A work in progress. Script links go to the timetable. Internal site links are underlined. Uppercase links go to specific entries.

A dashed border and red banner means I don't agree with the definition or that it is a dangerous idea.
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  • pagan

    In Abramic faiths, an umbrella term for a person who does not follow an Abramic faith. This extraordinarily inaccurate assumption equalizes all non-Abramic faiths, much to the surprise of atheists and Buddhists everywhere.

    A startling illustration of dualism or binary thought.
    1. (no longer in technical use) one of a people or community observing a polytheistic religion, as the ancient Romans and Greeks.
    2. a member of a religious, spiritual, or cultural community based on the worship of nature or the earth; a neopagan.
    3. Disparaging and Offensive.
      1. (in historical contexts) a person who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim; a heathen.
      2. an irreligious or hedonistic person.
      3. an uncivilized or unenlightened person.

    1. A nonreligious person or an unbeliever, from a monotheistic perspective.
    2. A person philosophically opposed to monotheisms on the grounds that they are life-denying cosmologies that desacralize the world. An example that I will return to is the French philosopher Alain de Benoist, known for his book On Being a Pagan, and other works. Camille Paglia fits here too. Such philosophical Pagans, however, often look down their noses at category 3.
    3. Persons who declare that they are following a Pagan religion. This may represent a reconstructed version of what their ancestors did or a new set of practices deemed compatible with ancient Paganism or a reconstructed version of practices from an admired ancient culture (for instance, if I were a Hellenic reconstructionist although not Greek by heritage). In addition, “Pagan” sometimes is employed to cover all polytheistic,2) animistic, and indigenous religions
    In ancient Rome, a pagan was a rural, a rustic, someone who didn't know about the benefits and pleasures of living in a big city. Yokel is probably the closest modern American synonym.

    Back before Christianity was the dominant faith in Western Civilization, there wasn't a concept like the modern religious idea of “pagan.” You either worshiped the gods or you did not. The choice of whether to worship, how much to worship, and which gods to worship was entirely up to you. Of course, you got to deal with the consequences if you fell out of favor with the Divine, but that was a given.

    Monotheism made worshipping the “wrong” gods political. The first recorded instance was Amenophis IV requring the worship of Aton and only Aton. Later the Roman Empire required the early Christians to worship the state gods and took drastic action when they refused.

    As Christianity spread, it focused on the cities along with potitical power. Some of the rural population held on to their old faiths. Later these faiths were actively suppressed, but even then fragments slipped through to the mainstream. Margaret Murray's "witch cult" probably never existed, but there were isolated and largely unorganized "pockets" throughout Europe. Very few of these "pockets" managed to preserve both their inner and outer mysteries, which meant that the average peasant might know the reiligons forms but not the meaning.

    Eventually pagan simply meant non-Christian. And that is how it stayed for centuries.

    In the last few years, I've preferred not to capitalize the word “pagan.” It's not really a proper noun, it's not named after a specific Deity or person.
    Since the later 20th century, "Pagan" or "Paganism" has become widely used as a self-designation by adherents of Neopaganism. As such, various modern scholars have begun to apply the term to three separate groups of faiths: Historical Polytheism (such as Celtic polytheism and Norse paganism), Folk/ethnic/Indigenous religions (such as Chinese folk religion and African traditional religion), and Neo-paganism (such as Wicca and Germanic Neopaganism).

    Pagan indicates that someone is a follower of paganism. For simplicity, paganism is defined as a religion rooted in the earth. Christianity came later and took roots in cities first. The people who were rustic and resided in rural, poor country settings had a desire to hold on to their polytheistic beliefs. These people were followers of all things natural with natural laws preceding and being above everything else. Pagans proudly ascribe their faith as being a pre-Christian faith.

    It seems then that paganism is a rather generic term that includes all beliefs that precede major religions of the world. Earth-based spirituality is what paganism implies, and many of the followers of major faiths of the world, when they embrace paganism, have a feeling of homecoming within themselves. Christians often categorized pagans as rural people who did not worship Jesus as their God. For Christians, all including athiest (people who do not believe in God), monotheistic (people who believed in a single god though not the True God,) and polytheistic (people who believed in many gods) were all pagans. Hence, pagan is an umbrella term that includes within its fold many other sub groups. There are Asatru, Kemetic, Voodoo, shamanism, Wiccan, and many other beliefs under the generic term called paganism. So, Wiccan is just one of them.

    Pagan was earlier considered as a derogatory term used by Romans, to refer to a country dweller who was not a follower of Christianity and rather followed a religion that was close to nature.

    pagan attitudes on nudity & sex A modern interpetation

    ladies close
    You and only you own yourself: mind, spirit, and body.

    Neopaganism requires neither nudity or sex. It doesn't forbid them either.

    Human bodies are neither shameful or tempting. It's only continually hiding those bodies that makes it so.

    “Sex is nice and pleasure is good for you.”

    Sex should always be a shared gift.

    Sex can be sacred when shared with someone you trust and care about.

    Just because you are pagan and sex-positive, no one promised you sex. Your desire does not control another's choice.

    ❝Consenting adults only.

    Obviously that also means no touching another without permission. Every human is their own person, that includes their body. You own yourself: mind, spirit, and body. Nobody gets to grope you unless you want it. If you don't want that, tell them clearly enough so there can be no misunderstanding.❞
    Witchcraft traditions such as Wicca are highly visible in the Pagan movement when it comes to sexuality and sexual activity. Though Pagan traditions in general see the body as a blessing, they hold a variety of views on what the proper relationship is between sexuality and spirituality. Wiccans and other witches, however, embrace the holiness of sexuality as a central religious principle.

    In joining the pagan community and choosing to be an active member of it, I ended up in more uncomfortable and unsafe sexual situations than I could ever have imagined with my darkest thoughts. I do not want this to happen to any of you. I do not want others to have a littany of these awful stories. We need to change how sex and boundaries are perceived in our community. It is not the 1960s hippie era anymore, we know it is not okay to tell young people that free love means having no boundaries and letting people sexually assault you at will. “Be a good girl, be a good boy, just let it happen”. What if it were your kids? Would you want them exposed to outdated, sexist, abusive, horrifying attitudes in a supposedly safe spiritual community?

    Predators, pedophiles, molesters, rapists… we like to think they are not in our community. We like to think our bond of sharing the same spirituality nullifies their presence and that a spiritual person could never do harm. Time and time again, we are proven wrong. We forget that religious and fringe groups statistically attract predators as the trusting members often make easier prey. Just because someone is “nice”, pays their taxes, donates to charity, and attends church regularly does not mean they are a good person. It is not okay that a large percentage of our modern pagan community has to live in fear of predators and deal with abuse. Many assume or hope the days of Wiccan priests abusing their power to have sex with initiates are just stories from the 1970s, but unfortunately they are not. As long as we put people in leadership positions on a pedestal as spiritual gurus, we ourselves are putting them in a position of power over us and leaving an opening for abuse. Everyone, no matter who they are or say they are, is just a fallible human being. Let me say that again: EVERYONE is mortal and capable of making mistakes or doing wrong. Being a spiritual person or a spiritual leader is no exception: Buddhist monks, Catholic priests, Baptist ministers, and Pagan elders have all recently been accused of sexual assault and worse. If we confront this reality, it better prepares us when we find ourselves in uncomfortable or dangerous situations. Awareness also allows us to teach our children how to avoid predators and being taken advantage of.
    ❝Someone can be nude, but that doesn’t mean that they’ve shared themselves with you. We touch people, really touch people in their hearts, mind, and spirit. This skin isn’t all that we are, this flesh is just a part of us. What you see on the outside is just the outer layer. People aren't defined by genitalia or body shape. We’re measured by the lives we touch.❞

    naked smile
    Nude does not mean debauched. Nudity is not about sex. Nudity does not invite sex. Nudity does not promise sex any more than a pair of blue jeans does.

    American pagans can be less inhibited than most of our neighbors. We may show flesh in more varieties than you have ever dreamt of, we may talk and ESPECIALLY sing about sex, but the boundaries are still clear. Just because someone arouses you doesn’t mean they want sex with you. Even if they do show you more body parts than you’ve ever seen outside a bedroom.

    gay pagan dance Pagan paths do attract more than our fair share of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered. We also attract some alternative sexual practices. Not everyone is open about their sexual choices though, most pagans are pretty accepting when it comes to how private or public someone wants to be. Despite the overtones, most pagan rite and ritual does not focus on sexual action.

    Officially it's because we're not as dogmatic. I think it's because we're still arguing over the rules. Pagans can be just as intolerant as anyone else. Just as one example. there are Goddess centered traditions that are extremely anti-male.

    We hug. We cuddle. We may even exchange “long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.” But that doesn’t mean we allow just any fingers, toes or faces into our nether regions. That doesn’t mean you get to cop a feel. When you ask for sex, it’s always the other person’s choice.

    sacred embrace Some misguided people see joining a pagan group as an easy way to get their rocks off. They could meet Hot Bisexual Pagan Chicks and have mind-blowing Ritual Sex under the Full Moon!

    It doesn't work like that.

    Those confused ones soon "wash out" or spin off to form their own sex-based group. When they can't attract members to the new group, they blame everyone but themselves. After all, they're open about sex. Why wouldn't people line up to have sex with them?


    Pagan Night Out

    The 13th of every month.

    pagan of color

    A pagan claiming the label person of color.

    From what I’ve seen, this is a way to “celebrate” victimhood and demand extra privileges by oh-so-carefully defining a minority within a minority and demanding even more special treatment and deference than the original minority would have received. And the original minority is supposed to stand aside because the "concerns" of the special minority come first always. It all depends on guilt and pity. Without guilt, there would be no power, no privileges, no special treatment, and no deference.

    Since they are a minority's minority, they can never be a fully human adult either. Nor can the “majority” be allowed to escape it's guilt.



    “Paleopaganism” or “Paleo-Paganism” is a general term for the original polytheistic, nature-centered faiths of tribal Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas, Oceania and Australia, when they were (or in some rare cases, still are) practiced as intact belief systems. Of the so-called “Great Religions of the World,” Hinduism (prior to the influx of Islam into India), Taoism and Shinto, for example, fall under this category, though many members of these faiths might be reluctant to use the term. Some Paleopagan belief systems may be racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. There are billions of Paleopagans living and worshiping their deities today.

    palo verde

    Parkinsonia aculeata, Parkinsonia florida

    palo verde Two species of palo verde trees are native to the Sonoran Desert in Arizona; Parkinsonia florida (commonly called blue palo verde) and Parkinsonia microphylla (called yellow palo verde). Blooming in the spring (beginning in late March and continuing until May), palo verde are beautiful trees that add vibrant color to the Arizona desert. Palo verde seeds were a food source for native Americans (the Pima and Tohono O'odham tribes of Arizona); the seeds were dried and ground with mortars to make a flour used for mush or cakes.

    Palo verde is a relatively small tree that reaches a height of approximately 32 feet and a trunk diameter of 1.5 - 2 feet. This tree has a deep root system which allows it to tap into the ground water and survive periods of extended drought and withstand severe flash floods (which occur often in desert washes).

    Palo verde trees are drought deciduous (sheds its leaves during extended dry spells, at which time the tree relies on its green stems and branches for photosynthesis). The leaves of the palo verde tree are so small that even during the short period of the year when they are present (mid July to late November) it relies on the green branches and stems to help with photosynthesis.
    Palo Verde from State Symbols USA

    palo verde leaf Blue palo verde tree is easily distinguished by its blue-green bark and brilliant yellow flower display. It can grow to 25 feet tall with a 25 foot spread. Its tiny leaves are cold and drought deciduous but, due to its blue-green color, it looks evergreen from a distance. Blue palo verde tree is naturally multi-trunked with a low hanging canopy. Known for its fantastic mid-spring flower display, it is native to Southern Arizona. Formerly, blue palo verde was known as Cercidium floridum. Recently renamed Parkinsonia florida, blue palo verde tree is often hybridized with other “Parkinsonia” species producing cultivars with remarkable differences in form and character.
    Blue Palo Verde Tree from Horticulture Unlimited, Inc.

    See also Arbor Day


    originally October 7, 1987

    second-person singular future passive indicative of pangō
    I accepted myself as pagan on the last day of the bright Moon in October of 1987.

    The term is Latin for to make fast, to fix, or to fasten. It is related to the term pagan through the root word “pag.”

    So I chose to fasten myself to an Earth centered path rather than the semi-Gnostic Christian one I had been trying for.

    I used to celebrate this annually on October 7th, but it seems to work better on the last day of October's bright Moon.

    See also
  • Pangere
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/pp/#pangere


    See sexuality - labels


    I believe the Universe and natural law are themselves manifestations of the Divine. There's a lot of weird crossover with some Gnostic beliefs here. Pantheism as a term dates back only to about the 17th Century and described certain Christian cult practices, so that is not surprising.


