A work in progress. Script links go to the timetable. Internal site links are underlined. Uppercase links go to specific entries.

A dashed border and red banner means I don't agree with the definition or that it is a dangerous idea.
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  • Mabon

    Autumnal equinox.

    Traditional neopagan sabbat. Quarter day, Lesser Sabbat, Low Holiday, & solar festival. Mabon marks the autumnal equinox and the middle of fall. The Summerlord is defeated (but not killed) by his weird the Winterlord, beginning his banishment to and ruling of the Underworld. It's the second of three harvest festivals, the final harvest of fruits and vegetables reflecting thanksgiving for the fruits of the Earth and sharing the bounty.
    The Autumn Equinox divides the day and night equally, and we all take a moment to pay our respects to the impending dark. We also give thanks to the waning sunlight, as we store our harvest of this year's crops. The Druids call this celebration, Mea'n Fo'mhair, and honor the The Green Man, the God of the Forest, by offering libations to trees. Offerings of ciders, wines, herbs and fertilizer are appropriate at this time. Wiccans celebrate the aging Goddess as she passes from Mother to Crone, and her consort the God as he prepares for death and re-birth.

    Mabon is considered a time of the Mysteries. It is a time to honor Aging Deities and the Spirit World. Considered a time of balance, it is when we stop and relax and enjoy the fruits of our personal harvests, whether they be from toiling in our gardens, working at our jobs, raising our families, or just coping with the hussle-bussle of everyday life.
    Mabon from The Celtic Connection

    Mythically, this is the day of the year when the God of Light is defeated by his twin and alter ego, the God of Darkness. It is the time of the year when night conquers day. And as I have recently shown in my seasonal reconstruction of the Welsh myth of Blodeuwedd, the autumnal equinox is the only day of the whole year when Llew (light) is vulnerable and it is possible to defeat him. Llew now stands on the Balance (Libra/ autumnal equinox), with one foot on the Cauldron (Cancer/summer solstice) and his other foot on the Goat (Capricorn/winter solstice). Thus he is betrayed by Blodeuwedd, the Virgin (Virgo) and transformed into an Eagle (Scorpio).

    Two things are now likely to occur mythically, in rapid succession. Having defeated Llew, Goronwy (darkness) now takes over Llew’s functions, both as lover to Blodeuwedd, the Goddess, and as king of our own world. Although Goronwy, the Horned King, now sits on Llew’s throne and begins his rule immediately, his formal coronation will not be for another six weeks, occurring at Samhain (Halloween) or the beginning of winter, when he becomes the Winter Lord, the Dark King, Lord of Misrule. Goronwy’s other function has more immediate results, however. He mates with the Virgin Goddess, and Blodeuwedd conceives, and will give birth—nine months later (at the summer solstice)—to Goronwy’s son, who is really another incarnation of himself, the Dark Child.

    Llew’s sacrificial death at Harvest Home also identifies him with John Barleycorn, spirit of the fields. Thus, Llew represents not only the sun’s power, but also the sun’s life trapped and crystallized in the corn. Often this corn spirit was believed to reside most especially in the last sheaf or shock harvested, which was dressed in fine clothes, or woven into a wicker-like man-shaped form. This effigy was then cut and carried from the field, and usually burned, amidst much rejoicing. So one may see Blodeuwedd and Goronwy in a new guise, not as conspirators who murder their king, but as kindly farmers who harvest the crop that they had planted and so lovingly cared for. And yet, anyone who knows the old ballad of John Barleycorn knows that we have not heard the last of him.
    Harvest Home from The Witches Sabbats

    AUTUMN EQUINOX/MABON: (on or about September 21) The Second or Continuing Harvest. Now, as at Ostara, the days and nights are equal once again. gardens are in full bloom and heavy with nature's bounty. There is a slight nip in the air already and preparations begin to prepare for the long cold months which are to come.
    INDEX: Mabon/Autumn Equinox from Witchvox

    The Autumnal Equinox, on September 21st or thereabouts, is called Alban Elfed or Light of the Water in the Druid tradition. It represents the second of the harvest festivals - this time marking the end of harvest-time, just as Lughnasadh marked its beginning. Again day and night are equally balanced as they were at the time of the Spring Equinox, but soon the nights will grow longer than the days and Winter will be with us. In the ceremony we give thanks for the fruits of the earth and for the goodness of the Mother Goddess.
    The Eightfold Wheel of the Year & the Druid Festivals
    from The Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids

    See also
  • Alban Elfed,
  • equinox,
  • Feast of the Ingathering,
  • Harvest Home,
  • Mabon History: The Second Harvest from Learn Religions,
  • Mabon: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for the Autumn Equinox,
  • Meán Fómhair,
  • Redmark,
  • Redmark,
  • Redmark,
  • solar festival,
  • The Witches’ Sabbats
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/mm/#mabon https://lexicon.neowayland.com/mm/#barleycorn


    See cassava

    Mackay 66 customer profile

    The Mackay 66, everything that a salesman needed to know about every client, prospect , and contact. Now what once was achieved by hours of tedious labor and endless 4 x 6 file cards, could be accomplished with lightening speed on a personal computer. By today’s standards the personal home computer of the day was slow and limited in memory and capabilities, but they were light years ahead of the hand written alternative I had been using for contact management. I ordered it the day that wonderful issue of “FORTUNE MAGAZINE” arrived at my home.

    Harvey Mackay had written a book titled, “SWIM WITH THE SHARKS WITHOUT BEING EATEN (ALIVE)”. It was in that best selling book that Mr, Mackay revealed to the world his highly effective method for developing in depth personal relationships with people. I had read the book and adopted many of the suggestions and techniques Mr. Mackay shared in the book in my own sales, sales management and personal lives. Now, this guru of sales, service, and entrepreneurship was giving me the opportunity to basically take the hard work away from myself and set myself free to do more selling and servicing of my clients. Not only that, but now, with a far less investment of time and effort, I could manage a pipeline for future client base growth.

    This document… lists the 66 questions Mackay feels will help you know your customer better than they know themselves and you can use this knowledge to help you build rapport, make the sale, and surprise them with great service.

    It includes such questions as “Favorite places for lunch” and “conversation interests” and “social organizations”… 66 questions in all that will give you the edge on your competition when it comes to knowing your customers.
    The Mackay 66 from morebusiness.com
    The Mackay 66 is the core of my own in depth "sketches" that I put in my address book. Of course I don't ask the questions directly. It takes time and effort to build up your information, but then you can skim before meeting them again.

    I break my contacts into tiers. First tier are the ones I'm realted to or deal with often (Dunbar number “intimates,” “sympathy & support,” and “close friends & family”). Second tier are my regulars that I see and deal with at least once a month. I restrict my "sketches" to these tiers. Others may get an address book entry, but I have only the bare details.

    I also use the one-off rule. As I learn who they are. I may list other family members like significant other, children, parents, etc, but I won't go more than one link out. Parents, yes, grandparents, no. Brother yes, uncle, no.


    Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will.
    Magic is staged illusion and deception. Magick is change. Yes, there is a difference. No, most people do not recognize that difference.

    I’m not fond of the classic Crowley definition.

    I think initiating, celebrating and directing change is more accurate.

    Magick is the essence of change and evolution.
    1. A general term for arts, sciences, philosophies and technologies concerned with
      1. understanding and using various altered states of consciousness within which it is possible to have access to and control over one's psychic talents, and
      2. the uses and abuses of those psychic talents to change interior and/ or exterior realities.
    2. A science and an art comprising a system of concepts and methods for the build-up of human emotions, altering the electrochemical balance of the metabolism, using associational techniques and devices to concentrate and focus this emotional energy, thus modulating the energies broadcast by the human body, usually to affect other energy patterns whether animate or inanimate, but occasionally to affect the personal energy pattern.
    3. A collection of rule-of-thumb techniques designed to get one's psychic talents to do more or less what one wants, more often than not, one hopes. It should be obvious that these are thaumaturgical definitions.
    Isaac Bonewits, “glossary - Magic”, Real Magic
     ☞ www.neopagan.net

    Many people, and perhaps especially educated people, have an entirely wrong conception of what magic is. They think of it as something which miraculously violates the laws of Nature. Therefore, they say, it is absurd and impossible. But magic does not work like this at all.

    Again, there is no suggestion that magic acts by anything other than the forces of Nature, being understood and used by one whose knowledge penetrates to the hidden side of Nature, and to the workings of those powers commonly called occult.

    The word ‘magic’ is from the Greek Magikē technē, meaning the art of the Magi, or priests of Ancient Persia, from whence the Greeks believed magic to have originated. (However, the magic arts were being practised in Ancient Egypt, long before the days of the Persian Magi.)

    It seems that the Magi belonged to the oldest stock of Persia, rather than to the orthodox followers of the religion of Zoroaster, some of whom regarded the doctrines of the Magi with suspicion, as being heretical. They seem to have borne some resemblance to the Druids, as they are said to have worn white robes and favoured a simple mode of life and a vegetarian diet. They worshipped no idols, choosing rather as their symbol the Divine and Sacred Fire, which burned in their sanctuaries and was never allowed to go out.

    How does it work? Well, that's complicated. Here are some of my working assumptions.

    The forces behind magick exist outside of space and time as we understand it. We don't have the perception or the understanding. So we draw it through a frame, an artificial construct that binds the magick into symbols and rules that we do understand. Think operating system and user interface and you are not that far off.

    The wild card is that Diety may be plugged into that frame. So even though we think we understand, the link to the Divine means we'll be pushed in directions we never expected. Obviously the more we honor specific Dieties, the stronger the connection. Gods make you stretch.

    When it comes to operating systems/user interfaces, you can use an existing one, build your own, or combine. Most cultures create their own frames over time reinforced by the everyday rituals performed by their members. Saluting the flag. What foods are eaten in the morning. The clothes you wear on a date. Everyday decisions and customs drawn from individual actions with a common core. A cultural frame doesn't require understanding, just a through knowledge of the symbols and belief structure. It's readily available but limited in what it can do. Major changes in a cultural frame require changes in a culture.

    An individual frame is more flexible, but requires rejecting at least part of the cultural frame and the mores that go along with it. A big part of developing an individual frame is removing the benefits and protections offered by the cultural frame. It also requires study, meditation, and practice. Constant study, meditation, and practice. There's an old saying that magick doesn't live in the unwilling heart. You can't depend on others to “pick up the slack” in your individual frame. What you put into it helps determine what you can do with it. Just like a user interface.

    Ceremonial magick maintains the frame by tying it to the milieu, the Divine, and beliefs. Operative magick is used to get the job done. Pertinent magick is the temporary fix.

    I never provide complete rituals or rites. Part of that is because I don't think anyone should be “casting spells” from a book or a webpage. Mostly it's because magick doesn't work unless you mix in part of yourself. The more original you can make it, the better the results might be.



    of or relating to the method used by Socrates of eliciting knowledge in the mind of a person by interrogation and insistence on close and logical reasoning.

    It is said that one of Socrates’s friends took council of the Oracle of Delphi and inquired the name of the wisest person in the world, and the Oracle replied “Socrates”. When Socrates found out that his name had emanated from the Oracles lips, he tried to prove her wrong, and started on a life-long quest to search out wisdom in others by asking them questions — a method known as maieutics, or, mid-wifing, an attempt to ‘give birth’ to the latent truth inside a person . Thus was Soctrates journey prompted. It was he who said “I know one thing; that I know nothing”, which is called the Socratic paradox and started the tradition that would lead to the founding of other schools of philosophy such as Skepticism, Stoicism, Cynicism and so on.

    Maillard reaction

    The Maillard reaction is complex. So complex, in fact, that it's only in the last few years that scientists have begun to figure out what it actually is. While they still don't entirely understand it, they do know the basics: The Maillard reaction is many small, simultaneous chemical reactions that occur when proteins and sugars in and on your food are transformed by heat, producing new flavors, aromas, and colors.

    Practically speaking, the Maillard reaction makes food more enticing to us humans, encouraging us to dig into a steak, drink a coffee, or chug a beer. Unlike all the other omnivores prowling this earth, we no longer tend to find a hunk of raw cow shoulder particularly appetizing. But if that same muscle is ground up, formed into patties, and seared on a flattop, we'll eagerly line up around the block. In large part, that's because we have evolved to respond to two important signals when encountering food. The first is a "nutrition" signal that tells us the food will deliver a hefty dose of easily digestible calories, vitamins, and minerals. The second is a "general harmlessness" signal that tells us the food won't kill us. The Maillard reaction is evolution's way of combining these two signals into one super-signal, specific to the roasty or browned flavors of cooked food.

    mala fides

    bad faith; intent to cheat or deceive

    mala in se

    Bad in and of itself. Something is mala in se if and only if it threatens or results in measurable damage to life, liberty, and property. Murder, violent attacks, rape, kidnapping, and theft are included. The key concept here is "measurable damage."
    Wrongs in themselves; acts morally wrong; offenses against conscience.

    In Criminal Law, crimes are categorized as either mala in se or mala prohibita, a term that describes conduct that is specifically forbidden by laws. Although the distinction between the two classifications is not always clear, crimes mala in se are usually common-law crimes or those dangerous to life or limb.

    Battery and grand larceny or petit larceny are examples of offenses that courts have held to be mala in se.
    Bad because it is prohibited. Something is mala prohibita if and only if the state has forbidden it. I would add regulation as well. Driving without a license or insurance, unusual sex, public nudity, profanity, recreational drug use, opening a small business without the "proper" permit, all these are included. The key concept here is "forbidden." Mala prohibita means that the government will impose morality and ethics by force.

    It's no secret that I believe most of the problems in American society are because of too much government and mala prohibita laws.
    [Latin, Wrongs prohibited.] A term used to describe conduct that is prohibited by laws, although not inherently evil.

