A work in progress. Script links go to the timetable. Internal site links are underlined. Uppercase links go to specific entries.

A dashed border and red banner means I don't agree with the definition or that it is a dangerous idea.
  • a
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  • L
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  • label

    Words matter. Actions matter more. Intentions don’t.

    A short description designating a category.

    In politics labels should always describe but not define. It's our words and deeds that define us. The label tells almost nothing, but the individual behavior tells almost everything.

    Sometimes people have a hard time seeing beyond the label. It doesn't help that the people making the most noise get the most attention, even if the noisey ones aren't really representative.

    ❝You don't get a pass for the label. No one should. No group should.

    Words matter. Actions matter more. Intentions don't.❞
    The label has no virtue or vice, no morality, and no inherent worth. It's the individual that owns the outcome of their thoughts, words, and deeds. It's the individual and the individual alone who can take responsibility.

    ❝Breaking people into labeled groups just makes the divisions deeper. I place greater faith in what we share than in any tribal identity. When humanity is at our best, we transcend what separates us. Our rights are beyond skin color and creed.❞
    ❝Labels divide more than they unite.❞
    Most people don't care about your self-chosen label. There are times when it's useful, like me telling Christians and conservatives I'm pagan before debates and political discussions. Remembering I'm a person first makes me remember that they have something beyond their own labels.

    More and more I've noticed that there is a difference between someone who calls themselves X and someone who calls themselves a person who happens to be X.

    When you let your politics define your personhood, there's not much room left for your personhood outside of your politics. Without your personhood, you can lose empathy and humanity.

    Once someone slaps a label on something, more times than not they stop thinking that something.

    ❝One thing I've learned is that if someone constantly defines themselves by the label, then they are not all that interested in the character. When you focus on the label, you lose focus on the character.

    It's not a right unless the other has it too. Preferential treatment for whatever reason is a privilege not a right, I happen to believe that character and merit matter much more than any label. I know that doesn't pass political muster these days, but it's a practical solution.❞
    My issue is not with any label. My issue is that other people demand that I acknowledge and “celebrate” their chosen label at the cost of my own. My issue is that others demand I diminish myself for their “superiority” and “moral enlightenment.”



    See Tree of Life

    Lady Day

    See Ostara, vernal equinox

    Lady in the

    Court of Shadows

    A three day WebTree celebration marking the dark Moon from midnight the day before the "new Moon" to midnight the day after (traditional three days) and honoring the magick.

    Lady in the

    Court of Stars

    A three day WebTree celebration marking the bright Moon from midnight the day before the "full Moon" to midnight the day after (traditional three days) and honoring the magick.

    The name reflects the journey of the moon and pays homage to one of the oldest known myths, Inanna's Descent to the Underworld. She reigned in her own court, but as Inanna journeyed through the gates of the underworld, She had to leave Her raiment, Her jewels, and Her holy tools. Everything that symbolized and manifested Her power had to be left behind, until finally nude, Inanna entered the underworld unbound by anything of her past.

    In this version, the Lady can't enter and reign in one Court until after sacrificing everything of the other Court including all manifestations of power. She's barred from one Court as long as She holds anything from the other Court. While the Lady comes into other power and may be supreme in that moment, She will have to leave for the other Court and repeat the cycle. The Lady can't achieve power without sacrificing everything She was, and She can't hold power permanently.

    The Lady reigns by virtue of Her presence in the Court.

  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#court-of-shadows
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#court-of-stars
  • Laffer curve

    The Laffer Curve is based on the economic idea that people will adjust their behavior in the face of the incentives created by income tax rates. Higher income tax rates decrease the incentive to work and invest compared lower rates. If this effect is large enough, it means that at some tax rate, and further increase in the rate will actually lead to decrease in total tax revenue. For every type of tax, there is a threshold rate above which the incentive to produce more diminishes, thereby reducing the amount of revenue the government receives.
    Laffer Curve from Investopedia

    It seems difficult for some to understand that high rates of taxation do not necessarily mean large revenue to the government, and that more revenue may often be obtained by lower rates.
    — Andrew Mellon, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, 1924
    Arthur Laffer did not originate the theory. It was obscure but understood by the time he illustrated it to Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Jude Wanniski in 1974. Wanniski called it the Laffer curve.

    The theory dates back to at least the 14th Century work of Ibn Khaldun. John F. Kennedy suggested applying the theory, and it was implemented after his assasination. Reducing taxes was a also central part of Ronald Reagan's economic plan.

    Neither Kennedy or Reagan focused on increasing tax revenue, but on growing the economy. By that standard, the Laffer curve was a tremendous success.

    Cutting taxes alone is not enough. People usually focus exclusively on taxes without considering spending. When government “provides” a service, it's nearly impossible for the private sector to compete. First is because the monopoly on force. Second is because the true cost of that service tend to be distributed and hidden. That's when the second order functions kick in. Without competition, there's no pressure to improve the product or service nor to rein in costs.

    Politicos want to control things, and economics is one of those things that can't be controlled. You can divert value, but you can't create value without people choosing how they will spend their money. The feedback mechanisms aren't that complex, but there are too many to understand, much less track and control how they interact.

    When government increases spending, that can more than offset any benefits that lower taxes bring.

    Reduce taxes, reduce spending, let people make their own choices.

    Lament, the

    A major part of my mourning after someone close to me has passed.

    I begin the Lament on the passing day and it lasts for thirteen days and nights. I stop doing anything unnecessary. I may hit the grocery store before beginning the Lament. I cut back my internet and stop watching TV or listening to music. I cut my reading way way back.

    I invented it when a friend passed, and refined it with my stepfather’s passing.


    Usually between 31Jul and 07August. This year's date.

    Traditional neopagan sabbat. cross quarter day, Greater Sabbat, High Holiday, fire festival & seasonal gateway. Lammas marks the midpoint between the summer solstice and the autumnal equinox. It’s the beginning of fall. The “grain harvest” is the first of the trilogy of harvest festivals. “Tailltean marriages” of a year and a day often began. Craft festivals and prosperity magick occurred. The Christian First Fruits celebration was observed by placing bread baked from first harvest on the altar.
    This date has long been considered a “power point” of the zodiac, and is symbolized by the Lion, one of the tetramorph figures found on the tarot cards, the World and the Wheel of Fortune (the other three figures being the Bull, the Eagle, and the Spirit). Astrologers know these four figures as the symbols of the four “fixed” signs of the zodiac, and these naturally align with the four Great Sabbats of Witchcraft. Christians have adopted the same iconography to represent the four Gospel writers.