    Paradox of Tolerance

    We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law, and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal.
    — Karl Popper

    The Paradox of Tolerance is a concept advanced by the philosopher Karl Popper which claims that unlimited tolerance necessarily results in the destruction of the tolerant by the intolerant, resulting in a society in which tolerance is no longer possible. Therefore, while paradoxical to the concept of free speech, it is necessary to be intolerant of intolerance. The concept is important in discussions on free speech, its limits (if they exist), and to whom the right to speak must be afforded — generating endless controversy and bad arguments from people of all colours of the political spectrum..

    To Popper, intolerance is not to be deployed when the utterance of intolerant ideas might make you uncomfortable, or when those ideas seem impolite, or when they get you really mad. Intolerance – if that’s the right word for it – is only warranted when we are already facing “fists and pistols,” or, presumably, worse.

    We know this not merely from a close reading of the passages I’ve quoted, but from a look at The Open Society and Its Enemies more broadly. The entire book is an exposition of intolerant ideas, a dissection of them, and a sustained, reasoned defense of pluralism. Here Popper proved himself liberal; his first resort was to make a rational argument. It was only in a footnote that he considered the possibility of using violence, and he did so with obvious disdain.

    (Classic) Liberals must resolve always to prefer reason and argument to violence. To deviate from this principle is to invert the moral preference hierarchy that gives liberalism its superiority in the first place. It is to become akin to our enemies, at least in our choice of methods. To do so is to concede to the far right its charge of hypocrisy.
    ON THE PARADOX OF TOLERANCE from Libertarianism.org

    What the paradox of tolerance teaches us is that rationality is not always in lock step with practicality. The rational thing to do is not always the best thing to do, the most practical thing to do, the right thing to do. I am not speaking here of the morally right thing to do, but rather, the right thing in terms of common sense. It should be noted that common sense is not always rational. Philosophers often dismiss common sense precisely because of this. But if common sense had prevailed, world history might have run a very different course.

    Pareto principle

    See ace factor

    parity test

    “Don’t do it if you don’t want it done to you.”

    My paranoid version of the Golden Rule is a little more blunt. It still applies though.

    If YOU are not willing to live under another's rules, why should they be willing to live under yours?

    If your (faith/creed/politics/business model) can't exist without outside intervention, maybe it's not worth following.


    Parkinson's law

    “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”

    Parkinson wrote he infered this law from two observations about bureaucracies:
    1. Officials want to multiply subordinates, not rivals.
    2. Officials make work for one another.
    My variation:

    Work expands to consume the resources allocated for it's completion.


    Parkour is a natural method for training the human body to be able to leap and move from place to place by climbing, jumping and flipping. This 'art of displacement' requires neither specific structures nor accessories for its practice: The body is the only tool. It takes perseverance, guts, and discipline, but the end is rewarding.


    1. (Architecture) old-fashioned a living room, esp one kept tidy for the reception of visitors
    2. (Ecclesiastical Terms) a reception room in a priest's house, convent, etc.
    3. a small room for guests away from the public rooms in an inn, club, etc
    4. (Commerce) chiefly US and Canadian and NZ a room or shop equipped as a place of business: a billiard parlor.
    5. (Commerce) Caribbean a small shop, esp one selling cakes and nonalcoholic drinks
    6. (Agriculture) Also called: milking parlour a building equipped for the milking of cows

    1. Older Use. a room for the reception and entertainment of visitors to one's home; living room.
    2. a room, apartment, or building serving as a place of business for certain businesses or professions: funeral parlor; beauty parlor.
    3. a somewhat private room in a hotel, club, or the like for relaxation, conversation, etc.; lounge.
    4. Also called locutorium. a room in a monastery or the like where the inhabitants may converse with visitors or with each other.


    (Ten Principles of Burning Man)

    partisan politics

    See politics (partisan)


    a person who has recently or suddenly acquired wealth, importance, position, or the like, but has not yet developed the conventionally appropriate manners, dress, surroundings, etc.


    A short, better written quote by me designed to be passed along.

    I've spent years trying to “do more with less” with my writing. Pass-alongs do exactly that.



    Death, dying.
    ❝I don't speak or write ill of the dead in the first month after their passing. It changes nothing, and everyone deserves the right to deal with their passions and memories.❞

    path versus tradition

    A person experiences and honors the Divine through their path, a system of effective rites and observances gathered through study and understanding. Of course that's my opinion.

    A path is the individual Journey with the Divine. While it may not have long term connections to other humans, it's certainly binding to Someone.

    A tradition is a formal version of a path that has been passed on at least once. I'd argue that a tradition has been systemized and has initiated at least two other people (gotta have that rule of three there somewhere). It depends on the connections and rules binding the initiate to the rest of the tradition. It's capitalized as a Proper Name.

    It was hard for me to accept, but the practice of magick is not necessary for either a path or a tradition. There is such a thing as pagan laity.

    ❝One thing that has characterized my path is the tension between what people tell me and what I experience. Throw in a few Divine nudges and my sheer cussedness and it's a wonder I got anywhere. I won't bow my head, but I can respect people meandering in the same general direction. There's always stuff I don't know or don't understand.❞
    See also
  • path,
  • Some thoughts from my WebTree path,
  • tradition
  • ,
  • WebTree
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/pp/#path-tradition


    1. the quality or power in an actual life experience or in literature, music, speech, or other forms of expression, of evoking a feeling of pity or compassion.
    2. pity.
    3. Obsolete. suffering.
    An appeal to passion and emotion.
    — Research inspired by an entry at Chas Clifton's
    Letter from Hardscrabble Creek

    See also
  • ethos,
  • logos,
  • rhetoric,
  • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modes_of_persuasion
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/pp/#pathos

    patriotic correctness

    It’s a full-throated, un-nuanced, uncompromising defense of American nationalism, history and cherry-picked ideals.

    Central to its thesis is the belief that nothing in America can’t be fixed by more patriotism enforced by public shaming, boycotts and policies to cut out foreign and non-American influences.

    Insufficient displays of patriotism among the patriotically correct can result in exclusion from public life and ruined careers. It also restricts honest criticism of failed public policies.

    While political correctness is typically associated with the American Left, modern conservatism has its own sacred totems that dare not be criticized. Like its progressive counterparts, the Right’s choices of sanctification fit together like an elegant jigsaw puzzle to form an internally consistent worldview. Police, Military, Bible, and Flag are all symbols of the Right—each embodying order, tradition, and Americanism to varying degrees.
    On Patriotic Correctness from Libertarian Institute

    Right-Wing Political Correctness (RWPC), also Conservative Correctness (CC) or Patriotic Correctness (PC), is a brand of political correctness practiced by conservatives. While left-wing political correctness (LWPC) attempts to minimize offense through the (often endless) rebranding of certain words to be neutral or inclusive, RWPC rebrands terms to increase offense, increase scorn, and increase political bias. For example, homosexuality isn't RWPC; instead, we should use "unnatural vice", in order to appeal to people's (here, hateful) religious beliefs over science and tolerance. All too often, people confuse this with political incorrectness due to both being against liberal political correctness, though political incorrectness is equally against both.

    But conservatives have their own, nationalist version of PC, their own set of rules regulating speech, behavior and acceptable opinions. I call it “patriotic correctness.” It’s a full-throated, un-nuanced, uncompromising defense of American nationalism, history and cherry-picked ideals. Central to its thesis is the belief that nothing in America can’t be fixed by more patriotism enforced by public shaming, boycotts and policies to cut out foreign and non-American influences.

    Conservatives use “patriotic correctness” to regulate speech, behavior and acceptable opinions.

    Insufficient displays of patriotism among the patriotically correct can result in exclusion from public life and ruined careers. It also restricts honest criticism of failed public policies, diverting blame for things like the war in Iraq to those Americans who didn’t support the war effort enough.

    peak experience

    American psychologist and philosopher Abraham H. Maslow (1908-1970) coined this term to describe nonreligious quasi-mystical and mystical experiences. Peak experiences are sudden feelings of intense happiness and well-being, and possibly the awareness of “ultimate truth” and the unity of all things. Accompanying these experiences is a heightened sense of control over the body and emotions, and a wider sense of awareness, as though one was standing upon a mountaintop. The experience fills the individual with wonder and awe. He feels at one with the world and is pleased with it; he or she has seen the ultimate truth or the essence of all things.
    Peak experiences from the MYSTICA

    Researchers who focus on positive emotions have amassed evidence suggesting that we are more likely to find more meaning in our lives on days when we experience positive emotions. In contrast, researchers taking a meaning-making perspective tend to focus on meaning in the context of adjustment to stressful events. These two areas of research are often treated separately from each other, making it difficult to answer the question about which valence of our emotional life-- positive or negative-- is most likely to be meaningful.

    Both perspectives may be at least partly right. In their classic paper "Some Differences Between a Happy Life and a Meaningful Life", Roy Baumeister and his colleagues zoomed in on the different outcomes associated with happiness (controlling for meaning) and meaningfulness (controlling for happiness). Whereas happiness was positively correlated with the frequency of positive events in one's life and negatively related to the frequency of negative events, greater meaningfulness was related both to a higher frequency of positive events and a higher frequency of negative events, as well as reports of more stress, time spent worrying, and time spent reflecting on struggles and challenges. What's going on here? How can meaning be positively associated with both positive and negative experiences?

    In a new paper, Sean Murphy and Brock Bastian suggest that a focus on emotional valence may have been a red herring for the field. By intentionally pitting "positive" experiences against "negative" experiences, researchers have focused on the difference between these experiences. However, Murphy and Bastian argue that this has neglected our understanding of similarities in how the positivity and negativity of experiences are related to meaningfulness. They raise the intriguing possibility that the more relevant factor may be the extremity of the experience, not the valence. Perhaps both extremely pleasant and extremely painful events relative to more neutral events share a common set of characteristics that might lead them to be found more meaningful.
    We're not wired emotionally to differentiate between 'good' and 'bad.' We just recognize peak passion, the strongest emotions. If your peak passion is with your family and loved ones, those are the experiences you seek out. If your peak passion is because you built an amazing motorcycle, that is what you remember and seek out. And unfortunately, if your peak passion is abuse at work or abusing someone, that is what you seek out.

    People cherish their passions. Under stress, people will use behaviors that have succeeded or that have delivered the most passion. It's not if the emotion is positive or negative, it's the amount of passion.

    If their remembered passion is significantly higher than what someone experiences in their everyday life, then that is what they will crave.

    Yes, this goes a long way towards explaining abusive relationships.

    Most people are ruled by their passions, not their rationality. They seek an emotional intensity that matches or exceeds what they have experienced before. It doesn't matter if it is a “positive” or “negative” passion. it is the energy they want. The benefits or costs are never considered before the act. Almost any “reasoning” that follows is justification.

    Most humans want experiences that will have at least as strong as an effect as what their bodies recall. A peak experience is all about the hormonal surge. It's why audiences want a film with three big explosions after a film with just one big explosion last year. It's why someone exercising will push for “just a little more.” It's why sex with the same person using the same positions gets boring.

    Again, it's the intensity, not if the emotion is “good” or “bad.”
    Peak experiences are often described as transcendent moments of pure joy and elation. These are moments that stand out from everyday events. The memory of such events is lasting and people often liken them to a spiritual experience.

    pedestal problem

    Just because you admire someone doesn't mean they don't make mistakes. Don't let your passion blind you to another's faults. The deeper the passion, the harder it is to see beyond our expectations.

    No one person, no one group has all the answers. No one should get a pass because of a label. Don't be afraid to ask questions.

    But if a Leading Authority is something less than perfect morally, that doesn't mean you should dismiss everything they wrote and said because they are Unworthy. They haven't fallen from authority, you should just recognize that everyone has their limits and their failings.

    See also
  • Broken Pedestal from TVTropes,
  • The pedestal problem
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/pp/#pedestal-problem


    Pelagianism is the unbiblical teaching that Adam’s sin did not affect future generations of humanity. According to Pelagianism, Adam’s sin was solely his own, and Adam’s descendants did not inherit a sinful nature passed down to them. God creates every human soul directly, and therefore every human soul starts out in innocence, free from sin. We are not basically bad, says the Pelagian heresy; we are basically good.
    What is Pelagianism?- from GotQuestions.org

    Pelagius believed that the consequences of Adam and Eve’s sin (the Fall) were restricted to themselves only; and thereby denied the belief that original sin was passed on (or transferred) to the children of Adam and thus to the human race. Adam's sin merely "set a bad example" for his progeny and Jesus "set a good example" for mankind (thus counteracting Adam's bad example). Pelagianism teaches that human beings are born in a state of innocence with a nature that is as pure as that which Adam was given at his creation.

    As a result of his basic assumption, Pelagius taught that man has an unimpaired moral ability to choose that which is spiritually good and possesses the free will, ability, and capacity to do that which is spiritually good. This resulted in a gospel of salvation based on human works. Man could choose to follow the precepts of God and then follow those precepts because he had the power within himself to do so.