    Courts commonly classify statutory crimes as mala prohibita. This, however, is not a fixed rule since not all statutory crimes are classified as such.

    Examples of mala prohibita include public intoxication and carrying a concealed weapon.

    malicious compliance

    When a superior gives you incredibly bad orders, and out of spite, you follow them to the letter, knowing the result is going to be disastrous.

    Applying a clear definition to malicious compliance is difficult, but in a nutshell, it is the practice of following directions or orders in a literal way, observing them without variance, despite knowing that the outcome will not be what the manager or boss initially desired.

    The inclusion of “malicious” in this definition is very important, as this behavior is always meant in some way to damage, humiliate or threaten the established power structure, regardless of what level that may be.

    mammatus clouds

    amazing mammatus clouds
    Mammatus are pouch-like cloud structures. They're also a rare example of clouds in sinking air-- most clouds form in rising air. Although mammatus most frequently form on the underside of a cumulonimbus, they can develop underneath cirrocumulus, altostratus, altocumulus and stratocumulus.

    For a mammatus to form, the sinking air must be cooler than the air around it and have high liquid water or ice content. They derive their name from their appearance, like the bag-like sacs that hang beneath the cloud resemble cow's udders.
    What Are Mammatus Clouds? from AccuWeather

    People associate them with severe weather, and it’s true they can appear around, before or after a storm. Contrary to myth, they don’t continue extending downward to form tornados, but they are interesting in part because they’re formed by sinking air. Most clouds are formed by rising air. Mammatus clouds can appear ominous. But, in a way that’s so common in nature, their dangerous aspect goes hand in hand with a magnificent beauty.


    See cassava


    In magick, where and when the spell takes physical form. When a plan moves to execution.


    See cassava

    Mankiw’s 10 Principles of Economics

    How People Make Decisions

    1. People face tradeoffs
    2. The cost of something is what you give up to get it
    3. Rational people think at the margin
    4. People respond to incentives

    How People Interact

    1. Trade can make everyone better off
    2. Markets are usually a good way to organise economic activity
    3. Governments can sometimes improve market outcomes

    How the Economy Works

    1. A country’s standard of living depends on its ability to produce goods and services
    2. Prices rise when the government prints too much money
    3. Society faces a short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment
    — adapted from Mankiw’s 10 Principles of Economics by Tom Spencer,
    Principles of Economics by N. Gregory Mankiw
    The root of the most common accepted “capitalist” economics. There are two and a a half problems all related to governement “managing” the economy.

    Government is not your friend. No matter how much it promises that it is. There is always the assumption and the temptation that government can do something for you without significant cost, instead of being the most dangerous force known to man.

    Markets aren't just a “good way to organise economic activity,” free markets are literally the only known self-organizing way to organize economic growth. Left to itself and with competition, a free market will always produce better, cheaper, and more distributed products and services than it did yesterday.

    Markets do not react instantly, there's always a bezzle.

    “Market failures” like public goods, monopolies, and other externalities are a direct result of government intervention. Which means that today government is acting mostly to “correct” something that happened as a result of government yesterday. Sometimes this can form a long chain.

    The trade-off between government managed inflation and unemployment isn't fully understood. The cost of any government intervention will always be spread to the economy as a whole and not just to the targeted segment.

    With those provisos, Mankiw’s principles explain most economic activity.

    manipulation tactics (not complete)

    • Flattery: Do this and you’re a good person.
    • Bribery: Do this and I’ll do something for you.
    • Shaming: Do this or you’re a bad person.
    • Fear: Do this or something bad will happen to you.
    • Blaming: Do this or it’s your fault we can’t do something.
    • Guilt: Do this or it’s your fault bad things happen.
    • Intimidation: Do this or you won’t be allowed to do something.
    • Shunning: Do this or we can’t be friends / see each other any more.
    • Threats: Do this or else.


    Third month of the Gregorian or Julian calendar year.


    Today, the general definition for marmalade is a sweet in which pieces of fruit and rind are suspended. The key is the rind, which gives lends a bitterness to delightfully balance the sweetness of the jelly.

    Most marmalades have a citrus base, either orange (preferably Seville orange), , lemon, grapefruit, or kumquat. To this general base, many other fruits can be added to pique the palate.
    How Does Marmalade Differ From Jelly? from The Spruce Eats


    mask wall
    One of the "useful fictions" I've adopted over the years. Each person is really a whole crowd of people, only one or two of which are facing the world at any one point. The others mill around in the background, giving comments and the occasional shove.

    It's noisy in there and we learn to ignore most of it.

    As the quote goes, “Sometimes it’s not the people who change, it’s the mask that falls off.”
    See also
  • face mask
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/mm/#mask


    Does More With Less

    Here's a brief pretty good explanation of a consenting sexual master/slave relationship. That has nothing to do with this lexicon entry.

    a person eminently skilled in something, as an occupation, art, or science
    One who understands the principles behind the rule sets in a given situation. An expert uses the rule sets, a master uses the principles. In a situation the rule set does not cover, the expert is stumped while the master moves through.

    Zed Shaw claims that the only way to become a master is by moving through being an expert and he is probably right.

    A master does it simply and precisely. Understanding and precision mark a master, who “can do more with less.”

    As to methods, there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.
    probably Harrington Emerson, but often falsely attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson

    After reading books on martial arts history for years, and studying everything I can, I started to see a commonly understood pattern. Almost all people considered masters of their art finally come to such a deep knowledge that they can do more with less. Rather than a flurry of complicated leaping and jumping, the master will simply step to the side and make one calculated strike. Every story about old masters is the same in that, even though they were frail and near death, their knowledge and abilities were so deep and clear that their simplest motions had the greatest power. For a master, the pompous and flowery motions were just wastes of energy.
    — Zed A. Shaw, The Master, The Expert, The Programer (Wayback Machine)

    masterwork masterpiece

    In pre-industrial Western society, an action and product that shows quality and originality with a unique approach.

    A masterwork showed that a journeyman artistian or craftsman had the ability to be called a master. Specifically the journeyman showed expertise, demonstrating that they understood the principles behind the rule set enough to make new rules. Traditonally the masterwork was dinstinctive enough from the master's work to show a different approach.

    With uniform parts, this is much harder to do with most products and services. A well plumbed buidling doesn't stand out that much. The exception is in design.

    An industrial society relies on expertise and seldom on mastery.

    See also
  • expert,
  • master,
  • rule set,
  • tekn
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/mm/#masterwork

    matches, safety

    a match capable of being struck and ignited only on a specially prepared friction surface

    matches, strike anywhere

    Unlike safety matches, ‘strike anywhere’ matches don’t require the red phosphorus striking surface in order to ignite. This is because they contain phosphorus in the match head, in the form of phosphorus sesquisulfide. Other than this difference, however, they still function in much the same way.
    The Chemistry of Matches from Compound Interest

    See also
  • fire,
  • match, safety
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/mm/#strike-anywhere


    Fifth month of the Gregorian or Julian calendar year.

