A work in progress. Script links go to the timetable. Internal site links are underlined. Uppercase links go to specific entries.

A dashed border and red banner means I don't agree with the definition or that it is a dangerous idea.
  • a
  • b
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  • i
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  • k
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  • o
  • p
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  • W
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  • Walburga

    See Beltaine


    Another one of my titles and an alias I use occasionally. Ironically I don't walk very well these days.

    A mask I try not to use often. The guest passing though, the perpetual outsider, never belonging but always longing.



    See Beltaine


    See fire, Tarot

    waning Moon

    🌖 🌜 🌗 ☾ 🌙 🌘

    A waning Moon diminishes in apparent illumination and the visible face falls more into shadow over slightly less than two weeks.

    waning gibbous Moon diminishes in apparent intensity with more than half of the Moon's face illuminated.

    waning half Moon diminishes in apparent intensity with half of the Moon's face illuminated.

    waning crescent Moon, decrescent Moon or last quarter Moon diminishes in apparent intensity with less than half of the Moon's face illuminated.

  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#waning
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#waning-gibbous

  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#waning-half
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#waning-crescent
  • war against the heretic

    When a religious monoculture wages war on believers who dissent. Usually one of the first signals of a monoculure.


    war against the infidel

    When a religious monoculture wages war on non-belivers as evil who must be eradicated.

    Historically that becomes the justification for war against the infidel whenever non-believers have something the true believers want.


    warrant canary

    A warrant canary is a colloquial term for a regularly published statement that a service provider has not received legal process (like a national security letter) that it would be prohibited from disclosing to the public. Once a service provider does receive legal process, the speech prohibition goes into place, and the provider no longer makes the statement about the number of such process received.
    Canary Watch FAQs from Canary Watch

    Watch List

    People I keep an eye on because I think there may be problems. Most of it isn’t public. I make exceptions for Big Name Pagans and FamousFeminists, notorious people demanding obedience and forced deference, or those trying to be famous by exploitation.

    See also
  • Watch List
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#watch-list

    watch pocket coin pocket

    a small pocket just below the front waistband of men's trousers
    watch and watch pocket
    Sometimes called a coin pocket, the watch pocket originated as a place for men to put their pocket watches before wrist watches.

    I've found it's absolutely perfect for the "old style" flip phones. Smartphones aren't always a good choice.

    water 🜄


    alchemical water symbol
    Known chemically as dihydrogen monoxide, water is the most common substance on Earth and one of the most abundant compounds in the universe. It's the only known substance existing as solid, liquid, or gas in human habitable environments.

    Sometimes called the “universal solvent,” water dissolves more substances than any other known liquid. Wherever water moves, it absorbs and carries chemicals, especially minerals.

    One of the four classical elements in ancient Greek philosophy and in Western alchemy. One of the five five hermetic elements in Western occultism.

    In a standard Tarot deck, water is symbolized by the Cups. In Gaelic myth there is the Cauldron of the Dagda. In the Grail romances there is the Grail itself.

    Corresponds with one of the four best known states of matter, liquid.


    waxing Moon

    🌙 🌒 ☽ 🌛 🌓 🌔

    A waxing Moon grows in apparent illumination and the visible face grows more exposed over slightly less than two weeks.

    waxing crescent Moon, increscent Moon or first quarter Moon grows in in apparent intensity with less than half the face illuminated.

    waxing half Moon grows in in apparent intensity with half the face illuminated.

    waxing gibbous Moon grows in in apparent intensity with more than half the face illuminated.

  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#waxing
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#waxing-crescent

  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#waxing-gibbous
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#waxing-half
  • “We’ve Always Been Bad”

    See monotheism's second sin

    Web of Life

    See Tree of Life

    websearch web wandering, web wondering

    Research and exploration on the world wide web.

    Information only available on the internet.

    I prefer this term over “Google” because I don’t use Google when I can avoid it. Alphabet/Google isn’t responsible in how they use their data about you, and I think competition should be encouraged whenever possible.

    My default websearch is DuckDuckGo.



    Change your perspective.