    The controversy came to a head when Pelagian teaching came into contact with Augustine. Augustine did not deny that man had a will and that he could make choices. But, Augustine recognized that man did not have a free will in moral issues related to God, asserting that the effects original sin were passed to the children of Adam and Eve and that mankind’s nature was thereby corrupted. Man could choose what he desired, but those desires were influenced by his sinful nature and he was unable to refrain from sinning.
    Pelagianism from Theopedia
    This is something that has to be considered from a political perspective as well as a doctrinal one. Odd how that happens so much with revealed faiths, isn't it? Ah, well.

    If humans are inherently corrupt and sinful, then an established church and by extention a formal priesthood is necessary to direct people towards the Divine. It's about the Greater Good only most people are too ignorant to see it. If only the priesthood had political power to enforce their proclaimations…

    Contrast that with the known teachings of Jesus that stressed individual choice and taking responsibility to make the World a better place.

    The Pelagius heresy has been called libertarian and I suppose it is. It circumvents the absolute authority of any church and places responsiblity squarely on the choice of the individual.


    Pemmican was invented by Native Americans. They depended on it when food was scarce, especially in the deep cold of winter. What native tribes had learned was that pemmican kept them warm in winter and well-fed even in the worst of times.

    Pemmican was usually made with dried and powdered meat. Think of jerky as crisp as bacon ground into a powder or mealy mush. The meat varied from venison to buffalo to beef, although moose, antelope, and anything else on four legs was fair game.

    The meat of choice was cut into strips, dried, and pulverized into a powder and mixed with the fat.

    Wild berries were often added along with a generous dose of salt to further add flavor and help preserve it. Sometimes honey and nuts were also added, and the honey actually added additional preservative properties. The result was a nutritional wallop in every bite.

    The word “pemmican” is a derivative of the Cree Indian word “pimihkan.” Curiously the word “pimi” is the Cree word for “greasy fat.” The fat to meat ratio was typically 1:1 or 50% powdered meat and 50% fat. Some recipes vary that ratio and typically less fat was used in warmer climates.

    A curious side note on animal fat is that it actually has food preservative properties in and of itself. Pioneer women would pack a crock with cooked meats and pour a layer of fat over the top allowing it to cool and congeal to preserve the meat. Salt certainly helped in this regard and probably had a lot to do with enhancing the flavor.

    Created by Native Americans and adopted by European explorers of the New World, pemmican is a concentrated blend of fat and protein from lean, dried meat. The word “pemmican” is derived from the Cree root word “pimi” for “fat” or “grease.” Traditionally, the meats used in pemmican included bison, moose, deer and elk. Beef can be used as well.

    The secret to pemmican’s long shelf life is in properly rendering the fat from the meat. The pemmican can be stored in airtight containers without refrigeration in a cool, dark and dry place. If made and stored property, it can last for years or even decades. There are reports of some pemmican lasting 50 or more years.

    If you’ve ever had a meat or jerky bar made of finely chopped dried meat and perhaps berries, you may be familiar with pemmican. Pemmican consists of lean, dried meat – usually beef nowadays, but bison, deer, and elk were common back in the day) which is crushed to a powder and mixed with an equal amount of hot, rendered fat, usually beef tallow. Sometimes crushed, dried berries are added as well. For long periods of time, people can subsist entirely on pemmican, drawing on the fat for energy and the protein for strength, and glucose, when needed.

    Vihljamur Stefansson, eminent anthropologist and arctic explorer, went on three expeditions into the Alaskan tundra during the first quarter of the 20th century. His discoveries – including the “blond” Inuit and previously uncharted Arctic lands – brought him renown on the world stage. People were fascinated by his approach to travel and exploration, the way he thrust himself fully into the native Inuit cultures he encountered. Stefansson studied their language, adopted their ways, and ate the same food they ate. In fact, it was the diet of the Inuit – fish, marine mammals, and other animals, with almost no vegetables or carbohydrates – that most intrigued him. He noted that, though their diet would be considered nutritionally bereft by most “experts” (hey, nothing’s changed in a hundred years!), the Inuit seemed to be in excellent health, with strong teeth, bones, and muscles. He was particularly interested pemmican.
    How to Make Pemmican from Mark's Daily Apple

    See also
  • bison
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/pp/#pemmican


    A prominent and usually singular piece of jewelry hanging on a necklace.

    I usually wear a pendant every day although I don't sleep in one. I never go out in public without a pendant. When I do go outside, I tie my pendant into a choker and tie my hair up in a bear tail.

    All my pendants are on satin cord. I don't like chains. Leather cords tend to rot after a few months.

    I rotate nine pendants regularly, these are the main six.

    Tree Of Life pendant
    On the Fire Festivals and Solar Festivals (sabbats), I wear a Jen Delyth Tree of Life pendant. Click on the picture for the product page. The Tree of Life is the most meaningful symbol for me. This is probably my favorite TOL design.

    I sometimes change when I am doing certain healing work.

    meddicine bearSpeaking of healing work, this is my medicine shield bear. I used to wear it during the waning Moon. Now I use it for mending, healing, and renewal.

    Now here’s the question, is he hiding from the dark or just cloaking his power? I see him as a very compassionate bear. He doesn’t ask questions, he just does what has to be done.

    An e•friend did some photoshop stuff with this shot and another picture I took and it turned out very well.

    I wear different pendants during the for each phase of the Moon.

    Except for some (semi-retired) crosses, this is my oldest and most fragile pendant. It’s pewter, simple, and very close to me. I use it for the dark Moon.

    When I first bought it, I debated for a long time whether I should wear the spirals on the left or on the right. It depends on my mood, but I usually wear them on the left.

    I use this raven pendent during the waxing Moon. Click on the picture for the product page.

    It's Celtic influenced and you have to look closely to see what it is. Almost nobody sees a raven at the first impression. The pendant hints at mysteries hidden in plain sight. So I identify closely with the design and the subject.

    For the bright Moon, I wear this triskele pendant.

    When I first saw it, it practically screamed Full Moon. It also sums up my story of Lady in the Court of Stars and Lady in the Court of Shadows. This tells me is that there is always a design within the design and each phase of a cycle has it’s own unique traits no matter how many times the cycle repeats (see weird). It was a favorite of both companions, although I can’t tell you why.

    For the waning Moon, I wear this malachite bear fetish.

    It was a gift and is a personal favorite. In many ways, it sums up who I am. It’s not a “true” fetish, it’s very much a modern design. It’s Zuni influenced but made by a Navajo silversmith. It uses malachite, when the obvious stone to pick would have been turquoise. About the only certain thing you can say about it is that it’s a product of the desert and it has symbolic power. Obviously a perfect fit for me.
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/pp/#pendant

  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/pp/#fetish-pendant
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/pp/#medicine-pendant

  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/pp#raven-pendant
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/pp/#spiral-pendant

  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/pp/#tol-pendant
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/pp/#triskele-pendant
  • pentacles or coins

    See earth, Tarot


    See kin

    people of color skin color matters more than you think

    I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
    — Rev. Martin Luthor King, Jr.

    The term "person of color" (plural: people of color, persons of color; sometimes abbreviated POC) today is used primarily in the United States to describe any person who is not European American or white. The term encompasses all non-white people, emphasizing common experiences of systemic racism. The term may also be used with other collective categories of people such as "communities of color", "men of color" (MOC), and "women of color" (WOC). The term "colored" was originally equivalent in use to the term person of color, but usage of the appellation "colored" in the Southern United States gradually came to be restricted to "negroes".

    From “colored” to “minority” to “person of color,” the terminology used for those who are not white in the U.S. has evolved to be more inclusive. A simple definition for “person of color” provided by the Oxford University Press dictionary is “a person who is not white or of European parentage.” In theory, POC should be a straightforward, all-encompassing term for anyone who isn’t white in the U.S., but I’m often hesitant to publicly identify as a person of color.

    Throughout my life, I have been told time and time again that Asians are not considered people of color. Or even worse, I’ve been told that Asians are “the new white people.” I’m obviously not white, but based on these ignorant statements, if I’m not a person of color, and I’m not white, then what am I?

    I recently came across an NPR article written by Lindsey Yoo, social media coordinator for a website called Filthy Freedom, which is dedicated to publishing content on race, sexuality and culture. Yoo, who is Korean-American, posed two excellent questions in her article: “When people say ‘women of color,’ am I included in that equation, or does it not apply to Asian-American women?” and “Do people really want to hear from someone who looks like me when they engage in conversations about racial justice?”
    Somehow no one is talking about the irony of an inclusive phrase specifically excluding “whites” because of something that happened before they were born, and often not even by their ancestors.

    When it comes to POC, Asian Americans are routinely scorned. Amerindians are excluded unless there might be a good headline. Lighter skinned Hispanics are ignored. Hindu and Pakistanis are lumped together and reluctantly added.

    All these people come from different cultures and different backgrounds. The only thing "people of color" have in common is that they are "not-white" and progressives exploit them poltically.

    Yes, "people of color" is a racist phrase attacking anyone not in the designated victim group.

    It all depends on guilt and pity. Without guilt, there would be no power, no privileges, no special treatment, and no deference.

    Remember the important thing here is that as long as someone defines themselves as a anything of color, they will never be considered a "real" thing. It's doesn't matter if it's “pagan of color,” “woman of color,” or “bus driver of color.” They will always be less than is expected of the label, and that is deliberate. They always have an excuse that shifts responsibility from themselves to society.

    People of the Book

    Followers of a revealed faith provided by a holy book. The Book is the Way. They wait for the wisdom and experience and ethics to be poured into their minds so they can think the Right Thoughts and perform the Right Action. Many never move beyond this passivity. The ones who do move are worth talking to, the others just keep reciting the same dogma and doctrine.

    See also
  • Story
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/pp/#book


    the instant when the Moon is closest to Earth



    the instant when a planet is closest to the Sun



    a sudden turn of events or an unexpected reversal, especially in a literary work.

    Peripeteia comes from Greek, in which the verb peripiptein means "to fall around or "to change suddenly." It usually indicates a turning point in a drama after which the plot moves steadily to its denouement. In his Poetics, Aristotle describes peripeteia as the shift of the tragic protagonist's fortune from good to bad-a shift that is essential to the plot of a tragedy. The term is also occasionally used of a similar change in actual affairs.

    The Performer - ESFP

    from PersonalityPage.com, see also Myers-Briggs types


    With regard to Carl Jung's analytic psychology, the public personality someone shows to the exterior world, converse to more fundamental and true character traits.
    PERSONA from Psychology Dictionary

    1. : a character assumed by an author in a written work
      1. plural personas [ New Latin, from Latin ] : an individual's social facade or front that especially in the analytic psychology of C. G. Jung reflects the role in life the individual is playing
      2. the personality that a person (such as an actor or politician) projects in public
    2. plural personae : a character in a fictional presentation (such as a novel or play) —usually used in plural
    persona from Merriam-Webster

    See also
  • anima,
  • animus
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/pp/#persona

    Personal Is Political, The

    "The personal is political" was a frequently heard feminist rallying cry, especially during the late 1960s and 1970s. The exact origin of the phrase is unknown and sometimes debated. Many second-wave feminists used the phrase "the personal is political" or its underlying meaning in their writing, speeches, consciousness-raising, and other activities.

    The meaning has sometimes been interpreted to mean that political and personal issues affect each other.

    It has also meant that the experience of women is the grounding of feminism, both personal and political. Some have seen it as a kind of practical model for creating feminist theory: begin with the small issues with which you have personal experience, and move from there to the larger systemic issues and dynamics which may explain and/or address those personal dynamics.

    Stop making everything a moral issue.
    The problem with making the personal political is that you drag everyone around you into politics, whether they want to be or not.

    Personal Universes, the Law of

    See The Law of Personal Universes

    Personification, the Law of

    See The Law of Personification

    Perspective, the Law of

    See WebTree

    pertinent magick

    The temporary fix. Kitbashing a specific situation under time pressure and with limited resources. Almost certainly will need to be reinforced or redone later. It’s something like rigging a temporary replacement for the a car fan belt. It might work for a bit, but it needs extra attention soon.



    A pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather.

    Perversity, the Law of

    See The Law of Perversity


    Lophophora williamsii

    peyote Lophophora williamsii
    Peyote is a small, spineless cactus, Lophophora williams ii, with the hallucinogen mescaline (3, 4, 5-trimethoxyphenethylamine) being the principal active ingredient. From earliest recorded time, peyote has been used by natives in northern Mexico and the south-western United States as a part of their religious rites.
    Peyote from Drugs-Plaza

    Native to Mexico and the Southwestern US, the peyote cactus has long been a focus of Native American and pre-Colombian ceremonial traditions. Its name derives from the Nahuatl (Aztec) term peyotl and it remains legal for ceremonial use in the US under the American Indian Religious Freedom Act. Nowadays, it’s also used in other contexts elsewhere, including in meditation and psychotherapy. Actually, it may have been the first psychedelic to come to mainstream Western attention.
    The Ultimate Guide to Peyote from The Third Wave

    See also
  • Native American Church
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/pp/#peyote

    phallus human male penis, part of the “dangly bits”

    1. an image of the male reproductive organ, especially that carried in procession in ancient festivals of Dionysus, or Bacchus, symbolizing the generative power in nature.
    2. Anatomy. the penis, the clitoris, or the sexually undifferentiated embryonic organ out of which either of these develops.

    male nude
    A penis is one of the most forbidden images in modern American culture. Especially if it's erect or if anyone else is touching it.

