A work in progress. Script links go to the timetable. Internal site links are underlined. Uppercase links go to specific entries.

A dashed border and red banner means I don't agree with the definition or that it is a dangerous idea.
  • a
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  • 1st Fruits

    See Lammas

    1st Harvest

    See Lammas

    1st sin of monotheism

    See monotheism's first sin

    4 airts

    See cardinal points

    4 Powers of the Sphinx

    See Four Powers of the Magus

    4 quarters

    See cardinal points

    5 temperaments

    See four temperaments

    f…ed up

    fucked up

    A level of status. Typically used in reference to being physically, mentally, morally/ asthetically, performance-wise, or even theoretically damaged in some way. It, in and of itself has many gradient levels, such as 'slightly fucked up', or 'extremely fucked up', but all versions have to do with describing the level of damage. A wonderfully universal root word, to be sure.

    face mask A face covering.

    green man
    Decorative masks change appearance but nothing else. Ritual and costume masks with elaborate designs usually cover the upper and sometimes the whole face.

    Protective masks cover the nose and mouth to keep out infection or environmental hazards.

    Usually masks are plastic or cloth, but the fancy ones can include wood, leather, or other laminated materials. Some face masks protect from dust or other contaminants. Some face masks are used to obscure the face during holiday or celebrations. And sometimes face masks are used during criminal activity or in fiction about crimes.

    Face masks can defeat facial recognition technology, rumors suggest that may be temporary.

    Face masks are distinct from my use of the word mask, that is a psychological concept. I also use the term godmask, but that is theological and philosophical and has nothing to do with physical face masks.

    face mask Most face masks used during the Great Hunkerdown are based on surgical masks intended to protect patients from any bacterial infection the mask wearer might carry. Such masks are nearly useless against a virus infection because the virus is too small. A folded bandana is nearly as effective. N95 masks offer better protection for the wearer, but are still limited because the coronavirus doesn't spread through the air. For each use, N95 masks must be carefully fitted and sealed to provide the best protections against particulates. N95 masks are nearly useless for protecting against oil-based particles, gases, or vapors.

    Masks can restrict breathing especially during extended wear. Some users may suffer from labored breathing or oxygen deprivation. Vigorous activity while wearing masks is not a good idea.

    making a coronavirus mask Basic masks are easily made, it's just important to have at least two layers of cloth. The more layers, the harder it will be to breathe through.

    Aside from fashionable virtue signaling, there doesn't seem to be much use for face masks during the coronavirus pandemic, especially outdoors.



    Belief without proof.

    In religion, belief in reality beyond human experience, understanding, or comprehension.

    Faith has to be a personal choice to have meaning.

    ❝The difference between faith and a political movement is demanding that rules apply to those who haven't chosen to follow those rules. Faith is about you and the Divine, politics is about controlling other people.❞
    ❝Gods, I say exactly what I mean and no one believes it. I can't tell you how many times that has happened. People think there always has to be a spin or an angle or something they haven't seen.

    Religion and faith are different things. Even your own Book teaches that. Now I could quote Matthew. I could quote Acts. There's even a line or two in Luke that applies. But, tain't mine. Your belief doesn't define anyone who hasn't chosen it. Yours isn't the only choice on the menu. Religion isn't about answers, it's about finding answers. If you find answers in religion, they aren't your answers. They are the answers that someone else gave you. Do they fit? Do they work? Is there something else? These are questions you have to ask and answer for yourself.

    I'm betting that once you start asking questions, you'll find that what you thought was a comfortable religion isn't quite enough anymore. I can do that because history and myth are full of people who did exactly that. Joseph Campbell called it the hero's journey. Carl Jung thought it was the essential part of becoming human. Martin Luther thought that the trappings of religion got in the way of faith.❞
    A living faith draws from three sources. There's what others have done before you (Story). There's who you are and what you've done (Journey). And finally there's the link you make to the Divine. It's the dynamic tension between these three things that shape your faith.

    If you are pagan because you need attention, you're doing it for the wrong reasons. You can't be pagan just to be weird or to make people nervous. Faith isn't a costume, it lives and flows inside of you.

    Religion is usually a system, faith is the juice that makes the system go.

    Faith is nothing without choice. The only faiths worthy of freedom are those freely chosen.


    faith triumphant

    Not only is there just One True Faith, but all other beliefs and faith systems must be ruthlessly suppressed for the Greater Good.

    On the whole, one of the worse ideas yet conceived by humans.

    fake news Propaganda unapproved by your side.

    A term formerly useful for describing websites consisting entirely of intentionally fabricated news stories, but now used to describe virtually anything that does not mesh with one's own views.
    One of my biggest political annoyances is that every one who proclaims “fake news” is unwilling to acknowledge the fabricated news from their own side, much less the deliberate cover-ups and deceptions.

    Here's what you need to know about any “fake news” claims. Despite investigation by multiple agencies and several Congressional committees over years, there was never any evidence that Donald Trump or his 2016 campaign colluded with Russians. Yet this claim remained in the headlines of most major news outlets during his entire Presidency. The actual contents of Hunter Biden's laptop contained several major scandals and yet that story was actively suppressed by those same major news outlets.

    It's gotten to the point where I pay more attention to the “fake news” than I do what the approved major media deigns to tell us.
    See also
  • enemedia,
  • politics
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ff/#fake-news


    Music, art, and literature passed off as folklore when in reality they are not. Soviet-era ensembles like the Red Army Choir are a prime example of fakelore: the music and dances have been prettied up for mass public and Soviet government consumption. There is an increasing trend for many music and dance ensembles around the world to present more authentic folkloric material, but it is an uphill battle because of the demands of commercial interests.

    (Richard Mercer) Dorson contributed two terms to the study of folklore that have gained common currency. The first is "urban legend"; meaning a modern "story which never happened told for true". Dorson also coined the word "fakelore" in a debate with author James Stevens. Dorson dismissed Stevens' book on Paul Bunyan, and the later work of Ben Botkin as fakelore, or "a synthetic product claiming to be authentic oral tradition but actually tailored for mass edification", which "misled and gulled the public".

    false cause

    False Cause: the fallacy committed when an argument mistakenly attempt to establish a causal connection. There are two basic interrelated kinds.
    1. Post hoc ergo propter hoc: (literally "after this, therefore because of this") the fallacy of arguing that one event was caused by another event merely because it occurred after that event.
      1. I.e., mere succession in time is not enough to establish causal connection. E.g., consider "Since hair always precedes the growth of teeth in babies, the growth of hair causes the growth of teeth."
      2. Consider also "Every severe recession follows a Republican Presidency; therefore Republicans are the cause of recessions." Accidental generalizations need not always be causal relations.
    2. Causal connections are difficult to establish; the nature of causality is an active area of inquiry in the philosophy of science.
    3. Non causa pro causa: (literally "no cause for a cause") in general, the fallacy of making a mistake about the ascription of some cause to an effect. This is the general category of "false cause."
    Philosophy 103: Introduction to Logic False Cause
    from p.l.e. Introduction to Logic

    See also
  • TCoL #5
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ff/#false-cause

    false dichotomy

    A false dichotomy or false dilemma occurs when an argument presents two options and ignores, either purposefully or out of ignorance, other alternatives.

    In general, a false dichotomy gives the impression that the two oppositie options are mutually exclusive (that is, only one of them may be the case, never both) and that at least one of them is true, that is, they represent all of the possible options.
    False Dilemma or Dichotomy from Philosophy Index

    See also
  • Absolutely Mythical,
  • Aristotle’s Logic from Stanford University,
  • Law Of Excluded Middle from Simplicable,
  • dualism,
  • politics,
  • mostly,
  • TCoL #6
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ff/#false-dichotomy

    ❝falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus❞

    Falsus in Uno, Falsus in Omnibus is a legal maxim which means false in one thing, false in everything. A Roman legal principle indicating that a witness who willfully falsifies one matter is not credible on any matter. The underlying motive for attorneys to impeach opposing witnesses in court: the principle discredits the rest of their testimony if it is without corroboration.
    I am not a legal expert.

    When I was a Corporate Clone, one of my hats was in HR. The central idea behind behavioral interviewing is that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. It's not a perfect solution, but it usually works over time.

