Wicca.❞➢ NeoWicca from ThoughtCo.See alsoWicca, Wiccan
❝“Neopaganism” or “Neo-Paganism” is a general term for a variety of movements both organized and (usually) nonorganized, started since 1960 c.e. or so (though they had literary roots going back to the mid-1800’s), as attempts to recreate, revive or continue what their founders thought were the best aspects of the Paleopagan ways of their ancestors (or predecessors), blended with modern humanistic, pluralist and inclusionary ideals, while consciously striving to eliminate as much as possible of the traditional Western monotheism, dualism, and puritanism. The core Neopagan beliefs include a multiplicity of deities of all genders, a perception of those deities as both immanent and transcendent, a commitment to environmental awareness, and a willingness to perform magical as well as spiritual rituals to help both ourselves and others. Examples of Neopaganism would include the Church of All Worlds, most heterodox Wiccan traditions, Druidism as practiced by Ár nDraíocht Féin and the Henge of Keltria, some Norse Paganism, and some modern forms of Buddhism whose members refer to themselves as “Buddheo-Pagans.” Neopagan belief systems are not racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. There are hundreds of thousands of Neopagans living and worshiping their deities today. As “Neo-Paganism,” this term was popularized in the 1960’s and 1970’s by Oberon Zell, a founder of the Church of All Worlds. The term “Neopaganism” has nothing to do with the Catholic Church’s recent use of “neo-paganism” to refer to Hitler’s Germanic Mesopaganism, which incorporated nineteen centuries of Christian anti-semitism and dualism. Hitler, after all, considered himself a good Christian and was perceived as such by many, if not most, German Christians at the time. The Catholic Church is simply trying to distract attention away from its responsibility for creating the Western cultural environment that dehumanized Jews, and from its pathetic record in opposing the Holocaust while it was going on (not to mention the value to the Church in trashing competing new religions by associating us with the Nazis).❞➢ Defining Paganism: Paleo-, Meso-, and Neo- by Isaac Bonewits✧
This section was removed at the request of the author.
❝Neopaganism is an umbrella descriptor term for the paths falling within it. It is the blue in “blue lake”, not the lake itself. It is not a path or religion in and of itself. It is not uncommon for neopagans to dislike the term and try to disassociate themselves and their spiritual paths from it, again, usually in a bid to seek historical legitimacy and validation and to avoid the terms “new/neo” and “modern” at all costs. If the shoe fits, it fits regardless of the naysaying so don’t hate the shoe. Neopaganism includes even the reconstructionists, Traditional Witchcraft™ practitioners, neoshamans, chaos magicians, Thelemites, and others who would rather separate themselves and not be under the neopagan banner. Sorry to disappoint, but they are still under the definition and categorization of this new religious movement whether it is desired or not. It was the neopagan community’s self-forced synonymity of pagan and Wicca over a period of decades that led to the misbelief that “Paganism” is a religion. The same issue happened with the conflation of Wicca and witchcraft. It started off with people constantly using Wicca and witchcraft interchangeably and then transformed into people refusing to stop using “Pagan” and Wicca synonymously. During this confusion people started publishing books using all the terms interchangeably or wrongly resulting in the branding of altered Wiccan ritual practices as “Pagan” or non-Wiccan witchcraft as Wiccan and it all snowballed pretty fiercely from there. It has confused many people into viewing neopaganism and witchcraft as religions. After a few decades came a point when neopagans made everything capital P “Pagan” all of sudden and largely dropped the neo- and then capitalized the first letter in an ill-fated bid for half-intentional religious legitimacy. “We are Pagan! Hear us roar!”❞➢ For Sale: Neopaganism “As Is” by Sarah LawlessSee alsobelief - American neopagan, mesopaganism, pagan, paleopaganism,
❝Neuroatypical refers to people whose neurological structure or function doesn't fit what the medical community defines as "normal". Neuroatypical people could be on the Autism Spectrum, on the schizophrenia spectrum, have bipolar disorder, have ADHD, or other non-neurotypical conditions. A synonymous term is neurodivergent and an antonym is neurotypical.❞
