Gaia hypothesis
not the same as Gaia worship❝Overall, the Gaia Theory is a compelling new way of understanding life on our planet. It argues that we are far more than just the “Third Rock from the Sun,” situated precariously between freezing and burning up. The theory asserts that living organisms and their inorganic surroundings have evolved together as a single living system that greatly affects the chemistry and conditions of Earth’s surface. Some scientists believe that this “Gaian system” self-regulates global temperature, atmospheric content, ocean salinity, and other factors in an “automatic” manner. Earth’s living system appears to keep conditions on our planet just right for life to persist! The Gaia Theory has already inspired ideas and practical applications for economic systems, policy, scientific inquiry, and other valuable work. The future holds more of the same.❞
➢ Gaia Theory Overview from Gaia Theory✧
❝The Gaia hypothesis, also known as Gaia theory or Gaia principle, proposes that all organisms and their inorganic surroundings on Earth are closely integrated to form a single and self-regulating complex system, maintaining the conditions for life on the planet. The scientific investigation of the Gaia hypothesis focuses on observing how the biosphere and the evolution of life forms contribute to the stability of global temperature, ocean salinity, oxygen in the atmosphere and other factors of habitability in a preferred homeostasis. The Gaia hypothesis was formulated by the chemist James Lovelock and co-developed by the microbiologist Lynn Margulis in the 1970s. Initially received with hostility by the scientific community, it is now studied in the disciplines of geophysiology and Earth system science, and some of its principles have been adopted in fields like biogeochemistry and systems ecology. This ecological hypothesis has also inspired analogies and various interpretations in social sciences, politics, and religion under a vague philosophy and movement.❞
The assumption that the planet will punish humanity for our sins. Common among some pagans and Earth oriented folks, it seems to be a callback to monotheism’s second sin. Almost always it is justification for controlling other humans for the Greater Good.
❝However, there is a similar argument made by members of the Left that is not rejected nearly as forcefully. In many works of fiction, it is common for humanity to be punished by some personification of nature for humanity's pollution, overpopulation, or other various “sins” against the earth. As the Westboro Baptist Church celebrates the punishment of society for its sins, environmentalists sometimes celebrate the idea that a pagan personification of nature will one day punish humanity for polluting. This only makes sense, unfortunately, given the worldview that undergirds much environmentalism. As Robert H. Nelson of the University of Maryland has pointed out many times, environmentalism has, from its inception, many characteristics of a religion – only it is allowed to be taught in public schools. “Even without realizing it, environmentalism is recasting ancient biblical messages to a new secular vocabulary,” Nelson writes. Any negative impact on the environment, even if it has long run overall benefits for human beings, is a sin against nature. In Nelson's words in a 1998 Forbes article, environmentalism is “Calvinism Minus God.” To square this with the human desire for cosmic justice, perhaps it is no wonder that secular environmentalists fantasize about punishing polluters and other environmental sinners with a pagan deity.❞➢ Gaia's vengeance: the caustic cliché of environmentalism
from Acton Institute
Gardener, the
My maternal grandfather started as a dirt farmer in Louisiana before he moved the family to Arizona. After he retired, he became the Gardener. He kept about three-quarters of an acre and shared most of the harvest. made sure that the best stuff always went to those folks who needed a little help. He would always spend time listening, talking and "carry off a little darkness" on his back. Granpa didn't measure people by religion, skin color or national origin.❝The guy who taught me from an early age to greet the dawn was my Baptist grandfather. The form may have changed, but the passion and the dedication stays the same and has been in my family for generations.❞❝He'd deny it, but one of my best teachers about magick was my Baptist deacon grandfather. He had been a Louisiana farmer before moving to Arizona. After he retired he had a garden. It was a little less than an acre and in some of the saltiest Arizona desert you can imagine. But he grew amazing, delicious vegetables. It was a discipline and a meditation. A fundamental change in the land and a reaffirmation of life and humanity. Because once he had the vegetables, he'd go visiting his friends and the people he knew were going through a rough time. Granpa would listen, he'd be quiet, and if they had joy, he'd share. If they needed joy or hope, he'd share. He'd pour his passion in those vegetables, and used that to strengthen the bindings of life that we share. It was a gift from the Earth made manifest. He couldn't do anything else and still be the man he was.❞He did have issues with women being equal, but my mother taught him something about that. It took a few decades though. I have most of his pipes, I don't smoke them but I keep them. Much to my surprise (and certainly to Granpa's if he was still This Side), his attitude towards gardening shaped much of my pagan practice. Not bad for a Baptist deacon.
❝Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse used by narcissists in order to instill in their victim’s an extreme sense of anxiety and confusion to the point where they no longer trust their own memory, perception or judgment. The techniques used in “Gaslighting” by the narcissist are similar to those used in brainwashing, interrogation, and torture that have been used in psychological warfare by intelligence operative, law enforcement and other forces for decades. The intention is to, in a systematic way, target the victim’s mental equilibrium, self confidence, and self esteem so that they are no longer able to function in an independent way. Gaslighting involves the abuser to frequently and systematically withhold factual information from the victim, and replacing it with false information. Because of it’s subtly, this cunning Machiavellian behaviour is a deeply insidious set of manipulations that is difficult for anybody to work out, and with time it finally undermines the mental stability of the victim.❞➢ THE EFFECTS OF GASLIGHTING IN NARCISSISTIC VICTIM SYNDROME from Narcissistic Behavior✧
- Lie and Exaggerate. The gaslighter creates a negative narrative about the gaslightee (“There’s something wrong and inadequate about you”), based on generalized false presumptions and accusations, rather than objective, independently verifiable facts, thereby putting the gaslightee on the defensive.
- Repetition. Like psychological warfare, the falsehoods are repeated constantly in order to stay on the offensive, control the conversation, and dominate the relationship.
- Escalate When Challenged. When called on their lies, the gaslighter escalates the dispute by doubling and tripling down on their attacks, refuting substantive evidence with denial, blame, and more false claims (misdirection), sowing doubt and confusion.
- Wear Out the Victim. By staying on the offensive, the gaslighter eventually wears down their victim, who becomes discouraged, resigned, pessimistic, fearful, debilitated, and self-doubting. The victim begins to question her or his own perception, identity, and reality.
- Form Codependent Relationships. The Oxford Dictionary defines codependency as "excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a partner.” In a gaslighting relationship, the gaslighter elicits constant insecurity and anxiety in the gaslightee, thereby pulling the gaslightee by the strings. The gaslighter has the power to grant acceptance, approval, respect, safety, and security. The gaslighter also has the power (and often threatens to) take them away. A codependent relationship is formed based on fear, vulnerability, and marginalization.
- Give False Hope. As a manipulative tactic, the gaslighter will occasionally treat the victim with mildness, moderation, and even superficial kindness or remorse, to give the gaslightee false hope. In these circumstances, the victim might think: “Maybe he’s really not THAT bad,” “Maybe things are going to get better,” or “Let’s give it a chance.”