    There's also the old saying about a leopard can't change it's spots. Of course this aphorism is anecdotal.

    I don't think that one lie proves someone will always or usually lie. I do think that it means what they say should be scrutinized. I believe that under stress, people will use behaviors that have succeeded or that have delivered the most passion. It's not if the emotion is "positive" or "negative," it's the amount of passion.
    See also
  • honor,
  • veritas
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ff/#falsus-in-uno

    family folk

    See kin

    family name

    See name - family


    Between the second and third waves of the feminist movement, changes took place. FamousFeminists exploit the "perpetual" victimhood of women to enhance their own fame, book sales, and political power. For them, it's not about empowering women. It's about cashing in.

    There are dangerous people in the World. Not everyone, but you should be wary until you know. Locking yourself away and hoping no one else notices is not a solution. Sooner or later expect to walk among the claws that rip and the fangs that bite. Be careful.
    See also
  • claws that rip
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ff/#fangs-that-bite


    1. a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
    2. a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

    1. (sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism
    2. (sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
    3. (initial capital letter) a political movement that employs the principles and methods of fascism, especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

    Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before spreading to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.
    The “traditional left-right spectrum” has it's problems. Fascism gets put on the far “right” because of it's emphasis on nationalism and race identity. But in terms of economics, fascism is about as far “left” as you can get.

    I don't think it is possible to have fascism without near total control of the economy and the ruthless suppression of competition.

    It takes a little digging and some serious examination of cause/effect, but free trade and economic growth don't result from government control. A liberal government comes from free trade and economic growth. This is tied into property rights. Willingness to defend property rights is THE foundation of what we consider a just government today.

    Fascist governments don't work in the long term because fascist economies can't compete.

    That doesn't stop the globalization crowd from identifying fascism as a unique right-wing threat when it is actually an authoritarian threat. The only way that fascism can thrive is in a highly disrupted economy.

    Which raises some questions about the deep motivations of the antifa groups. Well, those who have deep motivations anyway.
    See also
  • fascist,
  • politics
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ff/#fascism


    A fascist is someone who believes in authoritarian nationalism, however that nation is defined. They draw on the mid-20th century ideologies of Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco. Those fascisms were all clearly tied to corporate industrialism. Economic authoritarianism formed a central tenet of those fascisms.

    Faucian ploy

    A deliberate and repeated indoctrination into fear by at least one “qualified” expert, disrupting normalicy while justifying breaking rules and going around the law for the duration of the “emergency.” If it's for the Greater Good, dissent isn't allowed. That's when you should ask some hard and fast questions.

    And yes, it is named for Anthony Fauci.
    When polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd immunity would take 70 to 75 percent. Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, 'I can nudge this up a bit,' so I went to 80, 85.
    — Anthony Fauci

    Feast of Apples

    See Samhain

    Feast of the Dead

    See Samhain

    Feast of the Ingathering

    See Mabon, autumnal equinox


    Second month of the Gregorian or Julian calendar year.


    fedora( FE DOE RA ) - Men's soft felt hat with brim and lengthwise crease in crown , adopted by women. The name Fedora was after the heroine of Victorian Sardou's drama presented in Paris in 1882.

    A fedora /fɪˈdɔːrə/ is a hat with a soft brim and indented crown. It is typically creased lengthwise down the crown and "pinched" near the front on both sides.[3] Fedoras can also be creased with teardrop crowns, diamond crowns, center dents, and others, and the positioning of pinches can vary. The typical crown height is 4.5 inches (11 cm).

    The fedora hat's brim is usually wide, approximately 2.5 inches (6.4 cm) wide, but may be wider, can be left "raw edged" (left as cut), finished with a sewn overwelt or underwelt, or bound with a trim-ribbon. "Stitched edge" means that there is one, two, or more rows of stitching radiating inward toward the crown. The "Cavanagh Edge" is a welted edge with invisible stitching to hold it in place and is a very expensive treatment that can no longer be performed by modern hat factories. Fedora hats are not to be confused with small brimmed hats called trilbies.


    See Litha, summer solstice


    Any girl can suck your dick. Find a woman who can blow your mind.
    — anonymous
    Orally manipulating and stimulating a man's penis and testicles to high arousal or orgasm. For most men, one of the most enjoyable experiences he can receive.

    Skill can repeatedly bring someone to the edge without quite reaching climax. Staying ecstatic and almost reaching the brink again and again can make the next orgasm very intense.

    If I'm going to have a lexicon entry on cunnilingus, I'll have one on fellatio too.

    See also
  • Pleasure of Fellatio from Kristen's Collection,
  • sex,
  • sex
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ff/#fellatio


    The natural empathy most people develop without thinking about it. I had to work at it. Then Someone helped and it got turned up a few notches. My ability to read people didn't get better, but when I do connect I feel much more now. I think Someone has a sense of humor.


    femininity, toxic

    See toxic femininity, feminism (third wave)


    Feminism, the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. Although largely originating in the West, feminism is manifested worldwide and is represented by various institutions committed to activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests.

    Throughout most of Western history, women were confined to the domestic sphere, while public life was reserved for men. In medieval Europe, women were denied the right to own property, to study, or to participate in public life. At the end of the 19th century in France, they were still compelled to cover their heads in public, and, in parts of Germany, a husband still had the right to sell his wife. Even as late as the early 20th century, women could neither vote nor hold elective office in Europe and in most of the United States (where several territories and states granted women’s suffrage long before the federal government did so). Women were prevented from conducting business without a male representative, be it father, brother, husband, legal agent, or even son. Married women could not exercise control over their own children without the permission of their husbands. Moreover, women had little or no access to education and were barred from most professions. In some parts of the world, such restrictions on women continue today.process.

    1. the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.
    2. (sometimes initial capital letter) an organized movement for the attainment of such rights for women.

    Feminism is a complex set of ideologies and theories, that at its core seeks to achieve equal social, political, and economic rights for women and men. Feminism refers to a diverse variety of beliefs, ideas, movements, and agendas for action. It refers to any actions, especially organized, that promote changes in society to end patterns that have disadvantaged women.

    feminism (first wave)

    “Women get the vote and full civil rights.” - Bookworm

    The first wave of feminism took place in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, emerging out of an environment of urban industrialism and liberal, socialist politics. The goal of this wave was to open up opportunities for women, with a focus on suffrage. The wave formally began at the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 when three hundred men and women rallied to the cause of equality for women. Elizabeth Cady Stanton (d.1902) drafted the Seneca Falls Declaration outlining the new movement's ideology and political strategies.

    In its early stages, feminism was interrelated with the temperance and abolitionist movements and gave voice to now-famous activists like the African-American Sojourner Truth (d. 1883), who demanded: "Ain't I a woman?" Victorian America saw women acting in very "un-ladylike" ways (public speaking, demonstrating, stints in jail), which challenged the "cult of domesticity." Discussions about the vote and women's participation in politics led to an examination of the differences between men and women as they were then viewed. Some claimed that women were morally superior to men, and so their presence in the civic sphere would improve public behavior and the political process.
    Four Waves of Feminism from Pacific University Oregon

    Often taken for granted, women in the late 19th to early 20th centuries, realized that they must first gain political power (including the right to vote) to bring about change was how to fuel the fire. Their political agenda expanded to issues concerning sexual, reproductive and economic matters. The seed was planted that women have the potential to contribute just as much if not more than men.
    A Brief History: The Three Waves of Feminism
    from Progressives Women’s Leadership
    The most important wave of feminism and for many Americans, the only “real” feminism.

    I've known American women who consider themselves feminists, yet avoid third fourth wave feminists.

    feminism (fourth wave) - disputed

    The aims of the second feminist movement were never cemented to the extent that they could survive the complacency of third wavers. The fourth wave of feminism is emerging because (mostly) young women and men realize that the third wave is either overly optimistic or hampered by blinders. Feminism is now moving from the academy and back into the realm of public discourse. Issues that were central to the earliest phases of the women’s movement are receiving national and international attention by mainstream press and politicians: problems like sexual abuse, rape, violence against women, unequal pay, slut-shaming, the pressure on women to conform to a single and unrealistic body-type and the realization that gains in female representation in politics and business, for example, are very slight. It is no longer considered “extreme,” nor is it considered the purview of rarified intellectuals to talk about societal abuse of women, rape on college campus, Title IX, homo and transphobia, unfair pay and work conditions, and the fact that the US has one of the worst records for legally-mandated parental leave and maternity benefits in the world.

