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  • value

    In economics, the exchange worth of a service or good. Value is always subjective according to conditions and the personal preferences of both buyer and seller. As a society develops, it usually creates currency or a means of exchange.

    Initially coinage and currency are linked to precious metals or other commodities. Even if it's only a certificate, it's backed by something of actual value. Fiat money or fiat currency is backed only by government's promise to pay. Inevitably introducing fiat currency leads to deficit spending, borrowing, and inflation. Besides allowing governments to control the flow of currency (NOT value), inflation acts as a sort of tax that benefits government while stealing value from the taxpayers, even on earnings and assets that should have gained value. There's a great explanation of this in Mark Twain's classic A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. Increasing amounts of currency do not necessarily mean more value and wealth.
    ❝Economics studies the flow of value which is not the same as currency or unemployment stats or GNP or tax rates. Government does not produce value, it can only direct or restrict value. Which means that just printing up more currency or expanding the Federal bailout is not nearly enough. Without people voluntarily producing goods and services to exchange, there is no value to redirect. With fewer people working, there is less value.❞


    Vambraces or forearm guards are tubular or gutter defences for the forearm worn as part of a suit of plate armour. Vambraces may be worn with or without separate couters in a full suit of medieval armour. The term originates in the early 14th century. They were made from either boiled leather or steel. Leather vambraces were sometimes reinforced with longitudinal strips of hardened hide or metal creating splinted armour.

    vapor wear

    lace up jeans
    Not wearing underwear but wearing clothes that make it obvious the person is going “commando.” I wouldn't call going braless vapor wear. Definitely used for titillation.

    I never heard of this phrase until I talked to a young lady sporting jeans that laced up on the side. Plenty of skin showed, but no undergarments.

    Since this phrase doesn't show in the Urban Dictionary, I'd guess right now it's limited to fandom, cosplay, and is creeping into some paganism.

    Not related to vaporware in computer program marketing.


    dreamlike renderings that sports team owners (and other developers) use to sell their visions of publicly supported buildings to the public they need to support them


    I call an area’s indigenous animals & birds varmints. When I meet them, I start calling them something else.

    vegan verus vegetarian

    Neither vegans nor vegetarians eat meat. However, while vegetarians tend to consume dairy products and eggs, a vegan avoids all animal products, including eggs and dairy, and often inedible animal-based products, such as leather, wool, and silk. Vegetarianism is usually a diet, while veganism is a lifestyle. Vegetarians often choose their diet based on its reported health benefits or for religious or political reasons. In general, vegans have much stronger political beliefs regarding their diet, with some believing animals should be protected under many of the same laws that humans are.
    Vegan vs. Vegetarian from Diffen

    Veganism is widely cited as a form of vegetarianism, but vegans generally don’t see it like that and prefer to distinguish clearly between the two.

    Why? Well, one reason is that a number of sub-category diets have emerged under the vegetarian umbrella that include eating meat and using animal by-products, something vegans are obviously keen to disassociate themselves with.

    There’s also the fact that most (not all) vegetarians eat eggs and dairy products, which is something vegans don’t do.

    velle - To will.

    Choose wisely and focus on your goal. Traditionally associated with focus and Fire.



    Truth as a virtue.

    Truth Coming Out Of Her Well
    In Roman mythology, Veritas, meaning truth, is the goddess of truth, a daughter of Chronos, the God of Time (who has been identified with Saturn-Cronus, perhaps first by Plutarch), and the mother of Virtus. She is also sometimes considered the daughter of Zeus,or a creation of Prometheus. The elusive goddess is said to have hidden in the bottom of a holy well. She is depicted both as a virgin dressed in white and as the "naked truth" (nuda veritas) holding a hand mirror.