    May Day


    … in medieval and modern Europe, holiday (May 1) for the celebration of the return of spring. The observance probably originated in ancient agricultural rituals, and the Greeks and Romans held such festivals. Although later practices varied widely, the celebrations came to include the gathering of wildflowers and green branches, the weaving of floral garlands, the crowning of a May king and queen, and the setting up of a decorated May tree, or Maypole, around which people danced. Such rites originally may have been intended to ensure fertility for crops and, by extension, for livestock and humans, but in most cases this significance was gradually lost, so that the practices survived largely as popular festivities. Among the many superstitions associated with May Day was the belief that washing the face with dew on the morning of May 1 would beautify the skin. Because the Puritans of New England considered the celebrations of May Day to be licentious and pagan, they forbade its observance, and the holiday never became an important part of American culture.
    Enclyclopædia Britannica has it wrong here, it's a very common mistake. In some European countries especially further north, there were two seasons, winter and summer. May Day traditionally marks the beginning of the growing season, not the beginning of spring. If the summer solstice is midsummer, that makes May Day the beginning of summer.



    See Beltaine - Maypole

    The Mechanic - ISTP

    from PersonalityPage.com, see also Myers-Briggs types

    meddling for the Greater Good

    See THE temptation


    See thymos


    These individuals tend to be analytical, detail oriented, and are deep thinkers and feelers. They are introverted and try to avoid being singled out in a crowd. A melancholic personality leads to self-reliant individuals, who are thoughtful, reserved, and often anxious. They often strive for perfection within themselves and their surroundings, which leads to tidy and detail oriented behaviour.

    1. disposed to or affected with melancholy; gloomy.
    2. of, relating to, or affected with melancholia.

    People with melancholic personality type love traditions. Women cook for men; men open doors for women. They love their families and friends and, unlike sanguine temperament, do not look for novelty and adventure. In fact, they avoid it at all costs. Someone with melancholic temperament is very unlikely to marry a foreigner or leave their homeland for another country. They are very social and seek to contribute to the community. Being extremely orderly and accurate, melancholic people are fantastic people managers.

    Melody’s Law

    See The Law of Perversity


    See kin, also slang for phallus


    A meme is a thought moving through a culture. Akin to genes, memes usually behave like viruses. There are some good, some bad, but most are just junk information seeking a way to propagate.

    Yes, memes existed before funny pictures on the internet.

    A meme is a unit of social or cultural information that travels from one organism to another. Some researchers limit it to humans, but arguably any animal with a language can exchange memes. Some species have exchanged memes with humans. Memes encompass both the unit and the medium.

    ❝How do I get people to look beyond the soundbite?❞
    1. An element of a culture or system of behaviour passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means.
    2. An image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by Internet users, often with slight variations.
    Richard Dawkins introduced the idea in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene. I first ran across it in K. Eric Drexler's The Engines of Creation.

    My writing can get verbose. To spread my ideas further, I condense my best ideas down into an easily remembered soundbites that can be passed along. Usually a soundbites are more challenging than the original thought. Because the soundbite has to stand on it's own, things get very focused and very concise.


    memetic engineering

    Sharing a thought that transforms the thinker as he thinks about it. Robert Anton Wilson was a 20th Century master of the mindfuck, one application of memetic engineering.

    See also
  • meme,
  • mindfuck
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/mm/#memetic-engineering

    memory, condemnation of

    See damnatio memoriae

    Memory, the

    Every Grayson funeral had the Memory—the time set aside for every mourner to recall the life of the person they had lost and for any who so chose to share that memory with all the others. No one was ever forced to share a memory, but anyone who wished to was welcome to do so.
    At All Costs (Honor Harrington, # 11), a novel by David Weber
    In the novel, each mourner shared just one memory that reflected on the relationship they had with the one who had passed.


    an upright monumental stone standing either alone or with others, as in an alignment, found chiefly in Cornwall and Brittany.


    Mercantilism is an economic theory that holds that the prosperity of a nation is dependent upon its supply of capital, and that the global volume of international trade is "unchangeable." Economic assets or capital, are represented by bullion (gold, silver, and trade value) held by the state, which is best increased through a positive balance of trade with other nations (exports minus imports). Mercantilism suggests that the ruling government should advance these goals by playing a protectionist role in the economy; by encouraging exports and discouraging imports, notably through the use of tariffs and subsidies.

    Mercantilism was the dominant school of thought throughout the early modern period (from the 16th to the 18th century). Domestically, this led to some of the first instances of significant government intervention and control over the economy, and it was during this period that much of the modern capitalist system was established. Internationally, mercantilism encouraged the many European wars of the period and fueled European imperialism. Belief in mercantilism began to fade in the late 18th century, as the arguments of Adam Smith and the other classical economists won out. Today, mercantilism (as a whole) is rejected by economists, though some elements are looked upon favorably by non-economists.
    Mercantilism led to empire, but it certainly did not lead to freedom.


    “Mesopaganism” or “Meso-Paganism” is a general term for a variety of movements both organized and nonorganized, started as attempts to recreate, revive or continue what their founders thought were the best aspects of the Paleopagan ways of their ancestors (or predecessors), but which were heavily influenced (accidentally, deliberately and/or involuntarily) by concepts and practices from the monotheistic, dualistic, or nontheistic worldviews of Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, or early Buddhism. Examples of Mesopagan belief systems would include Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Theosophy, Spiritualism, etc., as well as those forms of Druidism influenced by those movements, the many Afro-Diasporatic faiths (such as Voudoun, Santeria, Candomble, etc.), Sikhism, several sects of Hinduism that have been influenced by Islam and Christianity, Mahayana Buddhism, Aleister Crowley’s religion/philosophy of Thelema, Odinism (some Norse Paganism), most “Family Traditions” of Witchcraft (those that aren’t completely fake), and most orthodox (aka “British Traditionalist”) denominations of Wicca.

    Also included as Mesopagans would be the so-called “Christo-Pagans,” those who call themselves “monotheist Pagans,” and perhaps those Satanists who worship the Egyptian deity Set, if there really are any. The Satanists who insist that they don’t worship anything other than themselves but who like to use the name Satan because it’s “scary,” are simply Christian heretics, along with the Secular Humanists and other Western atheists, because the God and Devil they don’t believe in are the ones defined by Christian doctrine. Some Mesopagan belief systems may be racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. There are at least a billion Mesopagans living and worshiping their deities today.