    There's a double standard. While female nudity can sometimes be admired or at least tolerated, any male showing his penis and testicles is supposed to be on the edge of sex where the mere sight of a female (or possiblity child) will drive him uncontrollably to rape.

    nude phallus sculpture Historically an erect phallus is a fertility symbol. And yes, there are reasons why a phallic symbol has sexual overtones.

    Speaking as a naturist, I just enjoy being nude and the way that the sun and wind feel. I'm not doing it for the thrill. I'm not out to sake my lust with someone's pet or lure children into my unspeakable rites.

    And then there's the American homophobia thing. Yes, it's very definitely there. That's beyond what I want in my lexicon. But I will point out that nude swimming was common in boy's P.E. classes up though the 1950s. Looking at casual group photos of men, unless they are related or there's some intense sports involved, many men start distancing themselves from each other in the 1960s. This distancing really explodes in the 1980s.

    Even today's porn often doesn't show men's penises.

    I do think as the penis was repressed, one result was that men started obsessing over penis size as a measure of virility and personal power. That's something else that I don't want to get into here. I suspect a lot of it goes back to ancient Rome where the submissive partner was the one "penetrated."
    Personally I'm not attracted to other men's penises. But I do admire the human form and I enjoy fertility art.



    “For the benefit of humanity.” It's become a cliche, but these days we hear of public philanthropy, we wonder what they are hiding. The ancients certainly didn't think like that, to their mind, it brought honor.

    I use the Greek ideas for love.



    Self-love. The healthier variety expands your ability to experience the other kinds of love.

    I use the Greek ideas for love.



    Philia means close friendship or brotherly love in Greek. It is one of the four types of love in the Bible. St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (354–430 AD), understood this form of love to describe a love of equals who are united in a common purpose, pursuit, good, or end. Thus, philia refers to love based on mutual respect, shared devotion, joint interests, and common values. It is the love near and dear friends have for one another.
    Communal, brotherly love. To me, this is the kind of thing that happens when you talk about matters great and small around a campfire after a day spent adventuring. Obviously I value this kind of love. Sadly, it's one of the things that there is all too little of in my life.

    I use the Greek ideas for love.



    1. a person who offers views or theories on profound questions in ethics, metaphysics, logic, and other related fields.
    2. a person who is deeply versed in philosophy.
    3. a person who establishes the central ideas of some movement, cult, etc.
    ❝You know, in this day and age the term philosopher is disparaged. There are a bunch of academics debating the works of people long dead, trying to stretch writings and sayings to fit their own worldview. They argue over punctuation and the implication of what was not said in which edition. Most of the people called philosophers today are little better than research librarians. They don't think about the practical application, you see.❞
    I am a philosopher in the old sense. I groove when I think about thinking.

    It's not esoteric. People just think it's difficult. But a good piece of philosophy looks simple and basic, after someone else has done the hard work of refining the thought and removing the extra bits. Most settle with the first thing that works and never build for future use. Philosophy is practical.

    That's the difference between philosophy and regular thought. Philosophy has applications beyond the immediate. It's the general case instead of the specific disposable tool.

    I look for the hidden connections between disciplines. I take the working ideas from one field and see if I can find ways to make them work in another.



    A phlegmatic individual tends to be relaxed, peaceful, quiet, and easy-going. They are sympathetic and care about others, yet try to hide their emotions. Phlegmatic individuals also are good at generalizing ideas or problems to the world and making compromises.

    1. not easily excited to action or display of emotion; apathetic; sluggish.
    2. self-possessed, calm, or composed.
    3. of the nature of or abounding in the humor phlegm.

    Someone with phlegmatic personality type is usually a people person. They seek interpersonal harmony and close relationships. Phlegmatic people are loyal spouses and loving parents. They preserve their relationships with old friends, distant family members, and neighbors. People with phlegmatic temperament tend to avoid conflicts and always try to mediate between others to restore peace and harmony.

    Phoenix Declaration

    As Christian clergy we believe it is time to share our perspective concerning Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transgendered (GLBT) persons. We celebrate the end of the debate. The verdict is in. Homosexuality is not a sickness, not a choice, and not a sin. We affirm that GLBT persons are distinctive, holy, and precious gifts to all who struggle to become the family of God.

    We stand in solidarity as those who are committed to work and pray for full acceptance and inclusion of GLBT persons in our churches and in our world. GLBT persons are condemned and excluded by individuals and institutions, political and religious, who claim to be speaking the truth of Christian teaching. This leads directly and indirectly to intolerance, discrimination, suffering, and even death. Political and religious rhetoric has monopolized the public perception of the stance of Christian persons on this issue. This stance continues to cripple the spirit of innocent people. The Christian faith compels us to be part of the healing for the souls wounded by this tragic, violent, and destructive hatred. Therefore:

    We stand in with the countless Christian ministers, scholars, and laity who, from prayerful study of the scriptures and Christian tradition, find no rational biblical or theological basis to condemn or deny the rights of any person based on sexual orientation. The essence of Christian life is not focused on sexual orientation, but how one lives in relationship with God with compassion toward humanity.

    We gratefully affirm our GLBT brothers and sisters, already a part of the church, who have been born, baptized, confirmed - many serving as leaders -- and apologize for their ill-treatment by many church leaders. We joyfully welcome GLBT persons, as we welcome all people, into our communities of faith.

    We recognize GLBT persons have painfully suffered long enough from social inequality, from religious rhetoric and political leaders. We are tired of appalling, hurting, and violent actions toward GLBT persons. This violence must stop. Let us clear the air and move ahead to begin the healing process for the wounded souls who are victims of this tragic and violent abuse.

    We celebrate the courage of all people who have refused to let the voice of intolerance and violence speak for Christianity. The determination of these people, especially GLBT persons, to meet hatred with love and to answer violence with compassion is an inspiration to us all, and prophetic witness of God's activity in our world.

    And so we call for an end to all religious and civil discrimination against any person based on sexual orientation. All laws must protect the freedoms, rights, and equal legal standing of all persons. We will continue to work for and promote the dignity of GLBT persons and their inclusion in our socio-political, cultural and economic life.

    photographer's vest

    aka utility vest, cargo vest, tool vest, stagehand vest, Han Solo vest

    Star Wars Han Solo
    A sturdy vest covered with large cargo pockets intended to hold various equipment and gear. Possibly inspired by some fisherman vests by way of safari jackets. The photographer's vest first became a fashion item of sorts with the release of Star Wars: A New Hope in 1977.

    Although not a full tactical harness and certainly not intended for combat, an equipment vest does let the wearer shift tools from their waist and equipment cases. It is also more socially acceptable than a tool belt or a buch of gear bags.

    Pure tool vests often use mesh or net pockets for increased air circulation, while vests used in travel have solid pockets to protect the gear.

    Today photographer's vests are used more for cosplay than anything else. That may be an interesting comment on our society.


    phronesis practical judgement, common sense, practical wisdom

    wisdom in determining ends and the means of attaining them.

    In classical rhetoric, phronesis is prudence or practical wisdom. Adjective: phronetic

    In the ethical treatise On Virtues and Vices (sometimes attributed to Aristotle), phronesis is characterized as the "wisdom to take counsel, to judge the goods and evils and all the things in life that are desirable and to be avoided, to use all the available goods finely, to behave rightly in society, to observe due occasions, to employ both speech and action with sagacity, to have expert knowledge of all things that are useful."
    What Is Phronesis? from ThoughtCo.
    One problem with modern philosophy is that almost all philsophers are experts who haven't really mastered their discipline. They know the rule sets but they don't understand the underlying ideas. They measure themselves by complication, not application.
    See also
  • common sense
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/pp/#phronesis

    picture labels & meanings

    cute woman
    These are the folder names I use to file adult human photos from the web that attract my attention. Most of my collection is not available on my sites.

    The people photos that I took personally have similar labels, but I don't share those on the web.

    • cute - nice looking, attractive, perky. My biggest single category, about twenty-seven times the number of pictures of any other. (1cute)
    • alluring - formalized beauty and high end clothing. (2alluring)
    • bawdy - humorous falling out or barely concealed by clothes. Probably mocks sexual taboos. Pointy nipples qualify as long as the areola doesn't show. Think PG-13 only with more guys. The main difference between bawdy and risqué is a sense of humor. (3bawdy)
    • risqué - partially nude but no direct view of genitalia, bottom. Might show hint of fur or areola. It's risqué if ithe lady is wearing only lingere outdoors, even though some swim suits expose much more. Transparent or translucent clothes qualify. Prominent erect (“popped”) female nipples can move a picture from cute to risqué very fast even if the nipple is fully covered. If genitalia and bottom are covered, then exposed female nipples can be risqué so long as there is nothing carnal.(4risqué)
    • nude - unclothed but no sex. I split these between artistic and everyday activity. Think R only with more guys.(5nude, everyday nudity)
    • erotic - sexual implications with no penetration. Tantilizes. Good erotica includes faces. Think “hard R” or “soft porn” only with more guys.(6erotic)
    • carnal - sexual activity. (7carnal)
    • upskirt - I’m a heterosexual American male, of course I like looking up ladies skirts. Seeing something that “should” be covered entices one to look closer even if it doesn't reveal much.(8upskirt)
    • penis/phallus - I don’t have as many of these, but I do have some. Yes, most of them are at least partially erect. (9penis)

    I don't understand all the social mores. A little lace and it's lingerie NOT okay to wear outside with nothing else, but swimwear can be much more revealing and is perfectly acceptable. This makes no sense to me.

    So why do I take the time to seperate the photos into folders? Mainly to be polite when visitors are around. Somehow a computer running a screensaver with upskirt or carnal pictures makes ladies uncomfortable.

    Almost all my collected photos are young adult physically fit females. I deliberately look for photos with interesting faces and expressions because I do not want to objectify people based on their secondary sexual characteristics. BUT… that is exactly what our American culture does. And this is what these people choose to do. It is their choice to be photographed. I'm not going to change my desires or demean their choice based on a social fad.

    I do have some pictures of older people mainly to illustrate how comfortable they are with themselves.

    There are no photos of underage minors on any of my NeoWayland NetWork sites. I do not keep photos of kids without their parent's consent.

    Not that it should matter, but in person my first attraction is to someone's mind and how they use it.




    1. a person who journeys, especially a long distance, to some sacred place as an act of religious devotion
    2. a traveler or wanderer, especially in a foreign place.
    3. an original settler in a region.
    4. (initial capital letter) one of the band of Puritans who founded the colony of Plymouth, Mass., in 1620.
    5. a newcomer to a region or place, especially to the western U.S.
    For a while I used this word for People of the Book. I sounded like a really bad John Wayne. It caused too much misunderstanding.

    pillow talk problem

    What do we talk about after fucking?

    Any relationship that has only one dimension of love is doomed. Two is a bare minimum, three is just about right. The more dimensions of love you share means the more directions that you can move together.

    I use the Greek ideas for love.



    white pine Pine, (genus Pinus), genus of about 120 species of evergreen conifers of the pine family (Pinaceae), distributed throughout the world but native primarily to northern temperate regions. The chief economic value of pines is in the construction and paper-products industries, but they are also sources of turpentine, rosin, oils, and wood tars. Edible pine seeds, which are sold commercially as pine nuts, piñons, or pinyons, are produced by several species. Many pines are cultivated as ornamentals, including black, white, Himalayan, and stone pines, and some are planted in reforestation projects or for windbreaks. Pine-leaf oil, used medicinally, is a distillation product of the leaves; charcoal, lampblack, and fuel gases are distillation by-products.

    pine cone Pine trees are evergreen conifers that are native to most of the Northern Hemisphere. They can take the shape of shrubs, and small, medium, or large trees. They can be distinguished from other conifers as their needles grow in small bundles, and they produce attractive seed cones that can persist for many years. They tend to grow easily and can adapt to a wide range of soils, needing little to no maintenance. They make excellent additions to gardens of any size, being ornamental and adding color to the landscape through every season.

    pines along the trail
    The Coconino National Forest is home to the largest stand of Ponderosa Pine trees in the world. It is one of six National Forests in Arizona and covers 1.8 million acres of varied landscape and elevation. The elevation is as low as 2,600 feet and rises to the top of the San Francisco Peaks at 12, 633 feet.

    The Coconino National Forest also contains one of the most distinctive geological features in the the state, the Mogollon Rim. The rim is a 1,000 foot cliff that runs for miles across central Arizona at the edge of the forest.