    Veritas is also the name given to the Roman virtue of truthfulness, which was considered one of the main virtues any good Roman should possess. The Greek goddess of truth is Aletheia (Ancient Greek: ἀλήθεια). The German philosopher Martin Heidegger argues that the truth represented by aletheia (which essentially means "unconcealment") is different from that represented by veritas, which is linked to a Roman understanding of rightness and finally to a Nietzschean sense of justice and a will to power.
    ❝I am pledged and bound to veritas but I don't share all I know. If you are curious, ask. There are things I won't tell you, but what I do tell you is truth.❞
    ❝Let people discover truth before you speak. Make sure the truth is necessary before you speak. Judge if the listener is worthy of truth before you speak.❞
    ❝Occasionally I wandered in where I was not wanted and gave truthful answers. Sometimes I even did it deliberately. A little disruption now can prevent disaster later.❞
    Site slogan from Technopagan Yearnings
    ❝Seek paradox for truth.❞
    I serve truth as a virtue. That's my oath and obligation, it's a sacred duty that I never would impose on another. Nor do I demand that anyone must be bound by my choice and service.

    Inspire, don't require.

    Truth, knowledge, and a little patience solve more problems than most can believe.
    ❝Your issue isn't with my truths. It’s that I dare disagree is ways you can’t (and won’t) control.

    More times than not, folks take offense because I use truth criticizing those people and groups who they believe should be shielded.

    They are less interested in facts and more interested in feelings and validation.❞
    ❝People don't want truth unless it aligns with their worldview.❞

    Veritas Aequitas ❝Verity and Equity❞  or  ❝Truth and Justice❞

    More accuately Veritas et Aequitas.
    Veritas means “truth” or “reality” in Latin, personified as a goddess of truth. The English words very and verity, among others, are derived from it. Veritas is also seen in the Latin proverb in vino veritas (“in wine, truth”), and it is the one-word motto of Harvard University. Literally “evenness,” Aequitas is the Latin for “fairness” and “equality,” the latter word so related to it. The concept was represented in a goddess of honest merchants.

    Together, Veritas Aequitas notably appear in the 1999 action film Boondock Saints, following two Irish Catholic twins fighting Boston’s criminal underground.

    Another phrase which appears frequently in the film is: “Veritas Aequitas.” This Latin phrase means “truth and justice.”

    It can be found in Isaiah 59:14 of the Latin Vulgate bible:
    "et conversum est retrorsum iudicium et iustitia longe stetit quia corruit in platea veritas et aequitas non potuit ingredi"
    Isaiah 59:14 (KJV) translation:
    "And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter."

    Veritas filia temporis ❝Truth is the daughter of time❞


    vernal equinox

    See equinox The MIDDLE of spring, not the beginning.


    1. a passage, hall, or antechamber between the outer door and the interior parts of a house or building.
    2. Railroads. an enclosed space at the end of a passenger car, serving as a sheltered entrance to the car from another car or from outside the train.
    3. Anatomy, Zoology. any of various cavities or hollows regarded asforming an approach or entrance to another cavity or space, as that of the internal ear.
    4. to provide with a vestibule.


    As far as I am concerned, veteran means honorable military service. Nothing more, nothing less.
    1. a person who has had long service or experience in an occupation, office, or the like:
      a veteran of the police force; a veteran of many sports competitions.
    2. a person who has served in a military force, especially one who has fought in a war:
      a Vietnam veteran.
    3. (of soldiers) having had service or experience in warfare:
      veteran troops.
    4. experienced through long service or practice; having served for a long period:
      a veteran member of Congress.
    5. of, relating to, or characteristic of veterans.
    ❝The VA has no business deciding what a veteran can or can't have on his grave marker. That's up to and including Mickey Mouse or Fritz the Cat. If the vet has served honorably and is eligible for a military grave, they've certainly served honorably enough to choose and not just from a pre-approved list.❞