❝Neurodiversity refers to variations in the human brain regarding sociability, learning, attention, mood, and other mental functions. "Neurodiversity" is a portmanteau of "neurological" and "diversity" that was popularized in the late 1990s by Australian sociologist Judy Singer and American journalist Harvey Blume. The term emerged as a challenge to prevailing views that certain neurodevelopmental disorders are inherently pathological and instead adopts the social model of disability, which states that societal barriers are the main contributing factor that disables people. The subsequent neurodiversity paradigm has been controversial among autism advocates, with opponents saying that its conceptualization of the autism spectrum doesn't reflect the realities of individuals who have high support needs.❞
❝a person who has a developmental disorder and/or a mental illness❞
❝The word "neurotypical" is quite new, but it is becoming increasingly popular in schools, at autism conferences and events, and in therapists' offices. It has no absolute medical or psychological meaning. It doesn't describe a particular personality, trait, or set of abilities.❞➢ What Does It Mean to Be Neurotypical? from verywellhealth
“Never fight…”
Fox Conner's rules of war for a democracy.❝Never fight unless you have to. Never fight alone. And never fight for long.❞
❝propagandistic language marked by euphemism, circumlocution, and the inversion of customary meanings❞
❝Newspeak is the language of Oceania, a fictional totalitarian state ruled by the Party, who created the language to meet the ideological requirements of English Socialism (Ingsoc).In George Orwell's world of Nineteen Eighty-Four, Newspeak is a controlled language, of restricted grammar and limited vocabulary, a linguistic design meant to limit the freedom of thought—personal identity, self-expression, free will—that ideologically threatens the régime of Big Brother and the Party, who thus criminalised such concepts as thoughtcrime, contradictions of Ingsoc orthodoxy.❞
- a protuberance of the mamma or breast where, in the female, the milk ducts discharge; teat.
- something resembling it, as the mouthpiece of a nursing bottle or pacifier.
- a short piece of pipe with threads on each end, used for joining valves.
In American female humans, the second or third most sexual feature and the most common dividing line between titillation and sexualization. Except for a nursing mother, a revealed nipple in public is taboo or at least pushing social standards just beyond the limit. There are sometimes exceptions for swimming, sunbathing, and the “pretty people.” Americans obsess over adult female nipples. So much so that a second showing a single female nipple can change a movie's rating. Male nipples do not have the same restrictions. However, American entertainment can have it's own issues with male nipples. For my picture labels, cute and alluring do not show nipples. You will not find porn or erotica on any NeoWayland NetWork site. You will find nudes, but you will not find sex photos.See alsoAmerican social behaivors (post WWII), Free the nipple, Free The Nipple from Campaigns of the World, naturism, nude, pagan attitudes on nudity & sex, picture labels & meaning
❝Nisi forte non de serveitute, sed de conditione serviendi, recusandum est a nobis.❞
❝We do not dispute about the qualifications of a master; we will have no master.❞— BrutusSee also“Irish democracy”, politics
no platform
❝No platform is the practice of of preventing someone—either through policy or through protest—from spreading their ideas through a particular event or website. The term is mostly used to refer to rescinding an invitation to someone asked to speak at an event (such as a guest lecture at a college). The concept apparently originates from a policy used by the British National Union of Students to prevent people they disagree with from giving speeches on UK college campuses. The concept is similar to the political action of cordon sanitaire, where a politician or political party is either unconditionally excluded from coalitions or other forms or cooperation, or even completely ignored. "No platform" is typically invoked for issues such as racism, sexism, homophobia, Holocaust denial, and so forth. As what is and is not acceptable by society changes with the times, so do the targets of "no platform", with 2015 seeing protests of speakers seen as transphobic or Islamophobic who consider themselves progressive as they are feminists or atheists, respectively. No-platforming is, at best, an attempt to prevent a balance fallacy, with protesters refusing to allow tacit endorsement of reactionary views.❞
❝To refuse to go out of your way to make it easier for someone to spread their views using your facilities, your equipment, and your money. 99.9% of all people in the world are no-platformed; the only people who aren't are members of the elite, such as popular bigots. When a member of the elite is no-platformed, liberals and bigots alike unite in losing their shit.❞
“No True Scotsman”
❝The no true scotsman fallacy is a way of reinterpreting evidence in order to prevent the refutation of one’s position. Proposed counter-examples to a theory are dismissed as irrelevant solely because they are counter-examples, but purportedly because they are not what the theory is about.