- Dominate and Control. At its extreme, the ultimate objective of a pathological gaslighter is to control, dominate, and take advantage of another individual, or a group, or even an entire society. By maintaining and intensifying an incessant stream of lies and coercions, the gaslighter keeps the gaslightees in a constant state of insecurity, doubt, and fear. The gaslighter can then exploit their victims at will, for the augmentation of their power and personal gain.
adapted from 7 Stages of Gaslighting in a Relationship
at Psychology Today✧
❝When you engage in any way, you tell your gaslighter and yourself that your reality is up for debate. Your reality is not up for debate. If you are like me, you have had a million conversations in your head, and it’s those conversations that are killing you. Your reality is not up for debate. You do not have to rehearse for a conversation that you will never have.❞➢ 10 Things I wish I’d known About Gaslighting
by Shea Emma FettSee alsomanipulation tactics, rules for manipulation, politics, seven basic cons
❝When someone takes it upon themselves to decide who does or does not have access or rights to a community or identity.❞
❝Gatekeeping involves impeding individuals from participating in a discussion (e.g., excluding trans women from feminist conversations), from entering a space they are otherwise entitled to (e.g., barring trans women from women's spaces), or from claiming and expressing their own identity (e.g., gender policing). Gatekeepers are often authority figures, community leaders, who intend on improving their community, from their perspective, and making it more respectable according to mainstream norms. Although gatekeepers they can originate from outside a community as well (e.g., doctors refusing medical care to trans people). Gatekeeping often leads to the fracturing of movements; the creation of extremely vulnerable minorities within minorities. As a reaction to gatekeeping, powerful and inspirational schools of thought and activist movements have arisen, e.g., womanism, transfeminism, etc. These ideologies and communities seek to empower the most disenfranchised and strengthen intersectoral links between and within communities of oppressed people, e.g., queer and trans people of colour (PoC), who rightfully demand their place in both the LGBT and the PoC communities, as well as society in general.❞➢ Gatekeeping from SJWiki See alsocultural appropriation, identity politics, intersectionality, political correctness, politics, virtue signaling
generalized argument
I use this against verbose statist nonsense. It’s the quickest way to disarm them.
- Does that person threaten you or yours?
- Does that person take or damage your property?
- Then why are you trying to CONTROL them?
generation snowflake
❝Snowflakes will be roasted.❞❝The term refers to young adults being more prone to taking offence and being thin-skinned compared to previous generations, aimed at under-30s in the 2010s. The suggestion is that, like snowflakes, these people are that they are delicate individuals and a slight increase in temperature will see them melt, often resulting in a high emotional response. Some of those supposedly in the Snowflake Generation have suggested the label itself is causing them mental health issues.❞➢ What is the Snowflake Generation? from✧
❝To protect GENERATION SNOWFLAKE, some universities have created "safe spaces", which are areas that allow individuals who feel marginalized to come together to communicate regarding their experiences. Some universities have also taken to announcing "trigger warnings", which are warnings that material (e.g., work or a lecture) may contain concepts or pictures that could invoke some mental trauma.❞➢ GENERATION SNOWFLAKE from Cyber Definitions✧
❝The group of young people today that have the INSANE belief they have the right to NOT be offended by any of the beliefs/viewpoints of the other 7.1 billion people of this planet. When these fragile/infantile people are offended, most likely they will react in someway like a toddler (cry, scream, act hysterical, etc).❞
“get woke, go broke”
GWGB❝Get Woke Go Broke is a phrase that applies to many companies, who choose good left media reputation over their actual consumers bringing in the money. ❞
The almost inevitable consequence of crusading and prioritizing intersectional social advocacy over providing a commericial product or service that people actually want to buy. No matter how worthy the message, no one and no company is entitled to success. It's very easy to forget that providing a product is not about controlling the market or changing social values, it's about providing something that people want to buy. It has to do the job better, faster, or easier than the competition. People won't buy a product that tells them that they are guilty, but they will buy the competion. Here's the math, approximately. On any controversial topic, about half of the people aren't going to agree with you. Of those that do agree, about half don't want to talk about it. So in with their diet cola, their professional sports, and their swimsuit models, you're forcing a conversation that three-quarters of people don't want to have. Does that seem like a winning solution?
Go Fuck YourselfAn appropriate response to someone invoking the Decalogue, complaining about triggering, social justice “concerns,” or anyone who tries to impose their chosen morality on your words and actions.
gibbous Moon
🌔 🌔 🌖 🌖❝What does it mean when you hear the term “gibbous moon”? It’s when the Moon is more than half full, but not quite fully illuminated, when you look at it from the perspective of Earth. The reason the light changes has to do with how the Moon orbits the Earth.❞
Gibbs' rules (selected)
Gibbs rules are used by characters in the television show NCIS. Many apply to crime investigation, but some are good general life rules. I’ve crossed out the ones I don’t use. Some numbers are used more than once.
- Rule 1? - ❝Never screw over your partner.❞
- Rule 1? -
❝Never let suspects stay together.❞- Rule 2 -
❝Always wear gloves at a crime scene.❞- Rule 3? - ❝Don't believe what you're told. Double check.❞
- Rule 3? - ❝Never be unreachable.❞
- Rule 4 - ❝The best way to keep a secret? Keep it to yourself. Second best? Tell one other person - if you must. There is no third best.❞
- Rule 5 - ❝You don't waste good.❞
- Rule 6 - ❝Never say you're sorry. It's a sign of weakness.❞
Rule 6a - ❝Except between friends.❞- Rule 7 -
❝Always be specific when you lie.❞- Rule 8 - ❝Never take anything for granted.❞
- Rule 9 - ❝Never go anywhere without a knife.❞
- Rule 11 - ❝When the job is done, walk away.❞
- Rule 12 - ❝Never date a co-worker.❞
- Rule 13 - ❝Never, ever involve lawyers.❞
- Rule 14 - ❝Bend the line, don't break it.❞
- Rule 15 - ❝Always work as a team.❞
- Rule 16 - ❝If someone thinks they have the upper hand, break it.❞
- Rule 18 - ❝It's better to seek forgiveness than ask permission.❞
- Rule 20 - ❝Always look under.❞
- Rule 22 -
❝Never ever bother Gibbs in interrogation.❞- Rule 23 - ❝Never mess with a Marine's coffee... if you want to live.❞
- Rule 27 -
❝There are two ways to follow someone. First way, they never notice you. Second way, they only notice you.❞- Rule 28 - ❝When you need help, ask.❞
- Rule 35 - ❝Always watch the watchers.❞
- Rule 36 - ❝If you feel like you are being played, you probably are.❞
- Rule 38 - ❝Your case, your lead.❞
- Rule 39 - ❝There is no such thing as coincidence.❞
- Rule 40 - ❝If it seems like someone is out to get you, they are.❞
- Rule 42 - ❝Never accept an apology from someone who just sucker punched you.❞
- Rule 44 - ❝First things first, hide the women and children."❞
- Rule 45 - ❝Clean up the mess that you make.❞
- Rule 51 - ❝Sometimes you're wrong.❞
- Rule 62 - ❝Always give people space when they get off an elevator.❞
- Rule 69 - ❝Never trust a woman who doesn't trust her man.❞
- Rule 73 - ❝Never meet your heroes.❞
- Rule 99 -
❝Never tell Gibbs he's been audited.❞- ? - ❝In my country, on my team, working my cases, my people don't bypass the chain of command❞