    Some people who wish to ride this new fourth wave have trouble with the word “feminism,” not just because of its older connotations of radicalism, but because the word feels like it is underpinned by assumptions of a gender binary and an exclusionary subtext: “for women only.” Many fourth wavers who are completely on-board with the movement’s tenants find the term “feminism” sticking in their craws and worry that it is hard to get their message out with a label that raises hackles for a broader audience. Yet the word is winning the day. The generation now coming of age sees that we face serious problems because of the way society genders and is gendered, and we need a strong “in-your-face” word to combat those problems. Feminism no longer just refers to the struggles of women; it is a clarion call for gender equity.

    The emerging fourth wavers are not just reincarnations of their second wave grandmothers; they bring to the discussion important perspectives taught by third wave feminism. They speak in terms of intersectionality whereby women’s suppression can only fully be understood in a context of the marginalization of other groups and genders—feminism is part of a larger consciousness of oppression along with racism, ageism, classism, abelism, and sexual orientation (no “ism” to go with that). Among the third wave’s bequests is the importance of inclusion, an acceptance of the sexualized human body as non-threatening, and the role the internet can play in gender-bending and leveling hierarchies. Part of the reason a fourth wave can emerge is because these millennials’ articulation of themselves as “feminists” is their own: not a hand-me-down from grandma. The beauty of the fourth wave is that there is a place in it for all –together. The academic and theoretical apparatus is extensive and well honed in the academy, ready to support a new broad-based activism in the home, in the workplace, and in the streets.
    Four Waves of Feminism from Pacific University Oregon
    Intimately tied into intersectionality and the politics of victimhood.

    I'm not entirely sure fourth wave feminism is anything more than wishful thinking of a few individuals. Even some very prominent feminists aren't convinced the fourth wave exists.

    I've never been able to hold a rational discussion with a fourth wave feminist, our assumptions have almost no commonality. From my viewpoint, the fourth wave focuses on how things should be without having a practical basis. Maybe there should be apple bushes that float in the air, but there's no known way to achieve that.


    feminism (libertarian)

    Libertarian feminists agree with other feminists about the nature and dangers of patriarchy. A patriarchal society is one in which there is a male-dominated power structure both in organized society and in individual relationships. Rather than saying that individual men oppress women, most feminists assert that oppression of women comes from the underlying bias of a patriarchal society. That is, the social structure of patriarchal societies implicitly, and sometimes explicitly, define women as secondary to men, and as obligated to defer to men in matters of importance. The standard by which all individuals are judged in a patriarchal society is a masculine one that defines “normal” as that which men do. Women are thus seen as “deviations” from the norm. But this kind of culture, like all cultures, is mostly invisible to those in the culture so most of its members don’t see that there is any problem. They accept this masculine power structure as normal and reasonable; some going so far as to attack the feminist idea of “patriarchy” without really understanding it.

    Feminist philosopher bell hooks defines feminism as a movement to end patriarchy, all forms of patriarchal oppression, and all forms of oppression as a whole. Libertarian feminists would agree with that agenda. But we see a problem. If feminists want to reject “all forms of oppression as a whole,” then from a libertarian feminist perspective, advocating ending patriarchy by using coercive government is inconsistent with that goal. We see coercive government as just another form of patriarchy. Whether a government of mostly men, as we have now, or even a government of women and men equally divided does not change the nature of such government. It is inherently coercive. As a discussion paper of the Association of Libertarian Feminists stated in 1975: “…turning to the government just changes the sort of oppression women face, not the fact. Instead of being overburdened as mothers or wives, we become overburdened as taxpayers since child-care workers, doctors, etc., have to be paid by someone unless they are to be enslaved also! Turning to the government to solve our problems just replaces oppression by patriarchs we know—father, husband, boss—with oppression by patriarchs we don’t know—the hordes of legislators and bureaucrats who are increasingly prying into every nook and cranny of our lives!” Libertarians fail to see how women—or men—can be free of domination when they are dominated by a coercive government. If one of the goals of feminism to achieve a society in which women are free to make their own decisions about their own lives independent of the coercive domination of men, we fail to see how a government currently dominated by men is an improvement, let alone feminist.

    The feminist demand for solutions using the power of a coercive state still utilizes patriarchic oppression as the mechanism by which these solutions will supposedly be achieved. As the already cited ALF discussion paper states: “If our goals are personal autonomy and individual freedom, we can’t achieve these goals by taking away individuals’ rights to choose for themselves. If we pass laws that force our values on others, we are no better than men who have forced their values on us through legislation. We merely substitute our tyranny for the tyranny of men.” In this view, feminist Catherine MacKinnon advocating anti-pornography laws is no better in principle than the Republicans who advocate anti-abortion laws. From a libertarian feminist point of view, calling for governmental solutions to such problems as discrimination in hiring, shortage of day care, and lack of gender pay equity, is not only philosophically inconsistent, it doesn’t even work well. In fact it generally makes things worse as many libertarian essays have shown. As feminist poet and activist Audre Lourde said in a different context, “The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.”

    Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”, Rose Wilder Lane’s “The Discovery of Freedom”, and Isabel Patterson’s “The God of the Machine” helped lay down the foundation for the modern libertarian movement. With these things in mind, it’s difficult to make sense of why feminism and libertarianism are not terms often aligned.

    The main reason these two ideologies do not comingle as they should stems from a misunderstanding of libertarianism and a tendency for media portrayal of the most extreme forms of libertarianism and feminism.

    If you ask a libertarian the most common critique of the philosophy, they would probably say something about not caring for the poor, women, or minorities. This, more than likely, stems from the libertarian beliefs of keeping the government from dictating correct speech, and how a business should operate.

    The virtue, that the federal government should leave its citizens to their own devices, and that business owners have a right to decide what policies make up their property, gets translated into condoning sexist, racist, and homophobic behavior, which is not the case.
    Libertarianism & Feminism from Being Libertarian

    Libertarian Feminism is a culturally progressive, libertarian right ideology that advocates that the best way to emancipate women is by the means of the freest possible markets and that having free choice is more important than being coerced into an ideal womanhood. It has traits in common with choice feminism given its emphasis that women aren't a hivemind and should be free to express themselves without obstruction or harming others.
    Libertarian Feminism from Polcompball Wiki

    The 19th century American individualist anarchist feminists were writing long before the socialists. Many of them were active within the sex radical movement which declared that whom one loved was no business of the State. Ezra Heywood (1828–1893), with the help of his able wife Angela (b.d. and d.d. unknown), founded the first anarchist sex radical journal The Word in 1872 to explicitly examine “the abolition of speculative income, of woman’s slavery and war government.”

    The most well‐​known and perhaps the most influential of the sex radical publications was Moses Harman’s Lucifer: the Lightbearer (1883–1907). A mild‐​mannered widower whose own personal life was above reproach, Moses (1830–1910) was not just a sex radical but an anarchist, feminist, and freethinker. Lucifer, with Moses’s daughter Lillian as compositor, continued the discussion of “the Woman Question” (as feminism was then called) that the Heywoods had begun. Over the course of its 24 years, it examined the issues of traditional institutional marriage, calling for the economic independence of women, and discussing the then‐​unheard‐​of issue of marital rape and much more.

    Lillian Harman (c.1869-?) was a feminist firebrand and sex radical in her own right. When she married her anarchist colleague Edwin Cox Walker without the benefit of a state license in 1886, they became a cause celebre in anarchist and free love circles. The wedding ceremony was radical, even by today’s standards. Lillian declared that she would retain her own name, as she thought it her “duty” to do, while Moses, though approving of the wedding, declared that he did not “give away” Lillian because she was her own person.