    My WebTree path (not a tradition) draws heavily on Celtic Reconstructionism, modern Druidry, gnosticism with just a smidge more Wicca than I am comfortable admitting. My path has a technopagan bent without all the legacy.

    Key concepts include cycles, dynamic balances, flux points, the Wheel of the Year, weirds and the Knot.

    The WebTree itself is the wyrd or orgone weave that permeates and connects everything. Depending on perspective, it might be a web, a tree of life, a labyrinth, or found in the curves of a Celtic design. Understanding the connections and the tensions are the key. Sometimes the polarities and connections are obvious.

    I renamed the sabbats to stress the weirds and the balances. Yes, this reflects the Earth's solar journey, but on a symbolic level it shows a Divine aspect the Summerlord struggling with his weird the Winterlord. One gains power as the other gains knowledge. This exchange and balance is crucial. The betrayal and the wounding are inevitable. Life means moving between the worlds and letting go to enter another.

    See also
  • Hearthside
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#webtree


    See Wednesday

    weird Duality is singularity reflected.

    In Celtic myth, a weird joins a thing, it's counter aspect, and the links between. It's not so much opposition as contrast and dynamic balance.

    One weird is the Summerlord, his counter the Winterlord, and the connections between them. Neither is complete without the other, and each balances and is balanced by the Journey of it's counter. One advances and the other retreats. One grows and the other diminishes.

    One axiom of my WebTree path is that every existing thing is part of at least one weird even if it's not obvious. Power and knowledge come from finding the complete weird.


    Westermarck effect

    Many sociologists and evolutionary psychologists believe that the instinctual aversion to incest has developed to avoid the pairing of rare, potentially lethal, recessive genes. The incest taboo is implemented through the Westermarck effect, in that growing up in proximity at a young age (through approximately six years of age) renders it sufficiently likely that the persons are siblings, to trigger the instinctive aversion. Many close tribal and small village communities marry outside of the tribe or village, and many childhood friends end up unlucky, because of this. This would also explain why brother-sister incest was possible among Egyptian royals (where the girls were raised separately from the boys and didn't even meet until after puberty), while some European royal families such as the Valois faced extinction because the king and queen couldn't bear to touch each other - not because they were that closely related, but because they'd been brought up together since early childhood and thought of each other as siblings.

    the postulation that individuals who are reared nearby or in the same home do not find each other sexually appealing when they're older. It is based upon the view that individuals who had significant contact with each other as kids hardly ever married, regardless of being accessible as a potential partner.

    Some sociologists and anthropologists have criticized the validity of research presented in support of the Westermarck effect and the contention that it serves as an ultimate demonstration for the viability of natural selection theory in explaining human behaviour. For example, a 2009 study by Eran Shor and Dalit Simchai demonstrated that although most peers who grew up closely together in the Israeli kibbutzim did not marry one another, they did report substantial attraction to co-reared peers. The authors conclude that the case of the kibbutzim actually provides little support for the Westermarck Effect and that childhood proximity cannot in itself produce sexual avoidance without the existence of social pressures and norms.
    While it is a nice theory that neatly fits into people's expectations, the Westermarck effect reinforces social norms but doesn't define them.

    There is some evidence that it is limited to Western civilizations.

    Western Civilization

    vintage of Statue of Liiberty Western civilization refers to the art, literature, culture, and enduring ideas that emerged from the eastern Mediterranean basin in the centuries before the common era, that developed in myriad forms through the Middle Ages, and that ultimately took modern shape after the Renaissance. From the intellectual speculation of the Greeks emerged the philosophic and scientific thought of Latin and Arabic culture, and eventually the ideals of the early modern Enlightenment. From the Hebrew Bible grew the faiths of Judaism, Islam and Christianity, and the ethical framework of modern society. From Greek art and literature emerged the masterpieces of the Renaissance and beyond.