    victimhood culture

    Campbell and Manning describe how this culture of dignity is now giving way to a new culture of victimhood in which people are encouraged to respond to even the slightest unintentional offense, as in an honor culture. But they must not obtain redress on their own; they must appeal for help to powerful others or administrative bodies, to whom they must make the case that they have been victimized. It is the very presence of such administrative bodies, within a culture that is highly egalitarian and diverse (i.e., many college campuses) that gives rise to intense efforts to identify oneself as a fragile and aggrieved victim. This is why we have seen the recent explosion of concerns about microaggressions, combined with demands for trigger warnings and safe spaces…

    victimhood politics

    See politics of victimhood


    1. : a charge taken (as by a bookie or a gambling house) on bets also : the degree of such a charge
    2. : interest paid to a moneylender

    Vigorish (also known as juice, under-juice, the cut, the take, the margin, the house edge or simply the vig) is the fee charged by a bookmaker (or bookie) for accepting a gambler's wager. In American English it can also refer to the interest owed a loanshark in consideration for credit. The term came to English usage via Yiddish slang (Yiddish: וויגריש‎‎, romanized: vigrish), which was itself a loanword from the original Russian.

    As a business practice it is an example of risk management; by doing so bookmakers can guarantee turning a profit regardless of the underlying event's outcome. As a rule, bookmakers do not want to have a financial interest creating a preference for one result over another in any given sporting event. This is accomplished by incentivizing their clientele to wager offsetting amounts on all potential outcomes of the event. The normal method by which this is achieved is by adjusting the payouts for each outcome (collectively called the line) as imbalances of total amounts wagered between them occur.
    For Las Vegas slot machines, the vigorish is between two and five percent.

    For most American state-sponsered lotteries, the vigorish is over 45%.


    A “dry rain,” one of the true wonders in the World. The rain evaporates before it hits the ground. It feels wet on your skin but leaves no moisture.



    See Sun in Virgo

    virtual reality VR

    The definition of virtual reality comes, naturally, from the definitions for both ‘virtual’ and ‘reality’. The definition of ‘virtual’ is near and reality is what we experience as human beings. So the term ‘virtual reality’ basically means ‘near-reality’. This could, of course, mean anything but it usually refers to a specific type of reality emulation.

    We know the world through our senses and perception systems. In school we all learned that we have five senses: taste, touch, smell, sight and hearing. These are however only our most obvious sense organs. The truth is that humans have many more senses than this, such as a sense of balance for example. These other sensory inputs, plus some special processing of sensory information by our brains ensures that we have a rich flow of information from the environment to our minds.

    Everything that we know about our reality comes by way of our senses. In other words, our entire experience of reality is simply a combination of sensory information and our brains sense-making mechanisms for that information. It stands to reason then, that if you can present your senses with made-up information, your perception of reality would also change in response to it. You would be presented with a version of reality that isn’t really there, but from your perspective it would be perceived as real. Something we would refer to as a virtual reality.

    So, in summary, virtual reality entails presenting our senses with a computer generated virtual environment that we can explore in some fashion.
    What is Virtual Reality? from Virtual Reality Society
    Outside some very specialized applications, I do not see VR as all that useful. I think augmented reality will be very wide spread.

    virtue signaling

    To take a conspicuous but essentially useless action ostensibly to support a good cause but actually to show off how much more moral you are than everybody else.

    A face covering signifies strength and compassion for others. Wearing one shows that you actually care about other people’s health.
    Governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina, 8:32 AM · May 26, 2020
    ❝I won't play your shame game. I won't abase myself before your demands. I didn't do anything wrong. Maybe I offended you, but I didn't harm you.❞
    ❝At this point, I've reluctantly accepted the theory that attitudes like this have something to do with the politics of victimhood. It's a very cynical conclusion and I would rather have another explanation, but I haven't found one that explains the behavior as well.

    Under that value system, a person only has intrinsic worth if either they are personally victimized or are part of an oppressed minority.