    The forest landscape varies from the ponderosa pine through alpine tundra and down to semiarid desert.
    The Largest Stand of Ponderosa Pines from Arizona Tourism
    See also Arbor Day
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/pp/#pine
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/pp/#ponderosa
  • piñon pine

    - pinyon, piñon pine group
    Pinus cembroides (Mexican Pinon), Pinus monophylla (Singleleaf Pinon), Pinus edulis (Pinon), Pinus quadrifolia (Parry Pinon)

    piñon pine The pinyon or piñon pine group grows in southwestern North America, especially in New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah. The trees yield edible nuts, which are a staple food of Native Americans, and widely eaten as a snack and as an ingredient in New Mexican cuisine. The name comes from the Spanish pino piñonero, a name used for both the American varieties and the stone pine common in Spain, which also produces edible nuts typical of Mediterranean cuisine. Harvesting techniques of the prehistoric American Indians are still used today to collect the pinyon seeds for personal use or for commercialization. The pinyon nut or seed is high in fats and calories.

    Pinyon wood, especially when burned, has a distinctive fragrance, making it a common wood to burn in chimeneas. Pinyon pine trees are also known to influence the soil in which they grow by increasing concentrations of both macronutrients and micronutrients.

    The two-needle piñon (Pinus edulis) is the official state tree of New Mexico.

    piñon pine cone If you read pinyon pine information, you find that the pinyon pine – a small pine tree that rarely grows above 20 feet (6 m.) tall – is extremely water efficient. It thrives in its native range in the American Southwest on 15 inches (38 cm.) or less of annual precipitation.

    Pinyon pine grows yellow-green needles, about 2 inches (5 cm.) long, that remain on the tree for some 8 or 9 years. The cones are small and resemble brown roses. Inside the cones you will find the treasured pine nuts, so it is no surprise that it is also written “pinon,” meaning pine nut in Spanish.

    The pinyon pine is not a fast growing tree. It grows slowly and steadily, developing a crown almost as wide as the tree is tall. After some 60 years growth, the tree might be 6 or 7 feet (2 m.) high. Pinyon pines can live long lives, even exceeding 600 years.

    another piñon pine Pinyons are icons of the Southwest. The sweet pinyon wood fragrance is associated with pueblos and adobe homes and evokes images of sprawling mesas. Harvested for timber and firewood over the centuries, the Ancestral Puebloans, formerly known as the Anasazi, used pinyon poles as door headers in their dwellings.

    A testament to the growing power of the pinyon can be found in an isolated grove in Owl Creek Canyon near Ft. Collins, Colorado. The nearest tree is miles away; these pines owe their existence to a cache of nuts left by Native Americans some 400 years ago.
    Pinyon Pine Trees from DesertUSA

    See also Arbor Day


    See Sun in Pisces

    pith helmet safari helmet

    pith helmet( 19c. ) Helmet-shaped hat of English army in India. Made from pith of the Indian spongewood tree, covered with white cotton and faced with green cloth. Originally worn in tropical regions as protection from the sun. worn by polo players in the 20c.
    pith helmet from Hat Glossary

    Such was the popularity of the pith helmet that it became a common civilian headgear for Westerners in the tropics from the end of the 19th century. The civilian pith helmet was typically less decorative and more practical, not as tall as the military counterpart, and with a wide brim all round. It was worn by men and women, old and young, both in formal and casual occasions, until the Second World War. After the war, the Viet Minh of Vietnam copied the pith helmet from the former French colonizer, and adopted it. Today it is still widely worn by both civilians and the military in Vietnam; it is similar to the pre-World War II civilian type, but covered in jungle green cloth, sometimes with a metal insignia at the front or back.

    pizza threshold

    The point in a conversation where it dawns on you that the solution to many of life’s problems and the answers to many philosophical questions can be found in pizza and the nature of pizza. Lack of sleep may generate a false pizza threshold.



    A placebo is anything that seems to be a "real" medical treatment -- but isn't. It could be a pill, a shot, or some other type of "fake" treatment. What all placebos have in common is that they do not contain an active substance meant to affect health.

    plastic replacement

    See mycelium

    platform versus publisher

    A public forum is owned by the public and mostly open to anyone who would speak and write. Assembly, free speach and debate all mark a public forum.

    A platform is privately owned but open to it's members who can write or say what they want with few restrictions set by the ownership.

    A publisher selects content and bears responsiblity for what is written and said.

    These three things are not the same.

    Some politicos and technocrats do not like this distinction. They want censorship without government actually censoring.

    The argument for framing platforms like Twitter as a publisher goes as follows: Twitter publishes their users’ content, therefore Twitter is a publisher and is held accountable for content it publishes. Therefore, Twitter must make sure to facilitate online speech and remain viewpoint neutral. But this argument quickly fails in light of section 230 of the CDA, which states that “no provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.” So, Twitter is not a publisher and, as nothing more than a curator, it has no obligation to censor user content or remain viewpoint neutral.

    Conversely, the argument for framing Twitter and other social media platforms as a public forum is as follows: Twitter’s mission includes “giv[ing] everyone the power to create and share ideas instantly without barriers.” Furthermore, Twitter claims to “stand for freedom of expression for everyone.” Therefore, since nearly every adult can have a twitter account and can publicly share thoughts and ideas, Twitter must be a public forum. Public forums cannot engage in viewpoint or content discrimination without meeting a very strict scrutiny standard. But, this argument is wrong. The term “public forum” is a legal term of art with specific consequences. The United States Supreme Court has limited public forums to include mainly cities and private towns which operate with municipal authority (see Marsh v. Alabama and Lloyd Corp. v. Tanner). To be considered a public forum, these entities must have “all of the attributes of a state-created municipality and the exercise by that enterprise of semi-official municipal functions as a delegate of the State…” It is impossible for a social media platform to meet this standard. Twitter must be a private forum and private forums have no obligation to protect a users’ constitutional rights.

    But, private forums are not immune to the law. Private actors must honor the contracts in which they engage or face the consequences, pecuniary or otherwise.

    …Section 230 encourages Internet platforms to moderate “offensive” speech, but the law was not intended to facilitate political censorship. Online platforms should receive immunity only if they maintain viewpoint neutrality, consistent with traditional legal norms for distributors of information. Before the Internet, common law held that newsstands, bookstores, and libraries had no duty to ensure that each book and newspaper they distributed was not defamatory. Courts initially extended this principle to online platforms. Then, in 1995, a federal judge found Prodigy, an early online service, liable for content on its message boards because the company had advertised that it removed obscene posts. The court reasoned that “utilizing technology and the manpower to delete” objectionable content made Prodigy more like a publisher than a library.

    Congress responded by enacting Section 230, establishing that platforms could not be held liable as publishers of user-generated content and clarifying that they could not be held liable for removing any content that they believed in good faith to be “obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable.” This provision does not allow platforms to remove whatever they wish, however. Courts have held that “otherwise objectionable” does not mean whatever a social media company objects to, but “must, at a minimum, involve or be similar” to obscenity, violence, or harassment. Political viewpoints, no matter how extreme or unpopular, do not fall under this category.
    Platform, or Publisher? from City Journal
    There are rules for joining a platform and the owner can remove or block content. The owner can't change content without the explicit permission and cooperation of the member who posted the original content.

    Under American law, platform owners can't be held responsible for what the members say except failure to remove illegal content, usually child porn. While members and others might object to other content, the objectionable content should stay as long as it does not violate the rules or law.

    The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution does not apply to private entities or individuals.

    Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is a decent compromise. If I am a publisher or broadcaster or webmaster, I'm under no obligation to provide a place for your thoughts and opinions. My choice controls the content. But that makes me responsible for the content.

    If I don't provide the content, then I don't have liability.

    The more editing and moderation I provide, the more liability.

    The job of social media is to provide access while people make up their own minds. If the social media polices it's content, then it is a publisher and is solely responsible for the content.


    Platinum Rule

    Hope for the best, prepare for the worst and meanwhile, do everything you can to make things better.
    — Jim O'Neil



    One who pretends paganism for the thrill but acts differently in their regular life.

    I think the playgans do it more for the shock value. It's not about what they are, it's about how many of your buttons they can push. And then they go back to their lives and no one knows how secretly naughty they've been.

    Sometimes it's polyester playgan.


    plinking vest snipe vest

    snipe vest
    A man's vest with oversize pockets designed for English estate hunting.

    Later use by gentlemen almost certainly inspired safari jackets. Of course the gentleman's version was better cut and of more expensive materials. Clothing was another form of class distinction.

    Not a utilitarian as a fisherman's vest, a gentleman's plinking vest could be worn in casual company.



    1. the existence of different types of people, who have different beliefs and opinions, within the same society
    2. the belief that the existence of different types of people within the same society is a good thing

    1. Philosophy.
      1. a theory that there is more than one basic substance or principle.
      2. a theory that reality consists of two or more independent elements.
    2. Ecclesiastical.
      1. the holding by one person of two or more offices at the same time.
    3. Sociology. cultural pluralism.
    4. state or quality of being plural.

    Polarity, The Law of

    See The Law of Polarity

    political correctness

    I'm pretty sure that political correctness just means shaming the dissenters enough so they shut up.

    It always starts innocently. You don't want to offend the other person. Then it moves to things that might offend the other person. The it moves to things that someone not immediately involved says might offend someone not present at some time in the future.

    Progressives and the left didn't invent the politics of shame, but they refined it.
    Something that started out as a sort of moral common sense - actually not a bad idea, eg. saying 'black person' instead of 'god-damn cotton-pickin' nigger'.

    However, the whole thing got utterly out of hand in the early 90s to the point where a lot of people will say 'Afro-Carribean' or 'Afro-American' because they think it's racist to say 'black'! It gets even more ridiculous when you consider that in some parts people think it's offensive to 'blackboard' or 'black coffee'.

    What began as a force for good (considering the number of people who really are racist, sexist and homophobic) has since become a laughing stock because of the ridiculous extremes to which certain neurotic ultra-liberals took it - cf. a person being 'vertically challenged' rather than short. This has actually undone a lot of progress made in changing bigoted attitudes (as bigot can claim any offense taken at their views is 'political correctness gone mad), whilst making people feel guilty for enjoying anything but the blandest, most anaemic humor for fear of being 'offensive'. I mean, seriously, what's funnier out of 'Friends' and 'South Park'? (Or 'The League of Gentlemen' for the benefit of any Brits out there?)

    At the same time as straight white able-bodied men are going out of their way to talk about 'ethnic people' (who ISN'T ethnic!?) and those of 'different sexual orientation', there are blacks calling themselves niggas (which has been going on for years), gays calling themselves (and each other!) poof, queens and queers, and so on - the real way to neutralize a term used as as an insult is for those to whom it was applied to use it themselves.

    At its worst, political correctness is nothing different form Orwell's Newspeak - an attempt to change the way people think by forcibly changing the way they speak. So let's have a backlash against the nannying, interfering, cotton-wool Stalinism 'ploitical correctness' has become - not to placate bigots, but to speak the truth and enjoy outrageous humor like we're meant to. Remember, the next time someone says they don't like Harry Potter because Hermione is a stereotypically sensitive girl, the relevant word to call them is 'cunt'.


    political ghouls

    Those using tragedy for political benefit or opportunity, especially murder or a violent crime. People exploiting passion from catastrophe to prevent others from thinking.

    Politics is controlling the other (while preventing them from controlling you). Persuasion, shame, force, it's all meant to limit another's choice so They Will Do what you want.

    One of my darker passions. I follow political discussions and theory. I am better at behind the scenes politics and power games than any amateur has a right to be when I do practice. It gives me a thrill. I enjoy tying my opponent into semantic knots. A good political battle gives arouses me like few other things can.

    But here’s the thing. Politics is about controlling the other. Never you, always the other. It always has been. When government is involved, politics threatens or uses force.
    ❝The failing of the right and left starts with the assumption that someone has to be “in charge” and continues with the assumption that politicos are better suited to make decisions for other people without any real consequences or costs to the politicos.

    Which means in turn that anything politicos can control, they will.❞
    ❝Here is truth, simple and direct. I gift it to you without reservations and without preconditions.

    As long as you grasp the illusion that the system protects and defends you, you won't believe me.

    When you let go of that illusion, you won't need me.

    When you choose your own liberty, you'll know what to do.

    This is truth. It is up to you, not me.❞
    ❝For just a moment, pretend that you don't know what you think you know.

    Why is it wrong for people to make their own choices?

    Who benefits from people believing that they can't choose for themselves?❞
    Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters.
    — Daniel Webster

    One of the reasons that people hate politics is truth is rarely a politician's objective. Election and power are.
    — Cal Thomas

    The secret of the elites is that they're not all that smart so they need the deck stacked to continue the illusion that they are elite at all.
    — Rob Peffer

    The undeserving maintain power by promoting hysteria.
    — Frank Herbert
    ❝You can't trust what the politicos and historians tell you. They each have their separate agendas. They need you to believe the Great Man on a White Horse myth.