    One can celebrate the achievements of Western civilization without denigrating the world’s other cultures. Indeed, it is a mark of ignorance, not enlightenment, to make claims of superiority for the culture of “the West” – as if there is some singular excellence about the thread of ideas that gradually made its way out onto the narrow European peninsula that extends westward off the Asian continent. Western civilization has produced much that is undoubtedly great, but also much that is undoubtedly not so great. And how could one even begin to make comparative judgments? Who would be able to say, with any authority, that Plato is a greater political theorist than Mencius? Who could compare The Canterbury Tales to The Tale of Genji? How do we evaluate the art of Picasso against the creations of unknown African masters?

    What one can say with confidence is that Western civilization has had a massive influence across the globe, in all domains of life. Not just in the United States, but across the Americas, and indeed on every continent, Western ideas about religion, science, politics, and art have had an unparalleled influence. To understand our planet’s civilization, then, requires an appreciation of Western civilization. In promoting that, we promote human civilization.
    Western Civilization at Bruce D. Benson Center for the Study of Western Civilization,
    University of Colorado Boulder

    The Ethic of Reciprocity is THE keystone of Western Civlization. Christians call it the Golden Rule. Everything else follows from recognizing that the Other deserves the same basic respect as you expect for yourself.
    The term Western civilization is a catchall to refer to the many cultures of European heritage that share common cultural ideas, philosophical foundations, and ancestral beliefs. Basically, the idea is that these cultures all have a common heritage, which has been important in the development of each. This concept is sometimes used in contrast to so-called Eastern civilization, explaining the basic differences underlying cultures of Europe and Asia.

    The first major influences on what would become Western civilization were two of Europe's first major, settled civilizations: the Greeks and the Romans. The Greeks built the first major urban centers in European history and dedicated their lives to philosophy, arts, and learning. The Romans built upon this and helped codify it into a system that was distributed across the continent.

    Western philosophies tend to focus strongly on the individual, and particularly on the power of individual logic and reason. These concepts were first defined by the Greeks, who believed that all things could be proven with rational logic and empirical data. This mindset also established a desire in Western civilization for proof and a tendency to trust things which could be proven to be true or legitimate, from government to science.

    The Greeks and Romans also defined the basic aesthetic that has characterized art of European cultures for millennia. Greco-Roman art was rational, logical, and symmetrical. Even modern suburban homes contain architectural elements of Roman temple design, and modern abstract paintings are measured by aesthetic values enshrined by the Greeks.

    Western culture is characterized by a host of artistic, philosophic, literary, and legal themes and traditions; the heritage of Celtic, Germanic, Hellenic, Jewish, Slavic, Latin, and other ethnic and linguistic groups, as well as Christianity, which played an important part in the shaping of Western civilization since at least the 4th century.

    Also contributing to Western thought, in ancient times and then in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance onwards, a tradition of rationalism in various spheres of life, developed by Hellenistic philosophy, Scholasticism, humanism, the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment.

    Values of Western culture have, throughout history, been derived from political thought, widespread employment of rational argument favouring freethought, assimilation of human rights, the need for equality, and democracy.

    Historical records of Western culture in Europe begin with Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

    Western culture continued to develop with Christianization during the Middle Ages, the reform and modernization triggered by the Renaissance, and with globalization by successive European empires, that spread European ways of life and European educational methods around the world between the 16th and 20th centuries.

    European culture developed with a complex range of philosophy, medieval scholasticism and mysticism, and Christian and secular humanism.

    Rational thinking developed through a long age of change and formation, with the experiments of the Enlightenment, and breakthroughs in the sciences.

    With its global connection, European culture grew with an all-inclusive urge to adopt, adapt, and ultimately influence other cultural trends around the world.
    Western culture from ScienceDaily

    Following the 5th century Fall of Rome, Western Europe entered the Middle Ages, during which period the Catholic Church filled the power vacuum left in the West by the fall of the Western Roman Empire, while the Eastern Roman Empire (or Byzantine Empire) endured in the East for centuries, becoming a Hellenic Eastern contrast to the Latin West. By the 12th century, Western Europe was experiencing a flowering of art and learning, propelled by the construction of cathedrals, the establishment of medieval universities, and greater contact with the medieval Islamic world via Al-Andalus and Sicily, from where Arabic texts on science and philosophy were translated into Latin. Christian unity was shattered by the Reformation from the 16th century. A merchant class grew out of city states, initially in the Italian peninsula (see Italian city-states), and Europe experienced the Renaissance from the 14th to the 17th century, heralding an age of technological and artistic advance and ushering in the Age of Discovery which saw the rise of such global European Empires as those of Spain and Portugal.