    The other major outlet for the promulgation of what was then called “the Woman Question” was Benjamin Tucker’s individualist anarchist journal Liberty. Though Liberty was not as explicitly oriented toward women’s rights as Lucifer, in the 1880s it did devote considerable space to the “sex question.” The most prolific feminist writer in Liberty was Sarah E. Holmes (1847–1929). The principal writer on sexuality and marriage in the 1880s, she was a radical feminist who went beyond even the standard anarchist call for abolition of institutional marriage. Holmes, like Voltairine de Cleyre in the next decade, argued against couples living together in arrangements where domestic responsibilities were based on traditional sex roles.

    A number of feminist books originally printed elsewhere were serialized in Liberty. In addition to Stephen Pearl Andrews’s treatise on marriage and divorce, Tucker’s translation of the Russian revolutionary nihilist classic What’s to Be Done? by N.G. Tchernychewsky first appeared in serial form in 1886. “The fundamental idea of Tchernychewsky’s work,” wrote Tucker in the preface, “is that woman is a human being and not an animal created for man’s benefit, and its chief purpose is to show the superiority of free unions between men and women over the indissoluble marriage sanctioned by Church and State.” However the most famous of the individualist anarchist feminists was Voltairine de Cleyre (1866 –1912). Though she later declared herself an “anarchist without adjectives,” her individualist spirit continued. Her essay “Sex Slavery” was the most systematic statement of the social construction of gender (before such a term even existed) since Sarah Grimke’s essays in Letters on the Equality of the Sexes and the Condition of Women in 1837. Though she was not alone in this belief, many mainstream feminists and most male anarchists bought into the traditional stereotypes of women as weaker and softer and whose primary role was in the home. This radical aspect of her ideas has been insufficiently appreciated, even by people who are familiar with her. Some of her best essays are now available in print in Exquisite Rebel: The Essays of Voltairine de Cleyre.

    feminism (second wave)

    Equal work for equal pay, equal opportunity for equal abilities. - Bookworm

    Coming off the heels of World War II, the second wave of feminism focused on the workplace, sexuality, family and reproductive rights. During a time when the United States was already trying to restructure itself, it was perceived that women had met their equality goals with the exception of the failure of the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (which has still yet to be passed).

    This time is often dismissed as offensive, outdated and obsessed with middle class white women’s problems. Conversely, many women during the second wave were initially part of the Black Civil Rights Movement, Anti Vietnam Movement, Chicano Rights Movement, Asian-American Civil Rights Movement, Gay and Lesbian Movement and many other groups fighting for equality. Many of the women supporters of the aforementioned groups felt their voices were not being heard and felt that in order to gain respect in co-ed organizations they first needed to address gender equality concerns.
    A Brief History: The Three Waves of Feminism
    from Progressive Women’s Leadership

    The second wave began in the 1960s and continued into the 90s. This wave unfolded in the context of the anti-war and civil rights movements and the growing self-consciousness of a variety of minority groups around the world. The New Left was on the rise, and the voice of the second wave was increasingly radical. In this phase, sexuality and reproductive rights were dominant issues, and much of the movement's energy was focused on passing the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing social equality regardless of sex.

    This phase began with protests against the Miss America pageant in Atlantic City in 1968 and 1969. Feminists parodied what they held to be a degrading "cattle parade" that reduced women to objects of beauty dominated by a patriarchy that sought to keep them in the home or in dull, low-paying jobs. The radical New York group called the Redstockings staged a counter pageant in which they crowned a sheep as Miss America and threw "oppressive" feminine artifacts such as bras, girdles, high-heels, makeup and false eyelashes into the trashcan.

    Because the second wave of feminism found voice amid so many other social movements, it was easily marginalized and viewed as less pressing than, for example, Black Power or efforts to end the war in Vietnam. Feminists reacted by forming women-only organizations (such as NOW) and "consciousness raising" groups. In publications like "The BITCH Manifesto" and "Sisterhood is Powerful," feminists advocated for their place in the sun. The second wave was increasingly theoretical, based on a fusion of neo-Marxism and psycho-analytical theory, and began to associate the subjugation of women with broader critiques of patriarchy, capitalism, normative heterosexuality, and the woman's role as wife and mother. Sex and gender were differentiated—the former being biological, and the later a social construct that varies culture-to-culture and over time.

    Whereas the first wave of feminism was generally propelled by middle class, Western, cisgender, white women, the second phase drew in women of color and developing nations, seeking sisterhood and solidarity, claiming "Women's struggle is class struggle." Feminists spoke of women as a social class and coined phrases such as "the personal is political" and "identity politics" in an effort to demonstrate that race, class, and gender oppression are all related. They initiated a concentrated effort to rid society top-to-bottom of sexism, from children's cartoons to the highest levels of government.
    Four Waves of Feminism fromPacific University Oregon

    Second-wave feminism went off the track when it started to demonize men and blame them for all the evils in human history. It’s a neurotic world-view that was formulated in too many cases by women (including Gloria Steinem and Kate Millett) with troubled childhoods in unstable homes. First-wave feminism, in contrast, focused on systemic social problems that kept women in secondary or dependent status.
    The second wave shifted the focus from all women to certain women who more victimized. Then came the question of which victimhood needed the most action. Each group sought to place itself higher in the victim hierarchy. That fragmented the movement, something that it hasn't recovered from since.

    Today there are many feminist groups but they don't share the same goals. Split happens, it accelerated with the second wave feminists.

    I suspect that many other problems that second and third wave feminists faced happened because certain men took advantage. These (sleaze ball) men said the appropriate things, acted properly in public, and attended the right meetings. But it was all a show, manipulating the second wavers into sex and other things. Then these certain (scumbag) men went on to their next conquests all while convincing everyone else that they supported women and feminism. The third wave misandry that followed was a natural reaction.

    feminism (third wave)

    Modern feminism is largely about encouraging women to adopt the worst behaviours of men.
    — Tim Newman

    The third wave of feminism began in the mid-90's and was informed by post-colonial and post-modern thinking. In this phase many constructs were destabilized, including the notions of "universal womanhood," body, gender, sexuality and heteronormativity. An aspect of third wave feminism that mystified the mothers of the earlier feminist movement was the readoption by young feminists of the very lip-stick, high-heels, and cleavage proudly exposed by low cut necklines that the first two phases of the movement identified with male oppression. Pinkfloor expressed this new position when she said that it's possible to have a push-up bra and a brain at the same time.

    The "grrls" of the third wave stepped onto the stage as strong and empowered, eschewing victimization and defining feminine beauty for themselves as subjects, not as objects of a sexist patriarchy. They developed a rhetoric of mimicry, which appropriated derogatory terms like "slut" and "bitch" in order to subvert sexist culture and deprive it of verbal weapons. The web is an important tool of "girlie feminism." E-zines have provided "cybergrrls" and "netgrrls" another kind of women-only space. At the same time — rife with the irony of third-wave feminism because cyberspace is disembodied — it permits all users the opportunity to cross gender boundaries, and so the very notion of gender has been unbalanced in a way that encourages experimentation and creative thought.
    Four Waves of Feminism from Pacific University Oregon

    Today and unlike the former movements, the term ‘feminist’ is received less critically by the female population due to the varying feminist outlooks. There are the ego-cultural feminists, the radicals, the liberal/reforms, the electoral, academic, ecofeminists… the list goes on.

    The main issues we face today were prefaced by the work done by the previous waves of women. We are still working to vanquish the disparities in male and female pay and the reproductive rights of women. We are working to end violence against women in our nation as well as others.

    We are still fighting for acceptance and a true understanding of the term ‘feminism,’ it should be noted that we have made tremendous progress since the first wave. It is a term that has been unfairly associated first, with ladies in hoop skirts and ringlet curls, then followed by butch, man-hating women. Due to the range of feminist issues today, it is much harder to put a label on what a feminist looks like.
    A Brief History: The Three Waves of Feminism
    from Progressive Women’s Leadership
    Today there seems to very little uniting feminists, particularly the highly public ones. Two things that most agree on are misandry and the politics of victimhood. There are many sad and angry third wavers, some seem determined to share the misery no matter what the cost. Destruction seems more important than creation.

    If you wonder where radfems got the idea that they are living in an unforgiving patriarchy, a rape society, a "man's world" that degrades women, it's because that's the way their “allies” have treated them.