    “Lammas” was the medieval Christian name for the holiday, and it means “loaf-mass”, for this was the day on which loaves of bread were baked from the first grain harvest and laid on the church altars as offerings. It was a day representative of “first fruits” and early harvest.

    In Irish Gaelic, the feast was referred to as “Lughnasadh”, a feast to commemorate the funeral games of the Irish Sun God Lugh. However, there is some confusion on this point. Although at first glance, it may seem that we are celebrating the death of Lugh, the God of Light does not really die (mythically) until the autumnal equinox. And indeed, if we read the Irish myths closer, we discover that it is not Lugh’s death that is being celebrated, but the funeral games that Lugh hosted to commemorate the death of his foster mother, Taillte. That is why the Lughnasadh celebrations in Ireland are often called the “Tailltean games”.

    One common feature of the games was the “Tailltean marriages”, a rather informal marriage that lasted for only a year-and-a-day or until next Lammas. At that time, the couple could decide to continue the arrangement if it pleased them, or to stand back to back and walk away from one another, thus bringing the Tailltean marriage to a formal close. Such trial marriages (obviously related to the Wiccan handfasting) were quite common even into the 1500s, although it was something one “didn’t bother the parish priest about”. Indeed, such ceremonies were usually solemnized by a poet, bard, or shanachie (or, it may be guessed, by a priest or priestess of the Old Religion).

    Lammastide was also the traditional time of year for craft festivals. The medieval guilds would create elaborate displays of their wares, decorating their shops and themselves in bright colors and ribbons, marching in parades, and performing strange, ceremonial plays and dances for the entranced onlookers. The atmosphere must have been quite similar to our modern-day Renaissance festivals.
    LAMMAS The First Harvest fromThe Witches Sabbats

    The time of the Lammas harvest marks the end of the growing season and if successful, is blessed by overflowing baskets of summer vegetables and fruit; setting into motion what will hopefully be the standard for the remaining gatherings. Grains are in abundance and at their peak, the sheaves of golds and browns awaiting the scythe of reaping. The tempting aromas of freshly baked bread and fruit pies call us in from field and orchard. And, as we gather this abundance to ourselves and our loved ones, the great sacrifice of all that is left behind or cut too early is transparent to us.

    This cutting down of what is ready for the taking offers us the opportunity to clear the way for those things that will be newly planted after the frost of winter holds their seeds in slumber. This time of the harvest allows us to feast on what will nourish and sustain us in the darkened months ahead. This harvest offers us choice to carefully select only those products that have reached the peak fullness of their energy as we cut away what stands in our path. However, none of this can be achieved without the necessary sacrifice of what no longer serves and will decay and wither if left to stand. And, it is this point of sacrifice that is celebrated and honored in the Great Wheel of our own cycle.

    In the cycle of the God and Goddess Lammas also represents the union of the sun and earth in their forms as the Sun God Lugh and the Mother Grain Goddess. It is the sun that has enlivened the earth and brought the fullness of their union to be harvested. And, now that his solar energy is waning, the God must also serve as the willing sacrifice transformed as the sheaf of wheat to be cut down and offered by the Harvest Mother so none will go hungry. This aspect of sacrifice is honored in the gathering of oats, wheat and barley. The baking of the traditional Bread Man from the dough of the newly cut wheat is a way of consuming the energy of the harvest, gifted by the living spirit of the God now transformed into the harvested grain. The cycle of death and renewal is acknowledged by the seeds that remain from what was harvested and will be used to plant anew in the Spring. And, we become the living essence of sun and earth, God and Goddess.

    Six weeks later we come to the time of Lughnasadh on August 1st, which marks the beginning of harvest time. The hay would have been gathered in, and the time for reaping the wheat and barley was due. It was a time of gathering together, of contests and games and of marriages. The marriages contracted at this time could be annulled at the same time the following year - offering the couple a sensible 'trial period'. In some areas a flaming wheel was sent rolling down the hillside at this time to symbolise the descent of the year towards Winter, and in the Druid ceremony a wheel is passed around the circle in symbol of the turning year. The Christian version of this festival is Lammas, which has recently been revived in some churches. The word Lammas comes from hlafmasse - 'loaf-mass' - since bread is offered from the newly harvested grain.
    The Eightfold Wheel of the Year & the Druid Festivals
    from The Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids

    See also
  • borders,
  • bonfire (fire festival),
  • Cornucopia,
  • fire festival,
  • First Fruits,
  • First Harvest,
  • Grain Harvest,
  • Harvestpoint,
  • Harvestpoint,
  • Harvestpoint,
  • Lammastide,
  • livestock (fire festival),
  • Lughnasadh,
  • Lughnasadh: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for Lammas,
  • Lughomass,
  • Thingtide,
  • The Witches’ Sabats
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#lammas


    The language we use and the rules we choose shape our thought.

    Experience trumps language every time. Tell someone who has never heard music what Greensleeves is. Tell someone who knows nothing about fruit how amazing homemade peach ice cream is in the summer. Tell a virgin how incredible sex can be with someone you care about.


    language game Agree & stick to the words

    You can't play the language game with a revealed faith system, they always answer to a Higher Truth™.

    At least in their own minds.

    They're the ones who use language to control which thoughts are allowed under which circumstances.

    language game (inferior) Change the definitions on the fly

    In America, liberal changed meaning from 1900 to 1950.

    Civil rights changed meaning from 1950 to 1970.

    Somewhere in the 1990s, infrastructure changed to include social spending.

    And right now, woke is being changed from something "good" to a racist insult.

    This is Orwell's Newspeak brought to real life. Reality is redefined as needed by language.

    late-stage capitalism

    Another phrase where there is a deliberate disconnect between the perception and the meaning to advance a political agenda.

    Capitalism is private ownership directed at producing goods and services based on supply and demand.

    Late-stage capitalism manipulates the market. One way is through cross-integration, where one brand is used to sell unrealted or barely related products. Another exremely profitable method is by influencing or controlling government for advantage.

    Late-stage capitalism is not capitalism. It derives from Marxist theory.
    Late capitalism, or late-stage capitalism, is a term first used in print by German economist Werner Sombart around the turn of the 20th century. In recent years, the term has been used in the United States and Canada to refer to perceived absurdities, contradictions, crises, injustices, and inequality created by modern business development.

    Later capitalism refers to the historical epoch since 1940, including the post–World War II economic expansion called the "golden age of capitalism". The expression already existed for a long time in continental Europe, before it gained popularity in the English-speaking world through the English translation of Ernest Mandel's book Late Capitalism, published in 1975.