    The term MesoPagan was first put forth by Isaac-Bonewits in an attempt to categorize modern Paganism. According to Bonewits, MesoPagan religions are those that developed from PaleoPagan or native Pagan religions that were influenced by Monotheistic, dualist or Nontheistic philosophies. These include all synchretic religions including Christo-Paganism, many Afro-Diasporic faiths, such as Voudun, Santeria and Candomble, and Sikhism as well as many occult traditions including Thelema, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Theosophy and Spiritualism and many modern Witchcraft traditions, including many Wiccan denominations. Also, some Satanic traditions could fall into this category.

    mess of models

    A collection of carefully crafted computer models created to influence people politically, but can't predict reality accurately.


    metal whiskering

    Older, well used electrical devices and electrionics grow very small metallic strands or whiskers around parts. The more electrical current flows, the more metal atoms are ionized and flow with the current. This is exaggerated in smaller components, making them hard to recycle and nearly impossible to reuse or repurpose.
    Metal whiskers are primarily, but not exclusively, found on electrodeposited coatings during product storage generally over relatively long periods of time. The phenomenon of such spontaneous metallic whisker growth can be identified, commonly, for metals such as tin, zinc, and cadmium. The first real documented evidence is from such growths emanating from cadmium-electroplated surfaces in capacitors in aircraft radios during the Second World War. It soon became evident that such growths were more problematic on tin and perhaps, to a lesser extent, zinc surfaces. Whisker growths can vary in their morphology, with filamentous and nodular outcrops being the most common. Long filaments often pose the biggest potential problems because of their size and propensity and becoming detached from the metal surface from which they are growing. With tin finishes widely utilized in electronics, the chances of such growths causing reliability issues are obvious.
    Metal Whisker from ScinceDirect

    The problem of metallic whiskers is exacerbated by the miniaturization of electronic devices. Since these strands are conducting and grow up to a few millimeters, they can easily cause short-circuits. Multiple short-circuits across a system is enough to decimate it completely.

    These protrusions can also vaporize and create highly conductive paths for significant amounts of current to flow. If a bunch of metallic whiskers breaks free from the surface of origin, they can lodge themselves in different areas and create new uncalled for conducting paths and also cause current leakage.


    a comment or action that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group (such as a racial minority)
    also :
    behavior or speech that is characterized by such comments or actions

    Acts or words that are perceived to be insulting by a person who is looking to be insulted, whether or not that was the intent of the transgressor. Usually a symptom of a persecution complex.

    Microaggressions are the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership. In many cases, these hidden messages may invalidate the group identity or experiential reality of target persons, demean them on a personal or group level, communicate they are lesser human beings, suggest they do not belong with the majority group, threaten and intimidate, or relegate them to inferior status and treatment.
    Microaggressions: More than Just Race from Psychology Today


    A microclimate is the distinctive climate of a small-scale area, such as a garden, park, valley or part of a city. The weather variables in a microclimate, such as temperature, rainfall, wind or humidity, may be subtly different from the conditions prevailing over the area as a whole and from those that might be reasonably expected under certain types of pressure or cloud cover. Indeed, it is the amalgam of many, slightly different local microclimates that actually makes up the microclimate for a town, city or wood.
    MICROCLIMATES from MetLink

    The late architect Malcolm Wells wrote about how berms and courtyards near earth-shelter buildings experience microclimates.
    See also
  • berm
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/mm/#microclimate


    Microplastics are small plastic pieces less than five millimeters long which can be harmful to our ocean and aquatic life.
    What are microplastics? from National Ocean Service

    Microplastics are solid plastic particles composed of mixtures of polymers and functional additives. They may also contain residual impurities. Microplastics can be unintentionally formed when larger pieces of plastic, like car tyres or synthetic textiles, wear and tear. But they are also deliberately manufactured and added to products for specific purposes, such as exfoliating beads in facial or body scrubs.
    Microplastics from ECHA

    Microplastics are tiny plastic particles that result from both commercial product development and the breakdown of larger plastics. As a pollutant, microplastics can be harmful to the environment and animal health.

    Microplastics, as the name implies, are tiny plastic particles. Officially, they are defined as plastics less than five millimeters (0.2 inches) in diameter—smaller in diameter than the standard pearl used in jewelry. There are two categories of microplastics: primary and secondary.

    Primary microplastics are tiny particles designed for commercial use, such as cosmetics, as well as microfibers shed from clothing and other textiles, such as fishing nets. Secondary microplastics are particles that result from the breakdown of larger plastic items, such as water bottles. This breakdown is caused by exposure to environmental factors, mainly the sun’s radiation and ocean waves.

    The problem with microplastics is that—like plastic items of any size—they do not readily break down into harmless molecules. Plastics can take hundreds or thousands of years to decompose—and in the meantime, wreak havoc on the environment. On beaches, microplastics are visible as tiny multicolored plastic bits in sand. In the oceans, microplastic pollution is often consumed by marine animals.
    Microplastics from National Geographic Resource Library

    See also
  • ecology vs. environmentalism
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/mm/#microplastics


  • Litha,
  • Litha,
  • summer solstice
  • Mighty Dead, the

    The Mighty Dead are said to be those practitioners of our religion who are on the Other Side now, but who still take great interest in the activities of Witches on this side of the Veil. They have pledged to watch, to help and to teach. It is those Mighty Dead who stand behind us, or with us, in circle so frequently.

    Though the term has been used to refer to any of our spiritual ancestors of note, such as founders, teacher and authors, I use the term Mighty Dead to refer to the “enlightened” ancestors of the Witchcraft and Pagan traditions. They are those who passed on with a state of awareness, of spiritual “might” that they can step of the cycle of rebirth and incarnation. They are akin to the Saints of the Christian traditions and the Bodhisattvas of the Buddhist traditions.

    The Mighty Dead are the “enlightened” or sanctified or justified dead, of the Witchcraft Traditions. I actually believe they are the same in all traditions, because at that level of consciousness, our differences fall away, but they present to those in a particular tradition through that cultural lens. They are those who died in a state of awareness, succeeding on the path of their tradition. We might say they died with Sorcerous Power. In other traditions they are considered to be the Saints, Bodhisattvas, Inner Plane Adepts, Heroes, Secret Chiefs or Ascended Masters.

    Mike Pence rule

    See Billy Graham rule


    surroundings, especially of a social or cultural nature


    an idea or concept that shakes one's previously held beliefs or assumptions about the nature of reality.
    Someone takes what you know, shifts the perspective ever so slightly, adds something you'd never expect, and totally changes your assumptions.

    And of course you can't define mindfuck without acknowledging Operation Mindfuck.


    ❝mirabile dictu❞

    strange to say; marvelous to relate.


    1. marriage or cohabitation between two people from different racial groups, especially, in the U.S., between a black person and a white person
    2. sexual relations between two people from different racial backgrounds that results in the conception of a mixed-race child
    Another case of making a distinction to cast shame. People are people. There is one race and it's human.

    mise en abyme

    See Droste effect

    misery index

    Equal to the sum of the inflation rate and the unemployment rate, the original misery index was popularized in the 1970s as a measure of America’s economic health during a president’s term in office.
    Misery Index from Investopedia

    The “Misery Index” is an economic indicator created by economist Arthur Okun to provide a simple numeric measure of how the average Joe or Jane is doing economically. It is rather simple to calculate, without need of an advanced economics degree or proficiency in differential equations.