    There is still injustice against women, but I don't think third wave feminists want solutions. I think third wavers want privilege because of their victimhood.


    fertility cult

    a system of nature worship involving rites and ceremonies believed to ensure productiveness of plants, animals, and people and often directed toward the propitiation of a special deity
    When people find out I'm both pagan and a naturist, they ask one question. Do pagans worship by fucking? The short answer is on special occasions, sometimes. Mostly it's symbolic and ceremonial.

    The simpler version is that pagans celebrate life. Sex & orgasms are parts of life, parts often repressed in the name of “decency” and “propriety.”

    wooden Sheela na gig This pendant is based on Sheela na gig grotesques found in castles, cathedrals, and other European buildings. These carved naked female figures exagerated and emphaized their vulva. No one is quite sure exactly what they meant originally, but modern neopagans use them to celebrate sexuality and the Sacred Feminine.

    Much modern neopaganism is drawn from fertility cults, some of the rites are either sexual or symbols of sex. Fertility rites are supposed to increase fertility of people, the land, the crops, and animals including livestock.

    sacred embrace Fertility cults can include open sexuality and often show artwork that stresses sexual elements and themes. There's nothing “dirty” or “nasty” about this, anymore than a crucifix advocates torture and murder. It simply expresses a tenet of faith and how it manifests in the World.

    Fertility figures and symbols are all over. That's because humans are all over and humans like sex. It seems a shame to lock that part of ourselves away.

  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ff/#fertility-cult
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ff/#sheela-na-gig
  • Finagle’s Constant

    See The Law of Perversity
    aka Finagle’s Corollary to Murphy’s Law, Finagle’s Law, Finagle's Law of Dynamic Negatives

    financial blacklisting

    Government, banks and credit card processors choosing which websites and companies can accept payments, make deposits, or perform other financial transactions based on social ideology. These efforts have affected secondary processors such as PayPal and Patreon. Known targets include gun shops, cannabis stores, conservative websites, libertarian websites, and selected racist websites. It's a crusade against those "engaged in legal but unpopular speech."

    Since financial blacklisting is progressive and politically correct, news about it is regularly ignored or underplayed by the mainstream media.



    Financialization refers to the increase in size and importance of a country’s financial sector relative to its overall economy. Financialization has occurred as countries have shifted away from industrial capitalism. This impacts both the macroeconomy and the microeconomy by changing how financial markets are structured and operated and by influencing corporate behavior and economic policy.

    As such, since the 1980s, the financial industry has chased short term financial returns over long term goals, which would require investment in technology and product development. One of the biggest reasons for this was simply a matter of Wall Street following its capitalistic instincts, which told them there was more profit in making money from money rather than in engineered products. Financial instruments provided quick returns with little fuss. They invested in software that facilitated this approach rather than investing in costly brick and mortar needed to build factories. They were also supportive of products that could be sold at Wal-Mart and manufactured overseas. As a result, the financial industry has played a major role in the decline of manufacturing in the U.S. for a variety of reasons.
    Financialization from Investopedia

    Within four years of the Federal Reserve Act’s passage, the City of London Corporation bankers were victorious, the German Empire crushed absolutely, and the flame of “objectivity, truth, and ethical life” extinguished. There would be no consolidation of the Germanic peoples under a single state controlled central bank, and no challenge to the Bank of England’s control over its fiat empire. The costs were staggering – 20 million dead, 21 million injured, 1.2 million Queen’s subjects killed, USD $3.2 trillion. Despite these losses, the combined ownership nexus of the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve System saw the City of London Corporation bankers in an even more powerful position that before the war, and for the first time since wresting control of the world reserve currency from France in 1815, the Bank of England began to share this status with the United States dollars it also controlled. And to ensure the permanent dominance of the Federal Reserve System and avoid any resurrection of populist economic policy threats like the Free Silver Movement, or for that matter, to forever eliminate serious economic policy discussion from public debate, in 1920 Congress ratified the XIX Amendment. Accumulated post-WWI budget deficits on both sides of the Atlantic ballooned – the Exchequer’s climbed from a prewar 20% of GDP to 180%, and the Treasury’s increased from 10% to 40% of GDP, with both countries finding themselves in the usual post-war recessions. Time to fire up the post-war printing presses – but this time, only on the other side of the Atlantic as the City of London Corporation had grand plans for its new American vassal.

    And for all that post-war M2 fiat money now flooding into America – from a total of $18 billion circulating in 1915 to $47 billion in 1929 – the United States got things like flappers, guys going over waterfalls in barrels, jazz clubs, ultra-rich organized crime families, a mass entertainment industry, and through that cultural miasma somehow managed to build thousands of factories, make millions of cars, pave thousands of miles of roads, erect skyscrapers, and electrify cities. But the average Queen’s subject didn’t even get so much as an extra helping of pudding. What were the Roaring 20s in America, where industrial and service jobs abounded with the flood of fiat money created out of thin air, were more like the Boring 20s in the United Kingdom, where the printing presses remained idle and recession and mass unemployment were the order of the decade. But then under orders from the City of London Corporation bankers the Federal Reserve System raised interest rates from 4% to 6%, and suddenly the jazz music stopped, the flappers quit flapping, and the bills for all that art deco came due in October 1929. We all know the story of what happened next.
    Financialization and the Road to Zero from The Burning Platform

    If we are going to have a chance at reversing the decline of manufacturing or developing a strategy of innovation that will keep us competitive, the current direction of the financial industry must be changed. In their pursuit of short term profits they are jeopardizing the long term health of the economy and the manufacturing sector. As an industry they do not deserve the trust of The American people. Consider just some of their more recent scandals:

    • Private equity and corporate raiding -In the early 80s Wall Street became very active in buying selling and dismantling companies. Corporate raiders contributed to inequality as they dismembered firms, laid off workers, auctioned off the assets and destroyed entire communities to reap huge rewards for a few stake holders. If the company had a chance to survive, raiders would demand wage concessions, eliminate collective bargaining agreements, dissolve pension agreements, and sometimes the company would be driven into bankruptcy despite the concessions.
          The corporate raider approach to making huge returns in a short period of time was very popular with the wealthy and was viewed as necessary part of free market capitalism (the elimination of the weak). However some economists believe that every point gained in financialization leads to deeper inequality, slower growth and higher unemployment.
    • 1980s Junk Bonds- Michael Milken was the first to use high yield junk bonds for corporate financing of mergers and acquisitions. He made between $250 million to $550 million per year at the height of his success. But in 1989 he was indicted for securities fraud and sent to prison for 2 years.
    • Credit – Extending credit had long been the function of banking. But returns were meager, so Wall Street created some new and novel forms of credit with better returns. As regulations slowly collapsed along with oversight of consumer and mortgage lending, Wall Street introduced predatory lending in the form of high interest rate credit cards with fees and penalties, pay day loans and subprime mortgages. They conducted massive promotions to scrape more borrowers from the bottom of the barrel. The predatory lending practices “preyed on the poor and made them poorer.”
    • Housing bubble – Perhaps the greatest sin of Wall Street in recent years was the housing bubble that they engineered. It is true that government regulations were loosened to get more people into homes, but the finance industry took advantage of this new open gate. Instead of examining the loans to make sure the people could handle the debt, the big banks began issuing subprime mortgages to people who they knew were not qualified for the loan. Then they packaged the junk loans into toxic securities to be sold all over the world. When the bubble burst and prices collapsed, lower income home owners found themselves underwater and the foreclosures began. The bubble bursting forced the economy off the cliff and into the great recession but nobody went to jail, the shareholders paid the government fines, and the taxpayers were forced to bail them out. The big banks are still too big to fail and with tax payer support they will do it again.
    • Ponzi Schemes Bernie Madoff 2008 – Bernie was turned in by his sons in 2008 for running a Ponzi scheme. He kept his hedge fund losses hidden and paid his investors by money raised by other investors. His fund consistently showed an 11.1% return which attracted a lot of investors. Eventually the investors would lose $50 billion.
    Another problem created by financialization is there is less money available for government investment in the real economy. One study suggests we need $3.6 trillion to finance the repair or replacement of highways, bridges, sewer, water, and electrical transmission systems, but very little outside of emergency repairs has been done on these massive projects.

    Finite Senses, The Law of

    See The Law of Finite Senses

    fire 🜂


    alchemical fire symbol
    One of the four classical elements in ancient Greek philosophy and in Western alchemy. One of the five hermetic elements in Western occultism.