    The Industrial Revolution began in Britain in the 18th century. Under the influence of the Enlightenment, the Age of Revolution emerged from the United States and France as part of the transformation of the West into its industrialised, democratised modern form. The lands of North and South America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand became first part of European Empires and then home to new Western nations, while Africa and Asia were largely carved up between Western powers. Laboratories of Western democracy were founded in Britain's colonies in Australasia from the mid-19th centuries, while South America largely created new autocracies. In the 20th century, absolute monarchy disappeared from Europe, and despite episodes of Fascism and Communism, by the close of the century, virtually all of Europe was electing its leaders democratically. Most Western nations were heavily involved in the First and Second World Wars and protracted Cold War. World War II saw Fascism defeated in Europe, and the emergence of the United States and Soviet Union as rival global powers and a new "East-West" political contrast.

    Western Civilization's “killer apps”

    • Competition - European decentralization fostered the growth of political and economic competition, birthing the nation-state and the rise of capitalism.
    • Science - While eastern Muslim powers slowed scientific progress in their own region, the Christian West advanced militarily and academically.
    • Property - Widespread land ownership and its ties to the democratic process gave the United States a more productive, stable footing than its neighbors to the south.
    • Modern medicine - Developed and shared throughout colonial outposts in Africa and elsewhere, Western medicine has the power to double life expectancy.
    • Consumerism - The 20th century witnessed a new model of civilization centered around consumption, as American goods and fashion carried the message of Western freedom.
    • Work ethic - Protestantism in America stressed hard work, saving, and literacy. Yet today while Americans save less and fewer Europeans attend church, there are around 40 million or more Protestants in China.

    Wheel of the Year

    This year's dates.

    favorite wheel of the year

    This is not mine but it is one of my favorite Wheel of the Year designs.

    The Wheel of the Year represents how the seasons and the days cycle. It's one key to my WebTree path. One thing that the Wheel of the Year puts into perspective is how the weirds interact. Beltaine is opposite Samhain. Moving into summer is balanced by moving into winter. The winter solstice reverses the summer solstice.
    This wheel is sometimes called the Gardnerian Wheel because it is a combination of two ancient wheels (acknowledgements to Kenny Klein). The hunting wheel, the oldest, has two God births: The Oak King is born at midsummer and rules through to Yule when he dies and the Holly King is born. The agricultural wheel has the young God born at Ostara, symbolic of the sun/son rising in the East. He dies in the second harvest, Mabon, which means 'the young Lord'.

    In the different traditions these holidays (holy days) may have different names, for example Imbolc is called the festival of light in the northern tradition.

    Western Pagans have no fixed temples in which to worship but instead (usually) make a circle around all the celebrants (or the celebrants themselves form a circle) in a room or in a clearing or on a beach or find a naturally occurring circle such as a grove or use one of the ancient stone circles. Pagans have no hierarchy like the established religions so Pagans are free to follow whatever spiritual path they choose.
    Paganism & Neo-Paganism from Crystal Links

    This is the expression used by neo-Pagans and in neo-Pagan Witchcraft designating the changing seasons of the year. It also symbolizes the belief in the birth, death, and rebirth cycle. In design, the Wheel of the Year has eight spokes designating the eight sabbats that are generally celebrated in neo-Paganism. The eight-spoke wheel is thought by many to be a Celtic symbol; however, it appeared in Greek symbolism as early as 600 BC, over two hundred years prior to Aegean/Mediterranean contact with the Celts. The rotation of the wheel symbolizes the year passing through its seasons or cycles.