- ? - ❝Never second guess yourself in a relationship and life.❞
- ? - ❝Don't work the system when you can work the people.❞
- ? - ❝Don't stop checking and rechecking evidence until you are satisfied.❞
- ? - ❝If you want to find something, you follow it.❞
- Frank's Rule - ❝You do what you have to do for family❞
- Abby Rule #1 -
❝Do not lie to Abby.”- Abby Rule #9 - ❝Always keep a spare.❞
- DiNozzo Rule #1 - ❝Don't sit on the sidelines while your people are in trouble.❞
- DiNozzo Rule #3 - ❝Never underestimate your opponent.❞
- McGee Rule #1 -
❝Never lie to Gibbs.❞- McGee Rule #70 - ❝Keep digging till you hit bottom.❞
- Borin Rule #1 - ❝Never make excuses.❞
See alsorule set
❝Gnosis is the common Greek noun for knowledge (γνῶσις, gnōsis, f.). The term is used in various Hellenistic religions and philosophies. It is best known from Gnosticism, where it signifies a knowledge or insight into humanity’s real nature as divine, leading to the deliverance of the divine spark within humanity from the constraints of earthly existence.❞
❝Gnosis is the oldest religious experience known to mankind. The original Gnostics were the world's first priests, and the practice of Gnosticism is simply the earth's most ancient religion that precedes all other faiths. Every country and culture had their own secret Gnostic sects and mystery schools, and still do to this very day. The word Gnosis is a Greek word for knowledge which usually refers to any type of direct communion with the divine. Philo refers to this as secret "knowledge" (gnosis) and "wisdom" (sophia) of God. It is not only knowledge of the divine, but also of thyself, the world, nature and the Great Work (Great Arcanum or magnum opus). The Hebrews describe Gnosis with the Da'at. A Hebrew word for knowledge, that in the Kabbalah describes a mystical state one has as they ascend up the tree of life to then reach the self-giving Divine Light. The ancient Egyptians had described the Gnostic experience in many texts of their proverbs such as; "The body is the house of God," and "Man, know thyself ... and thou shalt know the gods." Gnosis comes from within each one of us through the secret knowledge of all things hidden. But this knowledge is not something that you will just find outside of yourself. Gnosis in its purest form is the intuitive spiritual knowledge that comes with knowing thyself and thyspirit. Plato describes this process when he says "all learning is remembering." He calls this a recollection and restoration of the views a person once had, and original knowledge that was once lost. Today science describes part of this Gnostic experience that Plato had described as intuition.❞➢ What is the Meaning of a Gnostic and Gnosis? from Gnostic WarriorSee alsognostic, gnostic intelligence
Knowledge from experience.
- pertaining to knowledge.
- possessing knowledge, especially esoteric knowledge of spiritual matters.
- (initial capital letter) pertaining to or characteristic of the Gnostics.
gnostic intelligence
Perception and knowledge of Deity and it's manifestation through one's self into the World. This isn't going to make sense to someone without gnostic intelligence. One of my own small additions to Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences.
❝Gnosticism (from Ancient Greek: γνωστικός gnostikos, "having knowledge", from γνῶσις gnōsis, knowledge) is a modern name for a variety of ancient religious ideas and systems, originating in Jewish-Christian milieux in the first and second century AD. These systems believed that the material world is created by an emanation or 'works' of a lower god (demiurge), trapping the divine spark within the human body. This divine spark could be liberated by gnosis, spiritual knowledge acquired through direct experience.❞In my late high school and college years, I called myself Methodist but actively pursued Gnosticism. In Gnosticism, the material realm is a self-serving illusion that prevents true gnosis. Yes, there are strong parallels to Maya. In Gnosticism, the Divine is unknowable and unreachable probably because it is All That Is including ourselves. Our identity is our separation from All That Is. Yes, there are strong parallels to nirvana in Buddhism, in my case by way of Doctor Strange comic books. But this is only an approximation of the ideas involved, I'm not sure I have the language to express and share. In Gnosticism, an Aeon is an emanation of the Divine for a Purpose, removed for the moment but still sharing the Divine nature. Think in terms of an avatar and you wouldn't be far off. It is Manifestation within the material realm. “We are the Universe trying to understand itself.” In Gnosticism, the “Creator” of the universe is a lesser spirit called the Demiurge bound by it's own Manifestation and unaware of the total Divine scope. Embracing the Manifestation means limiting the possibilities. It's the same ignorance that limits us, not our “sinful nature.” Writing this, I'm struck by how much those early studies shaped me then and let me understand now. Gnosticism lets Christianity make sense, but not on it's own terms. More than anything else, this taught me that religions are not created by the Divine. Religions are created by people claiming to speak for the Divine but caught in the limits of their own Manifestation.❝Gnosticism is an ancient splinter of the Christian tradition before orthodoxy was defined. However, it shares a lot in common with modern Neo-Pagan traditions, including a conception of the Divine Feminine as a natural complement to the Divine Masculinity of God/Jesus, a pantheon of quasi-gods known as aeons, and a very syncreticist worldview. Some were strict ascetics who would put the most orthodox to shame, others were libertine antinomians. Naturally, Christianity at large considers this as heretical.❞➢ Useful Notes / Neo-Paganism from TVTropes✧
❝Mansel (in his work on The Gnostic Heresies, 32) sums up the principal sources of Gnosticism in these three, Platonism, the Persian religion, and the Buddhism of India. To Platonism it owed much of its philosophical form and tendencies. From the Dualism of the Per religion it derived its speculations regarding the origin of evil, and much of what it taught about emanations. To Buddhism, he thinks, it owed the doctrine of the antagonism between matter and spirit, and the unreality of derived existence--the germ of Docetism. Mansel also holds that there is the possibility that Gnosticism derived certain of its features from the Kabbala (qabbalah), or secret teaching of the Jews in the two books, the Cepher yetsirah, or Book of Creation, and the Zohar, or Book of Light. An influence of Buddhism on Gnosticism, however, may safely be doubted, as there is no reason to believe that the knowledge of Buddhist doctrine had so early penetrated into the West. The Jewish works named by Mansel are really products of the Middle Ages (Westcott, Introduction to the Study of the Gospels, 144-45). The other sources named were really influential. ❞➢ Gnosticism from Bible Study Tools✧
❝The New Bible Dictionary gives this outline of Gnostic beliefs: "The supreme God dwelt in unapproachable splendour in this spiritual world, and had no dealings with the world of matter. Matter was the creation of an inferior being, the Demiurge. He, along with his aides the archōns, kept mankind imprisoned within their material existence, and barred the path of individual souls trying to ascend to the spirit world after death. Not even this possibility was open to everyone, however. For only those who possessed a divine spark (pneuma) could hope to escape from their corporeal existence. And even those possessing such a spark did not have an automatic escape, for they needed to receive the enlightenment of gnōsis before they could become aware of their own spiritual condition... In most of the Gnostic systems reported by the church Fathers, this enlightenment is the work of a divine redeemer, who descends from the spiritual world in disguise and is often equated with the Christian Jesus. Salvation for the Gnostic, therefore, is to be alerted to the existence of his divine pneuma and then, as a result of this knowledge, to escape on death from the material world to the spiritual." Gnostic writings are extensive. Many so-called Gnostic Gospels are presented as "lost" books of the Bible, but in fact did not meet the criteria when the canon was formed. In many instances, they contradict the Bible.❞➢ Gnosticism Definition, Beliefs and an Explanation from Learn Religions