This fallacy is a form of circular argument, with an existing belief being assumed to be true in order to dismiss any apparent counter-examples to it. The existing belief thus becomes unfalsifiable.❞➢ ‘No True Scotsman’ Fallacy from Logical Fallacies✧
❝No True Scotsman (also referred to as the fallacy of "Victory by Definition" in Robert Allen's "The Propaganda Game") is an intentional logical fallacy which involves the act of setting up standards for a particular scenario, then redefining those same standards in order to exclude a particular outcome.❞➢ No True Scotsman from TVTropes✧
❝The No True Scotsman (NTS) fallacy is a logical fallacy that occurs when a debater defines a group such that every groupmember possess some quality. For example, it is common to argue that "all members of [my religion] are fundamentally good", and then to abandon all bad individuals as "not true [my-religion]-people".❞➢ No True Scotsman from RationalWiki
non sequitur
- an inference that does not follow from the premises
specifically : a fallacy resulting from a simple conversion of a universal affirmative proposition or from the transposition of a condition and its consequent- a statement (such as a response) that does not follow logically from or is not clearly related to anything previously said
Technology that acts without the consent of the user. One example would be a thermostat that not only keeps a constant temperature, but sends data about the settings, the current temperature and any adjustments to a server outside the user's control. Although terms of data sharing are usually included in the end user licensing, the exact terms are often obscure or hidden by design. Companies want your data and they know that almost no one pays attention to the EULA. Count on any smart house appliances or ”internet of things” gadgets sharing your data unless specifically stated otherwise. Especially if the operation requires more technology than can be cheaply or efficiently packed into the casing. Smart assistants with voice control are currently the worst offenders. Smart televisions are close behind. Unless a company has made clear that it won't be sharing your data, you can depend on your data being shared again and again. Even the companies with strict privacy do share your data under “special circumstances.” You can trust them. Really. They promise. Remember the old internet saying, if you are not paying for a product or service, you are the product.
noscere - To know.
Seek truth. Strive for knowledge. Use what you have learned. Traditional associations are intelligence and the element of Air.See alsoFour Powers of the Magus, 4PM
“not all…” The label has no inherent vice or virtue. That's in the individual.
❝When someone claims “every,” look for the exceptions.❞My response when someone praises or condemns a class instead of the individual. I just refuse to blame groups for individual behavior. It's not all blacks, all lesbians, all men, all Christians, all children, or all left handed mechanics. The worth is in the words and actions of the individual, not the label.
nuclear power The unspeakable, terrible dragon in the room.
❝energy released by reactions within atomic nuclei, as in nuclear fission or fusion.❞
Everyone has been taught that nuclear reactors are an unacceptable danger that no sane person would consider. That is wrong. In his book Whole Earth Discipline: An Ecopragmatist Manifesto, Stewart Brand points out that the average nuclear power plant actually releases less radioactivity than the average coal plant. The waste is more concentrated. It’s harder to dispose. More accurately, it can’t be easily released into the atmosphere with most people never noticing. Brand also points out that nuclear reactors are more reliable with a better baseload and a lower footprint than wind or solar. Brand uses the term “portfolio” to emphasize diversification of sources. Because we don’t know what is going to work best in the long term, we’re better off trying all we can at once with competition. Brand admits that uranium and plutonium reactors produce toxic waste that we probably can’t store for the next ten-thousand years. But do we need to? Maybe we only need to store it for a century or two. Meanwhile, wind farms and solar farms have HUGE footprints and a limited service life. The composite blades from modern windmills are nearly impossible to recycle. Recycling solar panels isn’t much easier, especially on a large scale. And again, solar has a HUGE footprint. Thorium reactors are probably safer than current reactors. Thorium is much harder to weaponize than uranium or plutonium. Now I don’t agree that there is a global warming problem. But other than damming rivers (with a big footprint right there), there is exactly ONE off-the-shelf technology that can meet our expected energy demand with zero carbon emissions. Thorium reactors with some work could probably top that. And we wouldn’t be shredding eagles or frying passing birds. We need more energy for our future.
nude sleeping
Not wearing clothes to bed. More common than you might think. It feels great. Many studies suggest health benefits. Even without sex, skin-on-skin contact is good for you. Humans are social creatures and you can't get more social than touching people you care about while sleeping.
❝Nullius in verba❞
on the word of no one❝The Royal Society's motto 'Nullius in verba' is taken to mean 'take nobody's word for it'. It is an expression of the determination of Fellows to withstand the domination of authority and to verify all statements by an appeal to facts determined by experiment.❞
Prefering night or darkness, relaxing or taking comfort in the dark.See alsoscotophilia