    If ever there was a time when the ordinary person made a profound, undeniable, and fundamental change in society, it was in the 20th Century civil rights movement. It didn't happen in the Capital building.

    It happened when a woman refused to give up her seat on a bus. It happened when a group of well dressed and well disciplined men faced down a mob and armed police officers. It happened at the Lincoln Memorial in front of a huge crowd. It happened when one man stood in front of a police squad and said “No.”

    Congress and the Federal government had nothing to do with these acts. These actions and thousands more, with the faith and determination of all those people, that's what changed the world.❞
    ❝Let's break the myth that government is the first, best, and last solution.❞
    ❝First and last I think politics is about control. I don't think paganism should be. The tree doesn't care about who is mayor. The coyote doesn't think about zoning laws. The wind could care less about Daylight Savings Time. The Sun and Moon dance no matter what we humans argue about. These beings, these things, these cycles exist independently of humanity. We're privileged to share our World with them, to feel and be a part of them. Hopefully they let us put our petty concerns in perspective..❞
    Politicians are never on your side. Even as they stand wrapped in the flag clutching holy writ vowing that they will be your bestest friend ever no matter what.

    Government is not moral. Government is reactive. Government is not your friend no matter what the politicos promise.

    Just as a reminder, agencies and bureaucracies exist so legislatures and legislators don't have to accept responsibility.

    One annoying thing about politics is that people are willing to overlook the misconduct of "their" side even while slinging wild accusations against the Enemy. The accusations may or may not be accurate. But you can count on the Enemy not being quite the Ultimate Horror Unleashed on Mankind. And you can count that your side is not quite the paragon of virtue and self-sacrifice that they claim.

    These days I don’t indulge my political passions unless it is in the cause of liberty. I don’t do it unless the other party stepped over a line. If it’s “for their own good,” you’re lying to them and yourself.

    I don't like to mix politics with paganism. But I'm fascinated by politics. So this entry gets a slightly different style of link table.

    Political links

  • abaya
  • ace factor
  • acknowledge but not celebrate
  • Acta, non verba.
  • ad terrorem
  • The Advanced Bonewits’ Cult Danger Evaluation Frame
  • Ain't Nobody's Business if You Do
  • allies not servants
  • alternative vote
  • allies not servants
  • Ancestral Mystical Authority
  • anthropogenic climate change
  • Antifa
  • archate
  • as a rule, absolutes& don’t
  • Asimov's Laws
  • aunts & grandmothers
  • autarky
  • Authority Figure™

  • Bb
  • the bandit
  • bandwagon fallacy
  • begging the question
  • Benedict Option
  • Big Name Pagans
  • Billy Graham rule
  • black market
  • black swan
  • books tagged “politics”
  • borders
  • bozo
  • Brosatru
  • Bullmoose factor
  • burden of proof reversal

  • Cc
  • cancel culture
  • capitalism
  • catallaxy
  • charrette
  • Cialdini's Principles of Influence
  • civics
  • classic liberal
  • climate change
  • climate change alarmists
  • climate change panic
  • comity
  • competition
  • Complication, Law of
  • compulsory approval
  • condemnation of memory
  • cons, 7 basic
  • cons, seven basic
  • copsucker
  • cordon sanitaire
  • corporatism
  • corporate social responsibility
  • critical race theory
  • crusader
  • cui bono
  • cultural appropriation
  • culture of dignity
  • culture of honor
  • culture of victimhood

  • Dd
  • damnatio memoriae
  • deception principle, the
  • deep ecology
  • default assumption, the
  • derivative
  • dhimmitude
  • dignity culture
  • dishonesty principle, the
  • dissent
  • distraction principle, the
  • dominionism
  • Dominion Theology
  • doublespeak
  • doxing
  • droit du seigneur
  • drunkard's search
  • dualism

  • Dunbar's number

  • Ee
  • E pluribus unum
  • Earth Day (original)
  • ecology, first law

  • ecology, fourth law
  • ecology, second law
  • ecology, third law
  • ecology vs. environmentalism
  • economics
  • eliminationist
  • enemedia
  • environmentalism
  • EoR
  • equality before the law
  • ethanol
  • Ethic of Reciprocity
  • ethos

  • Ff
  • 1st law of ecology
  • 1st law of politics
  • faith
  • faith triumphant
  • fake news
  • false dichotomy
  • falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus
  • FamousFeminist
  • fascism
  • fascist
  • feminism (first wave)
  • feminism (fourth wave)
  • feminism (libertarian)
  • feminism (second wave)
  • feminism (third wave)
  • financial blacklisting
  • financialization,
  • first law of ecology
  • first law of politics
  • first past the post voting
  • FOMO
  • ForcedSpeak
  • forex
  • four amendments
  • four questions
  • fourth law of ecology
  • fractional reserve banking
  • franchise community
  • free market

  • free speech
  • freedom
  • Friedman's three functions of government
  • fundy

  • Gg
  • Gaia's vengeance
  • gaslighting
  • gatekeeping
  • generalized argument
  • “get woke, go broke”
  • GFY
  • Go Fuck Yourself
  • God given rights
  • Golden Rule
  • golden rule (inferior)
  • graft
  • the Great Hunkerdown
  • the Great Reset
  • Greater Pagan Community®
  • green slacktivism

  • Gresham's law
  • grey market
  • grudge

  • Hh
  • hate crime
  • hate hoax
  • hate speech
  • herd
  • heresy factor
  • honor
  • honor culture
  • humantics

  • Ii
  • I. Was. Different.
  • identity politics

  • “Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.”
  • Indian boarding schools
  • inferior golden rule
  • inspire
  • inter arma silent leges
  • intersectionality
  • “Irish Democracy”
  • iron law of bureaucracy
  • Iron Rule
  • IS or IS NOT

  • Jj
  • Judeo-Christian
  • Judeo-Christian heritage
  • Julian factor
  • jus primae noctis

  • Kk
  • kafkatrap
  • kafkatrap ‑ applying rational skepticism
  • kafkatrap ‑ arguing against the theory
  • kafkatrap ‑ demanding a definition
  • kafkatrap ‑ guilty because you have benefited
  • kafkatrap ‑ not authentic members
  • kafkatrap ‑ privileged position

  • kafkatrap ‑ refusal to acknowledge that you are guilty

  • kafkatrap ‑ skepticism about anecdotal account
  • Keep Your Freakin' Hands Off

  • kleptocracy
  • kritarchy

  • Ll
  • label
  • Laffer Curve
  • language game
  • late-stage capitalism,
  • Latinx
  • law
  • Law of Complication
  • Law of Perversity
  • Law of Triviality
  • lawfare
  • Laws of Thermosecurity
  • legacy media
  • liberal, classic
  • liberal, modern
  • libertarian
  • liberty
  • liberty argument
  • live & let live works mostly
  • Look Both Ways: Bisexual Politics
  • Lysenkoism

  • Mm
  • mala fides
  • mala in se
  • mala prohibita
  • malicious compliance
  • Mankiw’s 10 Principles of Economics
  • manipulation tactics
  • mercantilism

  • mess of models,
  • microaggression
  • milieu
  • Mind Your Own Business
  • miscegenation
  • Mitchelll's Law
  • modern liberal
  • monoculture
  • monotheism’s first sin

  • monotheism’s second sin
  • monotheism’s third sin
  • morality
  • my TOTALLY secret agenda,
  • MYOB
  • The Mystery of Capital

  • Nn
  • Narrative®, the
  • near universal
  • need and greed principle, the
  • neuroatypical
  • neurodivergent
  • neurotypical
  • “Never fight…”
  • Newspeak
  • nisi forte non de serveitute…
  • no platform
  • non-aggression principle
  • nonconsensual technology
  • “not all…”

  • Oo
  • oligarchy
  • opposure
  • othering

  • Pp
  • pagan
  • pagan of color
  • partisan politics
  • partisan politics - dissuade
  • partisan politics - distract
  • partisan politics - divide
  • partisan politics - divert
  • patriotic correctness
  • people of color
  • The Personal Is Political
  • Perversity, Law of
  • pluralism
  • political correctness

  • political ghouls
  • politics
  • politics (legacy link at PV)
  • politics (partisan)
  • politics (partisan) - dissuade
  • politics (partisan) - distract
  • politics (partisan) - divide
  • politics (partisan) - divert
  • politics of victimhood
  • practical grudge limit
  • prima nocta
  • prime communities

  • Qq
  • quantitative easing
  • Queen of Hearts syndrome
  • qui bono

  • Rr
  • racism
  • regime media
  • regulatory capture
  • reluctant advocate
  • renewable energy
  • rent seeking
  • res ipsa loquitur
  • respectability politics
  • revanche
  • rhetoric
  • riparian water rights
  • Ro3 № 4
  • Ro3 № 9
  • Ro3 № 10
  • Ro3 № 11
  • Ro3 № 15
  • Ro3 № 18
  • Ro3 № 21
  • Ro3 № 22
  • Ro3 № 23
  • Ro3 № 24
  • Ro3 № 25
  • Ro3 № 26
  • Ro3 № 28
  • Ro3 № 29
  • Ro3 № 30
  • Ro3 № 31
  • Ro3 № 33
  • Ro3 № 35
  • Ro3 № 36
  • Rule, Billy Graham
  • Rule, Mike Pence
  • Rule, Golden
  • rule, inferior golden
  • Rule, Iron
  • rules for manipulation,
  • Rules for Radicals
  • Rules of War
  • Rules of Wizardry
  • Russell's teapot

  • Ss
  • 2nd law of ecology
  • 2nd law of politics
  • scientism
  • second law of ecology
  • second law of politics
  • Seven Assumptions of the Comfortably Numb
  • silent “almost”
  • slacktivism
  • somebody else's problem
  • streetlight effect

  • Tt
  • 3rd law of ecology
  • 3rd law of politics
  • table stakes
  • Ten Commandments of Honest Discourse
  • Thermosecurity, Laws of
  • thrall media
  • third law of ecology

  • third law of politics
  • Triviality, Law of
  • three rules for manipulation

  • Uu
  • ugh - politics (TPY legacy link)
  • uniform rule of law
  • United We Stand

  • Vv
  • victimhood culture
  • victimhood politics
  • virtue signaling

  • Ww
  • Why does your enlightenment demand that I sacrifice?
  • Wizard's Rules
  • the Word People

  • Yy
  • Bat Ye'or
  • year without a summer

  • Zz
  • zero aggression principle
  • zero fucks given
  • ZFG
  • zombie ideas
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/pp/#politics
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/pp/#politics-links
  • politics (partisan)

    Politics is about controlling the Other. Partisan politics is about getting you reacting without thinking to control the Other. Except you haven't been let in on the real plan. You're being manipulated for someone else's game. You're kept ignorant For Your Own Good.

    Partisan politics are designed to keep you in your place by keeping you passionate and not asking questions. They NEED your outrage on demand and directed at the targets they choose. Most people get very uncomfortable with the solution if they think about it.

    One of the greatest scams in history.

    People are taught that partisan politics are the best way of unifying people in a common cause. But actually partisan politics distract, divide, divert, and dissuade.

    The “Other Guys” are not the source of all that is bad and unfair. “Your Guys” are not all saints and the source of goodness and light. The vice or virtue is not in the label, it's in the individual.

    No group is monolithic. People want different things. People have different motivations. No common cause is worth demonizing the Other. There's always something to share. Finding that something can be a problem.
    ❝One rule of thumb is that all things being equal (which they usually aren't), the side working to control who gets to speak is the one you should worry about.

    “Thou shalt not dissent” should a be red flag with a siren.❞
    The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
    — H. L. Mencken

    Partisan is a committed member of a political party or army. In multi-party systems, the term is used for politicians who strongly support their party's policies and are reluctant to compromise with their political opponents.

    But maybe what passes for political partisanship – and acts as partisanship – on the part of judges is also a reflection of a deeper divide between left and right, a divide based on judicial philosophy. To put it in a very simplistic (perhaps too simplistic) way, judges appointed by Democratic administrations usually operate under the idea that the Constitution is a document that must adapt to modern times, and can be stretched and reshaped to find penumbras and intents to fit whatever the left happens to think is a worthy cause. Judges appointed by Republican administrations usually (although certainly not always, since there is variation as well as “changers” among them) operate under a more restrictive idea of what judges must do: interpret cases in accord with the intent of the Founders and the words of the Constitution, plus case law. “Creative” stretching and innovation by judges is largely frowned on; the idea is that change should be the province of other branches of elected government or of amendments.