    In a standard Tarot deck, fire is symbolized by the Wands. In Gaelic myth there is the fiery Spear of Lugh. In the Grail romances this becomes the bloody Lance.

    Corresponds with one of the four best known states of matter, plasma.


    fire festival

    dates of midpoints between solstices & equinoxes

    A cross quarter day and High Holiday, one of the gateways between the four seasons. Fire festivals mark the midpoint between the solstice and the equinox (or equinox and solstice). Most neopagan traditions mark solar festivals as Greater Sabbats.

    On my WebTree path, it begins on sunset on the day before the actual midpoint and lasts until sunset on the day after. That makes it the traditional three days.

    moon, bonfire, kiss
    A ritual bonfire was a favourite pagan method of celebrating a festival. The four great feast-days of the Celtic year, which have become the four Great Sabbats of the witches, were always occasions of ritual fire in one form or another. The Celtic names for these feasts were Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain. They were held at the beginning of February, the beginning of May, the beginning of August, and the beginning of November, respectively. The Midsummer festival was also called Beltane, meaning ‘bright fire’.

    There is something very magical about a bonfire, which somehow seems to invite people to dance round it. The flickering of the flames, the crackling of blazing twigs, the showers of golden sparks, the pungent scent of the wood-smoke, all evoke an atmosphere of cheerfulness and excitement.

    But as well as these four astronomical, solar festivals, there exist four times in the year which were and are also considered sacred. These were the times which were more associated with the livestock cycle, rather than the farming cycle.

    At Samhuinn, between October 31st and November 2nd, livestock for whom there was insufficient fodder were slaughtered and their meat salted and stored. At Imbolc, on February 1st, the lambs were born. At Beltane, on May 1st, it was the time of mating and of the passing of the livestock through the two Beltane fires for purification. Lughnasadh, on August 1st, was the time which marked the link between the agricultural and the livestock cycle - the harvest began and both human food and animal fodder were reaped and stored.

    The two sets of festivals represent far more than just times which our ancestors chose to honour the plant and animal life-cycles though. They demonstrate our thorough interconnectedness with both the animal and plant realms.

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  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ff/#livestock
  • First Fruits

    See Lammas

    First Harvest

    See Lammas

    first law of ecology

    “Everything is related to everything else.”

    There is one ecosphere for all living organisms and what affects one, affects all. Humans and other species are connected/dependent on other species. With this in mind it becomes hard to practice anything other than compassion and harmlessness.
    The Four Laws of Ecology (Barry Commoner 1917-2012)
    from Pennsylvania Council of Churches Ministry of Public Witness

    The first of these informal laws, everything is connected to everything else, indicates how ecosystems are complex and interconnected. This complexity and interconnectedness, Haila and Levins write, “is not like that of the individual organism whose various organs have evolved and have been selected on the criterion of their contribution to the survival and fecundity of the whole.” Nature is far more complex and variable and considerably more resilient than the metaphor of the evolution of an individual organism suggests. An ecosystem can lose species and undergo significant transformations without collapsing. Yet the interconnectedness of nature also means that ecological systems can experience sudden, startling catastrophes if placed under extreme stress. “The system,” Commoner writes, “is stabilized by its dynamic self-compensating properties; these same properties, if overstressed, can lead to a dramatic collapse.” Further, “the ecological system is an amplifier, so that a small perturbation in one place may have large, distant, long-delayed effects elsewhere.”

    first past the post voting

    A first-past-the-post (FPTP; sometimes FPP, or winner takes all) electoral system is one in which voters indicate on a ballot the candidate of their choice, and the candidate who receives the most votes wins. First-past-the-post voting is a plurality voting method. FPTP is a common, but not universal, feature of electoral systems with single-member electoral divisions, and is practised in close to one third of countries. Notable examples include the United States and the United Kingdom as well as some of the former colonies and protectorates of UK such as India, Pakistan and Canada.
    As CGP Grey explains in his excellent video, first past the post voting causes problems.

    The first problem is that over time, multiple parties become two and only two parties, neither of which is supported by a majority of voters. The parties stop paying attention to their constituents and respond to who is providing funds.

    The second problem is that with first past the post and only two parties, most people don't vote for their favorite candidate as they do against the one they perceive as the biggest threat.


    first sin of monotheism

    See monotheism's first sin

    First Truth

    ❝This is the first truth.

    We share life and through life we are all connected. We measure each other in the lives we touch. We live to manifest and we manifest by living.❞

    five temperaments

    See four temperaments

    flash floods

    See Arizona monsoon season


    A flash mob (or flashmob) is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and pointless act for a brief time, then disperse. Flash mobs are organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails. The term is generally not applied to events and performances organized for the purposes of politics (such as protests), commercial advertisement, publicity stunts, that involve public relation firms, or paid professionals.

    a group of people mobilized by social media to meet in a public place for the purpose of doing an unusual or entertaining activity of short duration

    flux point

    Dynamic balance between flows and tensions where slight motion can be vastly amplified. A key concept in martial arts, practical magick, management practice, and history.


    Flynn effect

    The Flynn effect, first described in the 1980s by researcher James Flynn, refers to the finding that scores on IQ tests have increased in the past century. Researchers studying this effect have found wide support for this phenomenon.

    Researchers have put forward several theories to explain the Flynn effect. One explanation has to do with improvements in health and nutrition. For example, the past century has seen a decrease in smoking and alcohol use in pregnancy, discontinuation of the use of harmful lead paint, improvements in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, and improvements in nutrition. As Scott Barry Kaufman writes for Psychology Today, “The Flynn effect serves as a reminder that when we give people more opportunities to prosper, more people do prosper.”

    In the meantime however, there have been studies that indicate the Flynn effect may have ended. Studies in Denmark, Norway and the United Kingdom have shown that the Flynn effect has not only ended, but that there is actually a decrease in the average IQ scores. Convincing explanations for this reversal have not been found yet.
    The Flynn effect from 123test
    The Flynn effect is not well understood. IQ tests have changed in questions and methodology, this generates different results. Human understanding of intelligence has changed and further influenced the tests. There has been widespread trade and technology sharing which creates a commonality in the baselines.

    More importantly, not all cultures share the same assumptions. Linear time is pretty fundamental to the intelligence tests, yet not every culture assumes time is linear.
    See also
  • intelligence
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ff/#flynn-effect

    foliate man

    See Green Man

    FOMO Fear of missing out.


    force fire

    The force-fire (Scottish Gaelic: teine-éiginn, which also translates to Need-fire), or a fire produced by friction, was used in folk magic practice in the Scottish Highlands up until the 19th century. Believers considered it an antidote against bewitching, as well as the plague, murrain and all infectious diseases among cattle. It is also known as In Scotland and elsewhere as Need-fire or Neatsfire from an old word for cattle retained in the name "Neatsfoot oil."


    That’s when a so-called “Authority” — nearly always a government entity — tries to force you to make a disclaimer or other statement against your beliefs and will.

    forex Foreign exchange.

    See also
  • economics
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ff/#forex

    Founders versus Framers

    See Framers vs. Founders

    four airts

    See cardinal points

    four amendments

    Some of my ideas for restoring liberty and reducing the American government to it's proper size.

  • Repeal the 16th Amendment
  • Repeal the 17th Amendment
  • None of the Above and Alternative Voting
  • Limit Laws and Regulations
  • (added) - No retroactive laws or taxes
  • See also
  • politics
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ff/#four-amendments

    four foot

    A companion land mammal with personality I’ve met and tried to respect.


    Four Powers of the Magus

    Air is the element of Mercury, the ruler of knowledge. Water brings with it the idea of launching boldly upon the waves of uncharted seas. Fire reminds us of the flame of will. Earth conveys the silent strength of rocks and mountains. When all these four are gathered together, there appears the fifth element, spirit; and its correspondence is the fifth power; ire, to go, the power of progression through the universe, the power of evolution.

    Because the Sphinx is a representation of the Four Elements, these powers are also sometimes called the Four Powers of the Sphinx.


    four quarters

    See cardinal points

    four temperaments

    The Four temperament theory is a proto-psychological theory that suggests that there are four fundamental personality types: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic. Most formulations include the possibility of mixtures between the types where an individual's personality types overlap and they share two or more temperaments.