    The German original edition of Mandel's work was subtitled "an attempt at an explanation", meaning that Mandel tried to provide an orthodox Marxist explanation of the post-war epoch in terms of Marx's theory of the capitalist mode of production. Mandel suggested that important qualitative changes occurred within the capitalist system during and after World War II and that there are limits to capitalist development.

    Unfortunately, one of capitalism’s flaws is that it fails to take into account the effects of money and power on the human psyche. While it is not true that everyone who amasses wealth and power turns out to be a despot or a tyrant, it’s clear that one of the primary driving forces behind all despots and tyrants is amassing wealth and power.

    Late stage capitalism describes the distortion of the classes, from the disenchanted eyes of the wealthy one percent living in their estates and flying private, to the desperate plight of the poor and homeless.

    The wealth gap is a real thing, look at a graph of homelessness and personal bankruptcies over the last two decades, and you’ll see that they’re becoming exponentially out of control. Drug use is on the rise, and moral decay is eating away America like cancer, but no-one wants to admit what’s going on in the general population.

    Capitalism no longer provides a free market. Algorithms run the stock and FX markets, bleeding retail investors dry through front running and spoofing, and then pay off the SEC to turn a blind eye to their violations.

    When you have the money, capitalism is your best friend, and it allows you to open doors to business, develop influence with politicians, and sway the favor of people in power, all with the end goal of amassing more wealth and power for yourself, at whatever the cost. Wait, this is starting to sound a lot like fascism.

    The oligarchs and the politicians remove the level playing field of the free market, and replace it with a mountain range, from which they sit on lofty perches as “masters of the universe.” Corporations poison the land and the water in the name of profit, and nuclear reactors meltdown – with the governments responsible, sweeping the mess under the carpet.

    Late stage capitalism describes the unrealistic perspectives of the wealthiest 1%. In the same vein, it highlights how the middle class is largely oblivious to the struggles of the poor.

    It's the sense that monopolies, and the oligarchs that run them, have rigged the system in their favor. They hired well-paid lobbyists to influence politicians. They won Supreme Court cases, such as Citizens United v. FEC (2010), that give corporations the same rights as people. This allows them to spend untold millions on political ads that benefit them.

    Many feel that capitalism's winners may even favor inequality. With it, they have fewer competitive threats. They "rig the system" by creating barriers to entry. They send their children to private schools while cutting funds for public schools.

    There is a sense that the U.S. income inequality created by capitalism is unsustainable. It's a prelude to a more equitable way of life. That includes animals, plants, and the natural world as well.

    For this reason, many who use the term late stage capitalism believe the next phase is socialism. Most agree the new system could include universal basic income. It would subsidize those who lost their jobs to technology. At the very least, the new system should include universal health care. The United States is the only developed country without it.


    A “gender neutral” term for people of Latin descent intended to circumvent the “problematic” gender connotations in the Spanish language.

    As nearly as I can tell, this term is embraced by some LGBTQ Latinos and Latinas, but despised by other Americans of Latin descent.

    I personally never read or heard the term before the increased focus on transgenders.
    Latinx is a gender-neutral term sometimes used in lieu of Latino or Latina (referencing Latin American cultural or racial identity). The plural is Latinxs. The -x replaces the standard -o and -a endings in Spanish, Portuguese and related languages, which form nouns of the masculine and feminine genders, respectively. The term is a politicized neologism that has gained traction among advocacy groups intersectionally combining the identity politics of race and gender. Other forms such as Latin@ and Latine are also used.

    Latinx is the gender-neutral alternative to Latino, Latina and even Latin@. Used by scholars, activists and an increasing number of journalists, Latinx is quickly gaining popularity among the general public. It’s part of a “linguistic revolution” that aims to move beyond gender binaries and is inclusive of the intersecting identities of Latin American descendants. In addition to men and women from all racial backgrounds, Latinx also makes room for people who are trans, queer, agender, non-binary, gender non-conforming or gender fluid.

    “In Spanish, the masculinized version of words is considered gender neutral. But that obviously doesn’t work for some of us because I don’t think it’s appropriate to assign masculinity as gender neutral when it isn’t,” explains queer, non-binary femme writer Jack Qu’emi Gutiérrez in an interview with PRI. “The ‘x,’ in a lot of ways, is a way of rejecting the gendering of words to begin with, especially since Spanish is such a gendered language.”

    Latinx is also, as pointed out by writer Gabe Gonzalez, a way to reclaim identity, a form of rebellion against “the language and legacy of European traditions that were imposed on the Americas.”
    Why People Are Using The Term ‘Latinx’ from The Huffington Post

    Progressives have now decided that the binary nature of Spanish is incompatible with wokeness and they intend to bury what they believe is a remnant of colonial patriarchy. Since there is no discernible limit to what the far Left is willing to do in the name of equality of outcome, everything is on the table. In Latin America, there are now efforts on college campuses to upend the entire Spanish language.

    But dismantling Spanish poses a logistical nightmare for the far Left, since it is the primary language of 500 million people across 20 countries. Also, unlike English, Spanish has an official referee. A board of linguists known as La Real Academia Española (The Spanish Royal Academy) preserves the language’s integrity and has already rejected “Latinx.”

    The far Left is cunning, though. They recognize that “Latinx” will never catch on organically. To overcome these obstacles, leftists are now resorting to emotional manipulation. What began around 2004 as a substitute for “Latin@” has been reframed as pro-LGBT equality. However, by arguing that the traditional use of “Latinos” excludes people who identify as gender-fluid, progressives are deceiving Americans. Indeed, the Left’s latest linguistic crusade has nothing to do with inclusiveness at all — it’s about cultural control and hegemony.
    See also
  • label,
  • politics
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#latinx


    Law is commonly understood as a system of rules that are created and enforced through social or governmental institutions to regulate conduct, although its precise definition is a matter of longstanding debate. It has been variously described as a science and the art of justice.
    ❝Just laws protect. Unjust laws govern.❞
    ❝The people who follow the law are not the ones who should worry you.❞
    ❝Beware the exceptions, exemptions, deductions and waivers.

    If there is to be the rule of law, let it be uniform applying to everyone equally.❞
    ❝The moment you start making exceptions, exemptions, waivers, and "special circumstances" is the microsecond you destroy the rule of law.❞
    ❝You keep trying to make laws moral.

    Laws are not moral.

    I could list immoral laws, starting with civil forfeiture and working my way back to slavery. Every one of these terrible laws was called right and just and the way things ought to be. Laws are not the foundation of civil life. You can follow the law and still disrupt civil life. One example would be class action suits were the members of the class received no recompense.

    The foundation of civil life is how we treat each other with or without the law.

    As I have pointed out, libertarian thought isn't simple. It's that conservatives and liberals use complication to control others.