❝A special privilege or authority bestowed upon someone by a higher deity.❞➢ God-given right from The Free Dictionary✧
❝It is difficult to speak definitively about human rights because it's such an esoteric topic, subject to personal opinion, historical precedent, and situational ethics. "Human rights" are those things that people naturally deserve by nature of their identity as human beings. But from an entirely ethical standpoint, our only right is that of eternal damnation because of our sinful nature. When seen from a Christian standpoint, human rights are what we should have by nature of being created in the image of God. But in this regard, the only rights are to be able to multiply, use the earth, and to rule over animals—and those are rights given to mankind, not necessarily individuals. From a biblical standpoint, there is no "right." There is only what God intended for us to have. Half of this includes elements of a lifestyle that is beneficial to us as humans. The other half is justice. Human rights as our God-given lifestyle God set up society in specific ways, many of which are subtle and must be read from context. Historically, these ways have been determined through the observance of nature. When we observe, the "rights" we discover vary depending on who is interpreting nature and how their historical preferences and prejudices influence their judgment. It would be better to go to the Bible. Most of the rights identified by the lifestyle God ordained are not universal—even the ideal situation does not guarantee everyone the opportunity to partake. But, in general, these are situations that God has designed for our benefit.➢ What is a biblical view of human rights? from Compelling Truth❝When it comes to religion becoming the law of the land, the devout don't need it, the non-believers don't want it, and the politicos will corrupt it.❞The belief that there are a set of rights granted by Diety that exist outside and above any human created law and can be used at need to control all secular law. Almost exclusive to American Christians, although certain radical Islamists have their own version. I disagree that there are “God-given” rights. There is no mention of Deity in the U.S. Constitution other than the date. This was not accidental, The American Constitution is the first government document in history that did not state that government power derived from the Divine. It's not deductively or inherently provable and certainly not stated in the text. I consider that a major accomplishment. All those wars “caused” by who worshipped what or who followed which translation. And here these men, these Framers (different but somewhat overlapping with the Founders), some very devout and most among the best educated of their time, created a government that did not derive from the Divine. This is an argument that I have made extensively before. Usually when someone starts pushing “God given rights” over what is specifically recognized by the Constitution, the next step is “God's law” over "man's law." That type of discussion (and misuse of authority) is far too common. It's not about what the Divine said or didn't say. It's about what humans said that the Divine said. It's about certain humans hiding behind the Divine to control others. After all, who are you to question Divine will? I've no problem with people acting as they believe the Divine requires them to do. I have every problem with people using their beliefs to control the words and actions of others no matter what the justification.
Think of a godmask as the user interface between Divinity and human that keeps us from damaging ourselves too much when we interact directly with Deity. I believe that all things have a Divine nature. Life is the universes' attempt to understand itself. I know that the totality of the universe is too vast for me to comprehend. So there are godmasks that I turn to for understanding, guidance, and strength when mine is not enough. I know that these godmasks are only representations and gateways to Divinity, not Divinity itself.
Golden Mean (math)
Golden Ratio, Golden Section, divine proportion, φ
❝The golden ratio… is a special number approximately equal to 1.618 It appears many times in geometry, art, architecture and other areas.
Some artists and architects believe the Golden Ratio makes the most pleasing and beautiful shape. Many buildings and artworks have the Golden Ratio in them, such as the Parthenon in Greece, but it is not really known if it was designed that way.❞➢ Golden Ratio from Math Is Fun✧
❝The Golden Ratio is a mathematical ratio that's commonly found in nature. It can be used to create visually-pleasing, organic-looking compositions in your design projects or artwork. Whether you're a graphic designer, illustrator or digital artist, the Golden Ratio, also known as the Golden Mean, The Golden Section, or the Greek letter phi, can be used to bring harmony and structure to your projects.
This relates to the Fibonacci Sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ...) , in which each term is the sum of the previous two. Plotting the relationships in scale provides us with what's know as a Golden Spiral. This occurs organically in the natural world.❞➢ A designer's guide to the Golden Ratio from Creative Bloq✧
❝Golden ratio, also known as the golden section, golden mean, or divine proportion, in mathematics, the irrational number (1 + Square root of√5)/2, often denoted by the Greek letter ϕ or τ, which is approximately equal to 1.618. It is the ratio of a line segment cut into two pieces of different lengths such that the ratio of the whole segment to that of the longer segment is equal to the ratio of the longer segment to the shorter segment. The origin of this number can be traced back to Euclid, who mentions it as the “extreme and mean ratio” in the Elements. In terms of present day algebra, letting the length of the shorter segment be one unit and the length of the longer segment be x units gives rise to the equation (x + 1)/x = x/1; this may be rearranged to form the quadratic equation x2 – x – 1 = 0, for which the positive solution is x = (1 + Square root of√5)/2, the golden ratio. The ancient Greeks recognized this “dividing” or “sectioning” property, a phrase that was ultimately shortened to simply “the section.” It was more than 2,000 years later that both “ratio” and “section” were designated as “golden” by German mathematician Martin Ohm in 1835. The Greeks also had observed that the golden ratio provided the most aesthetically pleasing proportion of sides of a rectangle, a notion that was enhanced during the Renaissance by, for example, the work of the Italian polymath Leonardo da Vinci and the publication of De divina proportione (1509; Divine Proportion), written by the Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli and illustrated by Leonardo.❞
➢ See alsoGolden Mean calipers, What Is the Fibonacci Sequence? from Live Science, Why is 1.618034 So Important?
Golden Mean (philosophy)
❝Nothing in Excess❞❝The ‘Golden Mean’ philosophy was proposed by Greek philosopher Aristotle. It was in the second chapter of his Nicomachean Ethics, where he talks of moderation as a virtue.
… Excess of anything is bad. It is one of the prime reasons, among many more, which leads to extremism. Aristotle, in the second chapter of Nicomachean Ethics, describes moderation as a virtue. There is a similar concept present in Buddhism, which is known as the ‘Concept of the Middle Way’, while its counterpart in Chinese philosophy is ‘Doctrine of the Mean’ by Confucius.