    The four temperament system, while interesting, was seen as flawed even back then as some people did not fit with any of the presented humors, so a neutral temperament has been used, labeled sometimes as the Leukine, other times the Supine/Eclectic, although in fiction this has been mostly reserved either for the lead character or more commonly for secondary characters (as for Four-Philosophy Ensemble, usually the Realist or Apathetic).

    A fifth temperament was originally derived in modern temperament theory from the once popular FIRO-B psychometric instrument, which included moderate scales. When the temperaments were mapped to it, the traditional Phlegmatic ended up moderate in both "expressive" (classic "extrovert" and "introvert") and "responsive" (classic "people vs task" focus) scales, and the low expressive high responsive area was labeled "Supine". In some versions of the theory, this is reversed, with the Phlegmatic kept in its old place, and the new temperament considered the moderate one.

    This "fifth humour" often shares many common elements with the Phlegmatic. The difference is that the Phlegmatic is this way from a lower energy reserve which leads him to take the path of least resistance (to either go with the flow and be agreeable, or to be stubborn and slow), while the Supine has an emotional energy that drives him to be reserved, but wanting of acceptance from others.

    Four Universal Gun Safety Rules

    1. Treat all guns as if they are always loaded.
      Rules like this may seem like common sense. Shockingly, not everyone intuits things like not pointing a gun at themselves or their friends.
      "Treating all guns as if they are always loaded" is largely intended to ensure you follow the other 3 gun safety rules, no matter the status of the weapon.
      If you follow our additional rules, you should always know whether your gun is loaded or not. With that being said, people are forgetful and crazy accidents happen; so you should still treat every firearm as if it is loaded, as it actually could be. I'd even argue that many seasoned gun owners can become more careless than newbies about ensuring their guns are cleared after use.

    2. Never let the muzzle point at anything you are not willing to destroy.
      "Every year, people shoot themselves or others unintentionally, though thankfully these statistics have steady been trending downward. Aside from "freak accidents" like ricochets (where in all likelihood the shooter probably didn't follow the next two safety rules), this means they probably broke the 2nd rule of gun safety.
      I don't think I need to go into much explanation on how ANY gun can kill someone shot by it or damage anything it comes into contact with.
      While you should always also follow Rule 3, you should never assume that you or someone else will keep their finger off the trigger. Even if you/they do, you don't want to be a part of an incredibly unlikely gun malfunction that leads to something or someone unintentionally getting shot.

    3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target and you have made the decision to shoot.
      By this point you're probably starting to notice how these rules work together, potentially avoiding a disaster if you break another one of them. DO NOT EVER point a gun at something you don't want to destroy, but if you mistakenly do, and your finger is off the trigger, you're less likely to shoot that thing.
      Trigger discipline, as it's known, is incredibly important to make a habit of. It's incredibly important in recreational shooting and also very important in a high-pressure defensive situation. Just because you draw your firearm for self-defense, does not necessarily mean you want to shoot.

    4. Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
      This is another rule that applies to recreational shooting and defensive situations. You might have also heard it as "always know your backstop".
      Even if you're shooting a .22 pistol at an AR500 steel target, you might miss. When shooting recreationally, you should always have a backstop behind your targets to stop any missed shots or shots that penetrate your targets. If you're shooting at a private or public shooting range and follow rule 3, you should be safe.


    fourth law of ecology “Nothing comes from nothing.”

    There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. Exploitation of nature will inevitably involve the conversion of resources from useful to useless forms. In nature, both sides of the equation must balance, for every gain there is a cost, and all debts are eventually paid.
    The Four Laws of Ecology (Barry Commoner 1917-2012)
    from Pennsylvania Council of Churches Ministry of Public Witness

    Nothing comes from nothing, the fourth informal law of ecology, expresses the fact that the exploitation of nature always carries an ecological cost. From a strict ecological standpoint, human beings are consumers more than they are producers. The second law of thermodynamics tells us that in the very process of using energy, human beings “use up” (but do not destroy) energy, in the sense that they transform it into forms that are no longer available for work. In the case of an automobile, for example, the high-grade chemical energy stored in the gasoline that fuels the car is available for useful work while the lower grade thermal energy in the automobile exhaust is not. In any transformation of energy, some of it is always degraded in this way. The ecological costs of production are therefore significant.


    1. the lobby of a theater, hotel, or apartment house.
    2. a vestibule or entrance hall in a house or apartment.

    fractional reserve banking

    Fractional reserve banking is a banking system in which only a fraction of bank deposits are backed by actual cash on hand and are available for withdrawal. This is done to expand the economy by freeing up capital that can be loaned out to other parties. Many U.S. banks were forced to shut down during the Great Depression because too many people attempted to withdraw assets at the same time.
    Fractional Reserve Banking from Investopedia

    The fact that banks are required to keep on hand only a fraction of the funds deposited with them is a function of the banking business. Banks borrow funds from their depositors (those with savings) and in turn lend those funds to the banks’ borrowers (those in need of funds). Banks make money by charging borrowers more for a loan (a higher percentage interest rate) than is paid to depositors for use of their money. If banks did not lend out their available funds after meeting their reserve requirements, depositors might have to pay banks to provide safekeeping services for their money. For the economy and the banking system as a whole, the practice of keeping only a fraction of deposits on hand has an important cumulative effect. Referred to as the fractional reserve system, it permits the banking system to “create” money.

    If it is clear to depositors that their money will be used in this way, then it is a voluntary contract between consenting parties. It is not fraud any more than insurance is a fraud. Insurance companies rely on the fact that not everyone is going to make a claim at the same time, if at all.

    The important thing to note is that fractional reserve lending would likely be far more limited without the existence of a central bank (the Fed) and without government deposit insurance (FDIC). This was Mises’ view as well.
    Is Fractional Reserve Banking Harmful?
    from Libertarian Investments

    See also
  • economics,
  • politics
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ff/#fractional-reserve-banking

    Framers versus Founders

    In American history, the Founders were the signers of the American Declaration of Independence in 1776.

    The Framers were a different but somewhat overlapping group with the Founders that signed the U.S. Constitution in 1787.

    Today this confusion is deliberately encouraged by some American conservatives who want to prevent any dissent from their interpretation of the Constitution. Specifically they want to introduce the idea of “God-given rights” into the Constituion using the Declaration of Independence as the reason why.

    The DOI and the Constitution are different documents, of different times and different circumstances, and with different intentions. The DOI refers to "God-given rights," but it doesn't define them. Nor does it do more than list three very general rights.

    When it came time for the Constitution, the Framers had experience with men claiming to speak for G*d, but doing so in a very political way that "could not be questioned" by mere men. There are reasons why the Constitution doesn't not mention Deity except in the date. Rights were not defined as "God-given" in the Constitution largely because no one wanted to surrender power of their faith to a church they did not necessarily believe in.

    The U.S. Constitution is the first government establishing document in history that did not claim government power and citizen rights derived from Divine power. That has done more for the cause of freedom and the growth of faith than anything else. By not specifically defining which faith or church or creed was above all else, people drawn to faith had to make their own choices. They argued over it. They wagged fingers in each others faces. But they didn't war over it.

    This led to recognizing other rights, rights beyond the Founder's dreams. This led to the promise of liberty.

    It's an important difference glossed over today, but it bound everything else together.


    franchise community

    Top down, imposed from the outside, and seeks to emulate a successful group elsewhere.