    And the law isn't about controlling others.❞
    ❝If you use the law to “protect” your religion and your children from “demonic realms,” that doesn't say very much about your god, your religion, or your faith.❞

    The Law of Association

    “Commonality controls.”

    If any two or more patterns have elements in common, the patterns interact “through” those common elements, and control of one pattern facilitates control over the other(s), depending (among other factors) upon the number, type and duration of common elements involved.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    See also
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#association

    Law of Attraction & Creation

    The Law of Attraction is the Law of Creation. Everything that’s coming into your life ... you are attracting into your life, as above, so below, As within, so without. Create your life through your thoughts.
    — anonymous
    See also
  • Laws of Magick
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#creation

    The Law of Cause & Effect

    “Control every variable and you control every change — lotsa luck!”

    If exactly the same actions are done under exactly the same conditions, they will usually be associated with exactly the same “results;” similar strings of events produce similar outcomes.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    See also
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#cause-effect

    Law of Complication

    A master does more with less.

    Over time any given human system becomes more complex without becoming more effective. Complication shows expertise, not mastery.

    The counter is the K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle. Competition usually makes it more effective.


    The Law of Contagion

    “Magic is contagious.”

    Objects or beings in physical or psychic contact with each other continue to interact after separation.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    See also
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#contagion

    Law of Creative Destruction

    Sometimes, take it apart, forget what you think you know and start again.


    The Law of Dynamic Balance

    “Dance to the music.”

    To survive, let alone to become powerful, one must keep every aspect of one’s universe(s) in a state of dynamic balance with every other one; extremism is dangerous on both the personal and the evolutionary levels of reality.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    See also
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#dynamic-balance

    The Law of Evocation

    “…Beings without.”

    It is possible to establish external communication with entities from either inside or outside of oneself, said entities seeming to be outside of oneself during the communication process.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    See also
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#evocation

    The Law of Finite Senses

    “Just cause it’s invisible don’t mean it ain’t there.”

    Every sense mechanism of every entity is limited by both range and type of data perceived.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    See also
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#finite-senses

    The Law of Identification

    “You can become another.”

    It is possible through maximum association between the elements of oneself and those of another being to actually become that being to the point of sharing its knowledge and wielding its power.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    See also
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#identification

    The Law of Infinite Data

    “There’s always something new”
    The number of phenomena to be known is infinite; one will never run out of things to learn.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    See also
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#infinite-data

    The Law of Infinite Universes

    “All things are possible, though some are more probable than others.”

    The total number of universes into which all possible combinations of existing phenomena could be organized is infinite.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    See also
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#infinite-universes

    The Law of Invocation

    “Beings within…”

    It is possible to establish internal communication with entities from either inside or outside of oneself, said entities seeming to be inside of oneself during the communication process.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    See also
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#invocation

    The Law of Knowledge

    “Knowledge is power.”
    Understanding brings control; the more that is known about a subject, the easier it is to exercise control over it.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    See also
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#knowledge

    Law of Monsters Beware the horrors you bring.

    All those shadows, all those enemies hiding in all the nooks and crannies around you, all those mysterious forces from beyond space and time determined to destroy you and everything you stand for, well, they aren't what they seem.

    Chances are you brought most of them.

    Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.
    — Friedrich Nietzsche
    The world is full of monsters with friendly faces and angels full of scars.
    — anonymous
    While there are strange entities, there are bindings and balances in place. They won't attack you unless provoked or you invite them. Unfortunately one of the first steps in learning spell casting is freeing yourself from the protections that your culture provided so you can open yourself to the forces around you. Since orgone is shaped by thought and driven by passion, all those repressed emotions and fears and lusts now have a brand new unrestrained way to manifest.

    Do you see the problem here?

    You have to master yourself before you can safely manifest. Especially more than once. Otherwise your own strongest passions will bind you. And the more you fight, the stronger those darker aspects of your nature will become.


    The Law of Names

    “What’s in a name? — Everything!”

    Knowing the complete and true name of an object, being or process gives one complete control over it.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    See also
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#names

    The Law of Negative Attraction

    “Opposites attract.”

    Like attracts unlike; energy and actions often attract their “opposites.”

    Law of Oligarchy

    See iron law of bureaucracy

    The Law of Personal Universes

    “You live in your cosmos and I’ll live in mine.”

    Every sentient being lives in and quite possibly creates a unique universe which can never be 100% identical to that lived in by another.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    See also
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#personal-universes

    The Law of Personification

    “Anything can be a person.”

    Any phenomenon may be considered to be alive and to have a personality, that is, to “be” an entity or being, and may be effectively dealt with thusly.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    See also
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#personification

    Law of Perspective

    Change the angle.

    Your viewpoint can blind you to possibilities, connections and causes. Seek as many angles as you can. Never accept that you have THE entire truth.


    The Law of Perversity

    “If anything can go wrong, it will.”
    If anything can go wrong, it will — and in the most annoying manner possible.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    If something can go wrong, it will.

    …and at the worst possible time.
    Murphy’s Law, Sod’s Law and Finagle’s Law from Grammarist

    See also
  • Finagle’s Constant,
  • Finagle’s Corollary to Murphy’s Law,
  • Finagle’s Law,
  • Finagle's Law of Dynamic Negatives,
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Melody's Law,
  • Murphy’s Law,
  • situational vortex,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#perversity

    The Law of Polarity

    “Everything contains its opposite.”

    Any pattern of data can be split into (at least) two patterns with “opposing” characteristics, and each will contain the essence of the other within itself.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    See also
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#polarity

    The Law of Positive Attraction

    “That which is sent, returns.”

    Like attracts like; to create a particular reality you must put out energy of a similar sort.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    See also
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#positive-attraction

    The Law of Pragmatism

    “If it works, it’s true.”

    If a pattern of belief or behavior enables a being to survive and to accomplish chosen goals, than that belief or behavior is “true” or “real” or “sensible” on whatever levels of reality are involved.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    See also
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#pragmatism

    The Law of Self-Knowledge

    “Know thyself.”

    The most important kind of magical knowledge is about oneself; familiarity with one’s own strengths and weaknesses is vital to success as a magician.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    See also
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#self-knowledge

    The Law of Similarity

    “Look-alikes are alike.”

    Effects are liable to have an outward physical or mental “appearance” similar to their causes.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    See also
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#similarity

    The Law of Synchronicity

    “Coincidence is seldom mere.”

    Two or more events happening at the same time are likely to have more associations in common than the merely temporal; very few events ever really happen in isolation from nearby events.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    See also
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#synchronicity

    The Law of Synthesis

    “Synthesis reconciles.”