According to Aristotle’s ethical rule about the Golden Mean, to use a thing with virtue is a kind of moderation, as it leads the particular thing being in a good condition, and allows for its functions to be performed in a proper manner. Aristotle developed this doctrine during the discussion of excellence in the aforementioned book. When the ethical values are projected well, they are able to strike a balance, which makes them advantageous. Maintaining this balance, though, is a difficult task, and humans do not accept difficult tasks easily, which serves as a reason for the lack of virtue.❞➢ A Dead Simple Guide to Aristotle’s Philosophy of ‘Golden Mean’
from Historyplex✧
❝The Golden Mean is a sliding scale for determining what is virtuous. Aristotle believed that being morally good meant striking a balance between two vices. You could have a vice of excess or one of deficiency. This is known as Virtue Ethics. It places the emphasis on high character and not on duty or seeking good consequences. So, true courage would be a balance between too much courage, recklessness, and too little courage, cowardice. A person is courageous out of practice rather than duty or to produce some desired effect. The Golden Mean is a means of assisting a person in practicing good character as they strive to make it second nature. Aristotle believed that the good life lived from exercising capacity to reason. Practicing virtue is a practice of intellectual reason. Aristotle did not promote virtue in itself as being ethical though. He wrote that the study of ethics is not precise. So, modern virtue ethicists believe that a good ethical theory is necessarily imprecise. Rather than giving precise rules as in the case of deontology and utilitarianism. These are two competing ethical theories. Striking a balance in certain situations may be warranted. This can be a good exercise in heuristics. But using this as a standard of measure for determining the truth between two things can actually lead to a logical fallacy.❞➢ What is the Golden Mean in philosophy? from Mere Liberty See alsoRo3 № 40
Golden Rule
❝Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.❞The Ethic of Reciprocity is the keystone of Western Civilization. It is arguably the single most important and universal basis for human advancement and the core for all true liberty. Although often associated with Christianity, it exists in many cultures and faiths. My favorite fun version comes from Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure - “Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!”
Global Positioning System❝GPS is a satellite navigation system used to determine the ground position of an object. GPS technology was first used by the United States military in the 1960s and expanded into civilian use over the next few decades. Today, GPS receivers are included in many commercial products, such as automobiles, smartphones, exercise watches, and GIS devices.❞
- Horticulture.
- a bud, shoot, or scion of a plant inserted in a groove, slit, or the like in a stem or stock of another plant in which it continues to grow.
- the plant resulting from such an operation; the united stock and scion.
- the place where the scion is inserted.
- Surgery. a portion of living tissue surgically transplanted from one part of an individual to another, or from one individual to another, for its adhesion and growth.
- an act of grafting.
❝Graft and corruption are charges that are typically leveled at highly-placed government officials, who are able to use public funds to improve their own fortunes. When an official uses the access, influence, knowledge or power that comes with an elevated position and engage in graft, they abuse public trust and may be charged with a crime.❞
❝In the later Grail romances, the Four Talismans appear again, in another guise of myth. They become the blood-dripping Lance, the Grail Cup itself, and the Sword and Shield bestowed upon the knight who set out in quest of it.❞
Great Hunkerdown, the
shelter in place, quarantine 31Jan2020 - 15Jun2021
In late 2019, rumors were beginning to spread about a new pandemic, the "Wuhan virus," also known as the coronavirus and COVID-19. The American press and most American politicos proclaimed that there was no serious danger and encouraged people to go about their lives. President Trump had responded to the initial reports with travel restrictions and launching a task force, but his efforts and comments were dismissed as “racist” panic mongering. By December of 2019 the impeachment proceedings (not hearings) wrapped up. Trump was aquitted in a Senate trail by early February 2020. So his opposure were looking for other ways to take the President down. In early March suddenly the Narrative® was about how Trump had failed to protect the country from an unforseen and amazingly dangerous virus. I do not support Trump. I don't like him and don't particularly trust him. But outside a world war I've never seen more negative press directed at anyone. There is no rhyme or reason, it's just the constant search for the Next Big Thing that will take Trump down Really Soon Now. The Great Hunkerdown and the coronavirus panic is just the latest example.The initial coronavirus models were exaggerated and massive deaths were predicted. Panic set in. American government (mostly state) chose the exact wrong thing to do. People were encouraged to socially distance themselves. Some states shut down all but “essential” businesses. In certain cases, big box stores were not allowed to sell certain products like gardening supplies. Federal politicos started talking about aid to all those unemployed as a result of government edicts. The decisions about what and who are essential are purely arbitrary. Gun stores are not necessary, but marijuana dispensaries are. Liquor stores are okay, but nail salons are not. Casinos and airlines get bailouts, but not the locally owned grocery stores. As the response in Sweden has shown, “flatening the curve” is not working. Most are asymptomatic. Some people, particularly the elderly or those in unsanitary conditions are at a greater risk. Those people should be isolated. But if herd immunity is to take effect, more people should be exposed so they can develop the antibodies and resistance. The important number is deaths per million, not total (and rising) deaths. I can not remember any previous pandemic that didn't cite deaths per million. There's also been deliberate confusion between “cases” and those testing positive for the virus. Most people do not show symptoms. Standard treatment usually doesn't include viral screening. Medical professionals treat the symptoms and test for the virus only if the disease is virulent or persistant. The panic is unprecedented. Measures have been far more drastic than those taken during 1918, 1968, 2009, and the AIDS pandemic. Before 2020 there were no state-wide quarantines, no state-wide business closures, no state-wide lockdowns, no National Guard, and no massive unrelenting fear mongering. The 2009 pandemic is especially relevent, since deaths were on the same scale and presumably just as infectious. But that is a problem, the current data is fudged. Experts will claim that the drastic measures saved lives. But we don't know how many in the general population would have had a higher risk. All we have is unreliable death numbers and the projections. There's no real baseline. We don't have the actuality. In early May 2020 as I write this, there is no accurate count of American pandemic deaths. Some states have blamed all deaths on COVID-19. Others aren't distingushing between deaths with the virus and deaths from the virus. As of mid May, the CDC put the "official" mortaility rate at one percent. Some studies sugges that the actual rate is between .1% and .5% with .3% preferred. If true, COVID-19 is deadlier than the flu but roughly the same magnitude. It's nearly impossible to estimate the economic impact. The U.S. was already in a series of nesting and inconnecting bubbles with grossly inflated values. Over a couple of months, somewhere between a third and half of the American economy vanished. This happened because of state government decrees, NOT because widespread illness prevnted people from working. Other nations will be even harder hit, especially those who have more imported trade than exported. And then there is China and it's economic games, that's far beyond the scope of this definition.