    As a measure of overall hardship in the economy, or a way to quantitate discomfort, pain, or misery, depending on what the actual number is, it can be calculated quite easily.

    It is the sum of the current seasonally adjusted unemployment plus the current inflation rate. One does not even need a calculator assuming one has a basic knowledge of arithmetic
    The Return of the Misery Index from American Thinker

    See also
  • economics
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/mm/#misery

    missing days

    See eleven missing days

    the mission versus the institution

    See iron law of bureaucracy

    Mitchell’s Law

    ❝Bad government policy begats more bad government policy.❞

    There are limited resources. Government policy doesn't have to produce results and is usually shielded from criticism. Without competion, there is nothing to prevent government programs from growing even if they are increasingly ineffective.

    Meanwhile the demand for government to “do SOMETHING” even as the original problem stays and new problems arise from government action.



    See Monday


    See Monday

    modern liberal

    See libertarian - modern liberal


    See value


    1. The cultivation of a single crop on a farm or in a region or country.
    2. A single, homogeneous culture without diversity or dissension.
    Claiming that there is only one way to reach the Divine and that is the ONLY way that will be allowed.

    While monotheists may not have invented it, they've worked overtime to inflict it on the rest of us. Always in the name of a Greater Purpose that Must Not Be Questioned.

    ❝It's not very popular to say, but monotheisms tend to have strong political roots. After all, if there is only one Deity and the current rulers are Divinely sanctioned, they have an overwhelming political interest in making sure that no other Deity can possibly dispute their rule.❞
    That's the shame and legacy of monotheism. Reduce the world to two and only two possibilities and you take away choice. You reveal the weakness of your faith if you cannot stand that someone might make a choice outside your beliefs.

    I see it in monotheism. I see it in totalitarian governments. I see it in the climate change panic. And I see it in the outrage culture.

    I'm not sure which frustrates me more. Watching people suppress dissent, or watching the Christians deny that abuse of their faith inspired it.

    The separation of humans from the rest of Nature. Supposedly we were cast out of paradise because We've Always Been Bad. We can only “redeem” ourselves and our gain forgiveness by sacrificing every pleasure forever and ever.

    Many monotheists believe that humans and humanity control the World as some sort of Divinely appointed destiny. But the World is not ours to master, the World is ours to live in. You don’t shit where you eat and you don’t piss where you sleep. We connected to the web, our actions have consequences.

    Unfortunately, most neopagans were monotheists first and only came to paganism later. They retain this “separation” attitude long after the need for it has passed. Oh, they learn to embrace nature, but it becomes a holiday from the “mundane” world.

    Confusing nudity, sex, physical contact, intimacy, and love. The assumption that all these things are joined and cannot be separated.

    The assumption that separating nudity, sex, and love is immoral and unethical.

    Insisting that people should not fully reveal their bodies to others except in the context of sex. Teaching people that they should be ashamed of their nude bodies.


    Monsters, the Law of

    See Law of Monsters

    month, lunar

    29.530 days

    What is a lunar month? It’s the duration between successive new moons. Also called a lunation or synodic month, it has a mean period of 29.53059 days (29 days 12 hours and 44 minutes). That’s the mean, but the the true length varies throughout the year.

    In lunar calendars, a lunar month is the time between two successive syzygies (new moons or full moons). The precise definition varies, especially for the beginning of the month.

    A lunar month is the amount of time it takes for the Moon to pass through each of its phases (new moon, half, full moon), and then return back to its original position. It takes 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 3 seconds for the Moon to complete one lunar month.

    You might have heard that the Moon only takes 27.3 days to complete one orbit around the Earth. So why is a lunar month more than 2 days longer than the orbit of the Moon?

    A lunar month is the amount of time it takes for the Moon to get from a specific phase, like a new moon, back to the same phase. In other words, the Moon has to get back to the point in its orbit where the Sun is in the same position from our point of view. Since the Moon is going around the Sun with the Earth as part of its orbit, the Moon has to catch up a little bit on each orbit. It takes 2.2 additional days each orbit of the Moon to catch up.
    Lunar Month from Universe Today

    See also
  • bright Moon,
  • dark Moon,
  • lunation,
  • Moon phase,
  • month, sidereal,
  • month, tropical,
  • Moon,
  • synodic month,
  • syzygy,
  • year and a day
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/mm/#month-lunar

    month, sidereal

    27.321 days

    …the moon's eastward orbit around the earth takes 27.32 days. This is known as the moon's sidereal month, which is the time it takes for the moon to complete a full orbit around the earth with respect to returning to the same place among the stars.

    The period of the Moon's orbit as defined with respect to the celestial sphere of apparently fixed stars (the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF)) is known as a sidereal month because it is the time it takes the Moon to return to a similar position among the stars (Latin: sidera): 27.321661 days (27 d 7 h 43 min 11.6 s). This type of month has been observed among cultures in the Middle East, India, and China in the following way: they divided the sky into 27 or 28 lunar mansions, one for each day of the month, identified by the prominent star(s) in them.

    month, tropical

    27.321 days

    a period that equals the mean time of the moon's revolution from any point of the ecliptic back to the same point and amounts to 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes, and 4.7 seconds of mean solar time

    It is customary to specify positions of celestial bodies with respect to the vernal equinox. Because of Earth's precession of the equinoxes, this point moves back slowly along the ecliptic. Therefore, it takes the Moon less time to return to an ecliptic longitude of 0° than to the same point amid the fixed stars: 27.321582 days (27 d 7 h 43 min 4.7 s). This slightly shorter period is known as the tropical month; compare the analogous tropical year.


    Earth's satellite

    big full moon
    1. the earth's natural satellite, orbiting the earth at a mean distance of 238,857 miles (384,393 km) and having a diameter of 2160 miles (3476 km).
    2. this body during a particular lunar month, or during a certain period of time, or at a certain point of time, regarded as a distinct object or entity.
    3. a lunar month, or, in general, a month.
    4. any planetary satellite:
      the moons of Jupiter.
    5. something shaped like an orb or a crescent.
    6. moonlight.
    7. a platyfish.
    8. Slang. the buttocks, especially when bared.
    ❝Ah, Lady Moon, the kiss of your light works wonders.❞
    The Moon is one of the earliest known time keepers. In many religious beliefs, it symbolizes the journey of life, death, and renewal. In European paganisms and later neopaganism, the changing phases represent Maiden, Mother and Crone.

    Some third wave feminist and fourth wave feminist pagans dispute this interpetation.

    Moon phase

    I never liked the terms “new moon” or “quarter moon,” I found them confusing. So these are the names I use.

    • 🌑 dark Moon - a “new Moon” 🌑
    • 🌙 waxing crescent - a Moon growing in illumination but less than half lit 🌙
    • 🌓 waxing half Moon - half Moon growing in illumination 🌓
    • 🌔 waxing gibbous - a Moon growing in illumination and more than half lit 🌔
    • 🌕 bright Moon - a “full Moon” 🌕
    • 🌖 waning gibbous - a Moon lessening in illumination but more than half lit 🌖
    • 🌗 waning half Moon - half moon lessening in illumination 🌗
    • 🌙 waning crescent - a Moon less than half lit and lessening in illumination 🌙 reversed


    Ritual cleansing using the direct light of a bright Moon while standing outside. I use a bowl of warm scented salt-water. Sometimes I do it just for the sensation.