    These two philosophies lead to very different results, and those results are relatively consistent and predictable in that the decisions of Democratic-appointed justices and judges tend to follow the interests of the left and the decisions of Republican-appointed justices and judges tend to follow the interest of the right – only less often. If you look at the philosophical differences, the flexibility of the liberal judicial philosophy versus the relatively rule-bound rigidity of the conservative one means that liberal justices have more “freedom” to twist things to reach decisions they desire, whereas conservative justices are more inclined to apply the letter of the law even when it sometimes leads to results they might not agree with politically.
    Partiisan politics rouses you passion and keeps you from thinking about the issues. “They” want the “feelz” and not the sense. Recognizing their tactics is your best defense.
    • Distract - Those making decisions and planning actions work behind the scenes. They do not want too much public attention focused on them or their actions. They want very public figures to take both praise and blame with the public not asking too many questions or looking too closely at how the law is made and enforced. The “right hand” is shown the “left hand” but is kept deliberately ignorant of what the rest of the body is doing or how it is positioned.
      An “either/or” such as the “right/left” axis is a pretty good indication that partisan politics are at play.
    • Divide - On any given issue, the “Other Guys” will always be blamed for anything that goes wrong.
      Take Obamacare as an example. It wasn't written by the politicos. It was written by the technocrats and had been in the works since the failure of Hillarycare. The technocrats knew that a certain percentage could be convinced to blame the Democrats for the law's shortcomings and that a certain percentage could be convinced to blame the Republicans for not allowing everything the law was supposed to do.
      Assuming that was thirty percent on both sides, that means that a full 60% of the electorate would be ready to blame the “Other Guys” no matter what the law did or did not do AND before anyone had actually read the law to know what was involved. Government wouldn't be blamed, politics and the “Other Guys” would.
      And of course it's not your fault. It's the “Other Guys.” Always it's the “Other Guys.” You're just a victim of circumstance and cruel political machinations.
    • Divert - Keeping public perception focused on the politics rather than the operation means that the technocrats are mostly shielded from accountability and responsibility.
      The politicos are the ones who must have screwed up, the government is just doing what it is told and legally bound to do.
      It's not government's fault. It's never government's fault. How dare you suggest otherwise!!!
    • Dissuade - If we can just elect enough of the right people at the right time, then we can change the world. If we don't win enough elections, well, we just have to try harder the next time. Government IS the solution, we should never look anywhere else. Really, we should just let the wise government experts solve the problem. They know better than we do. Ask them and they will tell us.

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  • politics of victimhood “Do what I say ‘cause Poor Little Me!

    Five things mark the politics of victimhood. First, the designated victim is never responsible, even if their circumstances are caused by their own actions or lack of actions. The victim draws their “power” from the guilty pity of others.

    Second, the designated victim is shielded from criticism.

    Third, there is a hierarchy of victimhood defined by vicious infighting with some designated more victimized by society than others.

    Fourth, victimhood politics depend on keeping the victim ignorant and dependent on the “kindness” of government.

    Finally, positive benefits created by others must be transferred to the victims because they are victims.
    ❝I kept waiting for these victims to move beyond their victimhood to blossom into strength. And I kept getting disappointed. Why should these victims grow? Their victimhood and the guilty pity of others gave them all the validation they wanted even as “the Man” kept them down. They couldn’t let go of their victimhood long enough to see that they brought most of their problems onto themselves. Never was “like calls to like” better illustrated.❞
    Signs from Pagan Vigil
    ❝That's how the politics of shame works, and the first step is always to silence those who ask uncomfortable questions.❞
    ❝We let generations be victims when they deserved to be heroes.❞
    ❝Victimhood is boring. Heroes get my attention.❞
    Proponents of identity politics define individuals by their race, ethnicity, or sex, which in turn are defined by a history of oppression and exclusion. This history casts members of those groups as victims, no matter how far removed they actually are from oppression today. As victims, then, these groups have grievances that they claim the larger society has a moral obligation to address, mainly in the form of various kinds of reparations, such as affirmative action, government transfers, or other government set-asides based on race or sex. In the political arena of deliberation and debate over policy, the emotions aroused by that historical suffering bestow a specious authority on the self-proclaimed victim, who now is beyond criticism or accountability for the coherence or validity of his arguments. Critics are instantly branded as “insensitive” or “uncaring” at best and “racist” or “sexist” at worst.
    The Politics of Victimhood from the Hoover Institution

    The culture on display on many college and university campuses, by way of contrast, is “characterized by concern with status and sensitivity to slight combined with a heavy reliance on third parties. People are intolerant of insults, even if unintentional, and react by bringing them to the attention of authorities or to the public at large. Domination is the main form of deviance, and victimization a way of attracting sympathy, so rather than emphasize either their strength or inner worth, the aggrieved emphasize their oppression and social marginalization.”
    The Rise of Victimhood Culture from The Atlantic

    So. All Americans are victims. Hence, a great failing of modern leftist thought is to suppose that if one can claim one is more oppressed then someone else, then one has won some kind of contest for attention, or justice, or fame — it only blinds us with rage, and we fail to understand (or explain) the above. Resentment comes to rule the day — instead of genuine understanding, of how predatory systems fail everyone in society, not just the most or least oppressed.

    While of course there are different degrees of harm, no one is really made better off in the long run by predatory systems — at least as not as much as they could be with fairer, better ones. But the politics of victimhood, of resentment and grievance, leave us simmering with anger and shame, instead of giving us the power to lead, create, and transform. Hence, it’s self-evident to see, this kind of thinking, competing for victimhood, has advanced American society not one iota — it has only taken it backwards. How far backwards?



    polyamory symbol A committed romantic relationship between more than two partners with the full knowledge and consent of all involved. Each person chooses who they sleep with. A polyamorous group does not mean that all members automatically sleep with each other.

    An open relationship is is sexually non-monogamous but still usually focused on a single pairing. Polyamory is an open relationship focused on the group instead of pairings. Still, each person chooses and all relationships are negotiated.

    There's a difference between anonymous or ultra-casual sex and polyamory.

    ❝My feelings were irrelevant, I told him. My personal beliefs mean that The Lady Always Chooses. She was in a monogamous marriage to his dad. And that is where it stood. What he suggested wasn't even a possibility because her honor was more important to me than my own.❞
    Bittersweet honor from Technopagan Yearnings
    I’m not polygamous. For my definition, that’s one male with subservient wives. Neither of my companions were subservient, they’d laugh at the idea. I do have polyamorous tendencies.

    Polyamory means a group of three or more people who have loving and committed relationships with one another. Open communication between all parties prevents anyone from feeling unequal, and both male and female partners make sure that any boundaries are set ahead of time.
    Pagans and Polyamory from Learn Religions

    Polyamory is the nonpossessive, honest, responsible and ethical philosophy and practice of loving multiple people simultaneously. Polyamory emphasizes consciously choosing how many partners one wishes to be involved with rather than accepting social norms which dictate loving only one person at a time. Polyamory is an umbrella term which integrates traditional mutipartner relationship terms with more evolved egalitarian terms. Polyamory embraces sexual equality and all sexual orientations towards an expanded circle of spousal intimacy and love. Polyamory is from the root words Poly meaning many and Amour meaning love hence “many loves” or Polyamory. Of course, love itself is a rather ambiguous term, but most polys seem to define it as a serious, intimate, romantic, or less stable, affectionate bond which a person has with another person or group of persons. This bond usually, though not necessarily always, involves sex. Sexualove or eromance are other words which have been coined to describe this kind of love. Other terms often used as synonyms for polyamory are responsible, ethical or intentional non-monogamy.
    What is Polyamory? from Polyamory Society

    Polyamory (from Greek πολύ poly, "many, several", and Latin amor, "love") is the practice of, or desire for, intimate relationships with more than one partner, with the knowledge of all partners involved.It has been described as "consensual, ethical, and responsible non-monogamy." People who identify as polyamorous reject the view that sexual and relational exclusivity are necessary for deep, committed, long-term loving relationships.

    the practice or condition of participating simultaneously in more than one serious romantic or sexual relationship with the knowledge and consent of all partners.

    The practice, state or ability of having more than one sexual loving relationship at the same time, with the full knowledge and consent of all partners involved.

    This is the definition used by California polyamorist Morning Glory Zell, who coined the term in the early 1980's.

    Polyamory differs from adultery because all the partners know about each others' lovers, so there is not secrecy or betrayal.

    Contemporary practitioners have coined the names “polyamory” and “polyfidelity” to describe a wide range of partner arrangements that vary as to the number of people involved, the sexes of those involved, the sexualities of those involved, the level of commitment of those involved, and the kinds of relationships pursued.

    Imaged as a form of commitment which is flexible and responsive to the needs and interests of the individuals involved, rather than a rigid institution imposed in cookie cutter fashion on everyone, this new polygamy reflects postmodern critiques of patriarchy, gender, heterosexuality and genetic parenthood. Such a ‘postmodern polygamy’ might occasionally look like traditional patriarchal polygamy, but it differs in important ways. For example, it could as easily encompass one woman with several male partners as it could one man with multiple female partners. It also includes the expanded possibilities created by same-sex or bi-sexual relationships, neither of which in contemplated by traditional polygamy.
    Morning Glory Ravenheart Zell coined the term polyamory.

    I can only speak for myself, but I’ve never found myself attracted to just one woman at a time. There’s been times I’ve only be involved with one lady, but the attraction was always to more than one.

    These days, I avoid casual sex. I have two unbreakable rules when it comes to sex. Consenting adults only. And if you promised to be another's one and only, you are off limits.

    There's an assumption that a poly group means that everybody sleeps with everyone else. That's not even usually true. And yes, you can be poly without being homosexual or bisexual.

    Sometimes it's not polyamory. Sometimes it really is just “friends with benefits.” I've seldom seen that turn out well. Get the hormones carbonating and people confuse their feelings. All in all, I think things just work better with my second unbreakable sex rule.

    Polyamory is a “romantic” relationship with multiple people. I’m not real sure about that romantic bit. It’s probably my cross-wired brain, but I don’t think I love in the conventional sense. I'm not sure if I can feel love at all. But it is friendship for a few close friends, and if some of those are ladies and it involves sex, I am certainly not going to say no. I just can't be exclusive about it, it is not in my nature.

    I think exclusivity does hurt a lot of relationships, but then I was poly before I knew the meaning of the word. Also think that it is a mistake (and probably one of the greatest crimes that Christianity ever committed) to confuse love and sex and physical contact and intimacy.

    I do think it does work, but like most fringe things polyamory attracts broken people and abusers.

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  • polygamy

    The practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband at the same time.

    Polygamy is found in cultures all over the world, but in the Western world it's often linked to fringe religious groups. Most polygamist groups that receive publicity in North America and the United Kingdom are heterosexual, religious based organizations that promote marriage between an older male and multiple younger females. In these situations, the wives are not permitted to have any sort of sexual relationship with anyone other than their husband, and the man's word is law. However, these are not the only kind of polygamist groups; there are some in which marriages are only made between consenting adults. This second group, in which everyone consents, typically is forced to keep their polygamous relationships secret, because of fears that they will be lumped in with the fringe groups who prey on underage girls in the name of religion.
    Pagans and Polyamory from Learn Religions
    Common American slang for polygyny, a man having more than one wife at a time. Not to be confused with polyamory.

    In the American Fundamentalist LDS Church, this is many wives and one husband. From what I've seen, American polygamy is usually a bad idea, especially in isolated communities where polygamy is the norm.

    Because of the Arizona Strip, the towns of Colorado City, Arizona and Hildale, Utah are just across the state border from each other (Short Creek). For decades, when the law from one state came to investigate, people would move across the border for a while.

    In these cases women tended to be very subservient. Young men without money or political connections couldn't marry. But the married men usually did very well at the expense of everyone else.

    As long as everyone consents and can walk away, I suppose it is okay. It seems to be a trap except for the people in charge.



    a person of great learning in several fields of study;


    I recognize many faces of the Divine.

    But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.
    — Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia

    Using pity to evoke sympathy and control another. Common side effect of depression.

    Since our culture currently celebrates victimhood, this behavior can be easily encouraged and rewarded. I try to avoid that.


    portrait versus profile

    Profiles are facts about the person, things that can be verified. The Mackay 66 helps gather factual information.

    Portraits are subjective speculation with almost no predictive power. Generational cohorts and the Myers-Briggs test may capture a momentary impression, but it is not factual and may not be repeatable. Portraits are closer to an artistic interpretation.

    For my purposes, sketches combine the two, using the most postive impressions from any portraits.



    American spelling is poser

    a person who attempts to impress others by assuming or affecting a manner, degree of elegance, sentiment, etc., other than his or her true one.

    post hoc

    See false cause

    post hoc ergo propter hoc

    See false cause


    a structure consisting of a roof supported by columns or piers, usually attached to a building as a porch.


    power with versus power over


    Willing cooperation usually works better then brute force. Popularized in paganism (but not originated) by Starhawk.
    ❝The cost was always going to be high. And while conservatives love to blame leftists, progressives, and modern liberals for this mess, it was always going to come to this.

    The fault lies with conservatives too. It was inevitable as long as the question was ‘who is going to rule?’ instead of ‘how shall we live?’
    Most of what we think of as power is power over. Parents have the power to tell their children when curfew will be; bosses tell their employees what the quota will be; police tell drivers when to pull over; judges tell them what the fine will be. Even the power that the chair under me has is power over. It has power over my body to keep it upright and in position to type these words. Everyone and everything has power over.