    The synthesis of two or more “opposing” patterns of data will produce a new pattern that will be “truer” than either of the first ones were, that is, it will be applicable to more realities (or “levels of reality”).
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    See also
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#synthesis

    Law of Triviality

    The time spent on any item of the agenda will be in inverse proportion to the sum [of money] involved.
    — C. Northcote Parkinson
    ❝In the absence of understanding, triviality dominates.❞

    The Law of True Falsehoods

    “If it’s a paradox it’s probably true.”

    It’s possible for a concept or act to violate the truth patterns of a given universe (including an individual’s or group’s part of a consensus reality) and yet to still be “true,” provided that it “works” in a specific context.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic
    ❝Seek paradox for truth. Resist dogma for growth.❞

    The Law of Unity

    “All is One.”

    Every phenomenon in existence is linked directly or indirectly to every other one, past, present or future; perceived separations between phenomena are based on incomplete sensing and/or thinking.

    Law of Weird

    Duality is singularity reflected.

    In some Celtic myth, a weird is the counter of a major figure. Their lives and actions balance each other. For the purposes of the myth, they are dual people each living a singular cycle and purpose. The fate of each is inevitably tied to the other.

    See also
  • weird
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#weird

    The Law of Words of Power

         “A word to the wise is sufficient.”

    There exist certain words that are able to alter the internal and external realities of those uttering them, and their power may rest in the very sounds of the words as much as in their meanings.
    adapted from Isaac Bonewits' The Laws of Magic

    published in “The Laws of Magic”, Real Magic

    See also
  • Laws of Magick,
  • Study guide - Bonewits' Laws of Magic
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#words-power


    Lawfare is a form of asymmetric warfare, consisting of using the legal system against an enemy, such as by damaging or delegitimizing them, tying up their time or winning a public relations victory. The term is a portmanteau of the words law and warfare.

    Laws of Human Stupidity

    1. Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.
    2. The probability that a certain person be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person.
    3. A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses.
      • The helpless - takes action which results in their loss and our gain.
      • The intelligent - takes action which results in gains for both themselves and us.
      • The bandit - takes action which results in their gain and our loss. Usually their gain comes directly fom the loss they inflict.
      • The stupid - takes action which results in loss to all concerned
    4. Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places and under any circumstances to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake.
    5. A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person.

      Corollary - A stupid person is more dangerous than a bandit.

    By Carlo M. Cipolla
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#stupidity
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#helpless

  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#intelligent
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#bandit

  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#stupid
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#stupidity1

  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#stupidity2
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#stupidity3

  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#stupidity4
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#stupidity5
  • Laws of Robotics

    See Asimov’s Laws

    Laws of Superheroics

    See Asimov’s Laws

    Laws of Thermosecurity

    That’s because I’m intimately familiar with the Three Laws of Thermosecurity.

    The first law is that the desire of authorities in charge of security for information will continue in a straight line with no limits in time and space short of the heat death of the universe. The second law is that the willingness of their authorities to supply them with the budget they need to do that has very definite limits, both in time and space. Hence the third law, which is the one we are now operating under. The information assembled by security authorities invariably overwhelms their ability to analyze the information. They are, in effect, suffocated by their own insecurity.
    Cauldron of Ghosts, a novel by David Weber



    A unit of length no longer commonly used, originally the distance a man could walk in an hour.
    • In England, it was three miles.
    • At sea, it was three nautical miles, or 3.452 miles (5.556 km).
    • In ancient Rome, it was 1.5 Roman miles, 1.4 modern miles (2.2 km).
    • In Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, it's 2.49 miles (4 km).


    leap year

    Leap years are needed to keep our modern day Gregorian calendar in alignment with the Earth's revolutions around the sun.

    It takes the Earth approximately 365.242189 days – or 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 45 seconds – to circle once around the Sun. This is called a tropical year, and is measured from the March equinox.

    However, the Gregorian calendar has only 365 days in a year, so if we didn't add a leap day on February 29 nearly every four years, we would lose almost six hours off our calendar every year.
    What Is a Leap Year? from timeanddate.com

    The formula for calculating whether a year is a leap year or not is as follows: if a year can be evenly divided by 4 (such as 2012), then it is a leap year unless it can also be evenly divided by 100 (such as 2100). There is one further exception: if a year can be evenly divided by 400 (such as 2000), then it is a leap year.
    How Do You Calculate Leap Years? from Reference.com*

    leaving no trace

    (Ten Principles of Burning Man)

    legacy media

    "Legacy media" is politi-speak that political conservatives use to identify long-standing ("mature") media outlets (such as the TV news networks - ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, etc., and the major print news services - New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times., etc.) Typically, these ostensibly "left-wing" news outlets are critical of conservative political agendas. Why the conservative wordsmiths use "legacy media" instead of "liberal media" is a mystery. Perhaps they feel that the term "liberal media" has been kicked around too long and needs replacement.
    From what I've seen, the “legacy media” moves beyond anti-conservative bias. It's active hostility towards conservative ideas and visible conservatives, particularly successful and happy conservatives.

    “Share the pain” and “feel the pain” seem to be guiding principles. Passions trump logic. Measurable results are about appearances, not solving the problem. Government programs must replace private solutions. The institution is more important than the people. These are “legacy media” assumptions.

    If libertarians are mentioned at all, it's usually as “conservative light.”

    The “legacy media” avoids discussing the merits of unapproved conservative ideas and instead tries to disparage or shame conservatives.


    legal name

    See name - legal

    Lenormand deck

    Lenormand deck
    Lenormand decks are named after French cartomancer, Marie Anne Adelaide Lenormand (1772-1843). The Lenormand decks are comprised of 36 cards and based on the deck Lenormand used and is rumoured to have created herself. Unlike standard tarot cards, there is no reversed meaning, as each card embodies both positive and negative aspects of its meaning. Lenormand decks are more popular in Europe, especially France, and have only as of late increased in popularity in the US.


    See Sun in Leo


    See sexuality - labels

    Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

    The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (or LBRP) is a ceremonial magic ritual devised and used by the original order of the Golden Dawn that has become a mainstay in modern occultism. This ritual is considered by many to be a basic preliminary to any other magical work, so much that it was the only ritual, besides initiation rituals, taught to members of the Golden Dawn before they advanced to the Inner Order.

    The ritual is highly dynamic, using gesture, visualization and the pronunciation of certain words of power, combining prayer and invocation as well as clearing and preparing a space for further magical or meditative work. The ritual is perceived as banishing any "chaotic" and "impure" forms of the elements from the magician's circle tracing the Pentagrams in the air and by the power of certain Divine names followed by an invocation of the spiritual forces ruling the elements to fortify and guard the circle.