    The Wheel of the Year for modern Wiccans and Witches represents the four “greater” and “lesser” sabbats. In the most northern European traditions the Cross Quarters are the greater sabbats: Imbolc/Candlemas (February Eve), Beltane/Roodmas (May Eve), Lughnasadh/Lammas (August Eve), and Samhain/Halloween (November Eve). In most of the southern European traditions the agricultural traditions are the greater sabbats: Autumn Equinox, Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, and Summer Solstice.

    white oak

    Quercus alba. American oak

    white oak leaves
    Quercus alba, the white oak, is one of the preeminent hardwoods of eastern and central North America. It is a long-lived oak, native to eastern and central North America and found from Minnesota, Ontario, Quebec, and southern Maine south as far as northern Florida and eastern Texas Specimens have been documented to be over 450 years old.

    Although called a white oak, it is very unusual to find an individual specimen with white bark; the usual color is a light gray. The name comes from the color of the finished wood. In the forest it can reach a magnificent height and in the open it develops into a massive broad-topped tree with large branches striking out at wide angles.

    White Oak Tree, West Hartford, CT - June 17, 2013 The white oak is a large, strong, imposing specimen. It has a short stocky trunk with massive horizontial limbs.The wide spreading branches form an upright, broad-rounded crown. The bark is light ashy gray, scaly or shallow furrowed, variable in appearance, often broken into small, narrow, rectangular blocks and scales.The leaves are dark green to slightly blue-green in summer, brown and wine-red to orange-red in the fall. The fall foliage is showy. Oaks are wind pollinated. Acorns are produced generally when the trees are between 50-100 years old. Open-grown trees may produce acorns are early as 20 years. Good acorn crops are irregular and occur only every 4-10 years. The white oak prefers full sun, but has a moderate tolerance to partial shade. It is more shade tolerant in youth, and less tolerant as the tree grows larger. It can adapt to a variety of soil textures, but prefers deep, moist, well-drained sites.
    White Oak from The Arbor Day Foundation

    white sage

    Salvia apiana

    white sage salvia apiana
    Salvia apiana, the white sage, bee sage, or sacred sage, is an evergreen perennial shrub that is native to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico, found mainly in the coastal sage scrub habitat of Southern California and Baja California, on the western edges of the Mojave and Sonoran deserts.

    Salvia apiana is widely used by Native American groups on the Pacific coast of the United States. The seed was a main ingredient of pinole, a staple food. The Cahuilla harvested large quantities of the seed that was mixed with wheat flour and sugar for gruel or biscuits. The leaves and stems were eaten by the Chumash and other tribes. Several tribes used the seed for removing foreign objects from the eye, similar to the way that Clary sage seeds were used in Europe. A tea from the roots was used by the Cahuilla women for healing and strength after childbirth. The leaves are also burnt by many native American tribes, with the smoke used in different purification rituals.

    Smudging with white sage, has been adopted in some variant forms into a number of modern belief systems, including many forms of New Age and eclectic Neopagan spirituality, such as modern Wicca.

    White sage, or Salvia apiana, seeds were used by Native Americans as food and to heal their eyes. The roots were used after birth for healing. The leaves were used for numerous medicinal purposes, such as a cold remedy or shampoo, to treat sinus problems and to control lactation. The leaves were burned in ceremonies to purify and cleanse. This process was used historically by Native Americans but has become popular in the New Age arena. The sage is burned with the belief that the incense clears away negative thoughts, spirits and dreams as well as illness.

    white supremacist

    A white supremacist is someone who believes that races are real things, whether biological or as part of a caste system. They believe that an alleged “white” race is superior to other races. That belief in superiority entitles them to rule over or have privileges over other races.


    Wi-Fi is the name of a popular wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide wireless high-speed Internet and network connections. A common misconception is that the term Wi-Fi is short for "wireless fidelity," however this is not the case. Wi-Fi is simply a trademarked phrase that means IEEE 802.11x.