❝A face covering signifies strength and compassion for others. Wearing one shows that you actually care about other people’s health.❞— Governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina, 8:32 AM · May 26, 2020I do not think this reaction was about saving lives or public health. I think this was about panicking people. I think this was about making people dependent on government. I think this was an attack on a sitting President. What we do know is that the government diktats have cost billions and panicked millions. Many smaller and marginal businesses will not survive. Scads of Americans (except most of the wealthy) are unemployed, furloughed, or laid off. Since politicos control the “bailout,” a disproportionate amount goes to companies and groups that the politicos favor. The pandemic crisis become the justification for massive changes in the law and policy. How much was necessary is anyone's guess. We know that the models haven't been accurate so far and yet have been the basis for policy. We know that the same media and poltiios who accused the President of racism and overreacting in January and February of 2020 were demanding massive government intervention by April. We know that most of the “solutions” have very little to do with public health or flattening the curve. We know that government at all levels screeches for more power and more money. We know that the actual economy is taking a hit that it may take decades to fix. We know that all the little Federal Reserve tricks from QE to inflation management are failing catastrophically. All due to government Meddling For Your Own Good. Because government and government experts didn't know what they were doing even as they proclaimed loudly that SOMETHING Must Be Done NOW. According to politicos, government intervention is necessary because of the effects of government intervention. I never expected the panic to last more than a week or two. The economic disruption will last for years. And it is all because some politicos used an exagerated and deliberately triggered panic to take down the President. Government is not your friend. There has been no better proof then the Great Hunkerdown. April 24, 2021 - More and more I am convinced of three things. First that COVID-19 is roughly comparable to the flu. Second, that the panic was a way around existing law "for the duration of the emergency." And third, the panic was engineered to make Trump look bad in large part by crashing the economy.See alsopolitics, virtue signaling
❝Collosal resource grab and imposition of centralised technocratic control system – but with nice words like ‘equity’, ‘sustainability and ‘diversity’ thrown in to make it feel all warm and cuddly❞➢ IThe ‘New Normal’ Lexicon from OffGuardian✧
❝There are many reasons to pursue a Great Reset, but the most urgent is COVID-19. Having already led to hundreds of thousands of deaths, the pandemic represents one of the worst public-health crises in recent history. And, with casualties still mounting in many parts of the world, it is far from over. This will have serious long-term consequences for economic growth, public debt, employment, and human wellbeing. According to the Financial Times, global government debt has already reached its highest level in peacetime. Moreover, unemployment is skyrocketing in many countries: in the US, for example, one in four workers have filed for unemployment since mid-March, with new weekly claims far above historic highs. The International Monetary Fund expects the world economy to shrink by 3% this year – a downgrade of 6.3 percentage points in just four months. All of this will exacerbate the climate and social crises that were already underway. Some countries have already used the COVID-19 crisis as an excuse to weaken environmental protections and enforcement. And frustrations over social ills like rising inequality – US billionaires’ combined wealth has increased during the crisis – are intensifying.❞➢ Now is the time for a 'great reset' from The World Economic Forum✧
❝At a virtual meeting earlier in June hosted by the World Economic Forum, some of the planet’s most powerful business leaders, government officials and activists announced a proposal to “reset” the global economy. Instead of traditional capitalism, the high-profile group said the world should adopt more socialistic policies, such as wealth taxes, additional regulations and massive Green New Deal-like government programs. “Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed,” wrote Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, in an article published on WEF’s website. “In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.” Schwab also said that “all aspects of our societies and economies” must be “revamped,” “from education to social contracts and working conditions.”❞
❝Right now we have a small window of opportunity to reset and shape the future we want.❞➢ Why do we need to reset? from The Great Reset❝More and more I'm convinced that one of the greatest and most destructive evils humanity has produced is Meddling For Your Own Good.❝Basically a way to do an end run around existing law to steal freedom, choice, and money from the people of the world to solve problems created by government manipulation and manipulation of government. The climate crisis is poorly defined and has always been about political power. COVID-19 is just another fearmongering excuse to sieze power without people objecting. After all, it's only for the Duration of the Emergency. It comes down to one simple question. Why do THEY get to choose for YOU?
Great Rite
❝In some (although certainly not all) traditions of Wicca and Paganism, sacred sex is part of spiritual practice. Wicca in its original form, as envisioned by Gerald Gardner, is first and foremost a fertility religion, so it's understandable that at some point you may encounter some references to sexual acts, whether they be actual or implied. By implied, we mean the symbolic – the joining of an athame with a chalice, for example. The most commonly referenced form of ritual sex is the Great Rite, which is the ritualized sexual connection of the god and goddess. Author Vivianne Crowley says in Wicca: The Old Religion in the New Age, "The outer rite involves a linking of the male and the female; the sacred marriage is outwardly a marriage of two people, but inwardly it is a marriage of the two within one person." The Great Rite is more than just sexual union; it is the enactment of the creation of the universe itself in Wiccan tradition. ❞
➢ What is the Great Rite? And What is Ritual Sex?
from ThoughtCoSome pagan rites combine sex with ritual. The best known is the Great Rite, usually performed by a Priest and Priestess in a committed relationship (that higher sex thing again). However, there are symbolic versions. The Great Rite doesn't have to include sex anymore than the Christian communion has to include actual cannibalism. At the very least, it's rude and insulting to use someone for a sex ritual and not ask them. Consent means they should know before they choose. I know of no ethical pagan practice that involves non-consensual sex. There is speculation that some of the descriptions from the witch trials may well be a version of a sexual rite with an artificial phallus. Valiente discusses this possibility. That would account for the "coldness," particularly if it was carved from stone and chilled with water. And as salty Doreen points out, it just wouldn't do for the "Devil" to go soft before his work was done. If it's a group that requires sex with the (usually) Priest or Priestess, it's a safe bet that someone is collecting pelts and you can find something safer AND BETTER elsewhere. If you are uncomfortable with sex and ritual combined, then don't do it. You are your own person, no one owns you except you. Sex is something you share with someone you care for and trust. You shouldn't share with people you don't trust or don't like. Sex and magick can be mind-blowing, but do yourself a favor and keep the sex safe. You'll be glad you did.❝The gender of the persons involved does not matter as much as some seem to think. For the celebration of the Sacred Marriage, it is inappropriate for the deities to be of the same gender, in whatever facet, but the gender of the persons doing it isn't at issue. A man can manifest the Goddess and a woman can manifest the God. It isn't easy to manifest deity cross-gender, but it can be done with a bit of practice. Expressing love through sexuality is wonderful, but, unless the Gods are specifically invoked into the bodies of the participants, it is not a Great Rite. The ritual is not an excuse to have sex with someone, nor is any sexual activity in a properly consecrated circle a Great Rite. The Great Rite is a powerful and specific magical act that is difficult to perform and should not be performed lightly or, if you will excuse the expression, wantonly.❞➢ Sex, Wicca and the Great Rite from Wild Ideas See alsoThe Great Rite, nekkid, sex, sex - ritual, Sex magick, skyclad
Much of the justification for "establishing" a Greater Pagan Community® is so that certain individuals can get the adoration and deference they believe they deserve.❝I've always thought that faith is between you and the Divine, no one else. The few times when I tried being part of the "larger pagan community," I always ran into people who tried to control how I was allowed to worship and who I was allowed to associate with. I don't think the vice or virtue is in the label. Certainly it's not in a specific dogma or doctrine. I don't think we're a community because we have Approved Leaders or a specific vision statement. I think the only real things that unite us are a reverence for the World, seeking knowledge beyond the mundane and everyday, and how we treat others. Beyond that, it's a grab bag. We take what we can get.❞
❝The four Greater Sabbats are Candlemas (2nd February), May Eve (30th April) Lammas (1st August), and Halloween (31st October). These occasions correspond to the four great yearly feasts celebrated by the Druids and by our Celtic ancestors. The Druidic names for them were Imbolc or Oimelc (Candlemas), Beltane (May Eve), Lughnassadh (Lammas) and Samhain (Halloween). May Eve was also known as Walpurgis Night.❞
greatest elongation
❝elongation is the apparent angle between a planet and the Sun as seen from Earth; during eastern elongation (E), the planet appears as an evening star; during western elongation (W), the planet appears as a morning star❞
Greek fisherman's cap
❝The Greek fisherman's cap is one of the most popular hats in the Western world. This all wool or cotton cap, fully lined, is a favorite with professional seamen. Rugged and practical enough to handle all kinds of weather, the "Greek" is also a hopeless romantic.❞
➣ Hat Glossary from Village Hat Shop✧
❝A Greek fisherman's cap is a soft, flat-topped cap with a small visor, usually made from wool felt. It is distinguished from similar caps, such as the Breton cap and Maciejówka, by its embroidered visor and braided cord. It is often associated with seamanship and marine settings. It has become popular amongst the public in general, rather than staying isolated as an occupational hat. One example of it being put in prominence of popular culture was when it was worn by John Lennon.❞
Green Man, the
foliate man, Jack Green, Jack o’ the Green, Greenjack, Greenjac, Greenjak
❝One of the most frequently recurring and most beautiful motifs of medieval art, is that of the Green Man. This figure represents a human face surrounded by foliage, which it seems to be peering through. Often the leafy branches are shown coming from the figure’s mouth, as if he were in a sense breathing them forth. Some of the oldest representations of the Green Man show him as horned.