    Lesser Sabbat

    See archaeoastronomy.com for dates this year

    The Lesser Sabbats were the two solstices at midsummer and midwinter, and the two equinoxes in spring and autumn. These may vary by a day or two each year, as they depend upon the sun’s apparent entry into the zodiacal signs of Capricorn (winter solstice), Cancer (summer solstice), Aries (spring equinox) and Libra (autumn equinox). These occasions also were celebrated as festivals by the Druids.

    In addition to the four great festivals of the Pagan Celtic year, there are four lesser holidays as well: the two solstices, and the two equinoxes. In folklore, these are referred to as the four “quarter days” of the year, and modern Witches call them the four “Lesser Sabbats”, or the four “Low Holidays”.


    See supine


    classic liberal Government is not your friend.

    A person who does not follow up the phrase ‘I believe in freedom’ with the word ‘but.’
    — anonymous

    1. One who advocates maximizing individual rights and minimizing the role of the state.
    2. One who believes in free will.

    A libertarian is someone who believes that the ideal of liberty should be their guiding principle, and the guiding principle at all levels of government in the United States. That was precisely the guiding principle of the founding fathers of this nation.

    A great many believe that liberty is the freedom to do as you please. They are mistaken. Liberty is the freedom to do as you want as long as you do not hurt others or interfere with the rights of others. Liberty is freedom with the responsibility to do no harm to others. The responsibility portion of liberty was stressed by the founding fathers of the United States.

    1. one who opposes authoritarianism
    2. a member of a broad movement advocating reduced governmental power
    3. a US political party (capitalized)
    4. a pejorative used by some “progressives” to mean “anyone I disagree with”
    Four Meanings from The Honest Courtesan
    ❝"Libertarian" is the modern American name for "classic liberal." In America, the label "liberal" got hijacked in the early 20th Century, although it still tends to be an accurate description in Europe.

    A modern liberal can range from what used to be called a "progressive" to socialist. Roughly speaking, a modern liberal is all for personal freedom but feels that economic freedom and opportunity should be controlled by government action so that everyone "benefits equally" in the name of "social justice." In it's more extreme forms, it can mean that good intentions and lofty goals are judged over results.

    A conservative tends to value economic freedom over personal freedom. Usually this means removing government obstacles to business while advocating a common moral belief system to join people together, even if someone has to sacrifice in the name of that system. In it's more extreme forms, that can mean dictating the personal behavior (and occasionally beliefs) of individuals through government actions. The bottom line and results take precedence over feelings.

    American libertarians want both personal freedom and economic freedom, and they know that always comes with responsibility. Libertarians also believe that the biggest threat to personal freedom and economic freedom is a large government with expanding powers.

    There is a very important distinction between a "classic liberal" and a "modern liberal." A "modern liberal" believes that rights are defined by a group and granted to individuals by virtue of their membership in that group. I call this the French model of rights because it's assumptions made the French Revolution possible. A "classic liberal" believes that individual rights exist even if they haven't been defined, and the only restriction should be to prevent an individual from interfering with the rights of another. I call this the American model of rights because it made the United States possible.❞
    Libertarians believe that people can make their own choices and accept responsibility for those choices. Libertarians do not accept that people must be managed by Higher Authority “for their own good” or “for the greater good.”

    Reduce government, don't replace government.

    If government is not a net benefit, then the question “What can government do?” changes to “How do we limit costs?”

    Lbertarianism is not a system. It's liberty, individuals choosing while accepting the consequences of those choices.

    In the U.S., capital "L" Libertarians are usually a member of the Libertarian Party or some other organization. Small "l" libertarians do not have long term political affiliations. Small “l” libertarians tend to be individualistic are don't usually form political alliances and compromises for the “greater good.” Or even the “lesser evil.” In my case, I believe that politics and "the system" perpetuate the problems.

    ❝*whispers* It's one of the things that we sing at the Secret Libertarian Guild meetings.

    You see, we want to take over the World and Leave You Alone.

    ❝I've found that for most people, the problem is that libertarianism doesn't give canned answers for most problems. When the emphasis is on choice and personal responsibility, folks want someone to blame when stuff goes wrong. Freedom is scary stuff.

    A bigger but more subtle problem is that people love to meddle. They want to control other people "for their own good." Public education, foreign policy, sub-prime mortgages, all happened because someone thought they knew better and used force to inflict it on everyone else.❞
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#libertarian
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#libertarianism

  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#conservative
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#modern-liberal
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#question
  • liberty

    Freedom WITH responsibility works almost every time.

    Do what you want as long as you don't interfere with others and accept the consequences.

    That means recognizing & respecting other people. It's not a right unless the other has it too.

    ❝Liberty is not about control.

    Liberty is choice and consequences.

    It “doesn’t work” as a political system because it doesn’t control others. Politics is about controlling the other, liberty is personal responsibility. Your choice, your success or failure doesn’t control others in a “libertarian system.”❞
    Government is not your friend. No matter how much it promises that it is. There is always the assumption and the temptation that government can do something for you without significant cost, instead of being the most dangerous force known to man.

    Government solutions are not virtuous simply because they are government or expert or commonly accepted. Government is usually a bad choice and should be replaced as a solution as soon as possible. Otherwise it will create far more problems than it solves at a far greater cost than anyone imagined. Liberty always always suffers the more government is involved. And government will never tell you that.

    ❝That's today's quick definition of liberty, folks. It's not a right unless the other guy has it too.❞
    All men are naturally in a state of perfect freedom to order their actions, and dispose of their possessions and persons as they think fit, within the bounds of the law of Nature, without asking leave or depending upon the will of any other man.
    — John Locke

    Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add “within the limits of the law” because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.
    — Thomas Jefferson

    Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
    — Benjamin Franklin

    The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.
    — H. L. Mencken

    Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law, love under will.
    — Aleister Crowley, law of Thelema
    ❝That is the tragedy of the “American Century.” We forgot that liberty can't be imposed by the top down, it has to be seized from the bottom up.

    Every time we meddle without that as a guideline, things turn out worse.❞

    liberty argument

    See generalized argument

    liberty blue


    My second favorite web color.

    So why isn't it deep dark blue like the star field on the American flag or the midnight sky? With liberty you stand unafraid in the daylight. With liberty you look past the horizon up into the open sky. With liberty you're ready for the challenge of tomorrow.



    See Sun in Libra


    1. Intermediate between two states, conditions, or regions; transitional or indeterminate
    2. Existing at the limen. Used of stimuli.