    Wicca, Wiccan

    1. The original plural form for “wicca/wicce” or “witch.”
    2. An adjective used to describe their religion by the followers of Neopagan Witchcraft.
    Isaac Bonewits, “glossary - Wiccan”, Real Magic, www.neopagan.net

    The largest and most well-known Neo-Pagan group is Wicca, an orthopraxic, oathbound religion believed by most historians of religion to have founded by Gerald Gardner around 1954, although he claimed to have been part of a secret movement dating to ancient times. Some (but nowhere near all) Wiccans consider themselves practitioners of witchcraft. Their God and Goddess are separate and unique deities, not aspects of a universal god and goddess as some claim - I.E., the Lady is the Lady, not Nuith, Athena, etc. Due to their conflicts with Christianity and their use of pentagram symbols, many Wiccans have been accused of Satanism. It should also be pointed out that pretty much any book that claims to teach the reader Wicca is either bunk or is actually teaching something called Eclectic Neopaganism, which is a blanket term for general Neopagan beliefs and practices, but does not actually contain the Mysteries central and vital to practice the orthopraxic religion created by Gardner.
    Useful Notes / Neo-Paganism from TVTropes
    The origins of Wicca are snarled, Gerald Gardner liked being the mysterious wise man.

    There are four distinct threads. One was the folk tradition that Gardner was initiated into. This tradition was incomplete and placed the emphasis on practical magick rather than Deity and worship. There was the stuff that Gardner researched from pagan sources, which focuses more on Deities and worship. There was the stuff that Gardener "borrowed" from Freemasonry, the O.T.O. and the Golden Dawn. Finally there was the original stuff which tried to make everything cohesive. This last bit probably came mostly from Doreen Valiente. Gardner didn't give her credit for years, that almost certainly led to their falling out.


    wicker man

    See Mabon - John Barleycorn


    Against the sun, lefthandwise movement. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is counter-clockwise.

    In some magickal systems, a counter-clockwise circle drains energy.

    See also
  • deosil,
  • tuathal,
  • widderschynnes,
  • widershins,
  • withershins
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#widdershins


    1. a highly flammable composition, as Greek fire, difficult to extinguish when ignited, formerly used in warfare.
    2. any large fire that spreads rapidly and is hard to extinguish.
    3. sheet lightning, unaccompanied by thunder.
    4. the ignis fatuus or a similar light.
    5. Plant Pathology. a disease of tobacco and soybeans, characterized by brown, necrotic spots, each surrounded by a yellow band, on the leaves and caused by a bacterium, Pseudomonas tabaci.
    6. Pathology Obsolete. erysipelas or some similar disease.
    In some forms of mysticism and Western occultism, a sacred fire originally set by natural means. A wildfire could be started by lightning or lava.

    window of discourse

    See Overton window

    Winter Nights

    See Samhain


    This year's date.

    A WebTree fire festival & cross quarter day. Wintergate marks the beginning of winter staring at sunset the day before the midpoint between the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice and ending at sunset on the day after (traditional three days). The Summerlord throws open the Gates of Death and enters the Underworld.



    1. the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight.
    2. scholarly knowledge or learning:
      the wisdom of the schools.
    3. wise sayings or teachings; precepts.
    4. a wise act or saying.
    Individuals gather knowledge. But societies use wisdom. Wisdom makes knowledge work for cultures and societies. Wisdom are basic rule sets passed on to individual members of a society. Wisdom benefits a culture and not necessarily the individual.
    See also
  • phronesis,
  • wise
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#wisdom


    Applying knowledge and understanding consequences.

    See also wisdom


    “Witchcrap”: superficial journalistic treatments of Wicca, Witchcraft, and related Pagan paths.
    ➢ Chas. S. Clifton, Season of the Witch(crap), Part 3
    Terry Goodkind wrote the Wizard Rules for his Sword of Truth fantasy novels. I've been hesitant to include them in the lexicon. Some of the rules, especially the early ones, are pretty useful. The later ones aren't nearly as good.

    Much like the books.