The Green Man as a woodland god, is a relic of the old pagan rites and beliefs; and his popularity as a motif of church decoration proves that for a long time in Britain, pagan and Christian concepts existed side by side. When used in decoration, the Green Man is sometimes referred to as the foliate mask; and the foliage which surrounds him is most frequently oak, the old sacred tree of Britain. So he may be the spirit that Reginald Scot in his Discoverie of Witchcraft (1584) tells us about, “the man in the oke”, who was among the fearsome company of unearthly beings that his mother’s maid used to terrify him with, when he was a boy.❞— Doreen Valiente, “GREEN MAN, THE”, An ABC of Witchcraft: Past and Present
❝It was Roman artists and sculptors who first developed composite figures (such as those in Nero’s Golden House in Rome), as well as complex carvings of life-like intertwined vegetation. Roman architecture sometimes features ornate leaf masks, which are usually taken as showing the close interdependence between man and nature, and as describing the deities of Pan, Bacchus, Dionysus or Silvanus, and the mystery religions that grew up around them. A leaf-clad statue of Dionysus in Naples, Italy, dating back to about 420 BCE, is often considered one of the first Green Men images. Indeed, Dionysus is often considered one of the most likely precursors to the Green Man of the Middle Ages, especially given his usual portrayal as leaf-crowned lord of the wilderness, nature and agriculture - it was only later that he became associated with wine, ecstasy and sexual abandon - and his parallel role (in the guise of Okeanus) as a god of the underworld, of death and rebirth. An acanthus-sprouting head of Okeanos (a Greek/Roman figure with links to Dionysus), dating to the 6th Century CE and found in the old Byzantine city of Mudanya, Turkey, appears to have served as a model for several later carvings in Europe.
However, there are similar figures represented in ancient cultures which had little or no Roman influence. The Mesopotamian Green Man carving at al-Hadr or Hatra (present-day Iraq) may date from as early as 300 BCE. A temple to Bacchus at Baalbek, Lebanon, dating from the 2nd Century CE, shows a full leaf-mask distinctly reminiscent of later Green Men. There are many examples of leaf masks from ancient Constantinople (such as those now kept in the Archaeological Museum in Istanbul), although this appears not to have been a tradition carried on within the later Eastern church. Figures similar to the Green Man also appear in Borneo, Nepal and India, one of the earliest of which is a disgorging head which appears on an 8th Century CE Jain temple in Rajasthan, India.❞
➢ History of the Green Man from The Enigma of the Green Man✧
❝Strongly connected to Jack in the Green and the May King, as well as John Barleycorn during the fall harvest, the figure known as the Green Man is a god of vegetation and plant life. He symbolizes the life that is found in the natural plant world, and in the earth itself. Consider, for a moment, the forest. In the British Isles, the forests a thousand years ago were vast, spreading for miles and miles, farther than the eye could see. Because of the sheer size, the forest could be a dark and scary place. However, it was also a place you had to enter, whether you wanted to or not, because it provided meat for hunting, plants for eating, and wood for burning and building. In the winter, the forest must have seemed quite dead and desolate... but in the spring, it returned to life. It would be logical for early peoples to have applied some sort of spiritual aspect to the cycle of life, death and rebirth.❞
Vernal equinox.A WebTree solar festival & quarter day marking the vernal equinox and the middle of spring. A time of transitions, endings, and new beginnings. Greenmark lasts from sunrise on the day before the equinox to sunrise the day after (traditional three days). The Winterlord is defeated (but not killed) in ritual battle by his weird the Summerlord, beginning his diminishing and journey to the Gates of Death.
Gresham's law “Bad money drives out good.”