    To me, a franchise community is imposed by a “higher authority” from the outside for show than anything else. Usually decisions are made from the outside with little regard to the needs of the local group or local conditions, but focus on making the “higher authority” look good. More effort is spent complying to “standards” than anything else.


    freaking the mundanes

    The term, "Freaking the Mundanes" was something used by the participants of a medieval history group with which I'd had an association in days of yore, used to describe the reaction of the townies when these costumed campers, in full "Viking" garb or Renaissance regalia, would make a trip into town for provisions at the grocery store, or to the bank or wherever on their way to a weekend event. Most folks would just stare with a silly grin, but some might ask, "Uhh...are you in a play or something...?", which might give the young devotees a thrill because of the attention garnished. Their enthusiasm would swell, as they would tell the curious allll about their anachronistically historical adventures. (There's even a filk song or two circulating about it.)
    Freaking the Mundanes from FolkAlley.com

    Wiccans like to have pagan festivals where they can camp together and do witchy things. Pagan money is as green as any other, and campground operators don’t mind renting as long as it doesn’t create other problems for them. So the elders of the community tell everyone, “Don’t freak the mundanes”, because if the locals see a bunch of weird people running around, they’ll make trouble for the camp operator. So of course, folks go to get ice and beer in black witchy regalia, a big horking pentagram around their neck, full facial and digital jewelry, glitter and Goth-style eye shadow, etc. . Their idea is to be out and proud…“We’re here, get over it.”, to bring about a widescale acceptance even if the local result means they’ll need to find a different campground next year.

    free market

    Voluntary exchanges between mutually consenting adults.

    I may be selling widgets but the customer doesn't have to buy from me. Likewise, I don't have to sell to them if I don't like the color of their socks.

    ❝The free market is built on two very simple principles. The first is the voluntary exchange of goods and services between consenting adults. The second is hardly ever acknowledged but just as important. Someone will see something and think "I can do better than that!" Most will fail, some spectacularly. But the ones who succeed change everything. There's no way to tell who will succeed in the free market now or in the next decade. It can't be controlled or predicted. Nor should it be.❞
    Government action displaces private action. If government does something, it's not because they do it more efficiently or more humanely or whatever the justification is. It's because government uses the law and the implied use of force to keep anyone else from doing it.

    We know that choice and the free market work because even a partial free market over time delivers things faster, cheaper, and with a wider distribution. The same can't be said for government.❞
    ❝The free market rests on choices. The choice to sell or not to sell. The choice to buy or not to buy. And most important, choice between what is offered.

    Competition keeps us honest.

    Without competition, there is no reason to make things better and cheaper than they were yesterday. With competition, you have to improve or you'll lose business.❞

    free speech

    Freedom of speech is the right of a person to articulate opinions and ideas without interference, retaliation or punishment from the government. In this context, the term “speech” is not limited to spoken words; it also includes symbolic speech, such as what a person wears, reads, performs, protests and more.

    Freedom of speech is strongly protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, as well as many state and federal laws. The United States has some of the strongest free-speech protections in the world, and they help form the bedrock of our democracy. The First Amendment protects even speech that many would see as offensive or hateful.
    Free Speech from NC State University
    ❝One rule of thumb is that all things being equal (which they usually aren't), the side working to control who gets to speak is the one you should worry about.

    "Thou shalt not dissent" should a be red flag with a siren.❞
    Freedom of speech, the press, association, assembly, and petition: This set of guarantees, protected by the First Amendment, comprises what we refer to as freedom of expression. It is the foundation of a vibrant democracy, and without it, other fundamental rights, like the right to vote, would wither away.
    Free Speech from the ACLU
    ❝Dogma denies dissent.❞
    Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people's idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage.
    — Winston Churchill
    ❝Free speech does not mean shutting the other guy up. It means you talk. It means sometimes you yell at each other and wave your fingers in each other's faces. It means you argue. It means you sit down over drinks and try to understand why they won't listen. It means giving the other the same respect you expect for yourself. At least until they show they don't deserve the respect. Even then, they get to talk.❞
    Freedom of speech includes the right:
    • Not to speak (specifically, the right not to salute the flag).
      West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624 (1943).
    • Of students to wear black armbands to school to protest a war (“Students do not shed their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse gate.”).
      Tinker v. Des Moines, 393 U.S. 503 (1969).
    • To use certain offensive words and phrases to convey political messages.
      Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971).
    • To contribute money (under certain circumstances) to political campaigns.
      Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S. 1 (1976).
    • To advertise commercial products and professional services (with some restrictions).
      Virginia Board of Pharmacy v. Virginia Consumer Council, 425 U.S. 748 (1976); Bates v. State Bar of Arizona, 433 U.S. 350 (1977).
    • To engage in symbolic speech, (e.g., burning the flag in protest).
      Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989); United States v. Eichman, 496 U.S. 310 (1990).
    Freedom of speech does not include the right:
    • To incite actions that would harm others (e.g., “[S]hout[ing] ‘fire’ in a crowded theater.”).
      Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919).
    • To make or distribute obscene materials.
      Roth v. United States, 354 U.S. 476 (1957).
    • To burn draft cards as an anti-war protest.
      United States v. O’Brien, 391 U.S. 367 (1968).
    • To permit students to print articles in a school newspaper over the objections of the school administration.
      Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, 484 U.S. 260 (1988).
    • Of students to make an obscene speech at a school-sponsored event.
      Bethel School District #43 v. Fraser, 478 U.S. 675 (1986).
    • Of students to advocate illegal drug use at a school-sponsored event.
      Morse v. Frederick, __ U.S. __ (2007).
    • What Does Free Speech Mean? from United States Courts


    Choosing and acting without coercion or external control.

    See also
  • freedom,
  • liberty
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ff/#freedom

    French cleat

    French cleat
    A French cleat is a simple bracket made with interlocking 45 degree angles. One side is attached to the wall with the angle facing up, and the other side is screwed to the back of the item you want to hang, facing down. The two sides lock together against the wall and form a secure, strong bracket. The weight is evenly distributed along the entire length of the cleat, which is attached to the studs, so it can support heavy items easily.
    How to Make a French Cleat from The Handyman's Daughter

    It may sound fancy, but a French cleat is simply a sturdy beveled support board, a secret that builders and craftsmen rely on to hang heavy items, such as large mirrors, artworks, and cabinets. It’s also become popular to cover as much as an entire wall with French cleats to organize and store tools and utensils. Similar to a pegboard wall but with far greater holding power, a French cleat wall is an excellent way to arrange a garage, workshop, or even pots and pans in a kitchen.

    French drain

    It sounds elegant but in reality, it’s nothing more sophisticated than a gravel-lined ditch with an embedded pipe that carries water away from the home.
    French Drains 101t from bob vila

    The French drain is a simple, yet versatile construction which can be used to drain standing water from problem areas in your yard or basement. The process is fairly simple; it just requires a little preparation and planning, the right tools and materials, and a little DIY know-how.
    How to Build a French Drain from wikiHow


    See Friday

    Friedman's three functions of government

    Government has three primary functions. It should provide for military defense of the nation. It should enforce contracts between individuals. It should protect citizens from crimes against themselves or their property. When government-- in pursuit of good intentions tries to rearrange the economy, legislate morality, or help special interests, the cost come in inefficiency, lack of motivation, and loss of freedom. Government should be a referee, not an active player.
    — Milton Friedman
    See also
  • economics,
  • poltics
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ff/#friedman3


    See Friday


    See Friday

    Fruit Harvest

    See Mabon


    1. F*cked up beyond all reason.
    2. F*cked up beyond all recognition.
    3. F*cked up beyond all repair.

    fuck My written non-sexual prefered varient is f…

    1. An intensely passionate sex act, often without conversaton, seduction or preliminaries.
    2. A vulgar emphasis, meant to show anger while shocking the listener.
    3. An emphasis indicating betrayal, angry dismissal or disdain.
    4. An adjective or adverb referencing very strong feelings, i.e. “Fucking A.”
    5. Originally an extremely rude term for a sex act, possibly refering to forced sex and/or near rape.
    Once considered an unacceptable term barely used in speech or writing, “fuck” is currently overused to the point where the word has lost almost all negative meaning.

    FUD Fear   Uncertainty   Doubt


    full Moon

    See bright Moon

    A fundamentalist True Believer™, not always (or even usually) a Christian.



    showing the fur
    On other animals, a thick coat of body hair.

    On humans, a vulgar and occasionally endearing way to refer to pubic hair. Commonly, publicly showing fur defines if Americans are nude or obscene. At least for those who haven't shaved it off.

    "Fur" is one of the few nudity terms that I never have to explain.

    For my archived images, a risqué photo can show fur but not genitalia or an uncovered woman's areole. That's probably a petty distinction, but Americans seem to expect it. Gauzy or see through clothing is risqué, the idea of almost seeing something forbidden is tantilizing.

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