    Unlike the other rules I quote, I would put these in the occasional category. Use them if they work, but they are not certain.
    1. People are stupid. They can be made to believe any lie because either they want to believe it's true or because they are afraid it's true.
    2. The greatest harm can result from the best intentions.
    3. Passion rules reason, for better or for worse.
    4. There is magic in sincere forgiveness; in the forgiveness you give, but more so in the forgiveness you receive.
    5. Mind what people do, not only what they say, for deeds will betray a lie.
    6. The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason.
    7. Life is the future, not the past.
    8. Deserve Victory.
    9. A contradiction can not exist in reality. Not in part, nor in whole.
    10. Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self.
    11. Embrace life, seek strength without hate.
    12. You can destroy those who speak the truth, but you cannot destroy the truth itself.
    13. There have always been those who hate, and there always will be.
    14. In this world, everyone must die. None of us has any choice in that. Our choice is how we wish to live.
    See also
  • rule set
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#goodkind

  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#goodkind-1
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#goodkind-2

  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#goodkind-3
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#goodkind-4

  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#goodkind-5
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#goodkind-6

  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#goodkind-7
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#goodkind-8

  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#goodkind-9
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#goodkind-10

  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#goodkind-11
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#goodkind-12

  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#goodkind-13
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#goodkind-14
  • Wizzard

    Embroidered on Rincewind's hat in The Colour of Magic and other Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett.

    I appropriated the term when I was crafting my modern wizard hat as sort of an inside joke. Distinctive, practical, and adaptable.

    See also
  • tekn
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#wizzard


    See Wednesday


    See Wednesday


    1. - a simple past tense of wake.
    1. actively aware of systemic injustices and prejudices, especially those related to civil and human rights:
    2. aware of the facts, true situation, etc. (sometimes used facetiously):
    3. awake:

    The act of being very pretentious about how much you care about a social issue

    Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.
    — C.S. Lewis

    You can never, ever EVER be woke enough.

    To be woke is to be beyond awake to every civil and humanitarian injustice, large or small. It is to be aware not just of “white privilege” — another legitimate concept that sounds smugly chic — but of whatever societal, economic, racial privilege you may enjoy, to feel just enough guilt about it and to engage with the world thusly.

    Wokeism becomes a child’s morality tale of noble non-white victims versus villainous white victimizers. Erasing the past and its language supposedly fuels a recalibration of the future, all in the here and now, a holy Year Zero.


    Seeking, but they don’t have any direction as such. They hear the call but haven’t found their path yet. Most of them never will.

    Yes, I meant wonderers and not wanderers.


    Word People, the For them, appearance tops actuality.

    As I’ve previously observed, a large and increasing proportion of Americans earn their living through the manipulation of words and images–lawyers, writers, entertainers, journalists, professors outside the hard sciences, certain types of consultants. For people in these professions, there is a constant temptation to over-value their own and related activities such that they wind up implicitly believing that nothing really matters but words/images and their deployment; that all other forms of human endeavor are trivial in comparison. Not all people in these fields fall prey to this fallacy… but many do. Obama is the avatar of such people.

    Indeed, Obama has never really previously been in a position in which he had individual and un-deflectable responsibility for action. He has always been able to deploy words to get him what he wants. Despite his reputation as an intellectual, there is nothing in him of the analyst and problem-solver; he is not the sort of man who thinks through practical situations deeply and creatively, and he has little experience with the complexity and intransigence of the real world. It is all about the fine phrases..like Glendower, he still believes that if he gets them just right, the spirits from the vasty deep will really appear. And he has been very careful to avoid having in his inner circle any Hotspurs who might tell him otherwise.
    King of the Word People from Chicago Boyz
    Word People emphasize the words to the exclusion of all else. They measure their success by how well the words flow. It's all theory and no practice. It's expertise without experience. The facts don't matter, only that they can get people to believe their story AND control people through the story. And Word People expect to be shielded from critiicsm.
    See also
  • politics
  • https://lexicon.neowayland.com/ww/#word-people

    wounded master

    Odin One Eye A reoccurring theme in mythology and life where one sacrifices part of their body in exchange for knowledge or power. The wound never quite heals.

    One of my favorite research topics.


    Words of Power, the Law of

    See The Law of Words of Power

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