❝When two coins are equal in debt-paying value but unequal in intrinsic value, the one having the lesser intrinsic value tends to remain in circulation and the other to be hoarded or exported.❞✧
❝Gresham's law today generally applies to a situation where two monetary units given the same face value will result in the overvalued one (bad money) being used and the undervalued one (good money) disappearing from circulation. Coins were first made of gold, silver and other precious metals, which gave them their value. Over time, the number of precious metals used to make the coin decreased because the metals were worth more on their own than when minted into the coin itself. However, despite this, new coins were given the same face value as the existing coins for people to conduct their transactions. Because the value of the metal in the old coins was higher than the coin's face value, people would melt the coins down and sell the metal, or they would simply hoard them as a store of value. The new coins, with less precious metal content, would be considered "overvalued" and thus spent in transactions, while the old coins would become "undervalued" - hence, the hoarding effect, driving out the "good money" from circulation.❞➢ Gresham's Law from Investopedia✧
❝The fact that all modern money is almost completely worthless actually proves Gresham’s Law. Bad money has chased out good money. Coin collectors hunt down and hoard the good money for themselves and we buy and sell using paper and coins with randomly assigned values primarily for the sake of convenience.❞
grey market
❝Grey market goods are products sold by a manufacturer or their authorized agent outside the terms of the agreement between the reseller/distributor and the manufacturer. These are legal non-counterfeit goods manufactured abroad and imported into the U.S. without the consent of the trademark holder, and sold through unauthorized dealers. Though manufacturers labeled these resold products as the "grey market" to associate them with illegal “black market” products, the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the idea that grey market products are legal for resale in the U.S., regardless of where they were produced or originally sold. The one exception is where the trademark owner has a contractual agreement with the manufacturer not to import the goods into the U.S. They may be original equipment manufacturer (OEM) goods sold more cheaply elsewhere, or cheaper — though not necessarily lower quality — aftermarket goods. And they may lack a U.S. manufacturer’s warranty because the goods were originally intended for sale outside the U.S., or the specifications may fail to comply with U.S. regulatory requirements.❞
❝The gray market, while not illegal like the black market, involves the sale of goods through means other than what was intended or approved by the original maker of a product. A private person or business purchases the good at retail, wholesale, or a discounted price, and attempts to resell it legally at a higher price. The list of things that can be sold this way is endless, but popular items include electronics, photographic equipment, cigarettes, DVDs, and wine. The term can also be used to refer to the securities market, where it defines the buying and selling of securities that will be issued at some point in the future. It is extremely difficult to track the gray market because, once a good is sold to an unauthorized dealer, the manufacturer has no way of tracking the sale of it. This market exists just about everywhere. In the suburbs, one prime example is the snack stand at a high school football game. In an effort to raise money, the student council may purchase soda, hot dogs, and chips at a wholesale warehouse store, then sell them for a profit at the game. Another good example is when someone buys goods at a garage sale or outlet store and resells them on an online auction site at a higher price.❞
❝Greywater is gently used water from your bathroom sinks, showers, tubs, and washing machines. It is not water that has come into contact with feces, either from the toilet or from washing diapers. Greywater may contain traces of dirt, food, grease, hair, and certain household cleaning products. While greywater may look “dirty,” it is a safe and even beneficial source of irrigation water in a yard. Keep in mind that if greywater is released into rivers, lakes, or estuaries, its nutrients become pollutants, but to plants, they are valuable fertilizer. Aside from the obvious benefits of saving water (and money on your water bill), reusing your greywater keeps it out of the sewer or septic system, thereby reducing the chance that it will pollute local water bodies. Reusing greywater for irrigation reconnects urban residents and our backyard gardens to the natural water cycle.❞➢ About Greywater Reuse from Greywater Action✧
❝The most common method for using greywater is for irrigation purposes. Recycling household greywater for gardening use is an excellent way of saving water and saving money! Unlike rainwater, which is only seasonally available, greywater is available every time you shower or wash your clothes. Greywater is suitable for irrigating most garden areas including ornamental beds and lawns. Even native gardens can thrive with greywater, simply alter the type of detergent that you use to one that is low or has no phosphorus.❞
❝The people who follow the law are not the ones who should worry you.❞
Government deciding who is and is not allowed arms. Libertarians call it victim disarmament.Gun control is a very, very bad idea. The Second Amendment is not about hunting or target shooting. It's about fighting government tyranny. Militia had a completely different meaning in early America. They weren't Army reserve or an official part of government. They were a self-organized group that took oaths to protect and help their neighbors during emergencies. Even against the Federal government if necessary. Gun control is not what you've been told. American gun control started as a way to keep guns out of the hands of former slaves. It's been aimed at "minority communities" and inner cities ever since. It's the biggest remaining class warfare scam there is. The rich are allowed guns and bodyguards, the poor aren't. And yes, this is extremely racist. American states and cities with carry laws have lower violent crime rates. Criminals don't like their victims armed. Gun free zones attract armed criminals because they know the victims can't resist.❝I loathe guns. If I could, I would not only destroy all existing guns but I would eradicate the memory of anything associated with guns. Even though I am a Red-Blooded American Male® and I like watching things go boom, I despise guns with a burning hate that I can't even begin to describe. But aside from some people feeling threatened by the mere presence of guns, there are two and only two groups that benefit from an unarmed but law-abiding populace. The first are criminals. The second are politicos and the law-enforcement officers that act against freedom. That's it. Try as I might, I can't find any other groups that benefit from an unarmed populace.❞➢ Almost the last advocate from Pagan Vigil
❝An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.❞— Robert A. Heinlein✧
❝A man’s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box. Let no man be kept from the ballot box because of his color. Let no woman be kept from the ballot box because of her sex.❞— Frederick Douglass✧
❝To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.❞— Adolf Hitler✧
❝One man with a gun can control a hundred without one.❞— Vladimir Ilyich Lenin✧
❝Most gun control arguments miss the point. If all control boils fundamentally to force, how can one resist aggression without equal force? How can a truly “free” state exist if the individual citizen is enslaved to the forceful will of individual or organized aggressors? It cannot.❞— Tiffany Madison✧
❝If the government don't trust you with your gun, why should you trust the government with your gun?❞— Zybejta "Beta" Metani' Marashi✧
❝Firearms, like fists, can be used for offense or defense. Libertarians would not advocate cutting off a person’s access to firearms any more than they would advocate cutting off a person’s hands to prevent a brawl. Most people who advocate gun control do so because they believe it lowers the crime rate. In fact, just the opposite is true. Violent crime (rape, robbery, and homicide) decrease dramatically when states pass laws that permit peaceful citizens to carry concealed weapons. One famous example: in 1966 and 1967 Orlando, Florida police responded to a rape epidemic with a highly-publicized program to train 2,500 women in the use of firearms. Orlando became the only city with a population over 100,000 which showed a decrease in crime. Rape, aggravated assault, and burglary were reduced by 90%, 25%, and 24% respectively — without a single woman ever firing a shot in self-defense. Criminals are looking for an easy mark and avoid those who might be armed. Anyone who doubts this might wish to put a sign on their front lawn saying “This house is a gun-free zone” to experience the consequences firsthand. Gun control is actually “victim disarmament.” It exposes the weakest among us — women, children, and the elderly — to greater risk of attack. It denies us the ability to defend ourselves against those who would harm us.❞➢ Do libertarians favor gun control? from Advocates for Self-Government✧
❝This brings us to the subject of mass shootings. Every shooting is followed by calls for stricter gun control laws, but is that really the answer? Are guns just too easy to get and therefore loose laws are responsible for all those deaths? Discussions about shootings often leave out some incredibly important details. The most significant detail that gets left out is the fact that violent crime and crime involving guns have gone down over the last several decades. Those who think violent crime has increased are likely mislead by the media constantly showing violence, making crime appear to be higher than it was in previous decades. And although the media will predictably show examples of unarmed people being killed, it’ll almost never show examples of armed people fighting back. Aside from the decline in violent crime, perhaps the most important point about these shootings is that they often occur in gun-free zones. The relatively recent shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida is a perfect example of this. Florida state law prohibits those with a firearms license from carrying guns into a facility that serves alcohol, which left the patrons of the club vulnerable to attack. And for anybody who’s concerned about the idea of people carrying guns into places that serve alcohol, check out this short video that discusses a designated defender concept similar to the widespread designated driver concept. On a positive note, since the shooting, several gun ranges started offering free services to LGBT people so they might be better protected against future attacks.❞➢ A Libertarian’s Perspective on Gun Control from The Libertarian Republic GWOT
Great War On Terrorism