    In anthropology, liminality (from the Latin word līmen, meaning "a threshold") is the quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs in the middle stage of a rite of passage, when participants no longer hold their pre-ritual status but have not yet begun the transition to the status they will hold when the rite is complete. During a rite's liminal stage, participants "stand at the threshold" between their previous way of structuring their identity, time, or community, and a new way, which completing the rite establishes.

    Lindy Effect

    The Lindy Effect is a theory that the future life expectancy of specific non-perishable items, like a technology or idea, is proportional to their age. Put simply, the longer it has already lasted, the higher the likelihood it will continue to last.
    Lindy Effect 101 from Sahil Bloom

    The Lindy Effect is a theory about the aging of non-perishable things, like technology or ideas. Popularized by author Nicholas Nassim Taleb, the Lindy Effect states that non-perishable things like technology age – linearly – in reverse. Therefore, the older an idea or a technology, the same will be its life expectancy.

    The Lindy Effect teaches us that non-perishable things age in reverse. This means that things that have survived for a longer time might probabilistically live longer.

    The origin of the term can be traced to Albert Goldman and a 1964 article he had written in The New Republic titled "Lindy's Law". The term Lindy refers to Lindy's delicatessen in New York, where comedians "foregather every night at Lindy's, where ... they conduct post-mortems on recent show business 'action'". In this article, Goldman describes a folkloric belief among New York City media observers that the amount of material comedians have is constant, and therefore, the frequency of output predicts how long their series will last:

    Benoit Mandelbrot defined a different concept with the same name in his 1982 book The Fractal Geometry of Nature. In Mandelbrot's version, comedians do not have a fixed amount of comedic material to spread over TV appearances, but rather, the more appearances they make, the more future appearances they are predicted to make: Mandelbrot expressed mathematically that for certain things bounded by the life of the producer, like human promise, future life expectancy is proportional to the past. He references Lindy's Law and a parable of the young poets' cemetery and then applies to researchers and their publications: "However long a person's past collected works, it will on the average continue for an equal additional amount. When it eventually stops, it breaks off at precisely half of its promise."

    Nassim Taleb presented a version of Mandelbrot's idea in The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable by extending it to a certain class of non-perishables where life expectancy can be expressed as power laws.


    See kin


    Summer solstice.

    Traditional neopagan sabbat. Quarter day, Lesser Sabbat, Low Holiday, & solar festival. The longest day and the sun's greatest strength. Litha marks the summer solstice and the middle of summer.
    Technically, a solstice is an astronomical point and, due to the calendar creep of the leap-year cycle, the date may vary by a few days depending on the year. The summer solstice occurs when the sun reaches the Tropic of Cancer, and we experience the longest day and the shortest night of the year. Astrologers know this as the date on which the sun enters the sign of Cancer.

    However, since most European peasants were not accomplished at reading an ephemeris or did not live close enough to Salisbury Plain to trot over to Stonehenge and sight down its main avenue, they celebrated the event on a fixed calendar date, June 24. The slight forward displacement of the traditional date is the result of multitudinous calendrical changes down through the ages. It is analogous to the winter solstice celebration, which is astronomically on or about December 21, but is celebrated on the traditional date of December 25, Yule, later adopted by the Christians.

    Again, it must be remembered that the Celts reckoned their days from sundown to sundown, so the June 24 festivities actually begin on the previous sundown (our June 23). This was the date of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Which brings up another point: our modern calendars are quite misguided in suggesting that ‘summer begins’ on the solstice. According to the old folk calendar, summer begins on May Day and ends on Lammas (August 1), with the summer solstice, midway between the two, marking midsummer. This makes more logical sense than suggesting that summer begins on the day when the sun’s power begins to wane and the days grow shorter.

    Although our Pagan ancestors probably preferred June 24 (and indeed most European folk festivals today use this date), the sensibility of modern Witches seems to prefer the actual solstice point, beginning the celebration on its eve, or the sunset immediately preceding the solstice point. Again, it gives modern Pagans a range of dates to choose from with, hopefully, a weekend embedded in it.

    Just as the Pagan Midwinter celebration of Yule was adopted by Christians as “Christmas” (December 25), so too the Pagan Midsummer celebration was adopted by them as the Feast of John the Baptist (June 24). Occurring 180 degrees apart on the wheel of the year, the Midwinter celebration commemorates the birth of Jesus, while the Midsummer celebration commemorates the birth of John, the prophet who was born six months before Jesus in order to announce his arrival.
    A Mid-Summer Celebration from The Witches Sabbats

    Midsummer or the Summer Solstice is the most powerful day of the year for the Sun God. Because this Sabbat glorifies the Sun God and the Sun, fire plays a very prominent role in this festival. The element of Fire is the most easily seen and immediately felt element of transformation. It can burn, consume, cook, shed light or purify and balefires still figure prominently at modern Midsummer rites.

    Most cultures of the Northern Hemisphere mark Midsummer in some ritualised manner and from time immemorial people have acknowledged the rising of the sun on this day. At Stonehenge, the heelstone marks the midsummer sunrise as seen from the centre of the stone circle.

    In ancient times, the Summer Solstice was a fire-festival of great importance when the burning of balefires ritually strengthened the sun. It was often marked with torchlight processions, by flaming tar barrels or by wheels bound with straw, which were set alight and rolled down steep hillsides. The Norse especially loved lengthy processions and would gather together their animals, families and lighted torches and parade through the countryside to the celebration site.

    The use of fires, as well as providing magical aid to the sun, were also used to drive out evil and to bring fertility and prosperity to men, crops and herds. Blazing gorse or furze was carried around cattle to prevent disease and misfortune; while people would dance around the balefires or leap through the flames as a purifying or strengthening rite. The Celts would light balefires all over their lands from sunset the night before Midsummer until sunset the next day. Around these flames the festivities would take place.
    Litha - Summer Solstice from The White Goddess

    Litha is the season of expansion, when the crops burgeon forth. We forget winters cares and spend our days basking under the brilliant light. The Summer Solstice brings us the longest day of the year – the zenith of the Sun King, and also His death as the Holly King dethrones him and takes reign over the now waning year. From now until Yule, the light will fade into darkness.

    This is the time of lovers and gardeners. The rutting fervor of Beltane has deepened into the passionate eroticism that grows when partners become familiar with one another rhythms and moods. It is the love between those committed by heart as well as body. It is also the love of parents for their children (be they two- or four-legged!). Everywhere we look, ripeness spills out from field and forest.