    Using that standard, someone can only earn worth if they sacrifice to benefit a victim or a group of victims. Oh, and intentions matter. If someone meant to sacrifice but hasn't quite followed through yet, they are still morally superior to someone who hasn't promised to sacrifice. And the amount that you personally have to sacrifice is inversely proportional to the amount of attention you can get focused on the problem.

    Since intentions often matter more than results, solving the problem isn't as important as either defining your victimhood or showing the proper concern and sympathy. Whenever possible, the problem shouldn't be solved (and should be prolonged) just so people can stay victims or show compassion.

    This introduces yet another politically elite class who derive their social worth by defining the victimhood of others.❞

    The Visionary - ENTP

    from PersonalityPage.com, see also Myers-Briggs types


    1. the sound or sounds uttered through the mouth of living creatures, especially of human beings in speaking, shouting, singing, etc.
    2. the faculty or power of uttering sounds through the mouth by the controlled expulsion of air; speech
    3. a range of such sounds distinctive to one person, or to a type of person or animal

    4. verb
    5. to give utterance or expression to; declare; proclaim
    6. in music, to regulate the tone of, as the pipes of an organ
    I have a pretty good baritone-bass speaking voice. Only a fair singing voice though.

    During college Mom worked hard to remove her Southern drawl and phrases. Hers was the first voice I ever heard, it was deliberate and precise but still radiating warmth. I get my tonality and much of my phrasing, rhythm and cadence from her.

    My biological father left Mom soon after I was born, I can't remember his voice. The first male voice I imprinted on belonged to my maternal grandfather. His speaking voice was full of authority and passion edged with a smoker's hack.

    My stepfather was born in the South but moonlighted as a radio announcer and a classical music DJ. Usually people said he sounded Midwestern. He was also an ham radio operator. Dad had an exceptional clear speaking voice and did some commercial voice over work.

    And that brings us to one of the great questions of our time, nature or nuture?

    My usual language is very precise. Except for some phrasing differences (and polysyllabic temptations) I sound so much like my stepfather that most people couldn't tell the difference. With a little effort I can slip into a Southern drawl. I could mimic my grandfather well enough to fool his dog. And occasionally my cousins.

    I'd say my voice is about seventy-six percent Dad's, fourteen percent Granpa's and three percent Mom's. Each one a gifted communicator in their own way. Every time I speak, I hear the echoes of their voices in mine. It's a legacy I can never forget.

    voir dire

    Voir dire consists of oral questions asked of prospective jurors by the judge, the parties, or the attorneys, or some combination thereof. This oral questioning, often supplemented by a prior written questionnaire, is used to determine whether a potential juror is biased, knows any of the parties, counsel, or witnesses, or should otherwise be excluded from jury duty. Voir dire is a tool used to achieve the constitutional right to an impartial jury, but it is not a constitutional right in itself.

    Typically, a number of prospective jurors are called to the jury box, given an oath, and then questioned as a group by counsel or the court. Local federal rules generally provide for questioning by the judge. Individual or sequestered voir dire is used in rare cases where extensive publicity may potentially damage a defendant's case; some jurisdictions mandate it in death penalty cases. A prospective juror must answer questions fully and truthfully but cannot be faulted for failing to disclose information that was not sought.

    The purpose of voir dire is not to educate jurors but to enable the parties to select an impartial panel. Therefore, voir dire questions should test the capacity and competency of the jurors without intentionally or unintentionally planting prejudicial matter in their minds. Trial judges have wide latitude in setting the parameters of questioning, including the abilities to determine the materiality and propriety of the questions and to set the time allowed for voir dire.

    Another of those Really, Really Bad Ideas.

    voting - plurality

    Plurality system, electoral process in which the candidate who polls more votes than any other candidate is elected. It is distinguished from the majority system, in which, to win, a candidate must receive more votes than all other candidates combined. Election by a plurality is the most common method of selecting candidates for public office.


    A pixel with volume, a display element with three dimensions. The smallest element that can be addressed in a three dimensional display.

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