    There is another form of power which is less common but more powerful than power over. It is power with. Power with is constructed by an agreement in which all parties decide to act in ways that construct the welfare of all. We have decided how we are going to be with each other in a manner that serves us.

    The first premise of a circle like this is that everyone’s presence is vital — the ones with whom I disagree, the ones I don’t quite trust ... even my own. Making a concept like this real is not easy, but what we begin to generate when we do so, when we listen with deep respect, when we speak our riskiest truths, when we discover our common humanity, is a collective energy that cannot help but change the world. It’s called, for lack of a better word, love, and it’s a force older than violence.

    And this is what the term “power with” means: finding the leverage to meet my needs and accomplish my goals in partnership with others, not by dominating or outsmarting them or by beating them to the pot of gold. Cultivating the discipline to do this does not mean, as so many people fear, a subordination or loss of self, but precisely the opposite: the fulfillment of self beyond the wildest dreams we might spawn in our isolation.

    Nor does it mean the sudden disappearance of conflict — or, eerily, its pseudo-disappearance, its burial under New Age platitudes: Can’t we all just get along? On the contrary, conflict is welcomed.

    A core premise of the growing movement known as restorative, or transformative, justice is that conflict is opportunity. This is where we have our greatest chance to grow: at the friction points, as our emotions are heating up. We just have to face the situation with openness, calm and courage. Once again, this is no easy task. But the more we work at this, the more we realize the value of doing so, and the less inclined we become simply to swat our difficulties, and the people we blame them on, out of the way.

    powwow pow wow

    1. a large gathering organized by North American Indians for socializing, dancing, singing, and celebrating their culture.
    2. a council or conference of or with North American Indians.
    3. (historically, among North American Indians) a ceremony accompanied by spiritual, religious, and ritual practices, along with dancing, performed for the cure of disease, success in a hunt, etc.
    4. (among North American Indians) a priest or shaman.
    The word probably comes from the Narragansett word powwaw and became a generalized term among Amerind tribes and early northeastern American colonists.

    The Pennsylvania Dutch adapted the word for their own purposes.
    During the late 17th century and on into the 18th, settlers from Europe poured into the area, claiming land along what was then the frontier. Many of these new arrivals were German-speaking, and some had fled religious persecution in their home countries. They brought with them a number of different religious traditions; although many of them were staunch Lutherans and Protestants, there were also Amish, Mennonites, and Anabaptists. After settling in eastern Pennsylvania, they became known as the Pennsylvania Dutch, or Pennsylvania German community. They weren't truly Dutch, like people from the Netherlands; instead, the use of Dutch is an adaptation of Deutsch, which means German.

    Many of the practices these settlers brought with them were religious traditions with origins from the period prior to the Reformation. They venerated the saints of the Roman Catholic Church and used prayers and liturgical blessings for everyday activities. When it came to matters of healing, they often included consecrated objects and invocations in tandem with herbal remedies. Sacred symbols were invoked for protection; this can still be seen today in the hex signs that adorn many barns.

    As these new settlers on the frontier came into contact with their Native American neighbors, the word powwow, which referred to a trance-like healing ritual, was adopted and applied to the folk traditions that they practiced. In the early 1800s, a book entitled Pow-Wows: or, Long Lost Friend was published by John George Hohman, who had collected a series of charms, folk remedies, spells, and talismans. This book became one of the key foundations of powwow practice in Pennsylvania.

    Pennsylvania’s tradition of ritual healing known as powwow, or Braucherei in the language of the Pennsylvania Dutch, is one of many vernacular healing systems in North America that combines elements of religion and belief with health and healing.1 Informed primarily by oral tradition, powwow encompasses a wide spectrum of healing rituals for restoring health and preventing illness, among humans and livestock. Combining a diverse assortment of verbal benedictions, prayers, gestures, and the use of everyday objects, as well as celestial and calendar observances, these rituals are used not only for healing of the body, but also for protection from physical and spiritual harm, assistance in times of need, and ensuring good outcomes in everyday affairs. The majority of these rituals are overlain with Christian symbols in their pattern and content, comprising a veritable wellspring of folk-religious expression that is at once symbolic, poetic, and imbued with meaning worthy of serious attention and exploration.

    Pennsylvania Dutch folk magic combines uses the Christian faith (namely excerpts from the bible) as a means of healing, protecting, and blessing in a wide variety of situations. Although this is a quite common practice seen throughout various forms of Christianity, PA Dutch practices often include superstition and the recitation of a braucherei- or Pow-wow (a term taken from a Native American religious practice). The concept of the Pow-wow is that a practitioner (who can be anyone who knows the skill) recites a blessing to cure various injuries, ranging from burns, bleeding, rashes, infections, and even warts or scars. and exploration.

    Practical Grudge Limit

    Ro3 № 15

    It’s not practical to hold someone responsible unless they were there, of age, and participating.

    • Outer Grudge Boundary - the birthday of your oldest grandparent. There’s nothing you can do about anything before that
    • Middle Grudge Boundary - the day you were born
    • Inner Grudge Boundary - your eighteenth birthday or age of consent. There’s nothing you should do about anything before that.
    ❝I'm a big believer in networking, and I keep a lot of information on some of my contacts. But too much information keeps me from focusing on the individual, so in my address book I have a one-off rule. Basically I'll go one degree of separation. So I may have their spouse's name, but I won't have their uncle's name. Unless he's a regular contract too.

    So in keeping with that idea, let's be generous at put the Outer Grudge Boundary at your grandparent's birthday. It's just not practical to hold a grudge for something that happened before your grandparents were born. The chances of you being able to do anything is nill. As a Middle Grudge Boundary, let's say the day you were born. Yes, important things happened before that, but it's not likely that it affected you directly. Finally, the Inner Grudge Boundary should be your 18th birthday, or whenever you were recognized as an adult. That marks the practical limit of when you could start doing something about the things that happened to you.

    Now, chances are I'd be willing to take a stand for any injustice that happened within your Inner Grudge Boundary. You'd have to really convince me before I would do something about an event that happened between your Inner and Middle Grudge Boundaries. Without a really important reason, I'm not going to help you between Middle and Outer Grudge Boundaries because I don't see how it affects you or me right now. Beyond your Outer Grudge Boundary, you're on your own.

    Guess what? These boundaries work with people and not just time. If it happened to you, that's important and within your Inner Grudge Boundary and I can work with that. If it happened to someone you're close to, well, that's a Middle Grudge Boundary. If it happened to someone you know, that the Outer Grudge Boundary.

    Yes, we can make noise about stuff beyond that, but what's the point? It doesn't touch us directly. Besides, like calls to like. If we are filling our minds with desires for revenge, it really doesn't leave much space to live a life, does it?❞
    On Christians and Pagan tolerance from Technopagan Yearnings



    The long standing love that develops between longtime lovers like a husband and wife.

    I use the Greek ideas for love.

    See also
  • love
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    1. practice, as distinguished from theory; application or use, as of knowledge or skills.
    2. convention, habit, or custom.
    3. a set of examples for practice.

    precautionary principle

    ❝We can't eliminate risk. We can only judge if the reward is worth the risk.❞
    Supposedly it’s better to mitigate or avoid actions that might cause harm even if the consequences are not known and with the burden of proof falling on those who propose to act.

    Ultimately flawed and curiously selective.

    Just one example, not a single solution to “climate change” could be justified under the precautionary principle.

    I’ve studied enough science to know that it’s always about the tradeoffs.


    prima nocta

    See jus primae noctis

    prime community

    A bottom-up, self-organizing and spontaneous group.

    Prime communities start locally and grow from there. There aren’t necessarily standards to guide them, so they can go awry. But when they get it right, intentional communities tend to be stronger and more independent.

    Prime communities aren't better because they are prime communities. But I think that prime communities have a much better chance than franchise communities.


    principal agent problem

    The principal-agent problem occurs when a principal creates an environment in which an agent's incentives don't align with those of the principle. Generally, the onus is on the principal to create incentives for the agent to ensure they act as the principal wants. This includes everything from financial incentives to avoidance of information asymmetry.

    The Principal Agent Problem occurs when one person (the agent) is allowed to make decisions on behalf of another person (the principal). In this situation, there are issues of moral hazard and conflicts of interest.

    The agent usually has more information than the principal. This difference in information is known as asymmetric information. The consequence is that the principal does not know how the agent will act. Also, he principal cannot always ensure that the agent acts in the principal’s best interests. This departure from the principal’s interest towards the agent’s interest is called an “agency cost.”

    In many real-world examples, the agent will not prioritize the best interest of the principal, but will instead pursue his own goals. Politicians (the agents) and voters (the principals) is an example of the Principal Agent Problem.
    The Principal Agent Problem from Intelligent Economist
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  • privileges

    1. a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most
    2. a special right, immunity, or exemption granted to persons in authority or office to free them from certain obligations or liabilities
    3. a grant to an individual, corporation, etc., of a special right or immunity, under certain conditions
    4. the principle or condition of enjoying special rights or immunities.
    1. to grant a privilege to
    2. to exempt (usually followed by from)
    Preferential treatment for whatever reason is a privilege not a right,


    See libertarian - progressive


    Evidence based on a shared understanding of cause and effect.



    1. the science or study of poetic meters and versification.
    2. a particular or distinctive system of metrics and versification.
    3. the stress and intonation patterns of an utterance.

    The Protector - INFJ

    from PersonalityPage.com, see also Myers-Briggs types

    Provel cheese

    Provel cheese is not actually cheese at all. It’s a cheese product, moderately similar to Velveeta or, yes, Cheese Whiz, though it more closely resembles actual cheese than either of those two. Provel is an amalgamation of provolone, Swiss and cheddar cheeses, along with some liquid smoke. But most importantly, being a "cheese product" means that Provel also has extra fat and moisture added to it, as well as chemical salts that help it to melt. This last part is key, because the most lovable aspect of a St. Louis pizza is undoubtedly its excessively melty, gooey cheese top..


    Referring to when the day has been too long, one is too tired to continue at the normal energy level, and one wants to go and sleep. A family term.



    By the late 1800s, the process for making it had been refined, and in 1915, a famous line of borosilicate kitchen products was released under the Pyrex label. Because it is stronger and more durable than conventional glass, it has a number of far reaching uses.
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  • site home A work in progress. suggest a word?
    Today's secret word is
  • pagan
  • pagan attitudes on nudity & sex
  • pagan festival season
  • Pagan Night Out
  • pagan of color
  • paleopaganism
  • Pangere
  • pansexual
  • pantheistic
  • Paradox of Tolerance
  • Pareto principle
  • parity test
  • Parkinson's law
  • parkour
  • parlor
  • Participation (Burning Man)
  • partisan politics
  • partisan politics - dissuade
  • partisan politics - distract
  • partisan politics - divert
  • partisan politics - divide
  • parvenu
  • pass alongs
  • passing
  • path
  • path vs. tradition
  • pathos
  • patriotic correctness
  • peak experience
  • pedestal problem
  • Pelagianism
  • pemmican
  • pendant
  • Pentacle Quest
  • pentacles or coins
  • people
  • people of color
  • People of The Book
  • The Performer- ESFP
  • perigee
  • perihelion
  • peripeteia
  • persona
  • The Personal Is Political
  • Personal Universes, The Law of
  • Personification, The Law of
  • Perspective, The Law of
  • petrichor
  • pertinent magick
  • Perversity, The Law of
  • peyote
  • phallus
  • philanthropia
  • philautia
  • philia
  • philosopher
  • phlegmatic
  • Phoenix Declaration
  • photographer's vest
  • phronesis
  • picture labels
  • pilgrim
  • pillow talk problem
  • pine
  • piñon pine
  • pinyon pine
  • Pisces
  • pith helmet
  • pizza threshold
  • placebo
  • plastic replacement
  • platform vs. publisher
  • Platinum Rule
  • playgan
  • plinking vest
  • pluralism
  • pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate
  • Polarity, The Law of
  • political correctness
  • political ghouls
  • political links
  • politics
  • politics (partisan)
  • politics (partisan) - dissuade
  • politics (partisan) - distract
  • politics (partisan) - divert
  • politics (partisan) - divide
  • politics of victimhood
  • polyamory
  • polyamoury
  • polyester playgan
  • polygamy
  • polygyny
  • polymath
  • polytheistic
  • ponderosa
  • poor little me
  • profile
  • portrait vs. profile
  • poser
  • poseur
  • Positive Attraction, The Law of
  • post hoc
  • post hoc ergo propter hoc
  • portico
  • power vs. right
  • power with vs. power over
  • powwow
  • Practical Grudge Limit
  • pragma
  • Pragmatism, The Law of
  • praxis
  • precautionary principle
  • priest
  • prima nocta
  • prime community
  • principal agent problem
  • privileges
  • progressive
  • proof
  • prosody
  • Provel cheese
  • The Protector - INFJ
  • public forum
  • publisher

  • public nudity (American social behaviors - post WWII)
  • pumpkinize
  • Pyrex
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