    Litha is the height of the Divine Marriage, then the Oak King falls, His vigor and prime giving way to the sagacity of the Holly King, even as the Goddess prepares Herself for harvest and Cronehood.
    Litha The Summer Solstice from Whispering Worlds

    We have reached the time of the Summer Solstice, Alban Hefin, The Light of the Shore, by June 21st or 22nd [the dates for each of the solar festivals vary each year since the events are astronomical not man-made, like our calendar]. Light is at its maximum, and this is the time of the longest day. It is at this time that the Druids hold their most complex ceremony. Starting at midnight on the eve of the Solstice, a vigil is held through the night - seated around the Solstice fire. The night is over in a matter of hours, and as light breaks, the Dawn Ceremony marks the time of the sun's rising on this his most powerful day. At noon a further ceremony is held.
    The Eightfold Wheel of the Year & the Druid Festivals
    from The Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids

    See also
  • Alban Hefin,
  • Feill-Sheathain,
  • Jani,
  • Juhannus,
  • Midsommarafton,
  • Midsummer: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for Litha,
  • Saint John's Eve,
  • solar festival,
  • solstice,

  • solstice,
  • Suncrest,
  • Suncrest,
  • Suncrest,
  • The Witches’ Sabats
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#litha

    live & let live

    works mostly, as long as the other person does the same

    One of my common sayings. The best way I know to save your passion for the really important things.



    (fire festival)

    living faith

    A living faith draws from three sources.

    • There's what others have done before you.
    • There's who you are and what you've done.
    • And finally there's the link you make to the Divine.

    The dynamic balance between these three things drive and shape your faith.



    Logic, logic, logic.

    Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.
    Logic (from Greek: λογική, logikḗ, 'possessed of reason, intellectual, dialectical, argumentative') is the systematic study of the forms of inference, i.e. the relations that lead to the acceptance of one proposition (the conclusion) on the basis of a set of other propositions (premises). More broadly, logic is the analysis and appraisal of arguments.

    There is no universal agreement as to the exact definition and boundaries of logic, hence why the issue still remains one of the main subjects of research and debates in the field of philosophy of logic (see § Rival conceptions). However, it has traditionally included the classification of arguments; the systematic exposition of the logical forms; the validity and soundness of deductive reasoning; the strength of inductive reasoning; the study of formal proofs and inference (including paradoxes and fallacies); and the study of syntax and semantics.

    A good argument not only possesses validity and soundness (or strength, in induction), but it also avoids circular dependencies, is clearly stated, relevant, and consistent; otherwise it is useless for reasoning and persuasion, and is classified as a fallacy.
    Too many people assume that logic shapes reality instead of describing reality. Starting with the wrong premise inevitably leads to the wrong conclusion. A logical process must always be tested and retested.

    Logic is a process, not a goal.
    Flaws in logic do not mean that the conclusion is wrong, but merely that the argument itself does not support the conclusion.
    Flaws in Logic: 101 from Gold Coast Skeptics


    1. philosophy. the rational principle that governs and develops the universe.
    2. the divine word or reason incarnate in Jesus Christ. John 1:1–14.

    The logical appeal, often uses facts and figures.
    Research inspired by an entry at Chas Clifton's Letter from Hardscrabble Creek

    See also
  • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modes_of_persuasion,
  • ethos,
  • ethos,
  • pathos,
  • pathos,
  • rhetoric,
  • rhetoric
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#logos


    man in loincloth
    A loincloth is a species of culotte of primitive origin whose name derives from the Latin lumbus, meaning the pelvic region. It consists of a waistband and a flap of cloth which hangs in front of the pubic region. Strictly speaking, the cloth does not pass through the crotch; if it did the culotte would be a g-string, not a loincloth. Still worn by millions of people daily, often topless, and including both men and women, the loincloth is a dress staple on the planet.

    A loincloth is a one-piece garment, sometimes kept in place by a belt. It covers the genitals and, at least partially, the buttocks.

    Loincloths are being worn, and have been worn, in societies where no other clothing is needed or wanted. Loincloths are commonly used as an undergarment or swimsuit, by wrestlers and by farmers in paddy fields in both Sri Lanka and India, where it is called Amudaya in Sinhala and kaupinam or Kov(m)anam or langot.

    The loincloth, or breechcloth, is a basic form of dress, often worn as the only garment. Men have worn a loincloth as a fundamental piece of clothing which covers their genitals, not the buttocks, in most societies which disapproved of genital nakedness throughout human history.

    In essence, a loincloth is lower body underwear made of cloth or hides. Sometimes it's just a flap over the crotch and rear, and sometimes it's woven like actual briefs.
    Loincloth from TVTropes
    My preferred loincloths use a braided rope belt with a d-ring for the waistband, a small cloth pouch on the left hand side, and chamois leather for the flap.

    I fold over and sew one edge of the chamois into a loop big enough to feed the rope belt through. I make the front wide enough to cover my fur and hang a few inches below my testicles and flacid phallus when I stand. While I enjoy the touch of chamois, human sweat and leather don't mix. I use around four chamois pieces a year. That's also why I use heavy cloth for the pouch.

    One advantage of living in the high dessert is the pleasant weather from late spring to early autumn. I wear a front-only loincloth when I'm with a companion or alone and not nude. I use one when researching and experimenting and for most minor rituals.

    Yes, it's obviously about sensation and it touches on sex. Mine is a fertility faith after all. The alternating air and chamois against my skin and dangling bits feels great and it's something I don't get with “normal” clothes.

    long term working

    A set of rituals that takes place over several days at least. The effects usually last longer as well.


    Long Winter, the 1880 to 1881

    See also
  • The Long Winter
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ll/#long-winter

    lore, the

    1. the body of knowledge, especially of a traditional, anecdotal, or popular nature, on a particular subject:
      the lore of herbs.
    2. learning, knowledge, or erudition.
    3. Archaic.
      1. the process or act of teaching; instruction.
      2. something that is taught; lesson.
    The lore is about core ideas, not specific practices.


    A strong affection for another. One sign that it might be healthy is if it is mutual.

    I use the Greek words for love.


    low holiday

    dates of solstices & equinoxes

    A quarter day, a solar festival, the peak of each season. On my WebTree path, a three day celebration honoring the gods and marking either an equinox or a solstice. It begins on sunrise on the day before the solar event and lasts until sunset of day after (traditional three days).



    In ancient Roman culture, the Latin word ludus (plural ludi) has several meanings within the semantic field of "play, game, sport, training"

    lunar month

    See month, lunar


    See month, lunar


    See Imbolc


    Originally in the USSR, a political campaign conducted by Trofim Lysenko and the Soviet authorities against genetics and science based agriculture techniques. Today it means distorting the scientific process to advance a political goal, usually flawed.

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