    And yes, that means removing all clothing.

    Living in the high desert means moonbathing is a summer only thing.

    See also
  • skyclad
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/mm/#moonbathing


    Morality is how you treat the people around you and the Other. We are measured in the lives we touch.

    The forces behind magick are not moral or immoral, any more than the wind and the wave. As Chas Clifton says, religion is not moral.

    Faith must be freely chosen if it has any meaning at all, No matter what you choose, your faith does not give you the power to compell morality from another according to the rules of your religion. If their faith doesn't control you, then your faith doesn't control them.

    The way I look at it, the Moral Guardians™ have shown that they can't always follow their rules themselves. If everyone is an adult and no one is forced, then the self-appointed Moral Guardians™ can take a flying leap into a hard cliff face.

    Yep, I practice magick, but I don't call on Dark Powers Who Must Not Be Named. That's in fiction, not in life.


    mortar & pestle

    green mortar & pestle
    Mortar and pestle are implements used since ancient times to prepare ingredients or substances by crushing and grinding them into a fine paste or powder in the kitchen, laboratory, and pharmacy. The mortar (/ˈmɔːrtər/) is a bowl, typically made of hard wood, metal, ceramic, or hard stone, such as granite. The pestle (/ˈpɛsəl/, also US: /ˈpɛstəl/) is a heavy and blunt club-shaped object. The substance to be ground, which may be wet or dry, is placed in the mortar, where the pestle is pressed and rotated onto it until the desired texture is achieved.
    I use three separate mortar & pestle sets.

    One is laboratory ceramic for salts and minerals. One is marble for organics. The last is stainless steel for consumables and edibles.

    The stainless steel one is food grade and lives in my kitchen away from my sanctum/den and the other two.



    Science as it is taught relies heavily on IS and IS NOT and IF, THEN. There is nothing wrong with these ideas until you assume that they are universal. That means our understanding is limited by our perception and assumptions at the moment.

    I prefer MOSTLY to IS and IS NOT. It means I watch for the exceptions where neither IS nor IS NOT applies.

    MOSTLY works. It just means that looking for the occasional exception. It means not closing your mind to the possibilities. It means that there are things that we don't understand. And that means there is reason to reach beyond what we know.


    multiple intelligences intelligence domains, domains of intelligence

    There are different areas of intelligence which I call domains. Intelligence in one domain doesn't necessarily grant understanding, ability or skill in another.

    Proposed in Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Howard Gardner thought there were shortcomings in the traditional understanding of intelligences. His ideas are brilliant but the writing style is pedantic.

    Think of intelligence domains like vehicle types. A sports car does a different job than a dump truck. An airplane doesn't work like a boat. A bicycle isn't a tractor.

    For our purposes here, each intelligence domain progresses along a scale from perception, manipulation, patterning, and eventually symbols. Again, ability in one doman doesn't trainslate to the others.

    Ironically since intelligence isn't all that well understood and Gardner did not address thought modes, many of his critics at that time could not understand that he was shifting from behavior maps to analysis-synthesis in his theory. Gardner's theory has since become very popular among educators and in cognitive psychology.

    Gardner originally identified seven areas of intelligence. Two others were added by scholars, I've added two of my own.

    • Visual-Spatial
      Space, distance, and measurement.
    • Linguistic-Verbal
      Language. Spoken and written language seem to be seperate but related sub-domains.
    • Logical-Mathematical
      Mathmatics, logic, measurements, abstractions, and calculations.
    • Bodily-Kinesthetic
      Bodily awareness and movement. In my view, a very flawed definition. Gardner did not differentiate between gross motor activity and fine motor activity. The ability to throw a fastball doesn't translate to the ability to repair a watch.
    • Musical
      Sound, rhythm, pitch, tone, melody and harmony.
    • Interpersonal
      Social interaction and the passions of others.
    • Intrapersonal
      Self knowledge and awareness.
    • Existentialist
      Philosophy. Not part of Gardner's original group, it's often not accepted as a "valid" intelligence.
    • Naturalistic
      Outside of human activity or influence. Often defined as understanding the natual world. This addition was made in 1996.
    • Tactile-Kinesthetic
      Fine motor coordination based around the hands and the sense of touch. My own addition to fix one of Gardner's obvious blind spots.
    • Gnostic
      Awareness, perception and knowledge of the Divine and it's manifestation through one's self into the World. This isn't going to make sense to someone without gnostic intelligence. My own addition to fix one of Gardner's obvious blind spots.



    A slang word for normal people in the gothic, fetish, otherkin communities (vampires and werewolves). Synonymous with vanillas, innocents, and buffers. Mundanes are people with normal jobs and normal boring lives who watch boring television and have boring tastes in music and the arts.
    Probably originated with the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) which has quite a bit of crossover with other fringe communities.

    Murphy’s Law

    See The Law of Perversity

    my TOTALLY secret agenda (cross-referenced)

    ❝Occasionally I wandered in where I was not wanted and gave truthful answers. Sometimes I even did it deliberately. A little disruption now can prevent disaster later.❞
    Site slogan from Technopagan Yearnings
    Surprise! It's not secret. It's just that almost no one believes even when I tell exactly what I am doing.

    • Veritas first, last, and always.
    • I honor truth, liberty, and the rule of law in that order. Ro3 № 24
    • Let people discover truth before you speak. Make sure the truth is necessary before you speak. Judge if the listener is worthy of truth before you speak. Ro3 № 4
    • Be nice until it's time not to be nice. - Inspired by Road House
    • Don't give anyone or anything a pass because of a label. A label has no vice or virtue, no morality, and no inherent worth. Only an individual owns the outcome of their thoughts, words, and deeds. It's the individual and the individual alone who can take responsibility.
    • A parity test usually applies. If one is accountable, all are accountable. A uniform set of rules applies to each and every person involved.
    • Do not assume perspective, circumstances, or values. Ro3 № 46
    • Russell's teapot applies. The burden of proof lies with the one making an assertion and not with the person trying to disprove it.
    • Ask questions. Question the answers. Question your questions. Ro3 № 2
    • Stick to the scientific method and the Ten Commandments of Honest Discourse.
    • It's better to inspire rather than require. Using the law or rules forcing others without their consent doesn't reflect well on you, the rules, or your beliefs.


    the mass of interwoven filamentous hyphae that forms especially the vegetative portion of the thallus of a fungus and is often submerged in another body (as of soil or organic matter or the tissues of a host)

    the mass of hyphae that form the vegetative part of a fungus.
    The root structure of a mushroom cluster.

    Totally unremarkable except it can be formed into many plastic substitutes. These biodegradable forms can be made fire resistant, water resistant, thermal insulative, and sound insulative for roughly the same cost as their plastic counterparts.

    Fabric and leather analogs are in development

    They can even be flavored into food.

    The forms do not take nearly as much energy. Nor do they have the chemical and environmental impact that plastics do.

    At present these forms do not have much rigidity or structural strength. They aren't that effective for load bearing.

    The tradeoff is time. It takes days to grow into the form and days longer to "bake" so that all spores are killed and the product is mostly stable in normal use.
    Mushrooms aren’t just a flavour-packed addition to ravioli or ragu (or a sparkplug to the occasional psychedelic adventure); soon, tree-hugging fungi and forest-floor toadstools may replace materials like polystyrene, protective packaging, insulation, acoustic insulation, furniture, aquatic materials and even leather goods.

    Mushrooms consist of a network of filaments called hyphae. When growth conditions are suitable, fruiting bodies – the structures specialised for the production of spores – make an often sudden appearance; so-called mycelial products are thus easy to culture and germinate.

    Mycelium can be grown in almost any kind of agricultural waste (think sawdust or pistachio shells); mushrooms grow together within the material, which can be configured into any shape, forming natural polymers that adhere like the strongest glue. By baking the fungi at precise temperatures, they are rendered inert, thereby ensuring that the mushroom doesn’t suddenly sprout again in a rainstorm. While chanterelles, shiitaki and portobello may go better with pizza than mushroomy plaster, one thing is clear: the future is fungi.

    Fungus probably isn’t the first thing to come to mind when we think of an eco-friendly superhero or a plastic substitute. But where there’s a demand, industry responds. As more people are becoming aware of the fact that we are unquestionably drowning in plastic, consumers are apt to support companies who adopt creative solutions. It’s a win-win situation — the company can use this innovation as a marketing tool, while consumers (and the environment) benefit.

    Mushroom packaging uses readily available waste like corn husks or stalks to create biodegradable packaging. Mycelium is the root structure of fungus that grows in a pattern of long strands, attaching itself to whatever is available close by, whether soil or, in this case, a specific packaging mold. Within a few days, these fibers bind together — creating a solid and strong material. The packaging was developed by American company Ecovative in a bid to replace polystyrene, which is very difficult to recycle and can take thousands of years to decompose. In contrast, mycelium packaging can be tossed into the garden where it will biodegrade naturally within a few months — faster if it’s composted.

    Polystyrene — otherwise known as styrofoam — is a massive problem for the environment right now. Developed by Dow Chemical in 1944, it’s still widely used for packing peanuts and coffee cups, as well as fast-food clamshells. It also serves as insulation for buildings. The chemist who invented styrofoam stumbled upon it while seeking an alternative for rubber insulation. Tragically, the material breaks down very slowly and never truly disappears, at least not in our lifetime or that of our children nor grandchildren. When styrofoam does break down, it releases styrene, a known carcinogen.

    Harming the environment more ways than it benefits society, plastic ends up accounting for around 11% of household waste. Plastic is made from organic materials such as cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt, and crude oil. These materials take more than 1000 years to decompose. The most widely used material is crude oil which is made up of 50-70% hydrocarbons, the most widely used compounds on the planet.

    Crude oil (aka petroleum) is essential to our survival as we have built systems around it and its applications seem endless. From medicines and Kevlar to cosmetics and fertilizers, the use of crude oil is everywhere. If crude oil is such a crucial resource, why are we using this resource for one-time use disposable plastics?

    Underneath our feet, there’s a feasible solution to this problem that we keep neglecting. The root structure of mushrooms, or mycelium, is a very malleable material that can be used to replace plastic. The best part is its biodegradability.

    Mycelium forms a web-like structure of threads that is able to glue structures together. This gives us the freedom of creating mycelium structures in whatever shape we desire. As an example, making structures such as pots, coolers, boxes, or cups. In fact, you can grow your own mycelium at home. Here we’ll outline the steps to make these items at home.

    Myers-Briggs personality types

    The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a near useless personality test beloved by HR corporate types the world over.

    The personality types are based on observational notes by Carl Jung. Not even theories, but notes. Jung had some insight and startling ways to explore the human mind, but his theories weren't effective analytical tools. They relied heavily on subjective experience.

    Outside of Jung's work, human personalities change depending on circumstances. Even just changing the number of people in the room can produce very different actions and reactions.

    The MBTI (supposedly) measures preferences, not aptitude. The MBTI can't produce either predictability or reliablity. It can't show who will be sucessful in what situation. It hardly ever produces the same result for the same person. The MBTI might produce a static glimpse into a dynamic process.

    In other words, it's a one time “fuzzy snapshot,” not an accurate analysis. There's no guarantee that the same person won't have a different result the next time they take the test. Especially if they've taken the test enough to learn the best answers.

    The Myers-Briggs types are AT BEST basic tendencies, NOT specific predictions. Situational factors and stressors usually trump these tendencies. Always consider the individual, particularly the ace factor.

    • ENFJ - The Giver
      Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging
      (Extraverted Feeling with Introverted Intuition)
    • ENFP - The Inspirer
      Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving
      (Extraverted Intuition with Introverted Feeling)
    • ENTJ - The Executive
      Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging
      (Extraverted Thinking with Introverted Intuition)
    • ENTP - The Visionary
      Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving
      (Extraverted Intuition with Introverted Thinking)
    • ESFJ - The Caregiver
      Extraverted Sensing Feeling Judging
      (Extraverted Feeling with Introverted Sensing)
    • ESFP - The Performer
      Extraverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving
      (Extraverted Sensing with Introverted Feeling)
    • ESTJ - The Guardian
      Extraverted Sensing Thinking Judging
      (Extraverted Thinking with Introverted Sensing)
    • ESTP - The Doer
      Extraverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving
      (Extraverted Sensing with Introverted Thinking)
    • INFJ - The Protector
      Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging
      (Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Feeling)
    • INFP - The Idealist
      ntroverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving
      (Introverted Feeling with Extraverted Intuition)
    • INTJ - The Scientist
      Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging
      (Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Thinking)
    • INTP - The Thinker
      Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving
      (Introverted Thinking with Extraverted Intuition)
    • ISFJ - The Nurturer
      Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging
      (Introverted Sensing with Extraverted Feeling)
    • ISFP - The Artist
      Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving
      (Introverted Feeling with Extraverted Sensing)
    • ISTP - The Mechanic
      Introverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving
      (Introverted Thinking with Extraverted Sensing)
    • ISTJ - The Duty Fulfiller
      Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging
      (Introverted Sensing with Extraverted Thinking)

    MYOB Mind Your Own Business.

    Fugio cent Mind Your Own Business
    ❝More and more I am convinced that one of the greatest evils created by humanity is Meddling For Your Own Good.❞
    An extraordinarily practical idea.

    Considered rude by some, this idea is the keystone to civility and purpose. Benjamin Franklin used it on the obverse of the Fugio cent, the first official coin of the United States.

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